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Mil quinientos treinta y siete.
Julio. Sol vivo y radiante
En claro azul ilumina
El Valle de los Alcázares.
En la llanura no hay oro
Ni esmeraldas. Sólo hambre.

Del botín que recogieron
Cada cual tomó su parte.
Para Fernández de Lugo
Raudos mensajeros salen
Con oro y gemas, lo suyo,
Y con los quintos reales.
Y aquellos soldados rasos
Que mal cubrían sus carnes
Con harapos, y en Castilla
En algún feliz instante
Sólo unos ochavos vieron
Como premio a sus afanes,
Tejos de oro bien esconden
De compañeros rapaces,
Y si hambre sienten ahora,
Pensando en sus pegujales
Olvidan viejas angustias,
Pues ya se ven por las calles
De Madrid o de Sevilla
Luciendo vistosos trajes,
O requiriendo de amores
A las manolas ya amables,
Y que antes a sus requiebros
Respondían con desaires;
O bien de dones oyéndose
Llamar, con aire arrogante,
Porque es baldón la pobreza
Y el oro las puertas abre.

Viendo gordos los caballos
Quesada, y a sus infantes
Aburridos, y perdiendo
Sus tejos junto a los naipes,
Su ocupación sólo entonces,
Y estando quietos los sables,
Una expedición ordena
A la tierra de los panches.

El Capitán Juan de Céspedes
Con unos valientes sale
Por tierra de «sutagaos».
Marcha y se traba el combate.
Con flechas envenenadas
Caballos e infantes caen.
No es ésta la raza muisca:
En sus venas otra sangre
Corre. Batalla dudosa
En los ásperos breñales,
Hasta que rueda el Cacique
De lanzada formidable.

¡Sangre de panches ardiente
Como fuego de volcanes!
Triunfó al fin España... pero
Sobre el último cadáver!

Y Quesada cavilaba:
¿Qué montañas o qué valles
Ocultarán en sus vetas
Las esmeraldas radiantes
Que he visto ante mí, suspenso,
En diademas y collares?
¿Cerca?... ¿Lejos? Pues si es lejos
No importa arriesgado viaje.
Esmeraldas son ducados
Y ducados son alcázares;
Vestes de grana en la Corte
Y de nobles homenaje.

Y de pronto, por un indio,
Dónde está la mina sabe.
¡Somondoco! A Somondoco
Van y socavones abren;
Y a las piedras adheridas
Aparecen destacándose
En claroscuro las gemas,
Que entre perlas y diamantes
Habrán de ser en el mundo
Gala en coronas reales.

Otro secreto los indios
Guardaban, secreto grave,
Pero logró descubrirlo
Deuda de vertida sangre.
Rey en dominios potente
Gobernaba extenso valle,
Dueño de ricos tesoros
Y súbditos a millares;

Su nombre, Quimuinchateca,
De Tunja temido Zaque.
Y a vencer ya acostumbrados,
Todos para Tunja parten.
Con regalos detenerlos
Quiso y corteses mensajes,
Pues tiempo ganar quería
Para llevar a distante
Lugar sus riquezas todas;
Pero avanzaron.
La tarde
Iluminaba el palacio;
El cercado roto cae,
Y en los muros planchas de oro
Vivo incendio fingen, ante
Los rojizos resplandores
Del sol, ya pronto a apagarse.

Acero en mano, Quesada
Entra con diez oficiales;
De sus enormes espuelas
Las rodajas y los sables,
Y sus cascos y sus cotas
Y sus barbados semblantes,
Y el relinchar en el patio,
No amedrentaron al Zaque.
Quesada intenta abrazarlo;
Nunca lo ha tocado nadie.
Los nobles y guardias gritan
Ante ese inaudito ultraje.
Crece el tumulto. Y entonces
Antón de Olalla, el semblante
Adusto, y de brazo fuerte
Al Zaque agarra. Salvaje
Gritería oyose... Todo
Por libertarlo fue en balde,
Y a un aposento contiguo
Fue entre arcabuces y sables.

Esforzados en la guerra,
Y ante el peligro tenaces,
Y con la muerte ceñuda
En desafío constante,
Pero siempre sed de oro
En sus almas, insaciable,
Al Templo del Sol, a Iraca,
Parten jinetes e infantes.

Más oro... más esmeraldas..
Ayer contra los alfanges
Agarenos y un ochavo
Como premio en los combates.
Ahora... esmeraldas y oro...
¿Quién podría creer antes
Que pedigüeños de antaño
Llegaran a ser magnates?

El templo de Sugamuxi! . . .
Allá en el fondo del valle,
Va apareciendo imponente:
El más rico y el más grande
De toda la raza muisca,
Templo de gruesos pilares,
Y de muros recamados
De petos de oro, en que el arte
De orfebres chibchas, serpientes,
Ranas, ciervos, tigres y aves
Grabó; donde el Gran Pontífice
Al sol le rinde homenaje,
Todo cubierto de blanco
Mientras aroma de gaque
Sube de los pebeteros
Al son de mayas cantares
Que por tradición se guardan
En un extraño lenguaje
-Tal vez el que habló Bochica
En muy remotas edades-
-Cantares que entonan vírgenes
Trenzando rítmico baile,
Ante enorme sol de oro
Que ciega por fulgurante.

Llegaron todos al frente
Del templo, al caer la tarde.
Mañana, dijo Quesada
Será nuestro día grande...
¡A dormir y a soñar todos!
Y que Fray Domingo alabe
Al cielo, que aquí nos manda,
Entre peligros y afanes,
Para enseñar a estos indios
Que el amontonar caudales,
Habiendo en el mundo pobre,
Es pecado imperdonable.

Y en tanto que todos duermen,
Dos soldados deslizándose
Entre las sombras penetran
Al templo. De seca y frágil
Paja, llevan dos hachones
Encendidos; fulgurantes
Radian las paredes. Oro,
Más oro y gemas vivaces;
Todo parece en las sombras
Como una aurora que arde.

De las manos de uno de ellos
Un hachón al suelo cae,
Porque ante tanta riqueza
Helada siente la sangre.
Se incendia el tapiz de esparto,
El fuego al santuario invade,
Rápido salta a los muros
Y a cortinas y a pilares;
Aprisa los dos soldados
Entre el fuego ruta se abren
Y entre el fuego, Sugamuxi
Es llamarada radiante.

Quesada y su tropa sueñan;
El paraíso se abre
En su soñar. Esmeraldas
Y oro ven, en manantiales
Que corren y corren. Oro,
Y esmeraldas en sus márgenes;
Selvas con gemas por hojas,
Y frutas de oro en los árboles...

La voz de incendio de pronto
Oyen. Aterrados salen.
Gran resplandor cubre el cielo;
De humo tromba formidable
Asciende. Los indios lanzan
Alaridos por las calles.

Y Quesada, en tanto, mira
Las llamas, mudo y exánime,
Cual si el infierno en la tierra
Hubiera abierto sus fauces.
tangshunzi Jul 2014
Vow Renewal ha davvero bisogno di presentazioni .Perché appartiene Gene Simmons e la abiti da sposa on line sua splendida moglie Shannon di Kiss !E.a parte il folle .folle d'amore che tutti noi sappiamo che condividono .questo duo sa anche come ospitare un impressionante bella festa - con file di Pretty in Pink .schiocchi di favoloso e una devozione a tutte le cose ballare degno.Creato da Lady Liberty Eventi + un cuore Matrimoni con fotografie di Trish Barker .c'è molto di più nella galleria .

Condividi questa splendida galleria ColorsSeasonsSummerSettingsAl FrescoStylesModernRomantic

Dal Liberty Woodman di Lady Liberty Events.I hanno conosciuto Gene e Shannon per anni ed era così eccitato quando hanno deciso di rinnovare i loro voti alle Hawaii !Abbiamo collaborato con i talentuosi One Matrimoni cuore che gentilmente hanno contribuito a portare tutto il glamour alla vita!

Gene e Shannon volevano un incontro molto intimo dei loro più stretti amici e parenti di essere una parte del loro rinnovo di amore .Abbiamo deciso di fare un palato nero .fard e oro per riunire l'atmosfera glamour e moderno.con il suggerimento perfetto di nervosismo .Il progetto per questa occasione era semplicemente incredibile e era la rappresentazione ideale della loro morbida lato romantico mescolato con il loro rock \u0026rotolare personalità !

All'arrivo gli ospiti hanno fatto la loro strada attraverso un bianco appeso all'ingresso 25ft parete del fiore .dove erano seduti a splendide vignette in stile.Una combinazione di divani vintage.pouf e poltrone accentati con moderni cuscini neri e blush tiro .creando un ambiente opulento per i posti a sedere cerimonia.Flutti che scorre biancheria coprivano le pareti e soffitti .mentre blush e avorio nastri proposto come lo sfondo perfetto per la sposa e lo sposo a dire che faccioènuovo.Affiancato da lussureggianti centrotavola di ortensie e un corridoio personalizzato in mostra il loro monogramma .la passeggiata lungo la navata era niente timido di stordimento .gene \u0026Figlia Shannon ' .Sophie .ha messo insieme una cerimonia calorosa e cordiale e con l'aggiunta dei loro voti personali .non c'era un occhio secco in casa .Poco a poco gli ospiti sanno che ci sarebbe stata una cerimonia a sorpresa da seguire!Shannon illustra la sua sorella Sara .e il suo sposo Greg .felice di poter condividere questo giorno speciale con loro.Sara \u0026Greg ha proceduto con più di una cerimonia tradizionale stile hawaiano che ha aggiunto un'aggiunta unica e incantevole per i festeggiamenti .L'amore era certamente nell'aria !Come la coppia ri - sposato.e sposi fecero il loro ritorno lungo la navata.gli ospiti gettati petali che sono stati elegantemente presentati in sacchetti di rete a ogni sedile rosa .Gli ospiti

diretti verso l'area cocktail .che si è svolta sotto un albero magnificamente fiorito che è stato appeso con centinaia di candele appese .Un albero augurio visualizzazione degli ospitiècarte escort perfettamente ondeggiava nel piacevole brezza hawaiana .Le melodie contemporanee suonate dal duo stringa a condizione che il suono perfetto come ospiti sorseggiavano un cocktail speciali e mordicchiò bocconi .Gli ospiti

sono stati poi invitati a fare la loro strada in reception e zona pranzo .guidati dal suono di freddo jazz suonata dal vivo banda di 9 pezzi .La tavola era apparecchiata con biancheria blush frizzante .carica d'oro eposate e nero cristalleria moderna .Ogni impostazione è accentato con neri abiti da sposa on line laser taglio plexi Consiglio vetro carte.che sembrava incredibile contro il rossore e oro toni .Overhead .festoni di blush tendaggi e lampadari splendidi con sfumature nere fornito una magnifica atmosfera .Oro candelabri \u0026votive oro mercurio sono stati mescolati con le modalità lussureggianti che consisteva di fragranti rose da giardino e ortensie stabiliti nel colpire le navi nere .Le sedie erano vestiti con flirty battiscopa blush che fatica complimentato il paesaggio tavolo .La vivace verde vivente che circonda la zona e il suono luce delle cascate perfezionato l'aspetto della sala da pranzo .

L'enorme pista da ballo bianco incandescente con Gene \u0026Monogramma Shannon ' stato circondato da 4 .100 £ lampadari floreali che erano semplicemente bocca caduta .Vignette Petite circondato il pavimento e sono stati accentati con personalizzati monogramma cuscini di seta dupioni con ricami in oro .Una volta che tutti hanno fatto la loro strada verso la pista da ballo .feste la sera ' aveva appena iniziato !Shannon aveva chiesto karaoke per abiti da sposa corti la ricezione .così abbiamo pensato

così cosa c'è di meglio che avere una band suonare dal vivo come la loro musica di sottofondo !Sophie ( Gene e figlia Shannon ' ) ha iniziato le danze via con la sua interpretazione diè eeautifulèeè et Ultimoè?mentre i suoi genitori amorevolmente ballavano tra di loro e hanno accolto i loro amici e familiari a unirsi a loro sul pavimento .Gene saltò sul contrabbasso .mentre .Sophie \u0026Nick ( i loro figli ) ha cantato tutta la notte .Hanno sicuramente tutti scosso la casa .e ci siamo divertiti tutta la serata !
la serata si è conclusa .Gene e Shannon sono stati presentati con una splendida torta 3-tier .che consisteva di due livelli oro con finiture nere.e un livello inferiore di perfezione filodiffusione avorio rose .Mentre gli ospiti erano riuniti attorno .un solo cuore matrimoni avevano sorpreso gli ospiti con una giornata di modifica video l'intera attività serate .ogni ipotesi era in soggezione .E 'stato il modo perfetto per concludere questa bella raccoltaèsi poteva assolutamente sentire l'amore nell'aria

Banda : Jimmy Mac \u0026 The Kool Kats | Dress Brides 1 : . Jenny Packham | Dress Brides 2 : Badgley Mischka | Cake: DesignerCakes | Restauro : Sugar Beach Catering | Sedia Covers : Wildflower lino | Coordinatore / Progettista : Lady Liberty Eventi | Assistenza design: bianco Orchid Weddings | Designer : Matrimoni Un cuore | Fiori : Uno Matrimoni cuore | biancheria: La Tavola biancheria | Fotografia : TrishFotografia Barker | Luogo Carte : Pitbulls e Posies | String Duo : Don Lax | Luogo : Haiku Mill | caricabatterie: BBJ LinenBadgley Mischka è un membro del nostro Look Book .Per ulteriori informazioni su come vengono scelti i membri .fare clic qui .Wildflower Lino.un'orchidea da sposa bianco .INC .BBJ e Lady Liberty eventi fanno parte del nostro Little Black Book .Scopri come i membri sono scelti visitando la nostra pagina delle FAQ .Wildflower Linen vedi portfolio un'orchidea da sposa bianco .INC vedi portfolio BBJ vedi portfolio Lady Liberty Eventi visualizza
Gene Simmons Vow Renewal_abiti da sposa 2014









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FOR THE DEPED~ DAVAO DE ORO  (Division Office)

FOR THEIR *******, MATE.

My Paistin Finn is my sole desire,
And I am shrunken to skin and bone,
For all my heart has had for its hire
Is what I can whistle alone and alone.
Oro, oro.!
Tomorrow night I will break down the door.
What is the good of a man and he
Alone and alone, with a speckled shin?
I would that I drank with my love on my knee
Between two barrels at the inn.
Oro, oro.!>1
To-morrow night I will break down the door.
Alone and alone nine nights I lay
Between two bushes under the rain;
I thought to have whistled her down that
I whistled and whistled and whistled in vain.
Oro, oro!
To-morrow night I will break down the door.

I would that I were an old beggar
Rolling a blind pearl eye,
For he cannot see my lady
Go gallivanting by;
A dreary, dreepy beggar
Without a friend on the earth
But a thieving rascally cur --
O a beggar blind from his birth;
Or anything else but a rhymer
Without a thing in his head
But rhymes for a beautiful lady,
He rhyming alone in his bed.
Señor, deja que diga la gloria de tu raza,
la gloria de los hombres de bronce, cuya maza
melló de tantos yelmos y escudos la osadía:
!oh caballeros tigres!, oh caballeros leones!,
!oh! caballeros águilas!, os traigo mis canciones;
!oh enorme raza muerta!, te traigo mi elegía.Aquella tarde, en el Poniente augusto,
el crepúsculo audaz era en una pira
como de algún atrida o de algún justo;
llamarada de luz o de mentira
que incendiaba el espacio, y parecía
que el sol al estrellar sobre la cumbre
su mole vibradora de centellas,
se trocaba en mil átomos de lumbre,
y esos átomos eran las estrellas.Yo estaba solo en la quietud divina
del Valle. ¿Solo? ¡No! La estatua fiera
del héroe Cuauhtémoc, la que culmina
disparando su dardo a la pradera,
bajo del palio de pompa vespertina
era mi hermana y mi custodio era.Cuando vino la noche misteriosa
-jardín azul de margaritas de oro-
y calló todo ser y toda cosa,
cuatro sombras llegaron a mí en coro;
cuando vino la noche misteriosa
-jardín azul de margaritas de oro-.Llevaban una túnica espledente,
y eran tan luminosamente bellas
sus carnes, y tan fúlgida su frente,
que prolongaban para mí el Poniente
y eclipsaban la luz de las estrellas.Eran cuatro fantasmas, todos hechos
de firmeza, y los cuatro eran colosos
y fingían estatuas, y sus pechos
radiaban como bronces luminosos.Y los cuatro entonaron almo coro...
Callaba todo ser y toda cosa;
y arriba era la noche misteriosa
jardín azul de margaritas de oro.Ante aquella visión que asusta y pasma,
yo, como Hamlet, mi doliente hermano,
tuve valor e interrogué al fantasma;
mas mi espada temblaba entre mi mano.-¿Quién sois vosotros, exclamé, que en presto
giro bajáis al Valle mexicano?
Tuve valor para decirles esto;
mas mi espada temblaba entre mi mano.-¿Qué abismo os engendró? ¿De qué funesto
limbo surgís? ¿Sois seres, humo vano?
Tuve valor para decirles esto;
mas mi espada temblaba entre mi mano.-Responded, continué. Miradme enhiesto
y altivo y burlador ante el arcano.
Tuve valor para decirles esto;
¡mas mi espada temblaba entre mi mano...!Y un espectro de aquéllos, con asombros
vi que vino hacia mí, lento y sin ira,
y llevaba una piel sobre los hombros
y en las pálidas manos una lira;
y me dijo con voces resonantes
y en una lengua rítmica que entonces
comprendí: -«¿Que quiénes somos? Los gigantes
de una raza magnífica de bronces.»Yo me llamé Netzahualcóyotl y era
rey de Texcoco; tras de lid artera,
fui despojado de mi reino un día,
y en las selvas erré como alimaña,
y el barranco y la cueva y la montaña
me enseñaron su augusta poesía.»Torné después a mi sitial de plumas,
y fui sabio y fui bueno; entre las brumas
del paganismo adiviné al Dios Santo;
le erigí una pirámide, y en ella,
siempre al fulgor de la primera estrella
y al son del huéhuetl, le elevé mi canto.»Y otro espectro acercóse; en su derecha
levaba una macana, y una fina
saeta en su carcaje, de ónix hecha;
coronaban su testa plumas bellas,
y me dijo: -«Yo soy Ilhuicamina,
sagitario del éter, y mi flecha
traspasa el corazón de las estrellas.»Yo hice grande la raza de los lagos,
yo llevé la conquista y los estragos
a vastas tierras de la patria andina,
y al tornar de mis bélicas porfías
traje pieles de tigre, pedrerías
y oro en polvo... ¡Yo soy Ilhuicamina!»Y otro espectro me dijo: -«En nuestros cielos
las águilas y yo fuimos gemelos:
¡Soy Cuauhtémoc!  Luchando sin desmayo
caí... ¡porque Dios quiso que cayera!
Mas caí como águila altanera:
viendo al sol, y apedreada por el rayo.»El español martirizó mi planta
sin lograr arrancar de mi garganta
ni un grito, y cuando el rey mi compañero
temblaba entre las llamas del brasero:
-¿Estoy yo, por ventura, en un deleite?,
le dije, y continué, sañudo y fiero,
mirando hervir mis pies en el aceite...»Y el fantasma postrer llegó a mi lado:
no venía del fondo del pasado
como los otros; mas del bronce mismo
era su pecho, y en sus negros ojos
fulguraba, en vez de ímpetus y arrojos,
la tranquila frialdad del heroísmo.Y parecióme que aquel hombre era
sereno como el cielo en primavera
y glacial como cima que acoraza
la nieve, y que su sino fue, en la Historia,
tender puentes de bronce entre la gloria
de la raza de ayer y nuestra raza.Miróme con su límpida mirada,
y yo le vi sin preguntarle nada.
Todo estaba en su enorme frente escrito:
la hermosa obstinación de los castores,
la paciencia divina de las flores
y la heroica dureza del granito...¡Eras tú, mi Señor; tú que soñando
estás en el panteón de San Fernando
bajo el dórico abrigo en que reposas;
eras tú, que en tu sueño peregrino,
ves marchar a la Patria en su camino
rimando risas y regando rosas!Eras tú, y a tus pies cayendo al verte:
-Padre, te murmuré, quiero ser fuerte:
dame tu fe, tu obstinación extraña;
quiero ser como tú, firme y sereno;
quiero ser como tú, paciente y bueno;
quiero ser como tú, nieve y montaña.
Soy una chispa; ¡enséñame a ser lumbre!
Soy un gujarro; ¡enséñame a ser cumbre!
Soy una linfa: ¡enséñame a ser río!
Soy un harapo: ¡enséñame a ser gala!
Soy una pluma: ¡enséñame a ser ala,
y que Dios te bendiga, padre mío!.Y hablaron tus labios, tus labios benditos,
y así respondieron a todos mis gritos,
a todas mis ansias: -«No hay nada pequeño,
ni el mar ni el guijarro, ni el sol ni la rosa,
con tal de que el sueño, visión misteriosa,
le preste sus nimbos, ¡y tu eres el sueño!»Amar, ¡eso es todo!; querer, ¡todo es eso!
Los mundos brotaron el eco de un beso,
y un beso es el astro, y un beso es el rayo,
y un beso la tarde, y un beso la aurora,
y un beso los trinos del ave canora
que glosa las fiestas divinas de Mayo.»Yo quise a la Patria por débil y mustia,
la Patria me quiso con toda su angustia,
y entonces nos dimos los dos un gran beso;
los besos de amores son siempre fecundos;
un beso de amores ha creado los mundos;
amar... ¡eso es todo!; querer... ¡todo es eso!»Así me dijeron tus labios benditos,
así respondieron a todos mis gritos,
a todas mis ansias y eternos anhelos.
Después, los fantasmas volaron en coro,
y arriba los astros -poetas de oro-
pulsaban la lira de azur de los cielos.Mas al irte, Señor, hacia el ribazo
donde moran las sombras, un gran lazo
dejabas, que te unía con los tuyos,
un lazo entre la tierra y el arcano,
y ese lazo era otro indio: Altamirano;
bronce también, mas bronce con arrullos.Nos le diste en herencia, y luego, Juárez,
te arropaste en las noches tutelares
con tus amigos pálidos; entonces,
comprendiendo lo eterno de tu ausencia,
repitieron mi labio y mi conciencia:
-Señor, alma de luz, cuerpo de bronce.
Soy una chispa; ¡enséñame a ser lumbre!
Soy un gujarro; ¡enséñame a ser cumbre!
Soy una linfa: ¡enséñame a ser río!
Soy un harapo: ¡enséñame a ser gala!
Soy una pluma: ¡enséñame a ser ala,
y que Dios te bendiga, padre mío!.Tú escuchaste mi grito, sonreíste
y en la sombra infinita te perdiste
cantando con los otros almo coro.
Callaba todo ser y toda cosa;
y arriba era la noche misteriosa
jardín azul de margaritas de oro...
Cuerpo de la mujer, río de oro
donde, hundidos los brazos, recibimos
un relámpago azul, unos racimos
de luz rasgada en un frondor de oro.
Cuerpo de la mujer o mar de oro
donde, amando las manos, no sabemos,
si los senos son olas, si son remos
los brazos, si son alas solas de oro...
Cuerpo de la mujer, fuente de llanto
donde, después de tanta luz, de tanto
tacto sutil, de Tántalo es la pena.
Suena la soledad de Dios. Sentimos
la soledad de dos. Y una cadena
que no suena, ancla en Dios almas y limos.
La tribu de Guatavita,
En homenaje a las aguas
Se apresta el rito sagrado
A celebrar.
Ya sus danzas
Las bellas hijas de nobles
Van ensayando con planta
Ligera, al són de cantares,
De chirimías y flautas.

Limpia tiende la laguna
Su cristal. En la comarca
Todo se anima en espera
Del gran día. Flores cándidas,
Rojas y amarillas, abren
Sus corolas en las ramas;
Y de los campos vecinos
Van trayendo leves auras
El rumor de los maizales,
Donde aves pían y cantan.
Parece que en Guatavita
Al júbilo de las almas
La alegría esplendorosa
Del verano se juntara.

Desde distantes bohíos
Van llegando alborozadas
Tribus amigas.
De polvo
De oro cubierto, en mañana
Resplandeciente, el cacique
De Guatavita, y en andas,
Por caciques conducido,
Se hundirá en las ondas claras
De la laguna, en el día
De la fiesta de las aguas.

Mensajeros han llegado
De Muequetá, y hay alarma:
Entre el gozo de las tribus
Vienen con la nueva infausta
De que guerreros extraños
Que rayos del sol disparan
Pusieron al Zipa en fuga
Y por la llanura avanzan.

¿De dónde vienen? -«Del cielo»,
Unos aterrados narran;
Otros que del Río Grande,
Desde remotas comarcas;
Que son monstruos nunca vistos,
Que rayos de muerte lanzan,
Que los «cercados» derriban
Con desconocidas armas;
Que cerrados pelotones
Con flechas no los atajan;
Que delante de ellos huyen
Los muiscas en desbandada;
Y que «Sué» como castigo
Por viejas culpas los manda.
No son flechas las que traen,
Vienen cubiertos de láminas,
Y cuando quieren el Cielo
Truena, y desde lejos matan,
Como el resplandor que alumbra
De repente en las borrascas.

Sobre prados y colinas,
Azul brilla la mañana.
Y el desfile, al són de música
Hacia la laguna marcha.
Al frente se ven los nobles;
Después las vírgenes danzan,
Y en silla de oro el Cacique,
Entre la turba postrada
Que le va lanzando flores
Los ojos en alto, pasa.
Su cuerpo de oro cubierto
Y todo desnudo, es ascua
Ante la luz de la aurora,
Blanca, azul y roja y gualda.

Todos llegan a la orilla.
El agua fulgura mansa.
El himno sagrado suena;
Y al momento en que se alza
El sol, en diáfano cielo,
El cacique en pie, en las andas,
Y la tribu en gran silencio,
A las claras ondas salta...
¡Y es remolino de oro
Y de fulgores el agua!

Otra vez gritos y músicas
Se oyen. Y oro y esmeraldas.

A las aguas van cayendo
Entre ruidosa algazara,
Y entre rumores de frondas,
Cantos y batir de alas!...

Todo es júbilo. De pronto
En la colina cercana
Son estridente resuena;
Espadas brillan y lanzas,
Y relinchos de los monstruos
Vienen desde la distancia.
Los guerreros más se acercan...
Ya de los collados bajan...
Un estampido de truenos
Hace vibrar la montaña...
¡Y la raza guatavita
Es de españoles vasalla!

De un ídolo todo de oro
Que se lanzaba a las aguas
Corre pronto la leyenda
Aquí y en tierras extrañas;
Y «El Dorado» desde entonces
Fue ilusión radiosa y mágica.
Mas después ya no era ídolo,
En remota lontananza...
Era campo inmenso de oro,
Visión de todas las almas.
Y tras ella los hispanos
Cruzaron selvas, montañas,
Ríos, desiertos, llanuras
Y mortíferas comarcas;
Y así fueron ensanchando
El poderío de España,
Y un nuevo mundo en la tierra
Abriendo a la raza humana.
judy smith Aug 2016
TO PUT the art and talent of Mindanaoan fashion design into the spotlight, Kagay’anon fashion designers put their hands together to organize the 5th Mindanao Fashion Summit at the Limketkai Center Rotunda from August 4 to 6, every 4 p.m.

“Being a core event of the Higalaay festival, the opening salvo, the Mindanao Fashion Summit can really highlight fashion designers here in Cagayan de Oro and also in different points of Mindanao to let everyone see what they can do in the world of fashion design especially now that there are only so few opportunities for these designers to show off their works to the public. This is why we have the Mindanao fashion Summit because Kagay-anon designers believe that even if they join national fashion shows like the Philippine Fashion week, most of them still aren't getting the right encouragement as a fashion designer.” said Robbie Pamisa, the overall organizer of the event.

The Fashion Summit is a three-day event composed of seven sub-categories such as the Mindanaoan collection, the Menswear collection, and the Ororama orange collection for the first day, the Guest Designers’ collection, the Fashion Institute of the Philippines collection and the Loop Lifestyle Fashion Show for the second day, and the Holiday Grand collection for the third day which will serve as the culmination of the fashion event.

Mindanaoan Fashion designers from Cagayan de Oro as well as Davao, Butuan, Iligan, and Bukidnon have come to showcase their talents. Some of the fashion geniuses of the event include Alma Mae Roa, Angela Soriano, Ann Semblante, Benjie Manuel, Boogie Musni Rivera, Gil Macaibay III, John Mark Magellan’s, Joshua Guibone, Juniel Doring, Kiko Domo, Mark Christopher Yaranon, and Mavy Cooper de Leon.

One of the highlights of the event is the Oro Fashion Designers’ Guild and the Designers Assembly featuring a collection of clothes using Mindanao material such as the Mindanao silk. Sponsors such as Ororama and The Loop Towers will also be showcasing their products in the fashion event.

“Even student fashion designers from the Fashion Institute of the Philippines have been encouraged to participate so that they will be able to experience how a fashion show works. This is also a way for us to fulfill our mission to be another avenue for fashion designers to show what they have,” Paisa said.Read more at: |
Alan Eshban Mar 2017
Todo cambiara algún día, no sabría si para bien o para mal, si fuera para mal no sabría vivir la vida, en cambio si fuera para bien la vida sería más fácil que respirar.  Y no hablo de plata, hablo de oro, oro puro y el único lugar donde lo puedo encontrar es en tu lindo mirar, porque tú eres bella, hermosa, brillante, que con una sonrisa tuya le alegras el día a cualquier andante, tu carácter amigable es incomparable, y tu mismo ser tan fascinante encandila cualquier otra amistad por qué tú eres inigualable, lo eres todo más que todo porque recuerda no eres plata eres oro.
Renjith Prahlad Aug 2011
               -Renjith Prahlad (15 Aug 2011 : 3:00am )

Aakashamee..nee innu prashanthamaayirikkunnu..meghangal oralankaaramaayi ninte meniyil innu kanunnilla..athinartham innu pavizhangal podiyillennnalle..Appol, Vishaadamaano nee innennil ulavaakiya rasam..Ente ella rahasyangalumariyunna aakaashamee..nee ente priya suhruthu..Innoru divasam koodi alle enikku mazhathullikale sparshikkan pattu,mazhathullikalude nanvil kuliraan kazhiyoo..Garpham peri alayunna meghangale kshanikku..thulikalkku piravi nalkuvan aanjyaapikku..kaaranam mazhathullikalude gandhavum peri,mazhathullikalude sparshanathinte navaanubhavavum nenjiletti enikku pokanam..paavanamaaya pachappillatha aa lokathekku,pacha manushyarude naduvileekku,garphapaathrangal aruthumaatiya meghangal kondu niranja aakashame melkoorayaayi thangipidichirikkunna marubhoomiyilekku..arabinaatilekku..Naalathe sooryodayathinoppam ente vimanavum udikkum..Pakshe sooryaasthamanathinu manikkorukal munpu enniyaalum theeratha kathanakathakalude kathaanayakanmaarudeyum naayikamaarudeyum idayilekku mattoru kathanakathaye rachikkaan aa vimaanam asthamikkum

Oru perumazhakaalamaanu..irunda anthareekshavum shakthamaaya kaattum..Aakashatholam valarnnu pandhalichu nilkunna maavu kaatil aadi ulayunnu..Athe marathinte ettavum uyarnna kombil oroonjaal kettiyirikkunnu..Kurunnu kuttikale oonjaaliliruthi muthrunnavar aati rasippikkunnathu pole elam kattine oonjaliliruthi kodum kaatu aati kalippikkunnu. Muttathu vidarnnu nilkkunna pookalkkinnu daahamillathe urangaam..oro manthariyum mazhathullikalude thaalathmakamaaya sangeethathodu chuvaduvaykkunnu..muttathe pookkalkkoppam,marangalkkoppam,oonjaalinoppam oro mantharikkumoppam ivide oru veedunndu..veettil orammayum..Veedinte munvaathil thurannu aa amma purathekkirangi vidoorathayilekku nokki paranju..Avan varaan samayamaayallo..innaanu vimanam ennanallo kathilavanezhuthiyirunnathu..eppozhanaavo avan varaa..Mazhathullikalaal maranja vidoorathayileekku nokki avarirunnu.."nee eppol vannalum ennu vannalum ninakku ettavumishtamulla palahaarangalum undaaki ee amma ninakkai kathirikkunnathu nee kanunnille unni..nee ethra valarnnittundenkilum..ethra muthrunnittundenkilum nee poyappol ivide kettiyirunna oonjalippozhum ninne aatirasippukkuvaanaayi kaathirikkunnathu nee ariyunnille entunnii..pathinnaaraam vayassil poyathalle neeyu..ini mon
thirikeee vaa..ammaykkunniye kaananam..

Maavinmarathinte shikharangalil thoongi kidakkunnorila paranju..paavam amma..enikkavarude vishamam kaanan vayya..ethra varshanglaayi avar palahaarangalumaayi enno orikkal makanezhuthiya kathile aksharangaleyum vishwasichu,pratheekshayude kirangalaal manassineyum prakaashichu jeevikkunnu..avan ee ammaye enne marannittundaakanam..avante manassil oru kanika sneham vasikkunnu enkil varenda samayam kazhinjirikkunnuu..kazhinja vasantham kaalam muthal maathramaanu njan ammaye kaana thudangiyathu..ennalum itha avarude kaathirippinteyum pratheekshayudeyum jwaalayil mungi shirassu muthal ente udalin keezhe vare kariyunnu..shishirakaalathinu munpu thanne njan bhoomiyil
pathiyum ennu thonnunnu..

Aakaashatholam valarnnu panthalichu nilkkunna maavilninnum oela balaheenamaayi kaattil
aadiaadi nananja bhoomiyil pathinju..Ammayude novinaayi orilayude thyaagam..avarude vishaadathinte theevratha sahikkaanaavathe maavinmarathinte oro ilakalum kozhinju veenu..Aakashatholam valarnnu panthalichuninnirunna maavu shishirakaalathinu orupaadu munputhanne nagnayaay..viroopiyay..muttathorabhangiyaayi..pakshe maavinmaram
santhoshavathi aayirunnu..ammayude makan thirike varunnathu vare njan ee muttathu oru vasanthavismayamaaya nagna vrukshamaayi ninnukollam..Aa makanum ammayum orumikkunnathu vare enikkoru vasantha rithuve sweekaaryamalla..avan thirike varunnathu vare ee maavin marathinu elakalude alankaaram venda..
Could be I’m on a mission:
Convince the entire world
I am the World's Greatest Living
English Language poet;
Of course, genius such as mine
Goes generally unrecognized until
The posthumous crowd weighs in.
And yet, wouldn’t it be nice?

• BEACH BOYS LYRICS-Wouldn't It Be Nice-A-Z Lyrics /lyrics/beachboys/ wouldntitbenice. Wouldn't It Be Nice Lyrics-Beach Boys›Beach Boys

Yes, wouldn’t it be nice?
(The Nobel Prize,
Tribute at the Kennedy Center,
A MacArthur Grant,
The Presidential Medal of Honor,
Reverent BJs from hipster groupies . . .
The Poet Laureate in his vicarage,
Enjoying my sweet twilight celebrity.)

(Cue “Guys & Dolls” soundtrack: “What's in the daily news?
I'll tell you what's in the daily news.”)
23: Beheaded at Nigerian Election Rally!
Amanda Knox Gets Away with ****** Again in Italy!
Kung Pow: Silicon Valley Penisocracy Crushes Ellen Pao
German Crash Dummy Co-pilot Flies Jet into the Alps!
Hilary’s Emails Are *****!
Sierra Leone Ebola Lockdown!
Iran: Kooks with Nukes!
Sri Lankan President’s Brother Dies from Ax Wounds!
Saudi Diplomats Evacuate Yemen!
Stampede at Hindu Bathing Ritual, Bangladesh Kills at Least 10!
Simply put:  THE WORLD IS IN A STATE OF ****.

Perhaps it’s time we turn again.
Seek solace in poetry—
“Yeah, chemistry,” insists my Sky Masterson,
My “Guys & Dolls” alter ago.
Surprised? You shouldn’t be.
All poets are gamblers & moonshiners.
We polish our chemical craft,
Sweet-talking the distillation apparatus,
Getting us, getting at linguistic essence.
Cunning linguists are we.
(Colonel Angus, are you back?)
Oyez! Oyez! The gavel raps:
“The Curious Case of Sam Hayakawa.”
We open this hearing to determine
Whether or not S.I. Hayakawa—guilty of
Numerous crimes against humanity & other
Professional Neo-Fascist “entrechats.”--
Whether or not he merits a kinder, gentler
Wikipedia BIO.
(Wikipedia ( i/ˌwɪkɨˈpiːdiə/ or  i/ˌwɪkiˈpiːdiə/ WIK-i-***-dee-ə) Wikipedia)
We open this forum, focusing on his
Courageous stand against the
SDS & Black Panthers, part of
An unlikely coalition: The Worker-Student Alliance
& It’s rival, Joe Hill Caucuses.
Da Name of the Place:
(“I like it like that!” Hot Chelle Rae-“I Like It Like That” lyrics| Metro Lyrics Lyrics to 'I Like It Like That' by Hot Chelle Rae. “Let's get it on, yeah, y'all can come along/Everybody drinks on me, buy out the bar /Just to feel like I'm.”)
The name of the place: San Francisco State,
1968-69, the longest student strike in U.S. history,
Led successfully to the creation of
Black & Other Ethnic studies programs
On campuses across the country,
And, one could argue,
Gave the green light to
Osama Hussein Obama,
Our first Uncle Tom President.
But I digress.

ACTING SFSU President, Dr. Hayakawa—
Perpetual audition, the pressure on,
Feisty, independent-minded & combative,
Screaming at that skeevy student mob:
(Skeevy as in “He bought the thing from
Some skeevy dude in an alley.")
Declaring “A State of Emergency,”
Calling in the SFPD, whose
Inexplicable slogan says”
“Oro en Paz,
Fierro en Guerra.”
Archaic Spanish for
Gold in peace,
Iron in war, by the by,
For you holdouts,
Those of you who still
Think the “English First Movement”
Breathes life still.
I’ve got more news for you:
That crusade died long ago,
Locked up, dark & shuttered,
Bank Repo thugs, their thick
Neck muscles flexing from side to side,
Sashaying across the parking lot,
Like John Wayne on steroids,
Right up to the front door.)
The SFPD: San Francisco city fuzz,
(As they were known at the time) &
The California National Guard, as well,
Obstreperously, generously catered by
Governor Ronald Wilson Reagan,
(Early stage, Alzheimer’s at the time.
But still very much “The Gypper,”
Still chipper in Sacramento.)
Ronnie--keenly interested in
The Eureka State’s congressional clout,
Lassoes a seat in the U.S. House of Lords:
AKA: The U.S. Senate, SPQR.
It’s still hard . . .

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Still hard to believe that California was once
Rock solid in the clutches of the GOP,
Gripped tightly in the Party’s
Desperate talons. But the grip slipped,
Slipped in the slip-sliding 1970s.
It got harder and harder . . .

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Harder and harder to remind
Leroy & the rest of his ebony posse,
That it was Abraham Lincoln—
“The Great Emancipator” himself—who was,
Our first Republican President.
The Emancipation Proclamation:
That toothless rhetorical flourish,
Based solely on Abe’s
Constitutional authority as
Not on a law passed by Congress.
It was just Abe blowing smoke
Up their ***** again,
Just an egalitarian blast from
His Old Kentucky past,
A youth spent splitting rails,
Busting his *** just like
Any plantation ******,
A stark plebeian commonality,
Too deeply etched to be ignored.
Poor Abraham Lincoln:
Probably a **** Creek crypto-Jew,
Neutered by the opposition:
His very own Republican majority Congress,
Another example of the GOP
Shooting off its own foot, right up there
With Mitt Romney’s "47 percent of the people,”
The rhetorical gaffe which cost him his
Second & final shot at the White House.
But I digress.

Senator Sam S.I. Samuel Hayakawa:
That inscrutable Asian fixer, is now U.S. Senator,
Republican, California, 1976-83
Pulpit-bullying his Senate colleagues,
Fiercely opposed to transfer of the
Panama Canal & Panama Canal Zone to
Panama: a diplomatic no-brainer; Duh?
Their freaking name is on both of them.
Senator Sam, obstinate & blustering:
"We should keep the Panama Canal.
After all, we stole it fair and square.”
And Hayakawa, later the driving impetus
Behind the Far Right “English Only” movement.
His co-founding an "Official English"
Advocacy group, U.S. English;
Their party line summarizes their belief:
“The passage of English as the official language will help to expand opportunities for immigrants to learn and speak English, the single greatest empowering tool that immigrants must have to succeed."
That’s how they sold it, anyway.
In sooth: just old-fashioned nativist
Anti-immigration hysteria.

Hayakawa: always the high achiever.
Hayakawa: The Great Assimilator,
Preaching his xenophobic Gospel:
“Immigration Must Be Reduced!”
Aryan rhetoric, of course,
A bi-product of radical authoritarian nationalism,
A movement with deep American roots.
Senator Sam: a Japanese-Canadian-American,
Always tried too hard to fit in.
Sam, comfortable in Chicago during WWII,
Not personally subject to confinement,
Advocated that Japanese-Americans
Submit to FDR’s 1942, Executive Order 9066.
“Time in camp, will eventually work to Japanese advantage."
Later, during the Congressional debate over
The Civil Liberties Act of 1988 . . .
(Passed the House on September 17, 1987 (243–141)
Passed the Senate on April 20, 1988 (69–27, in lieu of S. 1009)
Reported by the joint conference committee on July 26, 1988,
Agreed to by the Senate on July 27, 1988 (voice vote) and
By the House on August 4, 1988 (257–156,
Signed into law by President Ronald Reagan 8/10/88.
He opposed $reparations for WWII internment:
“Japanese-Americans should not
Be paid for fulfilling their obligations."
Some guys, I guess, would say, or
Do anything for Bohemia Club membership.
Plagued by night terrors, nonetheless,
His Manzanar nightmares, his vivid
Imaginary experience at other Japanese
Internment Sites: Tule Lake & Camp Rohwer.
Stalag (German pronunciation: [ˈʃtalak])
Stalags, infamous still,
“Stalags ‘R Us,”
Still palpable memories for
Issei ("first generation")
& Nisei ("second generation").
See: 323 U.S. 214. Korematsu v. United States
(No. 22: Argued: October 11, 12, 1944.
Decided: December 18, 1944.140 F.2d 289.
The opinion, written by Hugo Black,
Chief Justice Harlan Stone, Presiding.)

Hayakawa: a strange duck, of course,
But we mustn’t ignore his strong credentials,
And I’d like to disabuse anyone here
Of the notion that it was anything
Other than his academic record
That got his case to this Forum.
Oyez! Oyez! The gavel raps:
“The Curious Case of Sam Hayakawa.”
So begins this fractured Pardoner’s Tale,
This petition for forgiveness,
The Capo di Tutti Capi,
Presiding: the original Italian mafioso,
His Eminence--the Vicar of Jesus Christ,
The Supreme Pontiff
Pope Paparazzi of Rome!
Roma: the only venue large enough to
Dispense dispensation of this magnitude.

Hayakawa: everyone says his C.V. is “impeccable.”
But did anyone ever freaking Google it?
Just where did Professor Sam go to school?
Undergrad? The University of Manitoba,
Truly, by any Third World Standard
A great bastion of intellectual rigor;
Grad school? McGill and U Wisconsin-Madison.
He was a Canadian by birth,
His academic discipline was Semantics.
(As in “That’s just semantics,”
That all-purpose rejoinder in any argument.)
Professor Hayakawa, The Semanticist,
He taught us: “All thought is sub-vocal speech.”

•  The Use and Misuse of Language: S. I. Hayakawa: Amazon ..., Inc. The Use and Misuse of Language [S. I. Hayakawa] on FREE shipping on qualifying offers.
Hmmm? We think in words.
The medium of thought is language.
If you grok this for the first time,
Let’s stop to celebrate our enlightenment,
With a cultural nod of respect,
We salute our Islamic brethren.
Radical Islam: the new bogeyman,
Responsible for keeping lights on in Alexandria,
Paying the defense & intelligence bills,
Sustaining that sinister
Military-Industrial complex
Ike warned us about.
Hang in there, Mustafa, old buddy.
Like the Cold War, this insanity
Will eventually blow over.
Orwell’s Oceania will reshuffle
Its deck of global grab-***, and a
New enemy will suddenly appear.
Big Brother, as always,
In the full-control mode,
Simply put: on top of the situation.
So Hurrah!
Allāhu Akbar. “God is Great!
The Takbīr (the term for the
Arabic phrase: usually translated as
"God is [the] greatest.")

“All thought is sub-vocal speech.”
What a simple, yet profound insight!
Just a short hop, skip & jump to the
Realization that, perhaps, the clarity
& Power of our minds can be groomed,
Improved upon by mastery of—
In Sam’s case, anyway--the English Language.
Was this, perhaps, the germ of U.S. English,
The political lobbying organization
He co-founded, dedicated to making
English, the official language of the United States.
Hayakawa: a wooly conservative of his own design;
No wonder Governor Reagan loved him.

Dr. S.I. Hayakawa, a colorful and polarizing
Figure in California politics during the 1960s and 70s.
Can we forgive his daily afternoon naps.
Asleep on the floor of the U.S. Senate,
Leaving California so pathetically,
So ostensibly under-represented.
Senator Sam’s comatose presence at
Washington-on Potomac; the
District of Columbia.
A long time ago,
In a distant galaxy . . .
Far, far away.

Alas, long before he got to Washington,
Long before ever setting foot off campus,
He called for tear gas to
Disperse those pesky college kids.
I repeat myself for emphasis:
He authorized the use of tear gas at SF State.
Tear gas: a lachrymatory agent?
Actually, a potentially lethal
Chemical agent . . .
(Yeah, Chemistry!
To wit: Sgt. Sara Brown,
Referencing “Guys & Dolls” again.)
Outlawed for use during wartime,
Banned in international warfare
Under both the 1925 Geneva Protocol; & the
Chemical Weapons Convention;
“Tear gas:  a weapon of war against
The people. We believe that
Tear gas remains a chemical weapon
Whether used on a battlefield, or city streets.”

Thus, history will be your judge,
You unleashed tear gas on college kids,
So I wouldn’t expect a rep makeover
Any time soon, Ichiye-san, my ichiban friend.
Cameron Godfrey May 2014
Tu ganancia y la perdida mia
Busco sol dorado y encuentro joyas amarillas
Tienes torres de oro; tengo juguetes de plastica
Ganaste la loteria; yo perdi, que lastima

Mi derrota y el triumfo tuyo
Arruinas los castillos que yo construyo
Tienes torres de oro; no tengo nada
Pero yo soy fuerte y eres delicada
Spanish is not my first language so don't judge me too hard but I wanted to try to write something in Spanish to see if I could do it. Translation:

Your gain and my loss
I look for golden son and find yellow jewelry
You have towers of gold and I have toys of plastic
You won the lottery; I lost, what a shame

My disaster and your triumph
You ruin the castles that I construct
You have towers of gold; I have nothing
But I'm strong and you're delicate
Y Rada Jun 2017
To the niqab girl whom I met in Cagaya De Oro City
You were in front of me as we waited in line for hours
We smiled first politely and then we began to talk,
We Shared different insights in almost everything:
Your face veiling practice in Islam fascinated me
My headcovering as Christian piqued your curiosity
Conversations turned to fashion, extremism, and Filipinos,
You saw my face and I saw your beautiful eyes
Yet we never asked each other's names or Facebook accounts,
We were different yet somehow we mirrored each other;
Different religions yet linked by passion to serve God
Different ethnicity and language yet tied by nationality.

It's been weeks since the Marawi siege and I think of you
Hoping that every niqab girl I see in Iligan is you
We were strangers that rainy afternoon of June 2016
Yet I grieve for your loss - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Words are not enough to comfort you sister of the stars but
May your Allah guide and protect you in these times
May my Jesus cover you with His precious Holy blood,
To the niqab girl whom I met in Cagayan De Oro City
Perhaps we'll never see each other again in the future but
Thank you for letting me see the beauty of cultural diversity
And that coexistence is possible if we have open minds
And living in harmony is attainable if we open our hearts.
1. May 23, 2017 the island of Mindanao is under Martial Law due to the siege of Maute  in Marawi City.

2. I never knew her name but I called her "niqab girl" every time I think of her. Despite the chaos in her hometown, I really hope she's alright...
Quando brillava il vespero vermiglio,
e il cipresso pareva oro, oro fino,
la madre disse al piccoletto figlio:
Così fatto è lassù tutto un giardino.
Il ***** dorme, e sogna i rami d'oro,
gli alberi d'oro, le foreste d'oro;
mentre il cipresso nella notte nera
scagliasi al vento, piange alla bufera.
Madame Lugones, J'ai commencé ces vers
en écoutant la voix d'un carillon d'Anvers...
¡Así empecé, en francés, pensando en Rodenbach
cuando hice hacia el Brasil una fuga... de Bach!En Río de Janeiro iba yo a proseguir,
poniendo en cada verso el oro y el zafir
y la esmeralda de esos pájaros-moscas
que melifican entre las áureas siestas foscas
que temen los que temen el cruel vómito *****.
Ya no existe allá fiebre amarilla. ¡Me alegro!
Et pour cause. Yo pan-americanicé
con un vago temor y con muy poca fe
en la tierra de los diamantes y la dicha
tropical. Me encantó ver la vera machicha,
mas encontré también un gran núcleo cordial
de almas llenas de amor, de ensueños, de ideal.
Y si había un calor atroz, también había
todas las consecuencias y ventajas del día,
en panorama igual al de los cuadros y hasta
igual al que pudiera imaginarse... Basta.
Mi ditirambo brasileño es ditirambo
que aprobaría su marido. Arcades ambo.Mas el calor de ese Brasil maravilloso,
tan fecundo, tan grande, tan rico, tan hermoso,
a pesar de Tijuca y del cielo opulento,
a pesar de ese foco vivaz de pensamiento,
a pesar de Nabuco, embajador, y de
los delegados panamericanos que
hicieron posible por hacer cosas buenas,
saboreé lo ácido del saco de mis penas;
quiero decir que me enfermé. La neurastenia
es un dón que me vino con mi obra primigenia.
¡Y he vivido tan mal, y tan bien, cómo y tánto!
¡Y tan buen comedor guardo bajo mi manto!
¡Y tan buen bebedor tengo bajo mi capa!
¡Y he gustado bocados de cardenal y papa!...
Y he exprimido la ubre cerebral tantas veces,
que estoy grave. Esto es mucho ruido y pocas nueces,
según dicen doctores de una sapiencia suma.
Mis dolencias se van en ilusión y espuma.
Me recetan que no haga nada ni piense nada,
que me retire al campo a ver la madrugada
con las alondras y con Garcilaso, y con
el sport. ¡Bravo! Sí. Bien. Muy bien. ¿Y La Nación?
¿Y mi trabajo diario y preciso y fatal?
¿No se sabe que soy cónsul como Stendhal?
Es preciso que el médico que eso recete, dé
también libro de cheques para el Crédit Lyonnais,
y envíe un automóvil devorador del viento,
en el cual se pasee mi egregio aburrimiento,
harto de profilaxis, de ciencia y de verdad.En fin, convaleciente, llegué a nuestra ciudad
de Buenos Aires, no sin haber escuchado
a míster Root a bordo del Charleston sagrado;
mas mi convalecencia duró poco. ¿Qué digo?
Mi emoción, mi estusiasmo y mi recuerdo amigo,
y el banquete de La Nación, que fue estupendo,
y mis viejas siringas con su pánico estruendo,
y ese fervor porteño, ese perpetuo arder,
y el milagro de gracia que brota en la mujer
argentina, y mis ansias de gozar de esa tierra,
me pusieron de nuevo con mis nervios en guerra.
Y me volví a París. Me volví al enemigo
terrible, centro de la neurosis, ombligo
de la locura, foco de todo surmenage
donde hago buenamente mi papel de sauvage
encerrado en mi celda de la rue Marivaux,
confiando sólo en mí y resguardando el yo.
¡Y si lo resguardara, señora, si no fuera
lo que llaman los parisienses una pera!
A mi rincón me llegan a buscar las intrigas,
las pequeñas miserias, las traiciones amigas,
y las ingratitudes. Mi maldita visión
sentimental del mundo me aprieta el corazón,
y así cualquier tunante me explotará a su gusto.
Soy así. Se me puede burlar con calma. Es justo.
Por eso los astutos, los listos, dicen que
no conozco el valor del dinero. ¡Lo sé!
Que ando, nefelibata, por las nubes... Entiendo.
Que no soy hombre práctico en la vida... ¡Estupendo!
Sí, lo confieso: soy inútil. No trabajo
por arrancar a otro su pitanza; no bajo
a hacer la vida sórdida de ciertos previsores.
Y no ahorro ni en seda, ni en champaña, ni en flores.
No combino sutiles pequeñeces, ni quiero
quitarle de la boca su pan al compañero.
Me complace en los cuellos blancos ver los diamantes.
Gusto de gentes de maneras elegantes
y de finas palabras y de nobles ideas.
Las gentes sin higiene ni urbanidad, de feas
trazas, avaros, torpes, o malignos y rudos,
mantienen, lo confieso, mis entusiasmos mudos.
No conozco el valor del oro... ¿Saben esos
que tal dicen lo amargo del jugo de mis sesos,
del sudor de mi alma, de mi sangre y mi tinta,
del pensamiento en obra y de la idea encinta?
¿He nacido yo acaso hijo de millonario?
¿He tenido yo Cirineo en mi Calvario?Tal continué en París lo empezado en Anvers.
Hoy, heme aquí en Mallorca, la terra dels foners,
como dice Mossen Cinto, el gran Catalán.
Y desde aquí, señora, mis versos a ti van,
olorosos a sal marina y azahares,
al suave aliento de las islas Baleares.
Hay un mar tan azul como el Partenopeo.
Y el azul celestial, vasto como un deseo,
su techo cristalino bruñe con sol de oro.
Aquí todo es alegre, fino, sano y sonoro.
Barcas de pescadores sobre la mar tranquila
descubro desde la terraza de mi villa,
que se alza entre las flores de su jardín fragante,
con un monte detrás y con la mar delante.A veces me dirijo al mercado, que está
en la Plaza Mayor. (¿Qué Coppée, no es verdá?)
Me rozo con un núcleo crespo de muchedumbre
que viene por la carne, la fruta y la legumbre.
Las mallorquinas usan una modesta falda,
pañuelo en la cabeza y la trenza a la espalda.
Esto, las que yo he visto, al pasar, por supuesto.
Y las que no la lleven no se enojen por esto.
He visto unas payesas con sus negros corpiños,
con cuerpos de odaliscas y con ojos de niños;
y un velo que les cae por la espalda y el cuello,
dejando al aire libre lo obscuro del cabello.
Sobre la falda clara, un delantal vistoso.
Y saludan con un bon dia tengui gracioso,
entre los cestos llenos de patatas y coles,
pimientos de corales, tomates de arreboles,
sonrosadas cebollas, melones y sandías,
que hablan de las Arabias y las Andalucías.
Calabazas y nabos para ofrecer asuntos
a Madame Noailles y Francis Jammes juntos.A veces me detengo en la plaza de abastos
como si respirase soplos de vientos vastos,
como si se me entrase con el respiro el mundo.
Estoy ante la casa en que nació Raimundo
Lulio. Y en ese instante mi recuerdo me cuenta
las cosas que le dijo la Rosa a la Pimienta...
¡Oh, cómo yo diría el sublime destierro
y la lucha y la gloria del mallorquín de hierro!
¡Oh, cómo cantaría en un carmen sonoro
la vida, el alma, el numen, del mallorquín de oro!
De los hondos espíritus es de mis preferidos.
Sus robles filosóficos están llenos de nidos
de ruiseñor. Es otro y es hermano del Dante.
¡Cuántas veces pensara su verbo de diamente
delante la Sorbona viaja del París sabio!
¡Cuántas veces he visto su infolio y su astrolabio
en una bruma vaga de ensueño, y cuántas veces
le oí hablar a los árabes cual Antonio a los peces,
en un imaginar de pretéritas cosas
que, por ser tan antiguas, se sienten tan hermosas!Hice una pausa.
                                    El tiempo se ha puesto malo. El mar
a la furia del aire no cesa de bramar.
El temporal no deja que entren los vapores. Y
Un yatch de lujo busca refugio en Porto-Pi.
Porto-Pi es una rada cercana y pintoresca.
Vista linda: aguas bellas, luz dulce y tierra fresca.¡Ah, señora, si fuese posible a algunos el
dejar su Babilonia, su Tiro, su Babel,
para poder venir a hacer su vida entera
en esa luminosa y espléndida ribera!Hay no lejos de aquí un archiduque austriaco
que las pomas de Ceres y las uvas de Baco
cultiva, en un retiro archiducal y egregio.
Hospeda como un monje -y el hospedaje es regio-.
Sobre las rocas se alza la mansión señorial
y la isla le brinda ambiente imperial.Es un pariente de Jean Orth. Es un atrida
que aquí ha encontrado el cierto secreto de su vida.
Es un cuerdo. Aplaudamos al príncipe discreto
que aprovecha a la orilla del mar ese secreto.
La isla es florida y llena de encanto en todas partes.
Hay un aire propicio para todas las artes.
En Pollensa ha pintado Santiago Rusiñol
cosas de flor de luz y de seda de sol.
Y hay villa de retiro espiritual famosa:
la literata Sand escribió en Valldemosa
un libro. Ignoro si vino aquí con Musset,
y si la vampiresa sufrió o gozó, no sé*.¿Por qué mi vida errante no me trajo a estas sanas
costas antes de que las prematuras canas
de alma y cabeza hicieran de mí la mezcolanza
formada de tristeza, de vida y esperanza?
¡Oh, qué buen mallorquín me sentiría ahora!
¡Oh, cómo gustaría sal de mar, miel de aurora,
al sentir como en un caracol en mi cráneo
el divino y eterno rumor mediterráneo!
Hay en mí un griego antiguo que aquí descansó un día,
después de que le dejaron loco de melodía
las sirenas rosadas que atrajeron su barca.
Cuanto mi ser respira, cuanto mi vista abarca,
es recordado por mis íntimos sentidos;
los aromas, las luces, los ecos, los ruidos,
como en ondas atávicas me traen añoranzas
que forman mis ensueños, mis vidas y esperanzas.Mas, ¿dónde está aquel templo de mármol, y la gruta
donde mordí aquel seno dulce como una fruta?
¿Dónde los hombres ágiles que las piedras redondas
recogían para los cueros de sus hondas?...Calma, calma. Esto es mucha poesía, señora.
Ahora hay comerciantes muy modernos. Ahora
mandan barcos prosaicos la dorada Valencia,
Marsella, Barcelona y Génova. La ciencia
comercial es hoy fuerte y lo acapara todo.
Entretanto, respiro mi salitre y mi yodo
brindados por las brisas de aqueste golfo inmenso,
y a un tiempo, como Kant y como el asno, pienso.
Es lo mejor.                             Y aquí mi epístola concluye.
Hay un ansia de tiempo que de mi pluma fluye
a veces, como hay veces de enorme economía.
«Si hay, he dicho, señora, alma clara, es la mía».
Mírame transparentemente, con tu marido,
y guárdame lo que tú puedas del olvido.
Mes de rosas. Van mis rimas
en ronda, a la vasta selva,
a recoger miel y aromas
en las flores entreabiertas.
Amada, ven. El gran bosque
es nuestro templo; allí ondea
y flota un santo perfume
de amor. El pájaro vuela
de un árbol a otro y saluda
la frente rosada y bella
como a un alba; y las encinas
robustas, altas, soberbias,
cuando tú pasas agitan
de los himnos de esa lengua;
sus hojas verdes y trémulas,
y enarcan sus ramas como
para que pase una reina.
¡Oh amada mía! Es el dulce
tiempo de la primavera.

Mira: en tus ojos, los míos;
da al viento la cabellera,
y que bañe el sol ese aro
de luz salvaje y espléndida.
Dame que aprieten mis manos
las tuyas de rosa y seda,
y ríe, y muestren  tus labios
su púrpura húmeda y fresca.
Yo voy a decirte rimas,
tú vas a escuchar risueña;
si acaso algún ruiseñor
viniese a posarse cerca
y a contar alguna historia
de ninfas, rosas o estrellas,
tú no oirás notas ni trinos,
sino enamorada y regia,
escucharás mis canciones
fija en mis labios que tiemblan.
¡Oh amada mía! Es el dulce
tiempo de la primavera.

Allá hay una clara fuente
que brota de una caverna,
donde se bañan desnudas
las blancas ninfas que juegan.
Ríen al son de la espuma,
hienden la linfa serena;
entre polvo cristalino
esponjan sus cabelleras,
y saben himnos de amores
en hermosa lengua griega,
que en glorioso tiempo antiguo
Pan inventó en las florestas.
Amada, pondré en mis rimas
la palabra más soberbia
de las frases de los versos
de los himnos de la lengua;
y te diré esa palabra
empapada en miel hiblea...
¡Oh, amada mía! Es el dulce
tiempo de la primavera.

Van en sus grupos vibrantes
revolando las abejas
como un áureo torbellino
que la blanca luz alegra,
y sobre el agua sonora
pasan radiantes, ligeras,
con sus alas cristalinas
las irisadas libélulas.
Oye: canta la cigarra
porque ama al sol, que en la selva
su polvo de oro tamiza
entre las hojas espesas.
Su aliento nos da en un soplo
fecundo la madre tierra,
con el alma de los cálices
y el aroma de las yerbas.

¿Ves aquel nido? Hay un ave.
Son dos: el macho y la hembra.
Ella tiene el buche blanco,
él tiene las plumas negras.
En la garganta el gorjeo,
las alas blancas y trémulas;
y los picos que se chocan
como labios que se besan.
El nido es cántico. El ave
incuba el trino, ¡oh poetas!
de la lira universal
el ave pulsa una cuerda.
Bendito el calor sagrado
que hizo reventar las yemas,
¡oh, amada mía, Es el dulce
tiempo de la primavera.

Mi dulce musa Delicia
me trajo un ánfora griega
cincelada en alabastro,
de vino de Naxos llena;
y una hermosa copa de oro,
la base henchida de perlas,
para que bebiese el vino
que es propicio a los poetas.
En la ánfora está Diana,
real, orgullosa y esbelta,
con su desnudez divina
y en actitud cinegética.
Y en la copa luminosa
está Venus Citerea
tendida cerca de Adonis
que sus caricias desdeña.
No quiere el vino de Naxos
ni el ánfora de ansas bellas,
ni la copa donde Cipria
al gallardo Adonis ruega.
Quiero beber del amor
sólo en tu boca bermeja.
¡Oh amada mía! Es el dulce
tiempo de la primavera.
Ria Apr 2011
She had a Frida Kahlo look,
an honest beauty,
and too much innocence for anyone with half a history.

With streaks of ore in her tangled hair,
and gold paint brush flicks in the geography of her eyes,
She was a miner's delight, Oro Fino.

There is nothing more attractive than a hardworking man,
except when they resemble hoarding dragons.
Their fiery passions, searing.

There is nothing more tragic than asphyxiation,
either from the dense, smoky fumes
or in the hands of a thick-lipped Moor.
Siendo mozo Alvargonzález,
dueño de mediana hacienda,
que en otras tierras se dice
bienestar y aquí, opulencia,
en la feria de Berlanga
prendóse de una doncella,
y la tomó por mujer
al año de conocerla.Muy ricas las bodas fueron
y quien las vio las recuerda;
sonadas las tornabodas
que hizo Alvar en su aldea;
hubo gaitas, tamboriles,
flauta, bandurria y vihuela,
fuegos a la valenciana
y danza a la aragonesa.   Feliz vivió Alvargonzález
en el amor de su tierra.
Naciéronle tres varones,
que en el campo son riqueza,
y, ya crecidos, los puso,
uno a cultivar la huerta,
otro a cuidar los merinos,
y dio el menor a la Iglesia.   Mucha sangre de Caín
tiene la gente labriega,
y en el hogar campesino
armó la envidia pelea.   Casáronse los mayores;
tuvo Alvargonzález nueras,
que le trajeron cizaña,
antes que nietos le dieran.   La codicia de los campos
ve tras la muerte la herencia;
no goza de lo que tiene
por ansia de lo que espera.   El menor, que a los latines
prefería las doncellas
hermosas y no gustaba
de vestir por la cabeza,
colgó la sotana un día
y partió a lejanas tierras.La madre lloró, y el padre
diole bendición y herencia.   Alvargonzález ya tiene
la adusta frente arrugada,
por la barba le platea
la sombra azul de la cara.   Una mañana de otoño
salió solo de su casa;
no llevaba sus lebreles,
agudos canes de caza;

  iba triste y pensativo
por la alameda dorada;
anduvo largo camino
y llegó a una fuente clara.   Echóse en la tierra; puso
sobre una piedra la manta,
y a la vera de la fuente
durmió al arrullo del agua.   Y Alvargonzález veía,
como Jacob, una escala
que iba de la tierra al cielo,
y oyó una voz que le hablaba.Mas las hadas hilanderas,
entre las vedijas blancas
y vellones de oro, han puesto
un mechón de negra lana.Tres niños están jugando
a la puerta de su casa;
entre los mayores brinca
un cuervo de negras alas.La mujer vigila, cose
y, a ratos, sonríe y canta.-Hijos, ¿qué hacéis? -les pregunta.Ellos se miran y callan.-Subid al monte, hijos míos,
y antes que la noche caiga,
con un brazado de estepas
hacedme una buena llama.   Sobre el lar de Alvargonzález
está la leña apilada;
el mayor quiere encenderla,
pero no brota la llama.-Padre, la hoguera no prende,
está la estepa mojada.   Su hermano viene a ayudarle
y arroja astillas y ramas
sobre los troncos de roble;
pero el rescoldo se apaga.Acude el menor, y enciende,
bajo la negra campana
de la cocina, una hoguera
que alumbra toda la casa.   Alvargonzález levanta
en brazos al más pequeño
y en sus rodillas lo sienta;-Tus manos hacen el fuego;
aunque el último naciste
tú eres en mi amor primero.   Los dos mayores se alejan
por los rincones del sueño.
Entre los dos fugitivos
reluce un hacha de hierro.   Sobre los campos desnudos,
la luna llena manchada
de un arrebol purpurino,
enorme globo, asomaba.Los hijos de Alvargonzález
silenciosos caminaban,
y han visto al padre dormido
junto de la fuente clara.   Tiene el padre entre las cejas
un ceño que le aborrasca
el rostro, un tachón sombrío
como la huella de un hacha.Soñando está con sus hijos,
que sus hijos lo apuñalan;
y cuando despierta mira
que es cierto lo que soñaba.   A la vera de la fuente
quedó Alvargonzález muerto.Tiene cuatro puñaladas
entre el costado y el pecho,
por donde la sangre brota,
más un hachazo en el cuello.Cuenta la hazaña del campo
el agua clara corriendo,
mientras los dos asesinos
huyen hacia los hayedos.Hasta la Laguna Negra,
bajo las fuentes del Duero,
llevan el muerto, dejando
detrás un rastro sangriento,
y en la laguna sin fondo,
que guarda bien los secretos,
con una piedra amarrada
a los pies, tumba le dieron.   Se encontró junto a la fuente
la manta de Alvargonzález,
y, camino del hayedo,
se vio un reguero de sangre.Nadie de la aldea ha osado
a la laguna acercarse,
y el sondarla inútil fuera,
que es la laguna insondable.Un buhonero, que cruzaba
aquellas tierras errante,
fue en Dauria acusado, preso
y muerto en garrote infame.   Pasados algunos meses,
la madre murió de pena.Los que muerta la encontraron
dicen que las manos yertas
sobre su rostro tenía,
oculto el rostro con ellas.   Los hijos de Alvargonzález
ya tienen majada y huerta,
campos de trigo y centeno
y prados de fina hierba;
en el olmo viejo, hendido
por el rayo, la colmena,
dos yuntas para el arado,
un mastín y mil ovejas.
    Ya están las zarzas floridas
y los ciruelos blanquean;
ya las abejas doradas
liban para sus colmenas,
y en los nidos, que coronan
las torres de las iglesias,
asoman los garabatos
ganchudos de las cigüeñas.Ya los olmos del camino
y chopos de las riberas
de los arroyos, que buscan
al padre Duero, verdean.El cielo está azul, los montes
sin nieve son de violeta.La tierra de Alvargonzález
se colmará de riqueza;
muerto está quien la ha labrado,
mas no le cubre la tierra.   La hermosa tierra de España
adusta, fina y guerrera
Castilla, de largos ríos,
tiene un puñado de sierras
entre Soria y Burgos como
reductos de fortaleza,
como yelmos crestonados,
y Urbión es una cimera.   Los hijos de Alvargonzález,
por una empinada senda,
para tomar el camino
de Salduero a Covaleda,
cabalgan en pardas mulas,
bajo el pinar de Vinuesa.Van en busca de ganado
con que volver a su aldea,
y por tierra de pinares
larga jornada comienzan.Van Duero arriba, dejando
atrás los arcos de piedra
del puente y el caserío
de la ociosa y opulenta
villa de indianos. El río
al fondo del valle, suena,
y de las cabalgaduras
los cascos baten las piedras.A la otra orilla del Duero
canta una voz lastimera:«La tierra de Alvargonzález
se colmará de riqueza,
y el que la tierra ha labrado
no duerme bajo la tierra.»   Llegados son a un paraje
en donde el pinar se espesa,
y el mayor, que abre la marcha,
su parda mula espolea,
diciendo: -Démonos prisa;
porque son más de dos leguas
de pinar y hay que apurarlas
antes que la noche venga.Dos hijos del campo, hechos
a quebradas y asperezas,
porque recuerdan un día
la tarde en el monte tiemblan.Allá en lo espeso del bosque
otra vez la copla suena:«La tierra de Alvargonzález
se colmará de riqueza,
y el que la tierra ha labrado
no duerme bajo la tierra».   Desde Salduero el camino
va al hilo de la ribera;
a ambas márgenes del río
el pinar crece y se eleva,
y las rocas se aborrascan,
al par que el valle se estrecha.Los fuertes pinos del bosque
con sus copas gigantescas
y sus desnudas raíces
amarradas a las piedras;
los de troncos plateados
cuyas frondas azulean,
pinos jóvenes; los viejos,
cubiertos de blanca lepra,
musgos y líquenes canos
que el grueso tronco rodean,
colman el valle y se pierden
rebasando ambas laderasJuan, el mayor, dice: -Hermano,
si Blas Antonio apacienta
cerca de Urbión su vacada,
largo camino nos queda.-Cuando hacia Urbión alarguemos
se puede acortar de vuelta,
tomando por el atajo,
hacia la Laguna Negra
y bajando por el puerto
de Santa Inés a Vinuesa.-Mala tierra y peor camino.
Te juro que no quisiera
verlos otra vez. Cerremos
los tratos en Covaleda;
hagamos noche y, al alba,
volvámonos a la aldea
por este valle, que, a veces,
quien piensa atajar rodea.Cerca del río cabalgan
los hermanos, y contemplan
cómo el bosque centenario,
al par que avanzan, aumenta,
y la roqueda del monte
el horizonte les cierra.El agua, que va saltando,
parece que canta o cuenta:«La tierra de Alvargonzález
se colmará de riqueza,
y el que la tierra ha labrado
no duerme bajo la tierra».
    Aunque la codicia tiene
redil que encierre la oveja,
trojes que guarden el trigo,
bolsas para la moneda,
y garras, no tiene manos
que sepan labrar la tierra.Así, a un año de abundancia
siguió un año de pobreza.   En los sembrados crecieron
las amapolas sangrientas;
pudrió el tizón las espigas
de trigales y de avenas;
hielos tardíos mataron
en flor la fruta en la huerta,
y una mala hechicería
hizo enfermar las ovejas.A los dos Alvargonzález
maldijo Dios en sus tierras,
y al año pobre siguieron
largos años de miseria.   Es una noche de invierno.
Cae la nieve en remolinos.
Los Alvargonzález velan
un fuego casi extinguido.El pensamiento amarrado
tienen a un recuerdo mismo,
y en las ascuas mortecinas
del hogar los ojos fijos.No tienen leña ni sueño.Larga es la noche y el frío
arrecia. Un candil humea
en el muro ennegrecido.El aire agita la llama,
que pone un  fulgor rojizo
sobre las dos pensativas 
testas de los asesinos.El mayor de Alvargonzález,
lanzando un ronco suspiro,
rompe el silencio, exclamando:-Hermano, ¡qué mal hicimos!El viento la puerta bate
hace temblar el postigo,
y suena en la chimenea
con hueco y largo bramido.Después, el silencio vuelve,
y a intervalos el pabilo
del candil chisporrotea
en el aire aterecido.El segundo dijo: -Hermano,
¡demos lo viejo al olvido!

  Es una noche de invierno.
Azota el viento las ramas
de los álamos. La nieve
ha puesto la tierra blanca.Bajo la nevada, un hombre
por el camino cabalga;
va cubierto hasta los ojos,
embozado en negra capa.Entrado en la aldea, busca
de Alvargonzález la casa,
y ante su puerta llegado,
sin echar pie a tierra, llama.   Los dos hermanos oyeron
una aldabada a la puerta,
y de una cabalgadura
los cascos sobre las piedras.Ambos los ojos alzaron
llenos de espanto y sorpresa.-¿Quién es?  Responda -gritaron.-Miguel -respondieron fuera.Era la voz del viajero
que partió a lejanas tierras.   Abierto el portón, entróse
a caballo el caballero
y echó pie a tierra. Venía
todo de nieve cubierto.En brazos de sus hermanos
lloró algún rato en silencio.Después dio el caballo al uno,
al otro, capa y sombrero,
y en la estancia campesina
buscó el arrimo del fuego.   El menor de los hermanos,
que niño y aventurero
fue más allá de los mares
y hoy torna indiano opulento,
vestía con ***** traje
de peludo terciopelo,
ajustado a la cintura
por ancho cinto de cuero.Gruesa cadena formaba
un bucle de oro en su pecho.Era un hombre alto y robusto,
con ojos grandes y negros
llenos de melancolía;
la tez de color moreno,
y sobre la frente comba
enmarañados cabellos;
el hijo que saca porte
señor de padre labriego,
a quien fortuna le debe
amor, poder y dinero.
De los tres Alvargonzález
era Miguel el más bello;
porque al mayor afeaba
el muy poblado entrecejo
bajo la frente mezquina,
y al segundo, los inquietos
ojos que mirar no saben
de frente, torvos y fieros.   Los tres hermanos contemplan
el triste hogar en silencio;
y con la noche cerrada
arrecia el frío y el viento.-Hermanos, ¿no tenéis leña?-dice Miguel.             -No tenemos
-responde el mayor.               Un hombre,
milagrosamente, ha abierto
la gruesa puerta cerrada
con doble barra de hierro.

El hombre que ha entrado tiene
el rostro del padre muerto.Un halo de luz dorada
orla sus blancos cabellos.
Lleva un haz de leña al hombro
y empuña un hacha de hierro.   De aquellos campos malditos,
Miguel a sus dos hermanos
compró una parte, que mucho
caudal de América trajo,
y aun en tierra mala, el oro
luce mejor que enterrado,
y más en mano de pobres
que oculto en orza de barro.   Diose a trabajar la tierra
con fe y tesón el indiano,
y a laborar los mayores
sus pegujales tornaron.   Ya con macizas espigas,
preñadas de rubios granos,
a los campos de Miguel
tornó el fecundo verano;
y ya de aldea en aldea
se cuenta como un milagro,
que los asesinos tienen
la maldición en sus campos.   Ya el pueblo canta una copla
que narra el crimen pasado:«A la orilla de la fuente
lo asesinaron.¡qué mala muerte le dieron
los hijos malos!En la laguna sin fondo
al padre muerto arrojaron.No duerme bajo la tierra
el que la tierra ha labrado».   Miguel, con sus dos lebreles
y armado de su escopeta,
hacia el azul de los montes,
en una tarde serena,
caminaba entre los verdes
chopos de la carretera,
y oyó una voz que cantaba:«No tiene tumba en la tierra.
Entre los pinos del valle
del Revinuesa,
al padre muerto llevaron
hasta la Laguna Negra».
    La casa de Alvargonzález
era una casona vieja,
con cuatro estrechas ventanas,
separada de la aldea
cien pasos y entre dos olmos
que, gigantes centinelas,
sombra le dan en verano,
y en el otoño hojas secas.   Es casa de labradores,
gente aunque rica plebeya,
donde el hogar humeante
con sus escaños de piedra
se ve sin entrar, si tiene
abierta al campo la puerta.   Al arrimo del rescoldo
del hogar borbollonean
dos pucherillos de barro,
que a dos familias sustentan.   A diestra mano, la cuadra
y el corral; a la siniestra,
huerto y abejar, y, al fondo,
una gastada escalera,
que va a las habitaciones
partidas en dos viviendas.   Los Alvargonzález moran
con sus mujeres en ellas.
A ambas parejas que hubieron,
sin que lograrse pudieran,
dos hijos, sobrado espacio
les da la casa paterna.   En una estancia que tiene
luz al huerto, hay una mesa
con gruesa tabla de roble,
dos sillones de vaqueta,
colgado en el muro, un *****
ábaco de enormes cuentas,
y unas espuelas mohosas
sobre un arcón de madera.   Era una estancia olvidada
donde hoy Miguel se aposenta.
Y era allí donde los padres
veían en primavera
el huerto en flor, y en el cielo
de mayo, azul, la cigüeña
-cuando las rosas se abren
y los zarzales blanquean-
que enseñaba a sus hijuelos
a usar de las alas lentas.   Y en las noches del verano,
cuando la calor desvela,
desde la ventana al dulce
ruiseñor cantar oyeran.   Fue allí donde Alvargonzález,
del orgullo de su huerta
y del amor a los suyos,
sacó sueños de grandeza.   Cuando en brazos de la madre
vio la figura risueña
del primer hijo, bruñida
de rubio sol la cabeza,
del niño que levantaba
las codiciosas, pequeñas
manos a las rojas guindas
y a las moradas ciruelas,
o aquella tarde de otoño,
dorada, plácida y buena,
él pensó que ser podría
feliz el hombre en la tierra.   Hoy canta el pueblo una copla
que va de aldea en aldea:«¡Oh casa de Alvargonzález,
qué malos días te esperan;
casa de los asesinos,
que nadie llame a tu puerta!»   Es una tarde de otoño.
En la alameda dorada
no quedan ya ruiseñores;
enmudeció la cigarra.   Las últimas golondrinas,
que no emprendieron la marcha,
morirán, y las cigüeñas
de sus nidos de retamas,
en torres y campanarios,
huyeron.           Sobre la casa
de Alvargonzález, los olmos
sus hojas que el viento arranca
van dejando. Todavía
las tres redondas acacias,
en el atrio de la iglesia,
conservan verdes sus ramas,
y las castañas de Indias
a intervalos se desgajan
cubiertas de sus erizos;
tiene el rosal rosas grana
otra vez, y en las praderas
brilla la alegre otoñada.   En laderas y en alcores,
en ribazos y en cañadas,
el verde nuevo y la hierba,
aún del estío quemada,
alternan; los serrijones
pelados, las lomas calvas,
se coronan de plomizas
nubes apelotonadas;
y bajo el pinar gigante,
entre las marchitas zarzas
y amarillentos helechos,
corren las crecidas aguas
a engrosar el padre río
por canchales y barrancas.   Abunda en la tierra un gris
de plomo y azul de plata,
con manchas de roja herrumbre,
todo envuelto en luz violada.   ¡Oh tierras de Alvargonzález,
en el corazón de España,
tierras pobres, tierras tristes,
tan tristes que tienen alma!   Páramo que cruza el lobo
aullando a la luna clara
de bosque a bosque, baldíos
llenos de peñas rodadas,
donde roída de buitres
brilla una osamenta blanca;
pobres campos solitarios
sin caminos ni posadas,¡oh pobres campos malditos,
pobres campos de mi patria!
    Una mañana de otoño,
cuando la tierra se labra,
Juan y el indiano aparejan
las dos yuntas de la casa.
Martín se quedó en el huerto
arrancando hierbas malas.   Una mañana de otoño,
cuando los campos se aran,
sobre un otero, que tiene
el cielo de la mañana
por fondo, la parda yunta
de Juan lentamente avanza.   Cardos, lampazos y abrojos,
avena loca y cizaña,
llenan la tierra maldita,
tenaz a pico y a escarda.   Del corvo arado de roble
la hundida reja trabaja
con vano esfuerzo; parece,
que al par que hiende la entraña
del campo y hace camino
se cierra otra vez la zanja.   «Cuando el asesino labre
será su labor pesada;
antes que un surco en la tierra,
tendrá una arruga en su cara».   Martín, que estaba en la huerta
cavando, sobre su azada
quedó apoyado un momento;
frío sudor le bañaba
el rostro.           Por el Oriente,
la luna llena, manchada
de un arrebol purpurino,
lucía tras de la tapia
del huerto.           Martín tenía
la sangre de horror helada.
La azada que hundió en la tierra
teñida de sangre estaba.   En la tierra en que ha nacido
supo afincar el indiano;
por mujer a una doncella
rica y hermosa ha tomado.   La hacienda de Alvargonzález
ya es suya, que sus hermanos
todo le vendieron: casa,
huerto, colmenar y campo.   Juan y Martín, los mayores
de Alvargonzález, un
Voluntario de España, miliciano
de huesos fidedignos, cuando marcha a morir tu corazón,
cuando marcha a matar con su agonía
mundial, no sé verdaderamente
qué hacer, dónde ponerme; corro, escribo, aplaudo,
lloro, atisbo, destrozo, apagan, digo
a mi pecho que acabe, al que bien, que venga,
y quiero desgraciarme;
descúbrome la frente impersonal hasta tocar
el vaso de la sangre, me detengo,
detienen mi tamaño esas famosas caídas de arquitecto
con las que se honra el animal que me honra;
refluyen mis instintos a sus sogas,
humea ante mi tumba la alegría
y, otra vez, sin saber qué hacer, sin nada, déjame,
desde mi piedra en blanco, déjame,
cuadrumano, más acá, mucho más lejos,
al no caber entre mis manos tu largo rato extático,
quiebro con tu rapidez de doble filo
mi pequeñez en traje de grandeza!

Un día diurno, claro, atento, fértil
¡oh bienio, el de los lóbregos semestres suplicantes,
por el que iba la pólvora mordiéndose los codos!
¡oh dura pena y más duros pedernales!
!oh frenos los tascados por el pueblo!
Un día prendió el pueblo su fósforo cautivo,
oró de cólera
y soberanamente pleno, circular,
cerró su natalicio con manos electivas;
arrastraban candado ya los déspotas
y en el candado, sus bacterias muertas...

¿Batallas? ¡No! Pasiones. Y pasiones precedidas
de dolores con rejas de esperanzas,
de dolores de pueblos con esperanzas de hombres!
¡Muerte y pasión de paz, las populares!
¡Muerte y pasión guerreras entre olivos,
Tal en tu aliento cambian de agujas atmosféricas los vientos
y de llave las tumbas en tu pecho,
tu frontal elevándose a primera potencia de martirio.

El mundo exclama: «¡Cosas de españoles!» Y es verdad.
durante una balanza, a quemarropa,
a Calderón, dormido sobre la cola de un anfibio muerto
o a Cervantes, diciendo: «Mi reino es de este mundo, pero
también del otro»: ¡***** y filo en dos papeles!
Contemplemos a Goya, de hinojos y rezando ante un espejo,
a Coll, el paladín en cuyo asalto cartesiano
tuvo un sudor de nube el paso llano
o a Quevedo, ese abuelo instantáneo de los dinamiteros
o a Cajal, devorado por su pequeño infinito, o todavía
a Teresa, mujer que muere porque no muere
o a Lina Odena, en pugna en más de un punto con Teresa...
(Todo acto o voz genial viene del pueblo
y va hacia él, de frente o transmitidos
por incesantes briznas, por el humo rosado
de amargas contraseñas sin fortuna)
Así tu criatura, miliciano, así tu exangüe criatura,
agitada por una piedra inmóvil,
se sacrifica, apártase,
decae para arriba y por su llama incombustible sube,
sube hasta los débiles,
distribuyendo españas a los toros,
toros a las palomas...

Proletario que mueres de universo, ¡en qué frenética armonía
acabará tu grandeza, tu miseria, tu vorágine impelente,
tu violencia metódica, tu caos teórico y práctico,
tu gana
dantesca, españolísima, de amar, aunque sea a traición,
a tu enemigo!
¡Liberador ceñido de grilletes,
sin cuyo esfuerzo hasta hoy continuaría sin asas la extensión,
vagarían acéfalos los clavos,
antiguo, lento, colorado, el día,
nuestros amados cascos, insepultos!
¡Campesino caído con tu verde follaje por el hombre,
con la inflexión social de tu meñique,
con tu buey que se queda, con tu física,
también con tu palabra atada a un palo
y tu cielo arrendado
y con la arcilla inserta en tu cansancio
y la que estaba en tu uña, caminando!
agrícolas, civiles y guerreros,
de la activa, hormigueante eternidad: estaba escrito
que vosotros haríais la luz, entornando
con la muerte vuestros ojos;
que, a la caída cruel de vuestras bocas,
vendrá en siete bandejas la abundancia, todo
en el mundo será de oro súbito
y el oro,
fabulosos mendigos de vuestra propia secreción de sangre,
y el oro mismo será entonces de oro!

¡Se amarán todos los hombres
y comerán tomados de las puntas de vuestros pañuelos tristes
y beberán en nombre
de vuestras gargantas infaustas!
Descansarán andando al pie de esta carrera,
sollozarán pensando en vuestras órbitas, venturosos
serán y al son
de vuestro atroz retorno, florecido, innato,
ajustarán mañana sus quehaceres, sus figuras soñadas y cantadas!
¡Unos mismos zapatos irán bien al que asciende

sin vías a su cuerpo
y al que baja hasta la forma de su alma!
¡Entrelazándose hablarán los mudos, los tullidos andarán!
¡Verán, ya de regreso, los ciegos
y palpitando escucharán los sordos!
¡Sabrán los ignorantes, ignorarán los sabios!
¡Serán dados los besos que no pudisteis dar!
¡Sólo la muerte morirá! ¡La hormiga
traerá pedacitos de pan al elefante encadenado
a su brutal delicadeza; volverán
los niños abortados a nacer perfectos, espaciales
y trabajarán todos los hombres,
engendrarán todos los hombres,
comprenderán todos los hombres!

¡Obrero, salvador, redentor nuestro,
perdónanos, hermano, nuestras deudas!
Como dice un tambor al redoblar, en sus adagios:
qué jamás tan efímero, tu espalda!
qué siempre tan cambiante, tu perfil!

¡Voluntario italiano, entre cuyos animales de batalla
un león abisinio va cojeando!
¡Voluntario soviético, marchando a la cabeza de tu pecho universal!
¡Voluntarios del sur, del norte, del oriente
y tú, el occidental, cerrando el canto fúnebre del alba!
¡Soldado conocido, cuyo nombre
desfila en el sonido de un abrazo!
¡Combatiente que la tierra criara, armándote
de polvo,
calzándote de imanes positivos,
vigentes tus creencias personales,
distinto de carácter, íntima tu férula,
el cutis inmediato,
andándote tu idioma por los hombros
y el alma coronada de guijarros!

¡Voluntario fajado de tu zona fría,
templada o tórrida,
héroes a la redonda,
víctima en columna de vencedores:
en España, en Madrid, están llamando
a matar, voluntarios de la vida!

¡Porque en España matan, otros matan
al niño, a su juguete que se para,
a la madre Rosenda esplendorosa,
al viejo Adán que hablaba en alta voz con su caballo
y al perro que dormía en la escalera.
Matan al libro, tiran a sus verbos auxiliares,
a su indefensa página primera!
Matan el caso exacto de la estatua,
al sabio, a su bastón, a su colega,
al barbero de al lado -me cortó posiblemente,
pero buen hombre y, luego, infortunado;
al mendigo que ayer cantaba enfrente,
a la enfermera que hoy pasó llorando,
al sacerdote a cuestas con la altura tenaz de sus rodillas...

por la vida, por los buenos, matad
a la muerte, matad a los malos!
¡Hacedlo por la libertad de todos,
del explotado, del explotador,
por la paz indolora -la sospecho
cuando duermo al pie de mi frente
y más cuando circulo dando voces-
y hacedlo, voy diciendo,
por el analfabeto a quien escribo,
por el genio descalzo y su cordero,
por los camaradas caídos,
sus cenizas abrazadas al cadáver de un camino!

Para que vosotros,
voluntarios de España y del mundo, vinierais,
soñé que era yo bueno, y era para ver
vuestra sangre, voluntarios...
De esto hace mucho pecho, muchas ansias,
muchos camellos en edad de orar.
Marcha hoy de vuestra parte el bien ardiendo,
os siguen con cariño los reptiles de pestaña inmanente
y, a dos pasos, a uno,
la dirección del agua que corre a ver su límite antes que arda.
Kafersuseh One-Dimensional Beams II; In this environment of preservation of links and communication with each other, Raeder, Petrobus the Pelican and Alikanto were in a state of maximum stillness and complacency, they were enjoying the reality that was experienced with the child. Raeder unexpectedly leads Petrobus out of the barn and begins an exploration of the rolling nativity event. Here he takes hold of the gold-jade rings and takes flight towards the upper part of the stable, where he can see from above that it did not look like an ordinary stable, rather it seemed like a seat of the Faith where he observed that some prowling on the roof cherubs, they jumped and crossed mimicking the same gestures that Joshua made in his manger. Impressed, Raeder approached them and began to share with them, flying over where they could do it with their new friends. After a while, Alikanto joined them, who also enjoyed these games precisely, but did not see the Cherubim. He only saw how the two of them jumped but was surrounded by a large concentration of flying Lepidoptera. At the end of the night, when dawn begins, everyone retires and goes to their tents, not knowing what to decide for the next day. The tired Apostle next to Vernarth was glorious with joy after having recalled this episode of the arrival of a Messiah who would transport them from this stable to Gethsemane where his native Aramaic jargon had to enable him to generate synergy between the areas of the Gardens of the Olive trees and Gethsemane, to concatenate the entire phylogeny He only saw how the two of them jumped but surrounded by a large concentration of flying Lepidoptera. At the end of the night, when dawn begins, everyone retires and goes to their tents, not knowing what to decide for the next day. The tired Apostle next to Vernarth was glorious with joy after having recalled this episode of the arrival of a Messiah who would transport them from this stable to Gethsemane where his native Aramaic jargon had to enable him to generate synergy between the areas of the Gardens of the Olive trees and Gethsemane, to concatenate the entire phylogeny He only saw how the two of them jumped but surrounded by a large concentration of flying Lepidoptera. At the end of the night, when dawn begins, everyone retires and goes to their tents, not knowing what to decide for the next day. The tired Apostle next to Vernarth was glorious with joy after having recalled this episode of the arrival of a Messiah who would transport them from this stable to Gethsemane where his native Aramaic jargon had to enable him to generate synergy between the areas of the Gardens of the Olive trees and Gethsemane, to concatenate the entire phylogenies a new bonding relationship between species that were appropriate and endemic to the region near the stable at Bethlem to be inter-inseminated on banks of the Gethsemane slopes, so that linguistics would begin to absorb Joshua and go for a closer shortcut towards the classification of the traditional and omnipotent variants that migrated through the Olive Trees, to renew and preserve the Aramaic or Aramaic languages ​​of a shared origin now, for the omnipotent salvific languages ​​that were to be redirected in Gethsemane. Once leaving for the city of the eight gates, Raeder continued to sway on the roof with the Cherubim, rather they were already inseparable until he received an order from Alikanto that they should hurry back to the stores. He leaves but some mischievous Cherubim follow them and escort them to the tent. The next day at dawn they stand in front of them serenely as if they were still in Kafersesuh. They prepare the camels and the belongings, to resume the return to the final grand opening of Judah; to initiate the trades of reintegration of Saint John the Apostle to the surrealism that predicted him to split poles in his former exile and reintegration, under an early departure to revive the cathedrals of constant ringing and constant vibrating in the bells of Jerusalem and Gethsemane. everyone rides, the Hexagonal Birthright and King David tighten the incisors of the camels heading towards the new door that they took turns opening once they arrived in Jerusalem. Raeder and Petrobus arrived late, flying from the top of the caravan alongside the Cherubim who now guarded them. While the Crickets consumed all the laws that were incommensurable with the litanies of Angels that waited to unroll from In dextro qui non ad altare. "On the boast of those who did not have to reach the altar"

Paraps XXVII

Messiah of Judah IV part

Miracle V- Gethsemane / Aramic Phylogeny

They leave Bethlehem undivided in the Giant Ungulates. Of the seven spaces in the column, the last one that was occupied was the seventh where King David went. Of the five remaining spaces, the Cherubs went, they were playing with Raeder and Petrobus; they showed off with their adventures flying towards elevations of the majestic Sun. The Cherubim tinkled with colors of Abrahamic angelic beings involved in the worship and praise of the Caravan. The Cherubim are first mentioned on the route back to Jerusalem with the large turnout of bumblebees, bees, and wasps all flying alongside Raeder, Petrobus, and Alikanto. They would all stay for up to half a mile before reaching the eight gates and resuming their course to the Garden of Gethsemane. They were surrounded by Debkas dancing in their Aramaic phylogeny. The bumblebees were encrusted by the hills loaded with echoes outside of man...., placing themselves to the east of the Garden of Eden in rows of Cherubim with a flaming sword that turned on all sides to guard the path of the tree of life. Ezekiel describes "four living creatures" as the same beings as the Cherubs, each having four faces that were like a man, a lion, an ox, and an eagle, and each one was tetra-winged. As for their appearance of them: "there was in them the likeness of man" These used two of their wings to fly and the other two to cover their bodies, under their wings they seemed to have the shape or resemblance of a man's hand that resembled the Aramean phylogeny that linked environmental and organic pollinations of Lepidoptera that were carrying the fertilizing spheres to reach the angiosperms. The Christic language was inaugurating the fringe of the frolicsome land that awaited the inauguration of Linguistic Phylogeny to attend to the decrees for the perenniality of the language that relates Gethsemane with the Olivo presses, the Cherubs beating their wings to reach Father Abba. With the flashes of the Apocalypse, the Cherubim danced happily, magnifying the presence of the Apostle in the Hexagonal Birthright with the holiness and power of God, This is one of their main responsibilities throughout the abbey and members mobilize to meet one of the twelve apostles with propaedeutic assonance attached to the twelve Giga camels, in addition to singing praises to Yahweh they also served as a visible reminder of the majesty and glory of the Messiah. The Apostle says by parapsychological regression: "A fascinating route on foot in Jerusalem begins at the top of the Mount of Olives and curiously leads us to the route that will be taken after the evangelical legs of the camelids that will take them to the Holy Sepulchre, Continuing through the Damascus Gate..., here the camelids became restless! Very close by, the topography of the top of the Mount between the route at the foot of Bethany and Jerusalem was perceived, the Garden of Gethsemane crammed with Angels appeared to us..., Joshua's prayers in Aramaic are felt slipping into camel snores as pleas are heard before his arrest in the Garden." Here at that moment, it happens that the flies arrested the apostle, taking him to a specific sector of the orchard where sacred water and humid wind continue to flow, having olive trees growing in the embossed garden with enormous oil press to border them by olive oil pipeline to grace the Lord in laurels from Daphnomancy such a holistic form of divination by which it is intended to make predictions using laurel leaves and branches chewing them before and then lighting them towards the crackle of the consecrated fire of Gethsemane Aramaic that lit paths and feet of Joshua. also carried on its four wings the Cherubim four laurels on each laureate wing.Thickened by palmistry energy, they walked towards the main entrance of the oil press, They arrive in the surroundings of Gethsemane surrounded by Daphnomancy of laurels carried on their wings by the Seraphim, Bumblebees, and others who would be in charge of inseminating the pollinating particles in the angiosperms, thus rescuing minimal words and verbal serial in the words that were transferred from the stable Kafersuseh in Bethlehem so as not to lose the Aramaic word, thus being redistributed to Gethsemane by the Lepidoptera and Bumblebees, wasps and bees. This inter-organic phenomenon would re-couple the verbalized accents of Joshua in middle age and in the unborn in such a way as to preserve the Aramaic dialect, to re-clone the same groupings and intentions as the environmental phylogeny of the dialect in a ritual culture that would redact with insects. and Cherubim, to re-enchant all the pluralities that would be arranged in the Garden to energize the salvific and appearing oil pipelines of the image of Saint John the Apostle, King David, Vernarth, Etréstles, Eurídice, and the rest that make up further from the seventh camelid until reaching the latest; the Fifth Cherub that will be the scribe present together with Pedro and the two sons of Zebedeo, only one with the one nearby in great courage, San Ioannis. His Holiness Joshua used to say: "Abba..., Father, all things are possible for you, take this cup away from me; But not what I want, but what you want. Joshua came later and found them sleeping; and he said to Peter: Simon, are you sleeping? Have not you been able to watch for one hour? Watch and pray so that you do not enter into temptation; the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. Again he went and prayed, saying the same words. When he returned, he found them sleeping again because their eyes were heavy with sleep; And they didn't know what to answer. He came the third time and said to them: Sleep now and rest. Enough, the hour has come; behold, the Son of Man is delivered into the hands of sinners. Get up, let's go; Behold, the one who delivers me is approaching." From small lively henchmen lights were seen to greater discontent..., they were the executioner, attached to the broken hostile leaf of the laurel that fell on his back "In flames and crackling in all his offspring "The anticipated visions were fertilized by the Cherubs that anticipated events in the chronological life of the apostle having to do with his life as an apostle and evangelist of the new succession after returning from exile. He came close already entering through a path, that was a road where the rows of pipes were that crossed the Getsemaní subsoil. Fifth Cherubim of the Septuagint: "As a scribe of the Hexagonal Primogeniture I make reference to two hundred years before the birth of Jesus, a Greek translation of the Hebrew scriptures developed and became widely accepted as a legitimate (even inspired) translation. Tradition relates to how King Ptolemy II of Egypt established a vast library in Alexandria. However, it was not complete, and he wanted to have a copy of the Hebrew Scriptures in it. Ptolemy sent representatives to Jerusalem and invited the Jewish elders to prepare a new Greek translation of the text. Seventy-two elders six from each of the 12 tribes of Israel came to Egypt to fulfill the request. And as your Santiago, you will write with me the allegory that will shine brightest in Alexandria. Thus they were led to the lonely island of Pharos where at the end of 72 days their work was completed. King Ptolemy was pleased with the result and placed it in his library. When the task was completed the translators compared everything and it was discovered that each one was miraculously identical to the others. The result later became known as the Septuagint (from the Greek word for 70) and was especially popular with Greek-speaking Jews for centuries to come. Hebrew was displaced and Aramaic prevailed, which is the New Testament language that will influence the eclectic of Aramaic as a language that was also ascended with Joshua to heaven to communicate with all the preaching of his Father in the sacred phylogeny with Lepidoptera and his entourage "I am sitting on the last camel, and I know I will be the first."

Ellipsis Prophet Elijah: "They were on Mount Carmel when I summoned the faithful of Baal, Asherah and others. I summoned them to seal a new pact on the slopes that pointed to the howls in Jezrael from where a prolonged and accursed drought was lamented. At the moment all the congregants were absorbed before the imprecation that he made before Ahab asking for the abandonment of Baal and finalizing the 450 pagan prophets, they called Baal in several days and nights and did not answer, Elijah, mocked him saying "Call him with all your might Maybe he fell asleep and needs someone to wake him up." The people gathered on the mountain and then Elijah told them: "You have to decide, If Jehovah is the true God, follow him But if Baal is the true God, follow him. Let's do a test: the 450 prophets of Baal must prepare an offering and call their god, I am going to prepare an offering and call Jehovah. The god who responds by sending fire is the true God." The people accepted. Elijah put his offering on an altar and poured a lot of water on it. Then he prayed: "O Jehovah, let the people see that you are the true God." Immediately Jehovah sent fire from heaven to burn up the offering. The people shouted: "Jehovah is the true God!" Now Elijah said, "Let no prophet of Baal escape." That day, They killed the 450 prophets of Baal. Then a little cloud appeared over the sea, and Elijah said to Ahab, "There's a storm coming. Get your car ready and go home." The sky was filled with black clouds, the wind blew and it started to rain very hard. The drought is finally over. Ahab took off in his chariot as fast as he could. Jehovah helped Elijah to run faster than the chariot. But were all Elijah's problems already over...? Here the god Aiónius rained down in the crystalline waxy dews of the Horcondising proclaiming eternity in the presence of an ascended Merkabah like Elijah. The drought is finally over. Ahab took off in his chariot as fast as he could. Jehovah helped Elijah to run faster than the chariot. But were all Elijah's problems already over...? Here the god Aiónius rained down in the crystalline waxy dews of the Horcondising proclaiming eternity in the presence of an ascended Merkabah like Elijah. The drought is finally over. Ahab took off in his chariot as fast as he could. Jehovah helped Elijah to run faster than the chariot. But were all Elijah's problems already over...? Here the god Aiónius rained down in the crystalline waxy dews of the Horcondising proclaiming eternity in the presence of an ascended Merkabah like Elijah. The ground shakes and initiations of the Aramaic roots appear after the intervention of the fifth Cherub and the prophet Elijah on Mount Carmel, the Phylogeny is testified with links that flow between subterfuges of re-dogmatized civilizations for ignoring their pagan languages ​​and creeds. In this genealogy were the bumblebees, bees, wasps, and Lepidoptera scattering all this stormy rain before they all reached the arenas of Gethsemane with the perfect connection between the idiomatic form, and the interspecies communicated with the vivid expressions where so many times the strings of Joshua circled the Gethsemane tapestry. No doubt here these species will establish the DNA and molecules for successful genetic derivation in an evolutionary environmental testament to the establishment of pollination in the Garden.

Phylogenetic dogma: The coincidences in morphological and embryological themes will be located in the orchard with a great genetic relationship and evolutionary resemblance. to that of the orchard to eternalize the concatenations of both topographical niches, in such a way as to root the Aramaic in all organic elements and not to provide the great prevalence of an eternal pacifying-luminous discourse in creation that does not perish, but rather is reactivated with these procedures in a new phase that the Apostle and Vernarth will inaugurate by reestablishing the premature hegemony of the garden, as a link between birth and resurrection. From the ratio Nazareth – Bethlehem / Kafersesuh – Getsemani. Of these diversifications, the key to the trees and their adaptation to the environment and the new Methodist dogmatics will appear, to adapt it to the material and immaterial elements as a paradise habitat in Judah with adequate species aware of their own self-preservation and self-evolution at the service by Joshua, Says Vernarth: "In Greek mythology, Ilithyia-Eileithyi is our Hellenic goddess of births and midwives. In the cave at Amnisos-Crete, she was associated with the annual birth of the divine child, and her worship is connected with Aeneidaon the earth-shaker who was the chthonic aspect of the god Poseidon. My divine child has similar "Behold the Fifth Miracle" coincidences both in a cave or stable. Ilithyia is seen with the torch-carrying light for the children to come to the world of the Messiah. Now we will shake the garden from its nascent oil ducts, we will have the salvific light that will flow from the hypos secretion of candlesticks with olive oil, anticipating a new messianic verdict, where we will populate the abyss of the earth as a great similar light that will accompany us in Shemesh philosophy. Sun, witnessing to the Messiah and conciliating ourselves with his instructions as it was in Jezrael and now in the garden". Bern Aramic Element from Bethlehem is felt in the messages from the fields of Moab, after the death of Elimelech and Mahlon and Chilion's children, leaving Naomi alone, Alone among the ears of grain. Lepidoptera would begin to fly throughout the lands of Judah after this distressing event. From the separations of the fields in the hot afternoons, Ruth could be seen in the fields and in Hera firmly united to Naomi, where each fence after another will go into the other in the name of Jehovah. Ruth gathers the corn and ears on purpose with the sheaves among the reapers and overgrown sheaves to make the sustenance of a past life of famine brought by Naomi's cries. Then Ruth, after gleaning the grasses, thanked Boaz, looking into his eyes intently, being able to see in him how to lift the hay and run it to the world of the midwives to feed the newborn children anointed by Ilithyah as well, so everyone will eat the pottage and They will satiate until they are very satisfied. From this land of spikes will come the celebrations of Shavuot and good grace for the stay of the Hexagonal Birthright in Gethsemane. The histrionics and ranchers of these lands are making a great contribution to this phylogeny (with the consolidation of the Aramaic language in the garden). Ruth appears saying: "Look at the field, we are all in it, we have water and enough heat from the Shemesh ignition, to give the spikes to grow here is the refuge of Jehovah who gives us his protection making us an equal part of his children to sustain us. I feel great pride in being respectful to Noemi, she will help me with ears of corn that will migrate to Gethsemane with the imminent visit of the Apostle Saint John. The Bumblebees, Bees, and Wasps will be satiated, they will provide the nutrient food to those who will have to make the communications in the garden. "Blessed is the food that she gives you by harvesting it, preserving it and lavishing it"A great archaeological hereditary axiom begins to be evidenced in this agriculture transmitted from the field to the expression of epistemic-emotional areas that represent endocranial and buccopharyngeal molds of sheep that intervene with tillage and weevils. Here the beloved rhetoric of the weevils will intervene with personal wings from the basic strut of their emotions, attracting signals in the fields and images described by flocks of insects that migrated from this passage in the Book of Ruth in order to relay them with phonetic signals that go beyond the spike that is rather a settlement or a current Kibbutz, to mold or settle archaic civilizations under an idiomatic link that will attend the phylogeny as cephalization of invertebrate animals with those of kind of support,

Phylogeny in Gethsemane: The **** Erectus crossed paths with multiple pieces of evidence of adaptive pro-evolution beings, Neanderthal/**** Sapiens. The children of Israel wrote parables, epistles, verses, stories, and books..., their phonetic vocal tract spoke of storms and environmental factors between heaven and earth "Great noise outside of us, but little silence in us." What is elemental is the larynx that has only pronounced the image that denounces a concept evoking the minimum sound in the different positions of its instrumentalized mega sound. Speaking to us how language varies according to history and the civic-environmental environment, instructing us on its threshold and caste as it detaches itself through aerial effusions from the statement at the laryngeal level. It authoritatively collects the intervals of vocalization and relationship with agriculture in all its dimensions descending through its internal panels but rising through our parietal emotions outside of herself. The little of the air that the world has left to continue digesting temporarily have it to let air flow that is possessed in mechanically inert particles, and not in sanctified prophecies with corollaries of miracles. Inherences have made of a super existence of those who still do not perish by the hand of a monarchical mandate, even the mute swallow air is suffocating and contaminated halves while others redistribute them for those who need to sit at the table to collect the unleavened and share it with what the rest. "Here resounds the echo of my Christic body". That in Aramaic will syndicate much more than the phrasing in its blood, grapheme and phonemes or stylistics that is the commotion of vibrating beyond the deep ground reverberating with the grace of its divine statement". Joshua resists spikes and olive leaves simultaneously disposing of us in his arms as his children, he is a sheep in his arms lactating hydro-milk of sustenance from his creative verb. "a strict fact of preserving Aramaic and not misleading them by turning the pages of history". The Aramaic must be incorporated so that Joshua, after more than two thousand years, can see that He is still here walking from one place to another to tell us that He is still here, only suggestive of your walking, plagiarizing your larynx in the sound of His expression and shepherding. The sheep are quadrupedal..., more mammalian than a man because its statement is always reflected in the bases of its skull for the rest of its offspring as a biblical expression, under all the rainbows of the cherubim, together with the children surrounding them in identical intention. **** habilis–**** Sanctus, which is a process that has a charismatic base and peripheral anatomical volume for the exposed part of the sternum by confusing them with each other, not altering their structural or functional complexity. From the potential of Lepidoptera and winged weevils, the phenotype will emerge that will relate and relativize the mechanics of Aramaic or the Aramaic method of not losing the gibberish because it is divine, as well as it is exalted and laryngeal torque to those who possess Aramaic blood and body, since its motorized mysticism is to devour minimum words with maxims in a whole of ranges and sounds of the field, dialoguing: "Come to my field, here the ears of corn and weevils will speak more than the mechanical potential of Your Voice". They continue through the Ruth field integrating phonemes in small verses that go from the shelter of words and that refer to settlements of which they do not speak only suggest the presence of Jeheová without being present, but if after being with his stomach satisfied parodying activities in the field with his plectrum made a reality in a transgenerational poetic-hydric whole of ancient peoples who no longer speak..., "They only express wisdom in ****** agro-phrases of spikes and olives in all their songs." After walking through cobbled and narrow streets that are now full of runes with Bedouin fumaroles..., it is such a walk through an avid heart of alkaloids and lipids; touring synagogues and evoking an outstanding barrage of pilgrimages without knowing how many more will escort them in our attempts. The walls that protect Jerusalem are witnesses to many battles that have been fought "in the name of God". As well as the ground that speaks for itself, without a doubt the Mount of Olives can be seen from Jerusalem beautifully but not, in the same way, the other way around. The forests whose fruits contribute positively to the economy of the region, in addition to symbolizing strength, security, and prosperity, give hope in the journey of history the same as nothing that tires of the same. The Garden or Garden of Gethsemane, a name that alludes to the olive mill used to extract and process the oil according to the Gospels, The Lord came to Gethsemane with his disciples to dedicate some time to prayer, but since the atmosphere in Jerusalem was one of hesitation and high tension due to the celebration of the Jewish Passover festival due to the context of the political and military occupation of the Roman Empire, Jesus was very saddened and began to get distressed...holding on to the branches every time he felt an olive near his denoted fingers. Etréstles says: "All the physical, exalted and psychic forces of Jesus here stink digging into the organic tissue, experiences that go beyond the intellect..., it is the proper and unequivocal admissibility of military feet walking on the ground after meditation and recollection. From today when the lights between shadows will fill the limits of the orchard with connection, They will have to graze on the Gigas ungulates when the atmospheres have to make the tribune grass grow on their idyllic evangelizer to have it for tomorrow in the meditation of dawn. All the pros and cons will have to get lost with prayer guests that will inhabit spaces that will not intervene in human reason. Meditation with the Cherubim in the hexagonal primogeniture and weevils interpenetrating divisions of time that is obtained at the end of a calm, and being able to offer with imagination the inclemencies of having everything just beginning. That is prayer, it begins cyclically and then returns to the beginning, without leaving us comforted to finish what the circle of lapse of the meditative circumambulation does not enclose. Saint John the Apostle expounded: More than pain and concern, After praying, he regained his strength and courage to face the vine with disappointments and betrayals with the courage of hopeful dignity. But more than this atavistic-anthropological complex it is salvific integrity that the verb saves the term, through the vibratory prayer of sound and perception of words and more with the Aramaic sound that narrows like the streets of Jerusalem, to distinguish biases in praising essence in the elements of noise almost to the harmonic limit of a sound perfecting itself in a psalter or a parable, which emerges from its oropharyngeal fret, leaving without expiation the abrupt change of Hebrew thought and doctrine, together with the external sound emancipating in the perfect cacophony of its inner vibratory howl beyond the ritual that pleases our insufficiencies by having an Abba. He sanctifies and purifies because he is substance and the dawn of a new earth that lies in the garden of prayer, and all the times that they have to get up to grab the Bible and watch as an indivisible interloquy in me prostrated each time I get up and speak with my Abba being attentive to lock me in his dimension. The food that returns and feeds back is the lineage provided with justice to inhabit the body that synthesizes its protean oratory, the food that you go there from a breeze and from revelry puts all its outfits on the tables to sit around is the lament that smells of seeds that evaporate from the hands and the heat of the holy field. The food that speaks of inviting so many to sit next to us is the one who was least thought to be lacking in love and should not be prepared, being the indicated one who would eat everything until he was satisfied, leaving nothing in the compote or in the yeast, because from it the food that satisfies will persist only for those who have the excessive spirit of the famine of those who can be quenched. Gethsemane is a flowery field where intoxicated Lepidoptera and Angels who only have one mission fly; "Give food to those who owe the desire to eat and nothing else because the rest that suggests it is abstention, and this will be procrastination of the verb that ceases to create endowment even wanting it, because all the sustenance of life can cease by risking bread and came more than to consecrate Health! Rather, it is due to the nourished devotional circle of the action of lavishing the circle of Son-Father granting the establishment of hunger-satiety to forge genetic and paternal seeds to recirculate them in the chain of procreation. Eurydice speaks: "My body undulates like a peg towards my beloved Joshua, I come from the figurehead of a ship. I went to Jerusalem to look for flowers that pour aromatic to bring and exalt their words tied to their feet. I was late and I lost my way, unable to find my way back. I only saw that from afar some lights in the northern area of ​​the orchard lit up like olive cyclers exploding in the air in nocturnal fireflies that swarmed together with the Lepidoptera..., they guided me here. But I repeat, when I saw the lights it took me back to when I was little in my distant Greece with Orpheus when he managed to sleep on Cerberus near Lake Styx. But I reiterate..., beyond the lights I have been able to see how the weevils are framing and plotting your words, my beloved Joshua, that the auditors will be able to help the square and interpret for many more than thousands of years, taking us with pre-recipients that allow us to feel their voice and hear it as far away as if it were closer than the olive branch that caresses their face. But I reiterate, I never thought I would get lost, I am even arriving as if I were from the figurehead of my ship, I always wanted to be close to the world of light of the Olivo of Barnea genetics like this one that has led me to meet it" Eurídice heads to the holy place, when it approaches, the Fireflies and Lepidoptera come out to pick it up, they allied themselves with the twisted shadows of olive trees, sharpening in clear harmony with the mirror archetypes of the dark foliage reflecting the green shadows on the wild fruits,

Just eleven days before the ekadashi of the full moon, the phenomenon of the harvest took place, which happens after a year of the abundant harvest of olives and another in which the harvest is small, here the change of nuances and corrugated textures is evident in the countenance of the olive trees without it being possible to think that this phenomenon will necessarily take place on a biennial or triennial basis. It was suspected and was known that the developing fruits would go to this event through their hormones and substances that intervene in their growth, acting as inhibitors of the differentiation of the buds, for which many of them would change when they were transformed into flowers to make them into the wood, from this process it was deduced that alternate bearing occurs when grass and gospel are lacking. The actions aimed at promoting ascending harvests in years that correspond to load, through the care of the planting of meditation and the abandonment of it in the years of discharge contribute even more, to accentuating the vecería in the doubts of faith. Some varieties of olive trees are more frequent than others, so it can be guessed that a genetic component is generated in this phenomenon. On the other hand, there will be the Christian cultivation technique, reducing the frequency of rotation, such as irrigation or the early harvesting of the olive for the tables that need to have it on their tablecloth. In such a way that this phenomenon will help the genetic phylogeny to reinsert lost expired words of antiquity in the emanation of the wisdom of God, through the universe acting as a great Drupa or peach that will assimilate being the amygdala that will allow sent vibrations to nod when they connect with the soil plagued walking and retraced the Messiah bringing us to his land with words in Aramaic of sacred salvation and his ancestry of word surveyor worker; which will allow us to transfer some appropriate spirit possession from him to Patmos when we return. Says King David: "as the Olivar de Barne species of the old husk will serve us for the Morning harvest with its fat percentage helping us to sustain the Shemesh fat of the new Sun to brandish winds that will hide the nocturnal haze of the waning moon. All as kings we have been baptized with oil in our solemnities, also coins traded in Kar to pay their benefits with the allegory of Yotam, in the Book of Judges to choose the king of the trees..., refusing the olive tree because it had to produce oil in the Menorah are the two tiny but large olive branches that illuminate the great temple of life. Now we will need it because the eleven days come before rescinding the cessation of Aramaic as a lost language, rather reimposing it as an entity of its channel with a gesture-light and space that hears or listens in repeated Aramaic oropharyngeal systems, and voices when lamenting in Hebrew happily the passages of the Torah with the same meaning and channeling source of the Pentateuch, to repast in the Barne species and transcend in its science together with its Katapausis phylogeny in the monastic cell of San Juan in Patmos next to Vernarth." Euridice kept giving atomic spouts and impulses at his feet to get to Gethsemane soon. Upon arrival, he insinuated how the Cherubim were pruning the Olive Trees next to the Hexagonal Birthright. Everyone was preparing for the olive tree festival in the Garden. He almost reached the end of King David's itchy speech among the Roses of Sharon, more than the cobbled one that a Cherub was replying to him so that nothing would waste being heard by his listeners on the Prow figurehead. It arrives and carries the odoriferous trans-essences in Astragalus, to begin with, intuitive adoration for each barefoot step that each petal and particle of its essence took, revering the base of the invested Messiah, reaching the perfect triangulation of balsamic acid and thorns with increased Aramaic of reviving the Barne Olive Grove Trail,


Mashiach of Judah V part

Miracle VI- Gethsemane / Maasefa

In this chapter preface, in particular, the revelation of three fundamental phases of the outcome of this chapter of Judah by the will of the god Aiónius in all real events and not, because the submithology that concerns us is of living relevance and is not experiment. Here Ezpatkul will enter Dóntiakul or prominent Augrum or Oro teeth turningScarabaeidaedemarcating the Vóreios Vóreios throughout the Horcondising region bilocating it in Encinas de Patmos borers, with such frenzy...!, that from there they would draw the strength of the north winds and the Olivos Barnea.

a) The subsequent phase after the Stable in Bethelem (Kafersuseh) will entail the neurochemical conformation of energies subtracted from visions of the stable, exclusively from the roof incontinenti of the intervention of the Cherubim with their four wings like the Lepidoptera (butterflies) incurring an original nexus messianic equipped with pheromonic sensitivity and chemical activation in the pollinations of bumblebees, bees, and wasps to regenerate the species of Olive Barnea consolidated the language and perpetuate it as a dialect of Messiah-Abba.

b) Phylogeny is subtracted from this phase itself as a relationship between species or taxa in general of tree species and wild plants. Although the term also appears in historical linguistics to refer to the classification of human languages ​​according to their common origin, the term is used primarily in its biological sense. The symbiosis of both interactions will intervene in the juxtaposition of "Joshua is born-dies in the interval" when he is born in the stable" but his analogy with Gethsemane and Golgotha, the two "G" will recreate the salvific miracle and anticipation of the Scourge that he will suffer but the Hexagonal Progeniture (Men and animal and insect species) will intervene with salvific action from the caves to rejoin the dry bones of Maasefa humanity. It also saves us from Shibboleth, identifying the members of a group in a kind of password) that appeals to changes in the use of phonetics in terms of difference and aspires to reorder social disagreements, caused by conflicts even of lost concomitant civilizations and their socio-cultural niche patrimonial, therefore from Aramaic as an anticipated signal thread of a beginning of communicative intention and preservation of messianic language)

c) The physical, mental, geophysical, and spiritual elemental energies will mutate the adherence of the Aramaic dialect with the pollen duct generated in the Barnea olive species, creating a relationship of chemical change in them deified in favor of a new "Bern of Vernarth" with the interaction of the isotope that will generate the inclusion of a proton that will mutate the chemistry of divination and connectivity with him (Heavenly Father-Abba in the Garden) in such a way that the methodological lines of anticipation will prosper on the night of the abduction by Sayones before being taken to the Lithostrotus to be flagellated to interpret the power of his gospel.

d) And for a consequent and emeritus synchronization of caverns in conjunction with dry bone Maasefa, triggering the awareness of the awakening of protection before, during, and after the events that occurred at the culmination of his death. This will delve into the three chemical sediments interacting with each other, the Aramaic language enchanting the univocal and eternal root to always have it in Gethsemane, the revelation of phylogeny as a determining entity for the consolidation of the geophysical-animal world, and the transcendent soul that intervenes between the stars of the everlasting creation on Crescent Moon eleven days earlier with Sun-Shemesh astonishingly at the debasement of the human species and all of its feelings of unconfessed loss of existence.

e) Experiencing and surviving indecisions and fears of recognition of exposing and externalizing the calls of caverns have allowed us to escape from threats, but from there towards a reverberation in the same tune of Calvary, in the sockets of a skull sheltering you to serve and look from the optics of shining with the flow of ears of wheat in your dreams. Gethsemane and Golgotha ​​are the set of double "G" that generates endo-trauma in the throat and in its global skeleton bone set wanting to revive the call of the Messiah, from the Neck of Heaven rising roughly up your throat, forever and for the Centuries. of the Centuries.

f) The plectrum led me to write this paradisiacal essay in this chapter (it is the same depressive unconsciousness of having a body already abandoned without a Soul, but in my own without understanding anything), this tends to describe how history teaches us that there are phenomena difficult to capture with certainty, the masque of extra mediumistic sensitivities emerging from where our conscience does not discover what spiritual power does canonically the intuitive divine exponential or the external machine of multiple systems of serial spirits that besiege us and show us their Ether and that rarely can we actually be able to enter them from deep inside from their activation data to our hyper cognition, and their level of travel leading us to abandon our abstraction.

They were all stationed on the northeast *****, Eurydice arrived with her essences full of little birds surrounding her, she could not hold them due to the invasion of these surprising birds. They were all sitting on the stones of the garden, they were all leaning their heads on the Svein Tzora stones. Says Vernarth: "The stone of Gethsemane", on grains and crystals they are soaked with spheres of the stone of the Mashiah. She showed them meekness in the face of the hardness that could be distinguished compared to limestone or clay, full of sedimentary grains that devastate igneous from where some voices of her holocaust were left over, compared to marrying corporeal materiality in the Aramaic syllable embedded in a stripped bustle and silent, of everything and little petulant organic element coexisting in its amorphous figure. This graphs the consonance with the demonstrations of passion for his followers by embedding himself in a stone with multiple and sharp cuts like taking out the atoms in a grenade with his law of 613 grains that are enough to stipule them and to break the lithosphere of the messianic referendum in his sacrificial law. in the lithostrotes. No barrier will stop us to overcome this lithosphere that separates us so coldly from the rebirth of a body that takes root beyond the cracks of Gethsemane since the olive trees grow on the same stones, pretending to be in a mansard. The will of destiny under a stone, admits arrogant worries to startle that "He was there, and his destiny condemned him", but "My Abba, if it is possible for this cup to pass from me; but let it not be as I want, but as You want...", equivalent to telling of stones for all the cups, as long as the will is of the Abba", thus the stones are lightened, and our pride weighs less than the subterranean immortality. Saint John says: "Which is agony, it is nothing more than holding in our dreams the heavy shadow of its burden. The stone does not fit through the interstices of dreams but its image weighing in the symbology of being part of it, more than all hailstorms being the scene of sin near the disciple family and their despondency that runs where a curtain circulates towards the Resurrection. The large drops are large grains of the pomegranate in the Via Dolorosa, being large stones falling from the universe rubbing against the Sun and the Moon, falling on Him as well. Today on this day that he confesses tribulation of an eternal night that he never clarified..., It will start to rain, interrupting itself for days running backward, since several syllables remained un catechized before rising from where the wind of Elijah called him Mashiach. Revered Mashiaj, always close to you jumping from the red sea such a pomegranate as the food of a Father between waves of his sea! Again we are in the celebration of Holy Week and we have thought it appropriate to write this work on the stone of Gethsemane with a gifted scene that was his arrest, caused by the petty betrayal of all the Treacherous in the world. Mashiah, lonely in his full youth of thirty-three years in Aramaic verses succumbing to the arms of his Abba, .. He takes him and wraps him in his arms to defend him from the darkness shedding blood and tears on a cracked stone, beyond the skies that predecessor grenades in his hands revealing will that surpasses the levels of being rescued more times. There is a bitter taste of fruit, of course, but it tastes like a red planting of the dry red rock that is not emanated from anything but that if it brings us the generous hand that ceases pain and affliction, that produces sweet sleep even having wrought iron entering through your carpals and tarsal feet. With the pantomime of our morbidity we stretch our arms on your crucified cross but without awareness of the ******* test of not experiencing the iron in our questioned soul, without crucified skin in the epidemic that the beast of punishment gave to his skin between screams and hoarse cries that if they slip towards him, rather under the acíbar of a hammered heartless glass inert and stone that runs towards the west looking for the voices of his pious mother. The sip of the sunset was ingested in the sadness of my life that begins to be reborn every time it was lost and lifeless without feeling it as mine. I sleep vigil on the flames of the stand in the stones of the fire, and I sleep because others will not wake me up on the edge that cuts my game in flames. What cowardly courage accumulating in a depersonalized spilled heart..., what hours will have to pass without feeling them to date the entrance into his body of burning iron towards the sacrifice and not the sacrifice. "Let it continue here in this pebble with the shape that bears fruit because it will not burst with impatience, but rather with tears of pomegranate grains." What stronger aloe than seven days in a row turning to my usual sweetness sin to finish them abandoned without savoring it. For the first time since I returned from exile, I understand that his Aramaic smells like wisps of fruit and hundreds of syllables that are..., whipped like mega words that smell like his upright trunk in solitude and abandonment. Its trunk like mine is stone of tree bark, of vile whips lost in the frieze of its temple breaking its head bark, weeping its moans in full reconverted hopes of a hidden Ziziphus crown. They are nailed to a purple wisp of pomegranate, defeating the ailment of those who dared to martyr him in the pain that runs through his icy strata..., not sifted even by brave poor people; as it is to say by the voice of the wealthy spirit helping you. "Being prepared and No,

Maasefa Stone Powder: "You are made of stone and you will become stone" were the words of communion in Gethsemane of the stone of the Mashiach's prayer, indicating the expression of freedom and cessation of the oligarchy of belonging to the doctrine of the world of dimensional physical slavery, and its intertwined solidity of stones that the priests elaborated in the catacombs in times of consecration of loved ones towards a centile universe of Orthodox spirituality. Here are the stones carved like the Sanhedrin that met in the building known as the Hall of Carved Stones (Lishkat Ha-Gazith) for this purpose it will be the conservation of ossuaries of the high authorities and common citizens, having the prerogative of the Maasefa that has to consist of collecting the bones of all those reduced after a year in complete secrecy in the assigned catacombs. Through this immediacy of low and recondite spaces grows the vague wandering of precepting in approaching the salvific redemption awaiting the projection of the expired ancestors in the source of eternal life accepted by the Mashiach (Messiah), to shelter us in his illusion in beautiful brotherhood before to be resurrected. The Hexagonal Primogeniture would go by way of making the nucleus of nearby songs of the oratory of the orchard towards an honorable mention of elaborating concavities in the geology of the orchard, so that the alliance of the Aramaic verb of cloistering and devotion of the members in each stony cell, and the explosion of the Aramaic verb speaking infinitely of the Father-Son analogy. In such a way that translucent particles will be spread by the rhizomes of the Olivos Barnea species; deriving to Bern for the posthumous tribute of Vernarth considered Champion of conservation and cenacle of living and extinct organic bones, such as the aforementioned case of the Apostle before gathering as elemental dust of Joshua's Maasefa prior to the completion of the withdrawal of the Garden of Gethsemane. Shofar, sistrum, harp, and cymbals resonate for the wise night and its star sign before starting the excavation works in the nearby veins to conclude the Maasefa. They all sleep together that night touching each other's heels in the matrix phase to start a day with the strength of the stonework from left to right for the allegory of the Menorah that never leaves the magnetized night. They rise at twenty minutes to four to begin the ritual, an hour and a half before sunrise they were in the stratum of purple dawn on layers of divinity tinged with the conscious subtlety of the creator in our levitating being. Its consequences arise before their bodies continue to evolve towards the hegemonic process on the stratum of the nascent mineralogy that was going to intervene, being oratory of the Mashiach or synchronic Messiah. Beneath it, Vernarth would begin to pierce looking for the dimensional spaces of the search for his physiognomic extension adaptable to everyone's and evolutionary memory that separated the entrance of the Shemash and Selene over the glasses waiting to be filled and drunk at noon. Eleven days before the Ekadashi (full moon) began. Thus, in this way, they would sculpt the poked catacomb in twelve simultaneous rocks that were in a perfect limbic diametral circle of the plotline of the orchard with their physical displacements in congruence with the moon and consciousness that agrees with it, like that alert of that fateful night in which was kidnapped. In perfection with the oscillating vibration that is expanding in front of the dorsal cold of the stone analogically when the Mashiach vibrated in physical magnitude and in the absence of alert, more emotional if after talking with his Abba. The tremulous line she encompassed was widely displaced further since she was transported into the Edicule isotope as an element of flight, escape, detonation and resignation, being able to find nature configured in the fuss of a great variety of isotopes of different mass. the one in a large part will exceed in the cumulative gasified reaction, and in cathartic events that will occur at fifteen o'clock on Good Friday when the prophetic events and the mischievous changes of evidence of the cataclysm expire on the cross and hands. The eclipsed sun, storm with depressing losses, and tragedy for a world that will sleep more than seventeen hundred years to the right create the consciousness of being in more than two conscious places, with the minimum and childish aspect of the remaining second that is divided between the before and after the physical and physiological abandonment, beginning a final episode and conclusive torment that precedes a culminating beginning. All this transformation of the enclave and energetic dimension allowed them to synchronously pierce the sedimented rocks that were thus sustained in the timid energy, generating higher will field electromagnetism. Thus, in the sinkholes, everyone was drilling, they would be of the same mass category as the isotopes to manifest the energy and its dynamic charge, such an occlusive energy mass that would explode on the day of Golgotha's martyrdom. Preceding this energy phenomenon underlies the symmetry of the magnetic field created synchronously with words emitted in comparative Aramaic words with reminiscences that must serve in the twelve caverns of the garden in conversions and exchanges of exhalations of bees, bumblebees, and wasps of the curved universe that transits in the explosiveness of the lines that approach the dislocation ratio of the vibrations and their sound frequencies. Globally pollination as a genetic element of the fresh chlorophyll macerated as kinetics in elytra of Lepidoptera with the indications of connecting the clan with the aforementioned electromagnetic energies. The interaction of the fields within the system will be induced between Golgotha ​​and Gethsemane, they will establish here electric charges that will produce gases and liquids that will intervene in the entire lithosphere that unites both portions of soils, this created the interaction of particles establishing the undermining of rocks with basin-shaped Calota de Calavera, due to the geological conformation of the radius that surrounds both predicted areas. From this standard, the caverns will be improvised in the garden, magnetizing the vibration areas that depend on each other. The search Interrelates a magnetic and electrical phenomenon between both zones; the impulse to anticipate the premonitions of the Mashiach is derived, and how he was going to endure such torments towards his illustrious body in such a way as to retransmit it electromagnetically between the transmission bridge of the Garden and admission to Golgotha. This will unleash all subsequent supernatural and geological phenomena during the day of his torment and delicacy that will be glimpsed by decree of an execution damaged humanity exposed to orthodox fanaticism, causing a sensitive correspondence between the transmission of faith and the dogma of attending to the work physical and mystical legacy to protect for successive generations in the species Berna Olivar, ratifying correlation of the majestic and axiomatic cultivation of preservation under the catacombs and unalterable progeny of concelebrations of the eternal relation of a coalition of prosapia united to the shock and conscience of Christian Eternity. This gravitational potential energy will associate the Aramaic multi-effect towards all the attendees to confer, dialogue, assimilate and consent towards a supra lingual organic and historical heritage dynamic channel, on the basis of a monumental act of consanguinity in front of all will, "Here are all alphas over omegas." Creating complex harmonic movements between the caverns of impiety, but with a perfect and renovating equation with the redeemed Prayer in Aramaic towards the universe in quasi-face-to-face degrees, but not verifiable until the ritual of saving prayer is concluded. The chain reaction of this divine particle will be the opposite reaction tax of the active consolidation work area tensioned between the pilasters, Golgotha ​​and Gethsemane, both are started with "G" and if you turn it in any direction surrounding it you make a perfect skull of no more than twelve kilometers, whose distance in a direct line would certainly be crossing the eternal vision through ocular concavities, demonstrating levels of analogy and esoteric analysis. The extended reciprocity and supra value of divine consciousness are latent, from where the emission of the word and the will is born "the Calota or head skeleton" in the sense of reduced material and the corpuscle of antimatter that would come to be where the universes intersect in the elite of direct mercy (one has already happened, but another sphere of the difficult concavity has yet to travel..., only a Messiah will have to cross it when it returns to us again). This Eclipse of the Messiah of the Sun is a dark aspect of anemic light, torment, and three Maries, vindicating itself in this token of superficial passion in the Garden and antimatter rooted in the anti-particle, which evades this great event by lavishing its blessed spiritual figure with a charge of ambivalent theological antimatter; of egregious trust and bipartite univocity but fainting for the dark mercy on Golgotha ​​and light in the Garden of Gethsemane. "His body trembling and the Earth also" Shibboleth was getting up to distinguish members of a group such as the tribe of Ephraim, whose dialect lacked a sound (S), unlike others such as the Gileadites, whose dialect did include it. Shibboleth is a spike and also celebrates the fertility of the wheat crops and all concomitant species of the natural and endemic species of central Judah. And the Gileadites took the fords of the Jordan River to Ephraim, and when one of Ephraim who had fled said, Shall I cross over? The Gilead asked him, Are you an Ephraimite? If he answered no, then they told him: Well say "shibboleth". And he said shibboleth because he couldn't pronounce that luck. Then they laid hands on him and cut his throat. And so died forty-two thousand of those of Ephraim. however renewing when released by the contending magnetic forces that made Virola a whole that surrounds Gethsemane and Golgotha ​​as a magnetized tunnel of great mystical conversion for purposes of adaptability and preservation of renewed fertilizations of bumblebees, bees, and wasps in view of a commonwealth conforming and spreading in all spheres of faith and apotheosis from the pre-act of the Messiah's refuge to the judgment and punishment of his truth. After expunging their scourge in a dazed journey, they will fall with great similarity to the verb "Betrays and Forgives", the Universe in its creation renews everything, because that is how it has been written since the beginning of the Universe and by whoever dictated it." Shibboleth, will reconcile differences of understanding without prejudice and differences of geographical, anthropological, lingual mentions, cultural and divine verticals. "Our informal culture is preserved within village houses by resisting the scourge of victorious death, within the cave that protects us in its infinite mercy and commiseration" Maasefa and The Valley of Dry Bones collide at the appointed time the Svein Tzora, "the flintstones", to kindle the fire of the Messiah. The thunder was such that it made the seas decant for rivers and thunder on the terraces of the houses and fire on the banks of each unfulfilled prayer! Everyone gets up, each one leaving each cave of his ordeal, and goes to the meeting of the Dry Bones. The tradition of gathering the bony componential that has no soul all deviates towards the request of the flesh for its soul. As the account of the Prophet Ezekiel, five hundred years BC There are many outstanding remains of bones, this would resume in Gethsemane for the offspring of the Messiah's son caste, the Cherubim with the Lepidoptera twenty meters from the Svein Tzora donating light and heat to begin the ritual of dim moonlight. It is already a crescent moon and dim green lights shine through the beautiful dim green branches that light up the dry land of the beloved orchard on the face of the wasteland Calvary. The advantageous meats that began to butcher the bones raised the desire to start ultra fast in the oropharyngeal area, to endow solemnity and fulfillment of the prophecy of the sacred language of the Aramaic lingual group in tune with the vibrations of sound waves of the wind in romance with the blows of the fire towards their faces. In this way, the spirit of Jehovah was adhered to reunite the primary words of reunion of the edicts of Bethhelem, with the visions of Joshua so that the stable in its language emits the immortal edict from the very stable Kafersuseh to Gethsemane. Now everything was holy energy in union with the lands that made the compost fertile and his word was fulfilled, The valley of olive trees was reconverted and prayed complacency, everyone tried in the attachment of clan and twilight in the accidentality of the event, the new reason will not deprive of anointing the past-present in the realization of the joy of remains with bones, of laughter with laughter, of a patriarch with veterans, of offspring with their offspring, with the greatest thing than a hand covered with a great spirit over a valley where only distensions and candles should fit in each one of them. with Joshua's visions for the stable in his language to issue the immortal edict from the very stable Kafersuseh to Gethsemane. Now everything was holy energy in union with the lands that made the compost fertile and his word was fulfilled.

Paraps XXIX

Mashiach of Judah VI part

Miracle VII- Gethsemane / Meshuva Basics

The kicks of the feet begin. The twelve Giga camels stand up with their paired toes beginning to peel off the fat deposits of the remaining six camels with hoofed nails. They tore the epidermis with their fingernails to spread fat and oil into the lamps of light they need to distribute from the Full Moon in each palm of each component. The moon was in cacophony, it walked everywhere and imagined itself in the court of King David, drowsing in cubicles at the first light of the second sleep in the morning. Undivided they walked in procession through the source of the change in the socio-religious paradigm that kept them united, they were Raeder and Petrobus, Alikanto with a golden mount on his small back, the Lepidoptera, bumblebees, bees, and wasps, they tiptoed silently over the first level of damp wind at dawn, many of them perched on the backs of immune camels to ride with them to the reestablished Gethsemane starting point. In their phylogeny they collaterally impute the taxonomy that belongs to the camelid genus, which is a taxonomic category that is located between the family of Judah and the Middle East in the buried ecclesiastical species; thus, a genus of a group of organisms is propitiated, which in turn can be divided into several species. As ungulates as well as strictly herbivores, their musculature differs from other proboscideans in that the legs are attached to the body only at the upper thigh, instead of being connected from the knee up by skin and muscle, therefore it will be very easy for them to connect with flying insects so that they do not have to kneel. While the six sectioned the tanks of another six, and so they will continue to be stationed and intervened until their superficial wounds heal before leaving for the return to the port of Jaffa. On this long journey until dawn, they must stand on their footpads to resist the final farewell cult of the twelve caves, as they emerge from the placental sites they had developed with the Primogen to empower the vestigial area of ​​the rescued Aramaic word. This will be to grant and scale prosperity by having the signs of vitality intertwined, with each reminiscence of calls and responses of messages for the "Propitius Esto Humanity" that is projected in the secular future. This will be generated by external stimulation each time the intention to communicate with the ceremonial of existence-life-deaths-fullness is presented, thus the voice of the greatest incisive devotional forces will resemble, grabbing or grabbing the smallest voices that can even be overlooked or not understood when the Golden Gate of Jerusalem is inaugurated. From the very top, the Gigas species can be seen walking with six candlesticks, these species cross their artiodactyl locomotion towards a fluctuate on the flames of the candlesticks towards the rock of Mashiaj. While the other camels were recovering from their wounds, they looked with their calm eyes and were very aware of the proselytizing nunciature that channeled the reactions of the Hexagonal Progeniture, thus being absolved of the commitment of the prayers for the new launch with the atmospheric ordering ceremony in Getsemaní with the voices of the Messiah, with the framework, volume, and reverberation to flood with light and sounds in all the geographical areas that have not had a subscription. As the Giants trod the grounds with their hoofed nails, Vernarth and Alikanto, Saint John the Apostle, King David, Eurydice, Raeder, and Petrobus (The Hexagonal Primogeniture), made solemn vows before such an episode. It was not long before dawn and even Selene disputed with other stars of the envelope to shine more for such a great event..., as it is surprising at the moment that everything would seem of stillness and gestation of winged embryos appearing from the top of the Bern Olive trees near the Cherubs. They came with the Mashiaj who brought them new charities..., he could be seen in a deep field in two light bulbs of his white tunic, full of gold and blue lace, with Lepidoptera around him throughout the journey distilling crimson celestial radiosities.  Meshuva white cloak descended through the fronds of the olive trees lit and previously illuminated by the northeast ***** of the orchard, the Cherubim and Archangel Miguel and Gabriel came with decided parallelism by six-folding the interpretations expressed by the Lepidoptera, for the purpose of consolidating the institution of the north side of Gethsemane as a sanctified area of ​​Aramaic prayer and devotion of absolute naturalization of the classification of the Cherubim and Lepidoptera as winged tetras and Cultivators of the phylogenetic transmission of the pollen-orchard on the opening of the gynaeceum of the Olivo Berna, in the Valley of the Olives, and taxonomic choice by hierarchical order of the species and geo-referencing of the asteroseismic corridor of the narrow pass between Bethhelem and Gethsemane. On the tops of the olive trees were the Cherubim and the Lepidoptera, they fluttered through the flowery ramifications intertwined with the Messiah's tunic that came descending with an accent of graceful Torah, then the dawn of pre-dawn fireflies re-blooms on his face..., they brought a million beams of another thousand groups of beams to be born among the first luminaries of the day. The Lepidoptera ascended through an oval interval and in a spiral path through the petiole until the fifth generation of Rapa or Eskimo with forty flowers with four white petals in phylogenetic synchrony with Cherubim and Lepidoptera with four elementary portions to deliver the fundamental membrane that will generate the physiognomy of the Messiah between the transposed ones, and blond, ruddy lights of the Messiah's face with the cross-like texture of themselves on their shoulders of Capernaum dew. The Esquimo or the flowers would grow in clusters of between ten to forty flowers in perfect series depending on the variety, each flower would also have four white petals, a little pulpy facing each other in a symmetrical cross, and the flower will bring in the center an orange-yellow hue of an arboreal sphinx that would be filled with clusters that will transform the appearance of the oil-bearing tree, giving white brushstrokes to the olive grove before stingy gallantry glances. Each flower will supper from its captive pollen for approximately one week, so the flowering phase of the olive trees will turn before a brief duration, but of a messianic lapse with the cyclical lives of their idyllic Syriac Aramean. The female and hermaphrodite caste will bring you the biblical universal pollen with tremulous stamens and surcharged pistils traveling more than nine and a half kilometers from Bethlehem of the "Kafersuseh" to the orchard. Before the majestic pollination, the archangels Michael and Gabriel will invade two percent of the gynoecium of the flowers, giving way to the Meshuva candid cloak, full of white apotheosis petals. Vernarth rushes to the ground and rolls around between the petals filling his entire body and face with thousands of them, leaving many of them transfigured in the oily fruit of the Palate Universe between the ring finger and the index finger with an accent of Purification of the Mikveh, floating like neutron orbit of Life and Micro Universe only to be entranced by the presence of the Messiah in his white robe of petals.  Coming down with Bernese Petals strawberry trees in his white tunic, the Mashiach rushes to Vernarth, takes him, and tells him secretly: floating like neutron orbit of Life and Micro Universe only to be entranced by the presence of the Messiah in his white robe of petals. Coming down with Bernese Petals strawberry trees in his white tunic, the Mashiach rushes to Vernarth, takes him, and tells him secretly:

Mashiah: "Only you..., in each one of these white cells you are..., and in those that you are not in my remembrance, it is reborn as the fruit of the Bern Olive Tree. Over the cup of this species I heard your prayer, I know who you are and gratitude for resisting this lymphoma so nobly, I took it out of your soul when it was confused with the fresh breeze of the grass that feeds the fungi of pain. Immerse yourself in this Mikveh of columns of white petals from Bern, here the voices and words of Aramaic will run in a row to the right to sip white in my thoughts of the Gospel, with your miraculous grace by returning to me John the Apostle being exiled by Domitian. Come to me walking on this unleavened bread with Bern olive elixir and let's drink Hanukkah wine and its vital dawn that boils with each sip of the glandular thymus and your sore chest in between. I am tired, I come from far away, but I have taken this road from Emmaus to lift you up. Arise and come to My Vernarth." Vernarth erects his purified column with the petals emulating the Mikve "Purification", he predisposes himself to the Holy path of the Meshuva "Return to God". So from today Vernarth is born and revives to continue his journey back to Patmos. Mashiah says: "The why of the naive deviation will **** them and the complacency of the fools will destroy them. Your own wickedness will correct you, and your apostasies will rebuke you; Know therefore and see that it is evil and bitter that you should forsake the Lord your God, and the fear of me be not in you." Vernarth says: "We will be loyal and under these leafy trees Bern I will proclaim to the north saying; that we walk towards merciful fidelity and declare all together! We know that  My Lord will heal us of our infidelity, that is why we have come here because You are our Lord God." St. John the Apostle replies: "The lion, wolf, leopard, will **** us, destroy us and tear us to pieces because transgressions and apostasies have invaded in great numbers..., my beloved Mashiach, we have already got rid of the deception and we want the Meshuva back to your ether. of the accomplice desert with the aromas of the flying weevils that the Aramaic lexicons bring us from Kafersesuh to re-graft them into the eternity of your word that crosses the entire universe. The world has sinned against you, the apostasies are innumerable, and we are here to lovingly honor your name. So my people were determined to push me away even though they call them to the Highest, none at all exalts him. I will heal his apostasy, I will love them freely because my anger has departed from them" The Garden was eclipsed by the cardinal points, it was delineated by a Cherub from South to North, for the main border that passed through the zenith where the Mashiach would order the promontory of the dependent rock of the placental rocks that coexist with the twelve inhabitants who had erected them with their eyes closed and opened by the light of Faith. The border that Vernarth and the Apostle nominally saw, was connected with the new division of the world of the stagnant word, and in the new route, it revived in a perfect cross from west to east towards the paleo trill of the Palestinian Eagles loaded with incense and sawdust from the felled Olive Tree for the furniture that they used as input in the lavish boasts of the Romans. The magnetized needle will crack the back of each of the members,"O Kýrios tha epistrépsei se mas, tis rízes tou Kósmou, ópou krémetai ta skoupídia tou" (The Lord will return to us the roots of the World, where its concrete debris hangs). Then this voice takes from the inconcrete state, aligning the excellence of the north of the Messiah, together with the iron of the blood plasma of Vernarth and the Apostle to be magnetized towards the north in the sublime magnetized cardinal. Shemesh-Sun King order of cardinal parallelism is thus established; north: north or boreal ruled by Vernarth and Saint John the Apostle, South: Meridian or Austral by Etréstles and Eurydice, East: East, rising or rising ruled by Raeder and King David West: West or West. In this way, the insects and animals, declaimed the sunrise of the Sun to the Levant before each cup of the Chalice synchronous with the intercession of the cross to the tangential of the horizontal that extends to the west when both phases of the solar cycle are aligned with the departure of the Bread and discharge of the Messiah from his time in the cloister. The Alikantus and Petrobus animals will be ruled by the Northeast and Northwest, while the flying insects will be ruled by the Southeast and Southwest.

Etymological ellipsis of Ancient Nordic Civilizations: The east-west perimeter is considered as the axis of the abscissas in a geographic coordinate system, the axis of the ordinates would be described by the north-south line, which corresponds to the axis of terrestrial rotation. This composition generates four angles of ninety degrees that in turn are divided by the bisectors generating northwest, southwest, northeast, and southeast. Thus the Rose of the Winds is demarcated by the Esquimo del Olivo flower in perfect harmony with the circumference of the horizon. This will attract the lines that intersect verbally and non-verbally, by the abscissa that delineates the guideline of the Rock of the Messiah overflowing with total generosity to shine in the caves at dawn, to sprinkle them with the rays that they lack due to the supposed static latitude. In order to parody the line of the lethality of the Norse Gods by being tangential to this new alignment of the earth axis and laterality coordination, only through the Apples of Asynjur can they hope to revive until the final destiny of the Gods. This Nordic parallelism goes back to us in the chapter Vernarth Chapter II - Animal of War in Tel Gomel, where Asgard is mentioned, which in Norse mythology is the one conceived on earth, it is a rainbow bridge, Bifrost, which connects it with the paradise. This etymology will cross the genesis of the plotline of the entire Hellenic epic in the first chapters until it is reiterated here in this Messianic epic with the demarcation of the limits in Gethsemane, that marks the guideline that intersects the exact point of the Aramean Prayer Rock for the diction of the words and cosmogonic interrelationships of cultures and the sparkling use of the atavistic language before the year 332 BC and even after, to project with the temporal line of the regressive line of parapsychology after 1820, in the Spanish Revolution of this same work. This demarcation has intertextuality in coordinates of time-history, to make this unpublished Gethsemane map the timelessness of archaic civilizations, which have applauded and venerated all cycles of life and fall under the same precept of cardinal laterality, acclaiming a God who he flowed and created the North whether he lives or agonizes, but if he wants to revive he will have to come to his threshold of quantum departure "The Garden of Gethsemane" to be projected with the timeline of the regressive line of parapsychology after 1820, in the Spanish Revolution of this same work. This demarcation has intertextuality in coordinates of time-history, to make this unpublished Gethsemane map the timelessness of archaic civilizations, which have applauded and venerated all cycles of life and fall under the same precept of cardinal laterality, acclaiming a God who he flowed and created the North whether he lives or agonizes, but if he wants to revive he will have to come to his threshold of quantum departure "The Garden of Gethsemane" to be projected with the timeline of the regressive line of parapsychology after 1820, in the Spanish Revolution of this same work. This demarcation has intertextuality in coordinates of time-history, to make this unpublished Gethsemane map the timelessness of archaic civilizations, which have applauded and venerated all cycles of life and fall under the same precept of cardinal laterality, acclaiming a God who he flowed and created the North whether he lives or agonizes, but if he wants to revive he will have to come to his threshold of quantum departure "The Garden of Gethsemane"


Palace of the Camelids

The roosters of Persepolis sing again. Its disloyal resonances and deadly gloom came from seventy kilometers from the Iranian city of Shiraz, province of Fars, near the place where the Pulwar River empties into the Kur (Kyrus). The Rooster specters came mounted on the houses of the twelve Giga Camels..., recovered from the remaining six. They came to withdraw to take the path to Jaffa. The House of Camels began as preservatives of the immunity required to be in accordance with the sanitary ellipticals and adaptation to the exit of Judah. They were bound for the hemicycle of the Lepidoptera consorts united with the specter camels Giga and the Early Birds that will give the first row in the game of the Primogen, after seven weeks in Judah. Knowing that the phylogeny of Animalia is of wide versatility of this super being of the desert Animalia that will agree on the departure of all and repatriation of the hexagonal Primogen except King David who will enter the Celestial cenotaph in Jerusalem escorted by the Cherubim. From Tel Gomel came reverberations of sonorizations of the last metallic rattles of swords and howls of Macedonian infantrymen colliding with each other with their pernicious weapons. While these screams reverberate like an anvil falling at ninety degrees on hailed pieces of perspective of the Achaemenides..., their families already had to say goodbye to their family plains, since many lost their souls cracked from inhaled mutilating curses. Today a miraculous event would occur from the high sky a Dorus Hetairoi would fall that came flaming with fire. And from the northwest side, a Sarissa spear fell that intercepted in the immediate vicinity of Joshua's stone-forming neat Cross lit with the brightest star. It was nothing less than the vehement fire of Meshuva that brought with it drops of water from the Jordan with the Image of the Baptist, to make the hierarchical gravitation on the ponies of the Camels that at this point had all the dominance of the plague of the sufferings that They could cause a great impact on the twelve camels due to an endemic outbreak as a result of some leprosy in the surrounding area, causing higher contagions to those who ride them. The panorama was one of total rhetoric consonant with Tel Gomel, "Gaugamela Palace of the Camels". This paradox came to resent the reciprocity of magnificence of these camelids in the perfect analogy with Gethsemane, for this purpose to agree with the ghosts of Shiraz shortly before the great battle of Gaugamela began in 332 BC. C. equating the lands arranged before the plantar areas where these divine species continued to bring the sense of war around sensitized, converted into battering rams of mustangs crossing the auscultated portals of the Garden in an agony of interlude. Over the soft roar of Tel Gomel came maidens in white tulle with semi-cross dresses, serene and chaste from the plain of the Palace of India were the wives who married the commanders of Alexander the Great. They were from the war lineage that also came to concelebrate the farewell of the Animalia and Hexagonal Primogeniture. Today the seven miracles come together in a perfect line of the Apeiron, which of all things identifies this first principle with the "indefinite" or "unlimited." Considering that the constitutive principle of things was the Apeiron, which is neither water, nor earth, nor fire, nor air; It has no concrete form, it is infinite. The cosmos is born, develops, and perishes within that "ápeiron" in Gethsemane. This existential infinity of the beginning of the world is born from this feat in Gethsemane, affirming that only this immaterial element nor any other of the so-called elements will bring the ápeiron nature of the Garden in flames of love from which all the heavens and elements that are in them are generated in Gethsemane renewed towards the infinity of love of Joshua. Now, starting from where there is a rebirth for things, reconstructive destruction is also produced there, giving rise to needs; in fact, they pay each other by blaming and retributing for their injustice according to the disposition of time speaking of these things in rather pastoral terms, these maidens come in their feathered chariots from Sisellas of Tel Gomel for the blessed ones who club the underground of Tel Gomel and Bumodos, among cosmic rinsings of the Apeiron of the Messiah beyond its origin in the Kafersuseh (many births under a single great multivalent spirit among thousands of stables of origin and powers of Dimensional Beams, where the master lord worships from the trapeze hanging from beam to beam). The fireflies, bumblebees, bees, and wasps, resemble the profiles of the hollows and hills that were hidden before the figure of all this nascent profane world, more grandiloquent than migrating and fitting the engineering of the great beams that support the structural sky predominantly on supine and flexion. The World, after decompressing, dragged the linear orographic cords of Gethsemane, puncturing the cords of the rocks and its messianic average lithosphere, in this way it opened twisting in the inertia that toward the rock puckered a fist of guidelines that distilled in later moments and of adaptation of the inertia to adapt with the dynamics of the Aramaic emerging from the mouth of all the olive trees Bern after yawn and slime of trapped dust. Vernarth says: "With my Xiphos I will establish life beyond the burning of wounds, come worms to snack on your meat Hoplites, come now..."I am Hetairoi..." and I usually die several times over the worst pains in the jaws of ambrosia with Hestia but I do not tolerate that others suffer pain beyond my control. In the minutes that the horns of the wind besiege, the living Garden of the jailer will be freed from us, constrained to uncover the insidious and opaque sphere of solitary confinement, that deprives us of knowledge even being embarrassed about the same death and not attentive to it that blooms on the plethoric thorns of Saracen alcohol" On gigantic dimensions, the insects copulate the shadows directed on the shadows of the Giant Camels thus beginning the departure of the Aramaic Huerto converted into the new palace of the Animalia, despite contending pretense of pollen on each particle of the Mashiach's concretions now on the platform of the Palace of the Camelids and on the Holy hummus of the Garden of Gethsemane. The Apostle Saint John says: "anxious urges to go to the other side of the evocation and have to look at other tree species with water from the universe that irrigates the world in the swamp"... He appears sitting on his golden Petrobus cloud with Raeder... Raeder says: "I will go with miraculous airs and terrified of themselves of our own miracles, bathed in the water from the flow and from the head of Petrobus, we will supply water where there is none, but he has no mention, only the instinct of those who need him. I have to hang myself from his Jade Ferrules that carry his web-footed legs. Now is the time to continue at some point in the line of the twelve ungulates after these seven weeks in Judah" Eurydice intervenes: "I will get on the camels and talk with them about why the line that leads us will never separate from Gethsemane. We know that we have to return from Jaffa to Limassol to remove the Mariano gold medallion that was bathed in the bottom, and that Procorus awaits us immersed in the aroma of the Garden. I keep a crack in my heart where a Bern Olive tree grows, and that of its sprouts that are populating the houses of Skalá and the heights of Patmos" King David: "I will proclaim over the baptismal airs, and that the ghosts of Shiraz will raise Olive trees from the balusters of the avenues of Berna, to raise the props of passageways that lead to the heights of Agamemnon creating the kingdom of Mycenae in mythology that will propitiate the sovereignty of all of Argos. This was ingested all of a sudden in the triad of the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Hellenic worldview, to triumph over the excess of external knowledge that they had and will have to be kept in my cenotaph full of wandering aromatic weevils" Etréstles states: "the emanations of the Sun and progression of other suns will always be the adjective that will make us be part of every particle of land here in the Garden, Messolonghi, Limassol, Rhodes, and Patmos.

Also after this episode appears Campaspe, one of Alexander the Great's concubines. She came on behalf of all the maidens and concubines who were betrothed to their commanders in India. The beauty of this noblewoman is renowned. Campaspe says: "We were all going to be Sovereigns, but the face of expiration was always in front of the Commanders of Alexander the Great. The outfits we wore were only black and had scents from Palacios de Gaugamela. The cold that is born from another leads me to possess those of others that are not the ones that bring me here. I was given into the hands of a painter who portrayed me but the true meaning of the warm mustard lands of Gaugamela is in the heat of the wasteful pleasure of the solitude of spaces, there is no greater striking and curative good than the one that has come from Vernarth to Tel Gomel, paraphrasing the sensuality and sadness that continues to manifest here in the hovering hoofed hands of the ghosts of Shiraz, bringing to greater confusion to unite all the forces of the world for all the blood that has not been emancipated or renamed" The gray mist of the Garden on gum resin mourns, the insects moan the test of the triangulated pollen that Campaspe disseminates in its nascent genome, and the twelve camels begin to turn on themselves along with their insulting long and prolonged snores. The hillsides snort in procreation in the whistles of the fresh air disputing the attire of the Bern Olive Trees that ebb from the elongated bands of their white dresses *******. The Mashiach was leaving between the gray strips of naked nubiles. The weevils followed him out of the caves of the previous character of Golgotha, and the Lepidoptera emitted voices in ancient Aramaic similar to the event of Bethany in the hands of Lazarus contracted to immortalities in the shreds of his shroud turning green in the hardened olives in an epitaph never chanted. Gethsemane became a mezzanine scale of Persian architecture, but of a channel of the affront of a high premium measure, Mashiach in each of the four wings of the Lepidoptera and Cherubim, frolicking in the emulsion of the phrases exuded by the aerial rounds of the insects that were compressing the new cycle of language, together with the candle overflowing with pearlescent matches running through the thin flannels of the Mashiach's farewell together with the foamy secretion of the Olive Tree and with the dominant beam of Kafersesuh. Vernarth and the Apostle close their eyes already mounted on the camelids, they take a slow walk on the mezzanine that suggested walking through rocks and desert lands. Everyone was already mounted on each of the Giga camels, leaving Gethsemane flooded with insects, birds, and blades, clouds of Pollen over the fumaroles of the quantum.

Paraps  ***

Ghosts from Shiraz to Jaffa

VII part -Mashiach of Judah Miracle VIII

They leave Jerusalem with the mountebanks of Shiraz, they were ghosts of the plectrum, the wine, the roses, and the fireflies sleight the path of the twelve camels until the intersection with the Cenotaph where King David will stay with the Cherubs of Kafersesuh. They were Epi ghosts that basked in the footsteps of the camelids. They went in the cessations of the bent nails and plants of the areas of the marquee of the other four ghosts that accompanied him. They were tightrope walkers with water wheels of wheel balances with tutelary ropes, some with a stilt of opprobrium from the monetary wealth of Judas Iscariot and the last propelled by a caper that governed all the others on the wings of the Fireflies. Removed from the road that leads to the Kidron valley falls on them all two thousand five hundred years with clay tablets from Persepolis, they were phonetized with the plaintive nightmare of the tortuous poem of Tirazis; which is currently Shiraz in this way these ghosts escorted the Hexagonal Primogen, they were exiled from their ghostly cities for not paying the tribute of obedience to destroy and rebuild. When they began to be with them in the cove, the acrobat ghosts were seething with the desire to prevent everyone from being saddened by the party from the orchard that was falling further and further behind their footsteps, dancing with their pirouettes along the way, telling little stories in their ears. of the travelers. which is currently Shiraz in this way these ghosts escorted the Hexagonal Primogen, they were exiled from their ghostly cities for not paying the tribute of obedience to destroy and rebuild. When they began to be with them in the cove, the acrobat ghosts were seething with the desire to prevent everyone from being saddened by the party from the orchard that was falling further and further behind their footsteps, dancing with their pirouettes along the way, telling little stories in their ears. of the travelers. which is currently Shiraz in this way these ghosts escorted the Hexagonal Primogen, they were exiled from their ghostly cities for not paying the tribute of obedience to destroy and rebuild. When they began to be with them in the cove, the acrobat ghosts were seething with the desire to prevent everyone from being saddened by the party from the orchard that was falling further and further behind their footsteps, dancing with their pirouettes along the way, telling little stories in their ears. of the travelers.

Hydro Saltimbanqui: "I come from Roknabad (also known as Aub-e Rokní), an underground canal that brings spring water to the city from a mountain ten kilometers northeast of Shiraz. Here I have to mend propellers and water ropes to do my acrobatics on the water with general songs from the poems of the Poet Hafiz. When we bite our tongues we repair it with the verses of Hafiz's Koran, there are three hundred creeds, three hundred hectares to irrigate with my wheel the sadness of those who cannot have the gifts of the rivalry of Black Mount and White Mount to overestimate the vividness of the caravan that trembles with uncertain doubts on the way to Jaffa" Saltimbanqui de Báscula utters: "We are Epi ghosts, greened in reverie with tutelary ropes to jump through the trapeze of photometric units of the heavy Almería of the highest Mirror of the Sea. Here we look from the same that will be boarded on the barge that will take them back to Limassol. Curiously, the same ship from Lepanto that sleeps in the swaying of the sea and arms of Anaximander in a new awakening from the lethargy of superstring theorizing, here is the intrinsic speculation of science since this is not only purely empirical research." Anaximander says: "First..., we do not have the agreement that string theory is not ultimately correct and in the future in some verifiable way. Second, we propose a purpose of the order of string theory that is necessary for science and its importance going even beyond the scientific to also project on the metaphysical and the religious, right here in this order of greater what to do attached to the string that leads me to Patmos. Saltimabanqui de Báscula responds: "metaphysical and religious legitimacy, here we are making knots in the tow rope that will inaugurate a new masonry in the verifiable futuristic gaze. Here is the original fiction of continuing to raise the necks of the ants above our optics. We will jump over these two ropes but we will fall on intervals of physical placental caves that were born from the neo-embryo in the Twelve Caves of Gethsemane in a late primordial germinal process. The micro phonetic vibrations will have to raise us above the hunger to continue and leave King David in his cenotaph gored on his hips by the Cherubim marking his holy horns that are confused by the blunting of the cuneiform scratches of his epigram. Between theoretical magic and exotically as associativity of substance causally of poetic song and multiverse, believing in the ghosts of Shiraz, such dreams injected to sublimate Aeneids that lamented in the stones of the bottom, even being independent of their material origin. Multi universes, multi paraphrase for those who have to adorn the word "Rosa with the noble long dress of him to the cliff of Ebdara when Vernarth acclaims his brother Etréstles, he comes with the Charioteer from Messolonghi. Rested and resolved to head for Tel Gomel, He comes with his horse Kanti to keep him company on this crusade. Kanti braved the Cliffs of Crete, and was subservient to Markos Botsaris, 1821 (Royal Hero of the Liberation of Greece in the Turkish Invasion, Koumeterium Messolonghi-Xlibris USA), until in the afternoon he approached from a herd of beautiful stallions to the. This was heard by Etréstles and he seized His horse to have more than a Life from His company, more than a lost lost aroma of His natural mother to reach the indicated one who treasures it". The ghosts attribute quantitative passages before leaving King David, and then proceeding to Jaffa and getting ahead of the ship back to Cyprus; Limassol. They were all hyperkinetic bowls leveraged by the terrain that went on the **** of the histrionic mountebank presaging contours of the temporary filigree that each one made them smile at the carriage with oxidizing wheels, still being immaterial beings but alive in their vapors of portent wading the serous bile that they emerged from the glasses in their allegories. They did not stop their footsteps or their phonetic figures undulating over the caravan that had already passed Jerusalem. The areas, volumes, and lengths were fully covered by the Ghosts of Shiraz, the mountebanks ran along the banks of Ramallah and it was winter, the city received them with winds and inclement weather from the southwest alternating with cold and dry winds from the northeast. The mountebanks went like master geometers to condone the fuss of the caravan by devising a dodexagesimal system. (Twelve Centuries of Ultra Nocturnal Geometry, and Shipwrecks in the Lighthouse of Alexandria).Positioning the number 12 as a base, to measure the times and angles that they needed to avoid the voluminous rains that lashed the caravan. Incredibly, the volumetric position of the plantar legs of the camels seemed like wheels that turned without stopping at any anti-circumferential radius, turning some clouds into a wicket that enclosed them like a quadrilateral of the flock of God in the high semicircle of the waters that pretended to fall as axiomatic staffs in the beard of Euclid tempering his elemental construction. The linear position of each of those who were mounted was a perfect ergonometric based on the Muladhara pressing four purple petals on pressing Vernarth's Achilles heel that was dimensioning the triangulation of Ramallah with the lichens that were housed in his sword Xiphos at the apex jet that carried the dodexagesimal cartography. In the same position, it seemed the Apostle Saint John carried the rosary in his left hand in geometry that stretched across his nose and feet in a thirsty adonis triangle of one hundred and twenty degrees of the sextant widening his spectrum to align with this Primogen. This is how the stars and planets are positioned in celestial spheres with the gravitation of the Olivos Bern revolutionizing curved and flat equations that intuited to go beyond the crossed pirouettes that the mountebanks did all along the road, even further than those on the withered oil road purposely unquestionable systems that the Ghosts of Shiraz intended to establish. Ghosts of Shiraz; These Persian Epi ghosts started from the axiom and ideal abstract entities relating models of austerity and lyricism that fluctuated in the lines and planes of movement of the clouds, with the counterpoint of the plantars of the Gigas leaving marks in the sand like Morse point, Vernarth diluted his bones to settle them near the tarsus and accommodate it at the end of the vertebra of the Muladhara (Chakra of 4 petals) making a sub-technical geometric function to preserve the plasmas of darkness that were also diluted to arrive at night near Jaffa in the surroundings of the isometric fire existing in each one and in two dimensions..., but being born from a common one. Raeder and Petrobus had their rims floating full of dusty and dense mania on their faces with rubber from shards that had been released from one of the stunts of one of the mountebanks when colliding with the basic postulates of the Ghosts of Shiraz, deducting spaces that undulated like snakes. within the isometric fire that dazzled them with white-hot humor of the last drops of the Shemesh codifying in absolute intuitive measure, more distant from any dimension that is Consciousness destroying planes and spaces that multiplied each other as members of another geometric conscious dimension. Arriving at the Ben Shemen crossing, everyone suffers collective hypnosis, the ghosts manage to embodied in each of the components of the Birthright but omit a great factor. They relegated the Hexagonality of the genetics of this caravan, the ghosts not knowing how to calculate the area once they were being intracorporeal within the members, thus having to leave before the last dislocated Shemesh ray threw the ashes of the Gehenna, for this supposed reason of leaving them condemned to recycle the human species for the purpose of reproducing sacred human beings, but being servile to whims beyond the immortality of the miscalculation that led them to Karim Khan's citadel, surprised with their image of thick stone walls and circular towers in the heart of Shiraz. This gave them a warrior aspect contrary to their fame and history: this was a city famous for two thousand years for its culture, with its gardens and its poets, now if in a plot by this beautiful odalisque trick that attracted the guide of the ecstatic and bilocated ghosts, in a bad moment of extradition towards a bad context of epi ghosts not yet defined in foci of apprentices boasting of laurels of weak and doubtful ideas that still swarmed within his white heart, trying to reach Vernarth's as a former Hetairoi commander, today turned into mystical servile. In such a way they are complicated as "Sufi" ghosts, being, in reality, the genetic spectrum of the double ax that carries the double-cut of today..., of the sacrament of Medea in Abdera. Pro says a ghost from Shiraz (embarrassed): "The Universe is a sea that longs for dry shores, without sea, and without other wet longings..., no possible maiden could Try to dry it with her hands of stars... Who calms the crying of the Universe ...even so..., a simile remains floating like a verse among his dreams" "How can I make of my dreams another dimension of the universe if he is silent and does not make me float in his can I make it possible for the points of his stars to fill the spaces that have revealed him...and that have made circular shores without a sea between fogs" "I walk alone and nobody sees me... I do not wake up in candles that smile and accompany me... between days that turn into mornings on the shores of the solitude of the universe, that nobody embraces him..." "Now the days tremble with almost falling on themselves, they come out alive from their own loneliness of satiety and fullness... of whoever appreciates them in the mist... being able to surrender in attentions in Ben Shemen".

Creating a sequence that bends the heads of the ghosts filling translucent physiognomies between a cold past and super frozen future, from a classic mechanic that from now on would depend on dice thrown by the Third Ghost of time. Here a relativism would be opened to those who want to see the past in the orchard in an unstable particulate present, leaving far from the splitting of both parts of the archetype of today as a subdivided clash of several times that allowed the remaining phantasmagorical specters to be integrated, taking over history on a plural axial axis that prevailed in the time of a supposed number line from a vector aligning itself towards the compass of distance, that shines between both hemispheres of the north and of the minutes that go to the right and the solid-gaseous seconds that almost burst in the walls of their own liberated beings. The four Shiraz ghosts had time differentials before this event with the caravan verifying the simultaneous strut between the two pairs of ghosts between four dissimilar but idyllic ones that made them here at this point be ignored and annulled between two relative nomenclatures of physical structure. The durability and classification of these micro-times of the epi-ghosts would make the database that Saint John the Apostle and Vernarth will accumulate with their eyes closed, each surpassing himself in the debatable areas that concern estimating the occupation of physical spaces in some of them at their consent so that one of them could embark to Limassol. This simultaneous and relativistic multi-active line encloses events and quadratures of spaces in the cinematographic space of parapsychological regression, such a link of physical images slowed down in evolutionary and cognitive memory, passing from the conduit of memorizing events to expectations and their set of absolute figures not pigeonholed but if approaching the universe in prehensile scales of those who value them. present and future more as a pattern of departure to the unique future "today" by space of spaces. This unified three-dimensionality would mark the mathematical space of the attempts towards the future of the adjoining camelids of the ghosts of Shiraz for ownership of time among all with a single identity that cries out for an unequivocal will to rearm, although the winds of the partition that separates The word of God and the believing observer towards the ***** with a believer from a historical past in obscurantism, leaving and entering a new world whose notion is to spend connected and handcuffed in dependent systematization with great causes, although the static feels isolated from the dynamic, asking it to unite with the ghosts and the others, even though they are inferior forces under the line of the generous gaze and parallelisms of the attentive viewer that suggests more openness received, delegating circumstances to all physical, emotional, spectral dimensions and mental-spiritual, flexing the hierarchical emotional states of night and day. They all fall asleep embraced in quilts and lamb saddlebags, making it possible for them to approach the Ghosts and sleep next to them, embracing each other with strength decanted from some frames that hang from their masks, showing the vibration of being favorite children of the Mashiach, absorbed in the Kidron Valley. Quadrupled and cloistered in self-consciousness scattered like an iceberg behind the submissive thoughts that aspire to be tied to more invaluable time. Our Abba has us more tied to an absolutist past and future, looking at his calendar divided in such a way that the day that strikes the shadows of an incisive past always fits so that it always smiles at us in the best light signal of who and with whom repair damage of varied wounds that travel through the times of times always hurt, to and from borders of a remote anachronistic. The ghosts are always tetra fast they are marginalized to the sound of greater acuity, fleeing in Rishon Lezion to wake up a little further from the rays of the stationary Sun that from now on always surfaced in the degraded eyes of the mountebank prowling around the fairs of those who know how to wait, to make a treat under the pretext of Faith and hope that exempts the Cardinal turned into a flower decorated in white. Shvil of the Angels; The fast epi phantom tetras were emaciated they lost their north and could not walk, they were energized by the radiosities of the earth that rules over those who lent divine graces if their feet rested on the tapestry of those who threw their footsteps at them in winter now near Jaffa. The Shvil Angels were angels who were on the route that cordons off the pilgrimage of Vernarth and Saint John the Apostle, they were full of flowery Bernese Olive Trees that served as floral arcades at the entrance to this thousand-year-old port. They were three, when they walked, they always spread out so fast that they seemed to be six but they ended up averaging the quantum of three for each of the components of the Birthright, which from today would be the great circumcision event of the Universe, to make it part of that one day they will have to dissipate the rhombuses of the fragmented beams of light on the way to the sky so high, in the name of the phrases that never tire of looking eternally at the incautious years, which belong to our father through Exo galaxies in the total company of invisibility and cautious time relativity. This beautiful Semitic sea shore indicates and invites us to reach its salty Hebrew waters of Yofi, reinforcing the phonetics that runs madly through the border hills with their hearts in their hands when foreigners appear in the name of plausive phylogeny. That brings them a bearable piece of the farmhouse from the Universal flood, for this is that the ancient Canaanites have to receive them with the table served to entertain them with winter flowers in Jaffa. The Hellenistic tradition relates the name to Iopeia, which is Cassiopeia herself, mother of Andromeda. After Pliny the Elder the name is connected with Joppa who was the daughter of ******, god of the wind. Where Vernarth locked his shield Áspis Skoilé to shine in the bilges of the Eurydice under the pentagons of his shield's bronze layer whenever he approached the Dodecanese when the Auriga descended from Andromeda on the back of an oarsman battered by storms away from his home galaxy. Thousands of years BC its merchants glorified themselves with their baskets full of goods and merchandise for its inhabitants who today pretended to be pharaohs who contributed to the marine corners along the coast that today seemed to open with more new waters reborn from the capers of the swells founding thus the omens of embarking to attack and submit to the omens of sovereignty between Judah and Hellenic lands, to work with noble trees in their armories and utensils of which they traversed an honorable part after the maintenance of the emblem of the last portion of Alexander's libertarian triumph pole Magnus on the Phoenicians at Tyre. gazelle) in Joppa (Jaffa) and later how near this city he has a vision in which Yahveh told him that one should not distinguish between Jews and Gentiles while ordering the removal of ritual food restrictions (kosher) followed by the Jews. The Shvil of the angels distanced themselves from the appetite of this station without reaching them and not making them drink salt water from Jaffa, so they resorted to Petrobus, which a few meters before reaching the port summoned a large number of Dodecanese Pelicans who were waiting for them in great celestial flocks that hovered happily over the sky welcoming them. The pelicans levitate from a risky juggling act on the caravan and headed out to sea collecting saltwater, then they went through the initiatory path of Shvil and reconvert the salty water into sweet with hazelnuts so that they would have holy water to insolate it and serve it in canteens of the temple guards of the Canaanites who were waiting for them to distract them, making them believe that they were other Syriac lands as in those of Asherah that in this act perhaps it would be good for them to sponsor the Hexagonal Primogeniture. But the trails of angels confederated before the noisy crowds and Ptolemaic lemurs that scrambled into the empty spaces that remained. After this grave siege, Vernarth shouted to heaven with the force of Phalangist tradition himself, and hailed heaven for the good of freeing them from their definitive income to Jaffa summoning the Hypastists; elite warriors, and spearmen so that they would hem the portal at her Jaffa entrance for others who were never from nowhere and out of nowhere, only blocking her from her perfect theological heritage and memorial conservation plan upon return from Judah exit, to embark with destiny through the sulfurous ponto that will scald them in temporary waters towards the Cyclades and then to the Dodecanese, succeeding in inhabiting them wherever they were and whoever arrived with foreign promise. At nightfall in its first nubile shadows, the Shvil appears to them with these three angels dressed in ivory white, each one with a book in each hand and in the other a candelabrum giving signs of ultra-interpretive catechesis, allying itself with silica in combination behind the vision of the charms of propagated knowledge. Earth and sky in the second angel washing off the Semitic dew of Jaffa anguished with teachings of sleeping well and waking up, to walk in the lands that wish to seize the senses of those who are called not to be oppressed, behind bars of the morbid and illiterate Panavision of angles of hasty entertainment of the angels when they were called by the Regent Angel, simply relaying information easy to take to their hearts in faint powers and paradisiacal punishments, before falling into a thorny forest plowing their tongues into furrows of afflicted human charges and then earnestly redeem them with the judicious power of Hashem. Vernarth agonizes over the matter of seeing them so tender and so fragile allowing her to gently row towards him. Finally, these three rules of the Shvil Hanael are presented; "talking to them about hindrances stuck in the literary cabal of grateful fulfillments for all". Vernarth alludes to a desensitized subject and is also far from any Sub Yogic disciplinary doctrine. This led him to stand behind San Juan, frightened protecting himself from everything around him, he was seeing in front of the upper left side that Zebedee was, San Juan's own father calling him! Saint John the Apostle says: "Justice allows us at this time to alleviate ignorance if the riddles allow us to only seek the answer, Hashem will not be here..., it will only be an emotional catharsis due to a Shivil or merely ideological passage, which moves our prayers without sense taking us definitively to the coffers that are rearmed one after one after the mistake. We are faithfully interpreted by them but we detest our regencies with the Eschaton when we all try to follow its light of resounding density towards the sky, prophesying to follow it without getting lost in It..., held on its glossary shoulder. On the claws that are released from the dazed angelic prey correcting its wavering vision, unraveling the living presence of damnations or salvations in Eden with your bare feet or hell with no departure time "Inexplicably some Praetorian soldiers of Domitian appear, who would be restricting the departure of the triacontero bound for Limassol, curiously they were the same ghosts of Shiraz that continued to represent such a bad event, just like when he was expelled to Patmos by Domitian in 95 BC, of size was the hubbub produced by the Shvil angels with impracticable ideologies, who opposed such spectral imagery, in such a way that they replaced their figure with that of another fellow Hellenic who wanted to embark for Patmos, the other members were fully incorporated into the ship that cavorted on pirouettes as it carried them proudly to a new ocean. Around the last drops that jumped in Jaffa on the coastal rocks, others appeared when the last divided and scattered drops were going to shine the navigation temples, thus it is possible to board the same ship that brought them from the beginning of arrival from Limassol to Judah, which transited from Lepanto. They reappear in the plenipotentiary chapel offering a ceremony that would return the messianic hindrance to the Angels of Shiraz, to return to their former positions within the itineraries of biblical characters that tend to become adulterated in the game of the loss of consciousness of the Escaton, probably requiring that everyone has to make pilgrimage routes for all humanity confined and liberated by themselves. The Saltimbanqui finally manage to jump on the boat to sail to the Dodecanese but the Shvil of the Angels remained where other celebrities will require them to redirect them to the Shvil Escaton.

Paraps XXXI

Second Hijra to Patmos

VIII part -Judah's conclusion

What can be perceived by the Universe of Judah would be in a Universal Eye of photochemistry within the phosphorescence of the spectrum of the Jaffa bay that magnetized the visible sprinkling electricity, within the visible field of the photon in the same bay, which is responsible for elementary particle guarantor of quantum manifestations of the electromagnetic phenomenon. Carrying electromagnetic radiation of gamma rays over the entire atmosphere of Jaffa, X-rays, ultraviolet light, visible light, infrared light, microwaves, and radio waves, causing the ellipsis of Radio Moscow on October 29, 1929, right there presenting itself from the future to the present before hijra to Patmos.

Ellipsis Radio Moscow 1929 – Parapsychological Radio Regression:

"Radio Moscow went on the air on October 29, 1929. And this, its first broadcast in a foreign language, would be in Greek to be heard by everyone in Jaffa. Radio Moscow bulletins expressed great unease over the recent rise to power of the dictator Adolf ****** in Germany during the 1930s. An unintelligible visionary fumble of daphnomancy was considered, predicting the persecution of the Hebrews and extermination of themselves for which Saint John Apostle immediately tuned in common with Vernarth the instant he was hit by this radio wave of number twenty, nine of Jaffa's exit edict. The visible fantasy of this would make the audio listeners uncomfortable towards the behavior of certain intermittent swings that made the natural light of Jaffa intermingled with luminescence, with the waves and photons in presumptuous duality to dominate Vernarth's behavior when invaded by this flash of prophetic invasion. The Apostle's observation spheres made it faster to climb and try to sustain this invasive radio wave that crossed time thousands of years from the year 1929 to the year 165 AD. C. approximately that it traveled with a great speed of infinite wave to a great percentage of microseconds. All this information alerted the native son of Capernaum, worrying too much about this ethnopolitical situation. Here the microwave was refracted, undergoing a change in direction that collided with the ship, in its floating basal portion, due to the fact that this wave propagated at different speeds considering that the medium in which they were moving was clearly wood, but propelled by a large transmission vehicle through the winding water to the massive hull. Doing and plotting what would make them move immediately to go to Cyprus; Limassol. The speed of the radial wave was parked on the sails and that of the hull due to the chromatics of the water that lightened its refraction through the facets of the sails, and the cap bizarrely acted as an exponential concave angle propeller motor and overheated. A quick brawling radio wave appears in Vernarth's tongue; Says Vernarth: "Anti-Semitism is a matter of ******* benefiting from slavery and vast insubstantial ethnic resources, not allowing to relate the advance of ancient and primitive civil social immigrations that migrate to sociopolitical statuses, already pampered since their arrival in the Rhineland during the Roman Empire. The Jewish community prospered until the end of the 11th century after the First Crusade, having to go through a long stormy period marked by massacres, accusations of ritual crimes, various extortion, and expulsions. Their legal status was degraded and Jews were prohibited from exercising most trades. In the 18th century, Enlightenment philosophers such as Moses Mendelssohn were outraged by this miserable condition and launched a campaign to denounce it. However, the road that led them to Emancipation was long and lasted nearly a century, after which the Jewish community was integrated into society. Their assimilation allowed an economic and intellectual success that aroused suspicion in certain sectors, also giving rise to anti-Semitism with the coming to power of Adolf ******'s oligarch in 1933, putting the Jews on the margin of German society. Extensive persecution was followed by deportation and then extermination during World War II. After the war, the Jewish community slowly reconstituted itself thanks to the support of the German federal government." This time enchanting with lamb's blood coined on its cornices to sprout them for all those who had to endure the enigma of departure towards the straight desert as a property of the radio waves exhibited here as a dogmatic whole dusting in the geometric regime, which testifies to a whole "That the Robe of the Savior shakes all the structures of critical-political thought and brilliance of race." Producing objective intellectual blood, which would join the Social Christian party in Germany in 1930. But every elementary thesis would promulgate the emphasis on the centrality of social democracy, of bringing to Patmos a great task of dividing by time by traversing the timeline providing Joshua's solid One-Dimensional Beams at Kafersesuh, for the protectorate of the holocaust and sacrifice and introduce premises of emancipation and abolition of the subterfuge of marginalized social fields, devoid of interethnic social guarantees and the heel of Semitic roots. This natural property is excepted by the breed of San Juan Apóstol; Zebedee's son consists of carrying this to the most informative substantiality up to Patmos to keep them organized. From this dialectical propagation, great shadows arose, interposing opacities that showed many Jews falling into concentration camps at the exact moment of expropriation of their real estate. Naked bodies can be seen only with dark shadows with small signs of imperturbability on their cut faces, staying in the gloom of Conviction, with some photos of their children in relative proximity to the deadly impression of last death rattles and undermined fading pointed expressions, appearing in the rictus of their wives with narrow condemnatory anguish falling on them from the same Cell of the stormy Escaton, that transcended under semiotic history; the resurrection of the dead, divine judgment, heaven and eternal happiness with God or damnation and hell. Here is a perfect archetypal case of the disconcerting radio wave pouring novelty and satisfaction before the curiosity of the listeners, but it was a "newest Revelation at the same time, being objectivity for the cell of San Juan and for the immanent protectorate", which designates the dimension mundane and temporal opposed to transcendence. Because many Christians have become incapable of conceiving the "other world" as a consistent, real reality, and have transferred to this world the hope of a full and happy life. In this "immanentization" evangelical theologies of prosperity incur both, which see in the Christian faith as the means to achieve material well-being, Vernarth closes a blind when they were already walking on the magnetized corvettes of the sea, without feeling how the sea besieged them,...saying himself: "I keep looking through the hole of my ignorance, and I manage to see the dictators in monochrome displaying their diffraction banners lights, a key to ethnic oppression "in black and white" and the turned ones going through the crack in the trails of the Hebrews with their suitcases and belongings, lost and surrendering to laments united to the Messiah. In holistic combined, centered to the extent of a third screen produced in alternative light and dark bands, in the Lepanto nave when everyone learned vox populi about the radio phenomenon in non-transistorized tubes in frank romance with the old age of their practices. End Ellipsis Radial Radio Moscow. The phenomenon of interferences of a natural nature continues, bringing joy to their ruined hearts, they all sang Christian songs that made vertical lines appear on their faces between both melted cheeks. Leaving them incidence of fasting light to signal as thrones of lighthouses that illuminate the skies of the Messiah's seas, putting themselves before them millions of light-years from the side that now they could see him. The angles disperse and affect the light of the Messiah of the Our Father at twilight, falling on the others like the same conclusive Gethsemane leaf of the Bern Olive Tree. Flowing the light on the matter that sheltered the ship to Limassol, industrial energy was constituted in all the directions of the superficial optics, generating reflections in weak interferences that oscillated like immobile remnants of radio waves still active. This phenomenon made Brisehal appear from the bottom of the sea; the giant of Dasht-e-Lut, approaching to protect Vernarth and the Hexagonal Birthright. Generating a dynamic global hetero internal light in the navigation radius of the ship, in a more parsimonious speed than in a more relative one, frustrated to try to synchronize the flashes of the Xiphos sword of Vertnath Hoplite that allowed him to use it as a sextant, to arrive at the Cypriot destination. In this void of energy by another replaced, a speed imprint of the same void arises with lengths of movement of underwater waves caused by the giant Brisehal, to displace them in washings of the Adonis in accordance with the Sword of their master Vernarth ephebe. Dispersing evaporated droplets from the desert of Dash-e-Lut that remained in the cloacal zones of his ears polarizing defensive crystals from the hyperactive environment, and in force of the Phalangists scourged in Gaugamela who still writhed on the diaphanous immaterial land that continued in heated conflict, until the coexistence of the oppressor ceases. The parallel rotated worlds follow each other unrotated, being disturbed in another dimension mediated by the aware consciousness, which lacks any neutral rationality. They would be only attempts going through crystals of the Faith..., mastering projectile salutes of malevolent brotherhood, immersed in a maximum intensity of breakage and crystalloid rupture, which flows from the Messiah's lens in angles of subaquatic darkness. All of this atmosphere self-absorbs, leaving divine rabbi light tele-transferred into stored energy reaction levels, whose capacity would exceed one billion cubic meters due to the rupture between the chemical bonds caused by radiant energy, dissociating molecules by the effect of sublime light from serious sounds of immanence, and redefining itself as the interaction between one or more cells of mass of light against a molecule nomad target. Also appropriate for the extreme radicalization that marine plants would suffer, which also sailed expelled from the disturbed radical seabed of Jaffa.

Hellenic Existential Hypnosis

Arriving at the central retention of the Aegean Sea between parallels 36-38 of latitude and meridians 24-26 of longitude belonging to the periphery of the South Aegean, an abduction of an amnesic trace of the Alexandrian magnetic period occurs, which made them realize the that they had deviated from the Limassol-Cyprus destination, having to turn degrees to redirect to Limassol. This was exercised and subdued by the Alexandrian period that in its immanent chronology sought to remake an existentialist stance, which descended from the limits chained by the depressive effect of the aura after their death of his sister Cleopatra. This whitish aristocratic parapet of Zeus invaded them not auditing to govern the schizophrenic supply, having to redirect the course to the other side of the Cyclades. Sovereignly Vernarth takes the helm with great Greek breath, creating shields of redemption in arts and sciences of the Hetairoi aristocracy, under meso-urban science-politics replaced by Christian devotion, making the Hellenic language a romantic Aramaic in the potential to prevail the existentialism of the hypnotizing oneiric dream of a silly banquet served by the hordes in all the slopes that transported them between the enigmatic underworld of Panhellenic language, and with re culturization of ephemeral uncrossed lines that subtracted their dramas of disturbing knowledge depriving them of the neuro-motor and adjective of the main return value for the origin of the reconquest of the Triacontero in Limassol. This Hypnosis brought consequences of the Leagues called Diádochos 'successors' of the ancient generals of Alexander the Great, and of the sons of the general hegemons (called epigones,) that at the unexpected death of Alexander the Great in 323 a. C. distributed their empire, disputing power and hegemony over their brothers with various pacts and six wars that lasted twenty years. A political system was then established until the start of the Roman Empire in the eastern Mediterranean in the early 2nd century BC. C. Prone to this contingency, Vernarth turns to Hypnos and one of the thousand children he had with Pasítea, who urged them to cohesion this Hellenic Inertia, quantitatively making the immortality of the image of Alexander the Great to bring each of the ex faithful commanders thus refounding Vernarth his Hellenistic Encyclical, for the purpose of escorting them to Limassol and protecting the lineages and infants who were in their puberty in Greece asleep soon to be an Agoge, after great war campaigns and abandoned agreements as an example of the snowy lineage in his Mother Olympia, and Sister Thessaloniki and children waiting passionately for him. And also in the Empire of Sudpichi-Chile, Luccica with the court of her familiar stoic resistance ingests the opiates until her Vernarth takes her in those arms, from her own and imaginative marshland lagoon gathered at the Itheoi Gods. The disintegration of Macedonia and Greece into subregions catapulted again the appearance of Clovis who says...: the river Lethe in the underworld liquefies your memories, and cleanses your mind permanently. That is the branch of a poplar tree from the underworld, from my father Hypnos. "Lete is not a place where you want to go swimming... but if you change the rudder for your honorable mind". This achieves that one of the sons, among thousands of Pasítea, committed himself to Clovis, to dissipate this existentialist contingency, claiming the appeal of family reunion and imperishable Hellenic constituent ancestry, under the hypnotic and hegemonic phenomenon that polished banners and panoplies in Greece, Macedonia, and Asia Minor. As a subsidiary exception, they will satisfy what was reissued by Ptolemy, one of Alexander's childhood companions of whom some authors venture to say that he was the illegitimate son of Philip II. He wisely quickly seized Egypt and hastened to create an enduring state by declining imperial ambitions that he considered unrealistic. He was one of the main opponents of the imperial cause thus becoming one of the founders of the Hellenistic world. Unusually, the commanders of Alexander incontinent to his excessive dipsomania of glorious hierarchical power, demystified Hetairoi's harangue, generating in it a Hypnotic counter-conception, making these sedative steps to delegate the religious Vóreios Dei..., which had only known how to redirect itself later in the classic tonnage Gaugamela of his great Hoplite Commander Vernarth. This grayish super mass of uncontrolled winds and increased lightning proto idolatrous forms salivated in the same Hellenistic family, whose postulate was to multiply the family over its geopolitical dominations in other nations, unifying them as a family geo-clan rather than in the seas that do not divide the water-land, Rather, they unite moralistic and cultural hydro-parental resources of the world that is a concomitant part of "The devouring cyclone of mythological dignitary entities, and other races that flee from the honest chronogram of historicity and its reconstructive past-present." Square meters of great cyclops mouths were floating in the air, it inspired Vernarth to make the green grass of the sea reborn like plankton that made a compulsive propensity to exalt Chloé's presence; being an Epi Phantom that always sparkled among the nebulosity as a reserve of Universal Consciousness, geo-measuring the Hellenic consciousness with a black bandage over his eyes, so as not to sully more sprouts of green chlorophyll and photochemical mass of the phenomenon, amassing only Cyclops electrogenic beasts that had to burn on the bolts and runaway embers of dissident light to leave in some memorable way, or beg some Sanctus to do his bidding wandering into acquiring the square feet of tiny, almost unidentifiable beasts that appeared simulating the viscous green water of the river Lethe in the contracted underworld. The existential holistic in the ship produced depressive lags, lack of self-esteem, and factors of loss of the ego, therefore each one who pointed with his index, distended from some silos in the hands of opiates that would denigrate the oneiric in those who tried to flee from their own collective weeds..., fleeing from himself, stagnating and freezing in stretches of dreams of gross loneliness and indelible fantasy..., what the extravagant hypnosis sought to occupy in them with its decrees of mortality is a beyond adulterated in some benevolent indications and psychic reactive alertness. When the soft brilliance of the same flash was shown on the faces of Alexander the Great and Vernarth in the six wars that took place with the Diadocos without flashes for twenty years..., only in twenty seconds would Alexander the Great appear on the deck of the Lepanto ship, dressed in a crimson red costume, covering his Hellenic silhouette up to his allegorical half-torso. From here he urged them to culminate the hypnosis in a deep world in an unbreathable statue of colloquial rhapsody..., pay attention to this... everything continues normally, and Vernarth leaves the helm to honor him with a hoplite Khaire and as a congener of Christian Shvil, so philanthropic and deferential as was Ptolemy, and Vernarth himself in Tel Gomel and Bumodos herding greenish glosses to open them towards the new Magno-theological empire. Metaphysical of the profile of the wise dervish that appeared in Limassol as a sapphire rosary entangling itself in physiognomies and rises of hope in the average Gen, when approaching the latent peninsula of Eurydice's gold medallion. Judah was suspended in the Giant Ungulates munching on the bags of herbs that thickened in their Palestinian snouts, the sphinxes of the birds continued to grow with their wings to shelter blasphemies from their prophets, and Judah wailing in the intraosseous of those who traveled leaving Judah, but never departing from the Aramaic cells of Gethsemane lost from Hellenic Existential Hypnosis.

Vas Auric conceived himself judicious before Spílaiaus when observing that Vernarth was leaning towards a practical meeting of a feared Hellenic crisis based on omnipresence, and all the material-immaterial face that is bloodily arranged in ****** foundations stipulating its very Submythological constitution. All that was a trend within the similar horizon that should be imposed with the appearance of Wonthelimar; as a direct seer of practice continuing the pre-ontological process, and why not say it of someone who does not even think and totally excludes himself from its composition or being part of... rather being a ration of the subjective segment and correction similar to the god Spilaiaus articulating its dynamism under the predominance of the concept of the sapphic verse where it puts knowledge at risk, and speculate on each component of the Itheoi gods, possessing themselves within the torrent of theology under ethical evaluation, differing from the mythical leitmotif, as dissipator of contention and beings that think organically of the material ethereal substrate. Vernarth silently concurs and prepares to postulate the anti-ethical Submythological existence; tending to demystify their Ethos or Conduct, aspiring to envision structures of undervaluation of the same, and flaunt visions of what originates from superior and then yearn for the hierarchy that is not imposed, but rather is a consequence of subsistence apparatuses that put essay its longevity and validity in sevenths, missing four to reach Sapphic foundations, and scaling Mythologies that could facilitate being under the position of the Demiurge or poet cultist of verses, perhaps superior to the crimping of any system when a judgment of true root or incautious origin is put. All this Hellenic atmosphere relied on the ethos links between Vernarth and his lord Spílaiaus, after rearranging pre-ontological (vorontologischeas Heidegger says) knowing his skill and tenfolds as he conforms to the ascending tenth of the eleventh of the sapphic. After this, Wonthelimar would appear to be the object of transcendental challenges and interpretations of the world that give rise to the same thing after not being in Spílaiaus' speech with sapphic verses.

The statement of becoming will be the cause of the gods of the Itheoi after the physiognomy that will spoil the Vertical of Gaul in the very genesis of Wonthelimar. Undoubtedly there will be chilling events of axiomatic transfers and metempsychosis that will be elucidated from the helminths that Spílaiaus will spill through the bark of possession. This mysterious orphic enchantment will be billed by Wonthelimar from the separation of Valdaine emerging alienated over the mountains of Ardeche, transmigrating euphony and reduced justifications that were united with the Helminth reminiscent and reincarnated by Vernarth. Perhaps it was a verme-worm that was classified on his arm moth-eaten in elongated elder veins to parasites of certainly commendable colonies and vehement and lyrical idiomatic apogees. The balusters will continue to be amatory componential in Vernarth for being composed of Heidegger's plinth and imagining oral linkages with the patronage of his eternal mother Luccica who will awaken as always in all presumptive psychophysical and atoning Zionisms with eloquent perspectivism and millionth re-trance, consisting of the putrid ***** arm of his Abrahamic split physics, dissociating in his body, separating and alternating with the dexterous spiral Aorion bracelet existing between the armband of Sagittarius and Perseus, liquefying in indissoluble modular stratagems for three bodies, plus the one that accompanied them dealing with their posthumous individualities in triplets. Singular unconscious metempsychoses brought their dexterous arm picking him up repeatedly from the discursive hives of Wonthelimar, to convince them and tell them that they had not seen the Hexagonal Progeniture for some time, unimpeded that brought him from Ardeche in lasting ensembles and concerting grays senses looking at the valleys of Valdaine in pilgrimages towards the expectant Patmian plains. Its expiration was reborn from the appendages of the water lilies that were seized by embedded lumbar powers, and mentalized in related memories that subsist in digressive reincarnations and longings, re-advancing with revived intelligence to indoctrinate themselves with the elevation of an emetic absolutist consciousness free of greater breaths of judgment is constant waste and reciprocity of cabinets, which were started from an initial discipline already transmigrated,The transitory glow of Exomis hung over some stones that were close to the Perivrachiónio or metal armband that multiplied in the three brazils of Vernarth, Wonthelimar and finally Spílaiaus that was bordered by the Acacians and Nothofagus that were covered with water lilies and peduncles cordoning off the livestock, full of thrones to conquer them almost after having lost calculations of the plasma that was innovated from a Hetairoi by reformulating itself from an incendiary bullfighting essence to its deltoids by detonating hatred in its croaks. All this clairvoyance was veiled for the clothing of the Exomis that was automatically placed in transition when the leaves of the deciduous led him to temporize in Wonthelimar in tender attachments. Distorted would be achieved with ****** healings next to the brave tributary, leaving in the vanguard and with starts from all the carriages that took the condemned to Halicarnassus to be truncated together with infallible Canephores in disgrace to their executioners, browsing all the oak branches of the Wonthelimar joint that had been sheltering from its head, sticking to ancient ruts of souls in pain over the sleeping Nyons. the brawl symbiosis of the Megaron was exhibited with the "M" united with two inverted "Vs", Wonthelimar conceptualizing himself on the eve of early buildings and phobias fragmenting into numerous odes in Thessaly, which were already beginning to re-agglutinate attracted from a majestic image of Hellas, under the pretext of Hellenistic consummations as a vocational and primitive institute race of Alejandrino Magnus derived a few nautical miles to board towards Patmos. The ship crossed the sea conceptualizing itself as the most universal being that revived in the Triacontero, appearing among all the waters as a nubile surf that spoke to each other with words Mageireméno Kefáli Votánon, "Head cooked with herbs". Speaking in primitive erudition alternated and swells with forty feet in territorial Argonauts making similar corvettes like the Gulf of Tarnetino, possessing distant comparisons with sixty miles of the base that colonized Wonthelimar for new sources when encrypted in the Megaron. They persevere leading the Immaturas Polis that would be documented in Patmos and in town halls of the assembly with ****** ceased battles climbing to a great height from the cogitative of the Megarón temple and Theater of Epidaurus, under three shadows of adjoining water lilies and the Spilaion Apokalypseos.

As will be seen in this demonstrative synopsis of the hemicycle Theater of Epidaurus working in the stars for the nations of Asclepius together with Wonhtelimar, that is how migrated melodic sessions and Parapsychological palmistry sounded with burdensome marks of intervenors expectorated in vast when impelling on the Koilones and softened bleached bleachers where each one was shouting to all the winds the advent of all the auditoriums absent by past and future generations, acclaiming lives in salvific voices. Here Spilaiaus from his stomáchi or visceral will point out the stinging nettle that he will invariably scheme whenVernarth continues to weave the plot of transmigration to the CartesianUnderworld as an apocryphal late Aristotelianism, mechanizing the existential dualisms of Hades with formulas, psychotropic and geometric tricks, granting them permission to bequeath habeas corpus theologies, coexisting in the first instance with Etréstles de Kalavrita, who would establish the term of definitive transmigration of Alexander the Great so that the Diadochos andWonthelimar would contend the final and disciplinary action of revocation of the high arrest, trans humanizing the sovereign as a Macedonian next to the hexagonal Primogeniture finally very close to Saint John the Apostle andVernarth in the vicinity of the Megaron Spilaion Apokalypseos. Spílaiausinvokes: "Neolithic alloys, they corresponded to the Medea and Hypnos eras, among all of them being aerial, visionary and northern lights that traveled to my redoubt to sprinkle them in river waters on the night of Agios San Ioannis.From here the Kanthillana with Greco pilgrimage, portentous gusts where the wind is amazed when entering the concavity that is lost in nature of time and qualitative content, unusually being an organism of outburst and cytological drama together in trickery and radiocarbon tricks due to vicissitudes, and actions that have dated my radiation from the radioactive carbon in these caverns and insulted carbon spaces fourteen in more than fifty million radiometric years. From here, my Vernarth, everything becomes insignificant and all the levels of expression slide down the armband, differing three levels from where I have been able to hear the truth of your sound kingdom, which emits gestures that are neither music nor harmonious directions in any worldview where it should place everything that no one can perceive by the senses of nature more enormous than any resurrected mortal. This is how the Itheoi genres are a drastic irrationality that is responsible for restoring forgotten beings, almost Hellenistic humans who speak through languages ​​of their gaze, and museological splendors of which they only reprimand metaphysics as an understanding of the Void such as the Judaic Kli or Hellenic Kenosis, which goes evidencing immersion by transferring futile understanding and hermeneutic pontificate times of Kantillana and Olympus, Patmos and Horcondising. Thus all beings when referring to Vernarth will be nothing more or less than the same in the company of the science of a future that will eternally coexist with the constitutive past of an active present called "Submythology" everything that does not contain parental relationship in koilones and of his greek spiritual stratum, It will be kenósis and Kli of parental pairing with the significance of erratic mobilities in what is interpreted as sporadic mourning, given the universal change, therefore, atmospheric. In the second Trilogy, the Triacontero goes through the Othónes of Naupactus, to Limassol. The ship was attached to the Ziziphus of the Moshiach's crown back from Jaffa, Walking the deck of the ship getting exasperated to revisit Kourion. As the adrenaline subsided, he crashed the port side keeping them in retinas of spheres of fire that came out of the ponto, enlarging such crapulous spheres that they had traveled to the sea through the Kouris River, but been kidnapped by Brisehal who assaulted them and put them on his back esplanade to swim to the peninsula of the current Akrotiri where the ogre carried him as floating globules to inhabit the sands of Cyprus. A tremolo mortar and sinewy essences of the Falangist faction will be established. Together they walk through the arena with Brisehal, being able to observe that it was coming from above and from a great Alikantus glide to meet him. Now, this trilogy of distinguishedAnimalia superheroes was made up of who would escort him to listen to the legions of Greeks from Mycenae who besieged Kourion. When they walked along the edge of the beach, several artists crossed in front of them carrying Avant-grade instruments in their hands, accompanied by miners and forgers of goldsmiths. Everything says to prosper in the Aegean and Greece for a new Paraps ***- Forests of Hylates, Gold Medallion Second Hegira to Limassol. Spílaiaussensible in his necromantic arts would be immersed in an absolutist language of relatives to welcome Vernarth, shelter him, and feed him after Highs and Lows that commemorated all the possible truths and falsehoods that he had to avoid from the final Prolegomena or final speech of the Trilogy, aiming to be located in the highest part of the Kanthillana to face its Greco-American world lineage in wetlands or taigas that would move great cycles of the Caucasus with the Meltemi towards all the grasslands and steppes, bringing vast multitudes of gregarious Hoplites to live together by the floods of the Paleolithicstragglers, to go back to the sinister prehistory that is based mainly on the names of the towns with writing they gave to the "barbarians" who invaded them. Zeus-God (Jovis in genitive) that is, Zeùs patér in Greek, Jupiter in Latin, Dyauspita in Sanskrit. He is opposed to mere demons or secondary gods (Sanskrit devas, daeva Avesta, Lithuanian devas, Gallic Devo, Latin Deus-divi), who derive from the "luminous sky" (the day = dyu,dyo, dies, diei). He will make the sacrificial background of the coming euro-American scene, thus creating the liturgical syncretism of survival by venerating all those who dwell in soulless bodies in the latitudes of Kantillanaand Olympus. From this gregarious candling emanating primary physical forces of submithology; in which man (****) lived. Man is mortal (Marta-, martya- in Sanskrit), son of the Earth-Mother (Mata-prithivi in ​​Sanskrit, Gê-méter in greek). This dualism, only outlined at the level of the primitive into-Europeans, gains consciousness overtime when the mature age of evanescent humanity (Jaspers' Achsenzeit) is reached. In discrepancy of mythological root antagonism, it is bringing chronological and obituary rhythms that will live to delight us with their own gesture from Hellas and Anatoliamainly to Patmos and Horcondising, Sudpichi, Chile. The conductive cycle will have a great impact on Spílaiaus, dimensioning itself in Aristotle, regenerating the first signs of infra spelean humanism in cultures that have nowhere to lodge their vast parallel heritage in more than a distant pre-classical and classic threshold, procreating the only dissolute world striving aggressively in Vernarth Hellenic's Trilogy II.
Messiah of Judah
«¿Hacia dónde?» dicen todos,
«Otra vez a España?»
                                -«Al centro,
A conquistar nuevas tierras,
Listo el brazo y firme el pecho.
Río arriba, que hay un río
Que vendrá desde muy lejos.
Habrá en sus orillas oro;
Riquezas habrá en su extremo.
Ese río es el camino,
Ante nosotros abierto,
Para la fortuna. ¡Vamos,
Los que no sepáis de miedo!»

«¿Miedo? Nadie lo conoce».
Todos a una dijeron.

Y en ir y venir constante
Es grande alborozo el puerto
De Santa Marta ese día
De Abril de mil y quinientos
Treinta y seis de nuestra Era.
El Licenciado en Derecho
Don Gonzalo de Jiménez
De Quesada, airoso, erecto,
En el casco blancas plumas
Que agita el marino viento;
Con la luciente coraza
Guarnecido el noble pecho,
Y el pendón de Carlos Quinto
En la diestra mano irguiendo,
Ve ante él desfilar su tropa:
Sus hombres son ochocientos;
Y ochenta y cinco jinetes,
Y aborígenes flecheros.

Fray Domingo de Las Casas,
En el aire mañanero
Alza la mano y bendice,
Pidiendo el favor del Cielo.

Todos inclinan la frente,
Y en fila siguen al puerto.
Las lonas y cabrestantes
Aprestan los marineros,
Y cabecean los barcos
En el mar, diáfano espejo.

En carabelas van unos
Y en bergantines ligeros;
Otros partirán por tierra:
Todos de ánimo resuelto.

-«¡Adiós!» -
                                    Tras fatigas
Unos, contra el mar violento
Luchando, y sus bergantines
Por ciclones, rotos viendo;
Y los otros, que en el bosque
Van despejando sendero,
En Malambo, sobre el río,
Se unen al fin. Desaliento
Profundo embarga sus almas,
Y en airada voz dijeron:

-«¿Avanzar? ¡Es imposible!
Para el mar nos volveremos».

Don Gonzalo pensativo,
Ante ese gran desconsuelo,
Le dice al Padre Las Casas,
Ante el peligro, sereno:
«Como voz terrena falla,
Habladles con voz de cielo».

En el arenal del río
Que desciende amarillento
Sobre tabla que se apoya
En recién cortados leños,
Un crucifijo se yergue,
Un cáliz y un Evangelio;
Y terminada la misa
Entre alboroto del viento
Y entre el rumor de la selva,
Dice el fraile:

                      «Llegó el tiempo
De que a los reinos de Cristo
Unamos un nuevo reino»

Y se vio trocado en gozo
Entonces el desaliento

¡Río arriba!... Unos por agua,
Otros por tierra. Al estrépito
De las voces de «¡¡Adelante!!»
Se unió el rimbombo del trueno.
Fúlgidos rayos cruzaron
El espacio ceniciento.
Borrose el sol. De las fieras,
Por entre el follaje espeso,
Llegaban roncos rugidos;
Y torrencial aguacero
Cayó de pronto. La oril la
Fue entonces pantano inmenso.
Unos subían el río;
Otros, bajo árboles, quietos;
Y la tormenta seguía
Los árboles sacudiendo.
Eran torrentes los caños,
Y entre ese fragor siniestro
Sobre las carnes de todos
Caían nubes de insectos,
Arañas, negras avispas,
Jején y tábanos fieros,
Que en encendidas ampollas
Les convertían el cuerpo.

Amarrados a los troncos
Se columbraban muy lejos
Los barcos. Y los infantes
De los raudales huyendo,
Sobre horcones cavilaban,
Mirando inundado el suelo,
Cómo esa noche podrían
El cuerpo entregar al sueño.
Charco enorme era la tierra;
Seguía el río creciendo
Y en los gajos de los árboles
Eran los aventureros
De ese día -y que muy pronto
De un mundo serían dueños-
Pájaros que disputaban
A los pájaros sus lechos.

De vez en cuando caía,
Con rudo golpe, uno al suelo:
De los audaces «chimilas»
Bajo el venablo certero.

«¿Hacia donde?» -preguntaban,
Y Quesada, duro el ceño,
A caballo respondía:
«Río arriba, que esto es nuéstro»

Y el pendón de Carlos Quinto
Erguía entre el aguacero.

Cerca un tigre. De otro tigre
El rugir se oía lejos.

Un alto al fin. En «Barranca
Bermeja»... Entre el desaliento
Estalla el tumulto, y todos
Piden hacia el mar regreso.
-«¿Para qué bellos pasajes
En desamparo y enfermos?»
Así decían. Quesada
Sin vacilar en su empeño.

Por el Opón, dos canoas
Envía Quesada. El cielo
Es viva paleta. El ánimo
Volver parece a sus pechos.
Se alza la luna. Vihuelas
Y voces forman concento:
La primera serenata
Bajo centenarios cedros
A la orilla del gran río
Que desciende soñoliento,
Llevando en sus aguas, troncos
Vivos: los saurios; y muertos
Troncos, que arrancó en la playa
La corriente con estrépito.

En tanto, Quesada sueña;
Soñando está, mas despierto.
Piensa en rejas andaluzas
Y en algunos ojos negros;
Y como es poeta, entonces
Fulge en su memoria un verso,
-¿Quién un verso no recuerda
En sus noches de desvelo,
Un verso que muchas veces
Es lágrima de otro tiempo?-
Y evocando a Santillana
Ya su «Vaqueira», un ensueño
Radioso se alza en su mente,
Visión de gloria: otro reino
Para España, que en el mundo
Habrá de extender su imperio.
«España y amor», murmura,
Y a sus ojos baja el sueño.

Y regresan las canoas:
Traen sal y  traen lienzos;
Y todos alborazados,
Delante de un mundo nuevo
Surcan del Opón las aguas,
De la gloria aventureros;
Y a las serranías suben:
Sementeras, chozas, huertos,
Cielo distinto, otros campos,
Vegas  y valles y cerros,
En donde sopla en el día
Y en las noches aire fresco
Y después, la gran llanura
Que se abre a sus ojos, lejos:
Nuevo día. Bella aurora;
Azul y radiante el cielo,
Y entre silbido de flechas,
Al frente los macheteros.
Troncos iban derribando
Que tendían en deshechos
Raudales, cual recios puentes
De infantes y caballeros,
Mientras serpientes enormes
Entre el matorral espeso
Deslizábanse, y arteras
Dejaban mortal veneno
En las carnes de esos bravos
Postrados por hambre y sueño.
Unos caían. Los otros
Marchaban, camino abriendo
Entre trabas de bejucos
Y árboles corpulentos.

Para comida, raices,
Y hojas y barro, por lecho.
Saltaba un tigre de pronto
Entre la noche, uno menos.

Otro día. Azul y gualda
Y rojo. Horizonte espléndido.
Cada rama era una libre
Jaula a las aves del cielo.
Brilla la esperanza. Entonces
Temblando de fiebre, regios
Palacios, veían, oro
Y más oro entre sus sueños
De sobresalto en la selva;
Pero de repente el trueno
Retumbaba en el espacio
Y y volvía el desaliento...
Y luego... a buscar raíces,
Entre tupidos helechos ,
Donde arañas y serpientes
Acechaban en silencio

Tarde radiante del trópico...
Rojos celajes. En vuelo
Perezoso van las garzas
Por los dormidos esteros;
En la orilla esperan otras
A los peces, vivo argento
Las escamas, que en los picos
Un instante brillan luego,
En tanto que albas corolas
Mueve el aura sobre el cieno.
En la playa, centenares
De saurios se mueven lentos
Grandes bandadas de pájaros,
Azules, verdes y negros
Pasan ¡La tarde del trópico!
El sol es un rojo incendio...
«El valle de los alcázares»,
Como en un deslumbramiento.

Tan sólo ciento sesenta
Han llegado. Setecientos
Marcaron con sus cadáveres
El recorrido sendero.

Y aquellos desconocidos,
Terrones de gleba; aquellos
Que de humildes heredades
A heroica aventura fueron,
No pensaron quizá entonces,
De sólo harapos cubiertos,
Pordioseros de la gloria,
Mientras Quesada su acero
Alzaba en tierras del Zipa,
Que el suelo hollado por ellos
Iba, cual florón de España,
A ensanchar el universo.
Ci vediamo in proiezione, ed ecco
la città, in una sua povera ora nuda,
terrificante come ogni nudità.
Terra incendiata il cui incendio
spento stasera o da millenni,
è una cerchia infinita di ruderi rosa,
carboni e ossa biancheggianti, impalcature
dilavate dall'acqua e poi bruciate
da nuovo sole. La radiosa Appia
che formicola di migliaia di insetti
- gli uomini d'oggi - i neorealistici
ossessi delle Cronache in volgare.
Poi compare Testaccio, in quella luce
di miele proiettata sulla terra
dall'oltretomba. Forse è scoppiata,
la Bomba, fuori dalla mia coscienza.
Anzi, è così certamente. E la fine
del Mondo è già accaduta: una cosa
muta, calata nel controluce del crepuscolo.
Ombra, chi opera in questa èra.
Ah, sacro Novecento, regione dell'anima
in cui l'Apocalisse è un vecchio evento!
Il Pontormo con un operatore
meticoloso, ha disposto cantoni
di case giallastre, a tagliare
questa luce friabile e molle,
che dal cielo giallo si fa marrone
impolverato d'oro sul mondo cittadino...
e come piante senza radice, case e uomini,
creano solo muti monumenti di luce
e d'ombra, in movimento: perché
la loro morte è nel loro moto.
Vanno, come senza alcuna colonna sonora,
automobili e camion, sotto gli archi,
sull 'asfalto, contro il gasometro,
nell'ora, d'oro, di Hiroshima,
dopo vent'anni, sempre più dentro
in quella loro morte gesticolante: e io
ritardatario sulla morte, in anticipo
sulla vita vera, bevo l'incubo
della luce come un vino smagliante.
Nazione senza speranze! L'Apocalisse
esploso fuori dalle coscienze
nella malinconia dell'Italia dei Manieristi,
ha ucciso tutti: guardateli - ombre
grondanti d'oro nell'oro dell'agonia.
Erano i capei d'oro a l'aura sparsi
che'n mille dolci nodi gli avolgea,
e'l vago lume oltra misura ardea
di quei begli occhi, ch'or ne son si scarsi;

e il viso di pietosi color'farsi,
non so se vero o falso, mi parea:
i'che l'esca amorosa al petto avea,
qual meraviglia se di subito arsi?

Non era l'andar suo cosa mortale,
ma d'angelica forma, e le parole
sonavan altro, che pur voce umana.

Uno spirito celeste, un viso sole
fu quel ch'i'vidi; e se non fosse or tale,
piaga per allentar d'arco non sana.
tangshunzi Jul 2014
Per quanto adoro un matrimonio moderno o rustico .io sono un vero romantico a cuore .Un amante Jane Austen che si innamora perdutamente di morbidi .fiori lussureggianti e giardino ricevimenti partito- esque che vi toglierà il fiato .Questo .amici miei .è uno di quei matrimoni.Una splendida storia drop-dead .che è tutto il romanticismo .e tutto sulla bella .Vedi tutto catturato dalle Fotografia Redfield nella piena galleria .

ColorsSeasonsSummerSettingsMansionStylesRomanticTraditional Elegance

Da Sposa.Peter e io ci siamo incontrati nella scuola non iniziare risalente fino a dopo ci siamo laureati di scuola superiore .Dopo incontri per oltre otto anni .Peter ha infine deciso di proporre .con l'aiuto del nostro cane .Dexter .Peter fece un segno da appendere al collo Dexter ' che ha dettoè èommy .vuoi sposare papà?ècon un po' di zampa di cane sul segno .363 giorni dopo che Peter ha proposto .ci siamo sposati .Se potessi scegliere alcune parole chiave per descrivere l'ispirazione complessiva

e il tema stavamo andando perché sarebbero: romantico .classico ed elegante .Niente di troppo pesanteèVolevamo una serata piena luce d'amore .risate .la famiglia e gli amici .Volevamo solo che tutto sia classico .
tocchi speciali e progetti fai da te : Abbiamo avuto un artista dal vivo (pittore ).che ogni singolo ospite pensava fosse davvero incredibile !E lei era assolutamente abiti da cerimonia taglie forti incredibile ;una giovane donna di grande talento .Inoltre .il nostro cane ha svolto un ruolo speciale .era sullo sfondo della cerimonia di nozze .e poi dopo ci siamo sposati ufficialmente è venuto avanti in modo che potessimo recesso lungo la navata come una famiglia .La nostra lista di birra è stata inoltre selezionata a mano dal padre dello sposo .

PROGETTI fai da te:zecche

èsalvavita nel cartoncino che sembravano coi libri conè e èsu di loro .o la data del matrimonio .o la nostra monogramma sposato in penna d'oro .

èLa toile e tabella navy numeri in corniciè eacquisti per telai per diversi mesi .raccogliendo una o due qui o là .poi spray dipinto tutti loro oro .Mi piace toile e volevo nel mio matrimonio in qualche modo .ma non è tutto .così ** avuto l'idea di fare la tabella numeri toile .Quindi.con avorio e carta da parati blu toile .** tagliato ogni pezzo in base vestiti da sposa economici alle dimensioni del telaio.rintracciato numeri .e poi dipinto i numeri blu navy con vernice artigianali .

èHo anche fatto ilè èr .e la signoraèfirmare allo stesso utilizzata vernice d'oro per un tocco diverso .

Fotografia : Fotografia Redfield | Florist : Radebaugh ' fioraio e Greenhouse | Wedding Cake : Graul ' Mercato | Cerimonia Luogo : La Liriodendron Mansion | Banco Luogo vestiti da sposa economici : La Liriodendron Mansion | Scarpe : Ivanka Trump | Bridesmaids Dresses : Alfed Sung | Catering :Dean And Brown Catering | vestito dello sposo : Tux Da Chaps Ralph Lauren | Grooms Scarpe : Clarks bostoniano | Cerimonia Musicista : Miriam Joy | Day Of Coordinatore: Stephanie Day Of Dream Day Planners | Abiti Groomsmen ' : Tux Da Chaps Ralph Lauren | Hair Stylist :sally Morales Of Blondie ' Hair Studio | Inviti .programmi e Signage: persnickety Invito Studio | Jewlerey : Kate ***** | live Artista / Pittore : Leah Crumbling | Banco Gruppo: The Bachelor Ragazzi band | Videographers : Reflexion Videografia | Designer Abito da sposa: AmsaleAmsale è un membro del nostro Look Book .Per ulteriori informazioni su come vengono scelti i membri .fare clic qui
Giardino di nozze presso il Liriodendron Mansion_vestito da sera
¡Hurra, cosacos del desierto! ¡Hurra!
La Europa os brinda espléndido botín:
sangrienta charca sus campiñas sean,
de los grajos su ejército festín.
    ¡Hurra! ¡a caballo, hijos de la niebla!
Suelta la rienda, a combatir volad:
¿veis esas tierras fértiles?, las puebla
gente opulenta, afeminada ya.     Casas, palacios, campos y jardines,
todo es hermoso y refulgente allí:
son sus hembras celestes serafines,
su sol alumbra un cielo de zafir.
    ¡Hurra, cosacos del desierto! ¡Hurra!
La Europa os brinda espléndido botín:
sangrienta charca sus campiñas sean,
de los grajos su ejército festín.     Nuestros sean su oro y sus placeres,
gocemos de ese campo y ese sol;
son sus soldados menos que mujeres,
sus reyes viles mercaderes son.
    Vedlos huir para esconder su oro,
vedlos cobardes lágrimas verter...
¡Hurra! volad: sus cuerpos, su tesoro
huellen nuestros caballos con sus pies.
    ¡Hurra, cosacos del desierto! ¡Hurra!
La Europa os brinda espléndido botín:
sangrienta charca sus campiñas sean,
de los grajos su ejército festín.     Dictará allí nuestro capricho leyes,
nuestras casas alcázares serán,
los cetros y coronas de los reyes
cual juguetes de niños rodarán.
    ¡Hurra! ¡volad! a hartar nuestros deseos:
las más hermosas nos darán su amor,
y no hallarán nuestros semblantes feos,
que siempre brilla hermoso el vencedor.
    ¡Hurra, cosacos del desierto! ¡Hurra!
La Europa os brinda espléndido botín:
sangrienta charca sus campiñas sean,
de los grajos su ejército festín.     Desgarraremos la vencida Europa
cual tigres que devoran su ración;
en sangre empaparemos nuestra ropa
cual rojo manto de imperial señor.
    Nuestros nobles caballos relinchando
regias habitaciones morarán;
cien esclavos, sus frentes inclinando,
al mover nuestros ojos temblarán.
    ¡Hurra, cosacos del desierto! ¡Hurra!
La Europa os brinda espléndido botín:
sangrienta charca sus campiñas sean,
de los grajos su ejército festín.     Venid, volad, guerreros del desierto,
como nubes en negra confusión,
todos suelto el bridón, el ojo incierto,
todos atropellándose en montón.
    Id en la espesa niebla confundidos,
cual tromba que arrebata el huracán,
cual témpanos de hielo endurecidos
por entre rocas despeñados van.
    ¡Hurra, cosacos del desierto! ¡Hurra!
La Europa os brinda espléndido botín:
sangrienta charca sus campiñas sean,
de los grajos su ejército festín.     Nuestros padres un tiempo caminaron
hasta llegar a una imperial ciudad;
un sol más puro es fama que encontraron,
y palacios de oro y de cristal.
    Vadearon el Tibre sus bridones,
yerta a sus pies la tierra enmudeció;
su sueño con fantásticas canciones
la fada de los triunfos arrulló.
    ¡Hurra, cosacos del desierto! ¡Hurra!
La Europa os brinda espléndido botín:
sangrienta charca sus campiñas sean,
de los grajos su ejército festín.     ¡Qué! ¿No sentís la lanza estremecerse,
hambrienta en vuestras manos de matar?
¿No veis entre la niebla aparecerse
visiones mil que el parabién nos dan?
    Escudo de esas míseras naciones
era ese muro que abatido fue;
la gloria de Polonia y sus blasones
en humo y sangre convertidos ved.
    ¡Hurra, cosacos del desierto! ¡Hurra!
La Europa os brinda espléndido botín:
sangrienta charca sus campiñas sean,
de los grajos su ejército festín.     ¿Quién en dolor trocó sus alegrías?
¿Quién sus hijos triunfante encadenó?
¿Quién puso fin a sus gloriosos días?
¿Quién en su propia sangre los ahogó?
    ¡Hurra, cosacos! ¡gloria al más valiente!
Esos hombres de Europa nos verán:
¡Hurra! nuestros caballos en su frente
hondas sus herraduras marcarán.
    ¡Hurra, cosacos del desierto! ¡Hurra!
La Europa os brinda espléndido botín:
sangrienta charca sus campiñas sean,
de los grajos su ejército festín.     A cada bote de la lanza ruda,
a cada escape en la abrasada lid,
la sangrienta ración de carne cruda
bajo la silla sentiréis hervir.
    Y allá después en templos suntüosos,
sirviéndonos de mesa algún altar,
nuestra sed calmarán vinos sabrosos,
hartará nuestra hambre blanco pan.
    ¡Hurra, cosacos del desierto! ¡Hurra!
La Europa os brinda espléndido botín:
sangrienta charca sus campiñas sean,
de los grajos su ejército festín.     Y nuestras madres nos verán triunfantes,
y a esa caduca Europa a nuestros pies,
y acudirán de gozo palpitantes
en cada hijo a contemplar un rey.
    Nuestros hijos sabrán nuestras acciones,
las coronas de Europa heredarán,
y a conquistar también otras regiones
el caballo y la lanza aprestarán.
    ¡Hurra, cosacos del desierto! ¡Hurra!
La Europa os brinda espléndido botín:
sangrienta charca sus campiñas sean,
de los grajos su ejército festín.
Adusto, así, vendría del Opón por la trocha;
Y el arma en sangre tinta hasta los gavilanes,
Por los desfiladeros del turbio Chicamocha,
Cerrando iría contra «macareguas» y «guanes».

La cota, acero; acero la voluntad y acero
La audacia en el peligro y en el feral palenque.
Sed de sangre y de oro por áspero sendero,
Mas también fuerte músculo para una raza enclenque.

En la azul lontananza, lo ignoto, lo imprevisto;
La emboscada en las sombras, o del jaguar el salto:
E] arco del flechero, bajo el boscaje listo;
La noche en vela, y siempre la lucha o el asalto.

Para vivir, raíces; para dormir, la pampa;
Y siempre hacia adelante, de su caballo al trote,
Contra los aborígenes, en llano, bosque o rampa,
Del arcabuz la bala o de la lanza el bote.

Así pasó, y pasaron en fiera acometida;
Por ríos y por selvas, hierro y firmeza estoica.
Tras el oro, la Muerte, pero dejando vida…
¡De galera o presidio para la gesta heroica!

Erguido; rudo el ceño; cicatriz que le cruza
La frente estrecha: tajo quizá en Italia o Flandes;
Puñal en trapisonda de mesón con gentuza,
O flecha en un sombrío peñascal de los Andes.

En sus ojos, el alma fulge con vivos reflejos,
Y frente al horizonte, que se abre dilatado,
Parece que tuviera la mirada muy lejos,
Absorta en el ensueño radioso de «El Dorado».
Estas que veis aquí pobres y escuras
ruinas desconocidas,
pues aun no dan señal de lo que fueron;
estas piadosas piedras más que duras,
pues del tiempo vencidas,
borradas de la edad, enmudecieron
letras en donde el caminante, junto,
leyó y pisó soberbias del difunto;
estos güesos, sin orden derramados,
que en polvo hazañas de la muerte escriben,
ellos fueron un tiempo venerados
en todo el cerco que los hombres viven.
Tuvo cetro temido
la mano, que aun no muestra haberlo sido;
sentidos y potencias habitaron
la cavidad que ves sola y desierta;
su seso altos negocios fatigaron;
¡y verla agora abierta,
palacio, cuando mucho, ciego y vano
para la ociosidad de vil gusano!
Y si tan bajo huésped no tuviere,
horror tendrá que dar al que la viere.
¡Oh muerte, cuánto mengua en tu medida
la gloria mentirosa de la vida!
Quien no cupo en la tierra al habitalla,
se busca en siete pies y no se halla.
Y hoy, al que pisó el oro por perderle,
mal agüero es pisarle, miedo verle.
Tú confiesas, severa, solamente
cuánto los reyes son, cuánto la gente.
No hay grandeza, hermosura, fuerza o arte
que se atreva a engañarte.
Mira esta majestad, que persuadida
tuvo a la eternidad la breve vida,
cómo aquí, en tu presencia,
hace en su confesión la penitencia.
Muere en ti todo cuanto se recibe,
y solamente en ti la verdad vive:
que el oro lisonjero siempre engaña,
alevoso tirano, al que acompaña.
¡Cuántos que en este mundo dieron leyes,
perdidos de sus altos monumentos,
entre surcos arados de los bueyes
se ven, y aquellas púrpuras que fueron!
Mirad aquí el terror a quien sirvieron:
respetó el mundo necio
lo que cubre la tierra con desprecio.
Ved el rincón estrecho que vivía
la alma en prisión obscura, y de la muerte
la piedad, si se advierte,
pues es merced la libertad que envía.
Id, pues, hombres mortales;
id, y dejaos llevar de la grandeza;
y émulos a los tronos celestiales,
vuestra naturaleza
desconoced, dad crédito al tesoro,
fundad vuestras soberbias en el oro;
cuéstele vuestra gula desbocada
su pueblo al mar, su habitación al viento.
Para vuestro contento
no críe el cielo cosa reservada,
y las armas continuas, por hacerlas
famosas y por gloria de vestirlas,
os maten más soldados con sufrirlas,
que enemigos después con padecerlas.
Solicitad los mares
para que no os escondan los lugares,
en donde, procelosos,
amparan la inocencia
de vuestra peregrina diligencia,
en parte religiosos.
Tierra que oro posea,
sin más razón, vuestra enemiga sea.
No sepan los dos polos playa alguna
que no os parle por ruegos la Fortuna.
Sirva la libertad de las naciones
al título ambicioso en los blasones;
que la muerte, advertida y veladora,
y recordada en el mayor olvido,
traída de la hora,
presta vendrá con paso enmudecido
y, herencia de gusanos,
hará la posesión de los tiranos.
Vivo en muerte lo muestra
este que frenó el mundo con la diestra;
acuérdase de todos su memoria;
ni por respeto dejará la gloria
de los reyes tiranos,
ni menos por desprecio a los villanos.
¡Qué no está predicando
aquel que tanto fue, y agora apenas
defiende la memoria de haber sido,
y en nuevas formas va peregrinando
del alta majestad que tuvo ajenas!
Reina en ti propio, tú que reinar quieres,
pues provincia mayor que el mundo eres.
Cantando vas, riendo por el agua,
por el aire silbando vas, riendo,
en ronda azul y oro, plata y verde,
dichoso de pasar y repasar
entre el rojo primer brotar de abril,
¡forma distinta, de instantáneas
igualdades de luz, vida, color,
con nosotros, orillas inflamadas!

¡Qué alegre eres tú, ser,
con qué alegría universal eterna!
¡Rompes feliz el ondear del aire,
bogas contrario el ondular del agua!
¿No tienes que comer ni que dormir?
¿Toda la primavera es tu lugar?
¿Lo verde todo, lo azul todo,
lo floreciente todo es tuyo?
¡No hay temor en tu gloria;
tu destino es volver, volver, volver,
en ronda plata y verde, azul y oro,
por una eternidad de eternidades!

Nos das la mano, en un momento
de afinidad posible, de amor súbito,
de concesión radiante;
y, a tu contacto cálido,
en loca vibración de carne y alma,
nos encendemos de armonía,
nos olvidamos, nuevos, de lo mismo,
lucimos, un instante, alegres de oro.
¡Parece que también vamos a ser
perennes como tú,
que vamos a volar del mar al monte,
que vamos a saltar del cielo al mar,
que vamos a volver, volver, volver
por una eternidad de eternidades!
¡Y cantamos, reímos por el aire,
por el agua reímos y silbamos!

¡Pero tú no te tienes que olvidar,
tú eres presencia casual perpetua,
eres la criatura afortunada,
el májico ser solo, el ser insombre,
el adorado por calor y gracia,
el libre, el embriagante robador,
que, en ronda azul y oro, plata y verde,
riendo vas, silbando por el aire,
por el agua cantando vas, riendo!
Después de Azul... después de Los Raros, voces insinuantes, buena y mala intención, entusiasmo sonoro y envidia
subterránea -todo bella cosecha-, solicitaron lo que, en conciencia, no he creído fructuoso ni oportuno: un manifiesto.Ni fructuoso ni oportuno:a) Por la absoluta falta de elevación mental de la mayoría pensante de nuestro continente, en la cual impera el universal personaje
clasificado por Remy de Gourmont con el nombre de Celui-qui-ne-comprend-pas. Celui-qui-ne-comprend-pas es, entre nosotros, profesor, académico
correspondiente de la Real Academia Española, periodista, abogado, poeta, rastaquouer.b) Porque la obra colectiva de los nuevos de América es aún vana, estando muchos de los mejores talentos en el limbo de un completo desconocimiento
del mismo Arte a que se consagran. c) Porque proclamando, como proclamo, una estética acrática, la imposición de un modelo o de un código implicaría
una contradicción.Yo no tengo una literatura «mía» -como la ha manifestado una magistral autoridad-para marcar el rumbo de los demás: mi literatura
es mía en mí-; quien siga servilmente mis huellas perderá su tesoro personal y, paje o esclavo, no podrá ocultar sello o librea.
Wágner, a Augusta Holmés, su discípula, dijo un día: «lo primero, no imitar a nadie, y sobre todo, a mí». Gran decir.Yo he dicho, en la misa rosa de mi juventud, mis antífonas, mis secuencias, mis profanas prosas.-Tiempo y menos fatigas de alma y corazón
me han hecho falta para, como un buen monje artífice, hacer mis mayúsculas dignas de cada página del breviario. (A través
de los fuegos divinos de las vidrieras historiadas me río del viento que sopla afuera, del mal que pasa). Tocad, campanas de oro, campanas de
plata, tocad todos los días, llamándome a la fiesta en que brillan los ojos de fuego, y las rosas de las bocas sangran delicias únicas.
Mi órgano es un viejo clavicordio pompadour, al son del cual danzaron sus gavotas alegres abuelos; y el perfume de tu pecho es mi perfume, eterno incensario de carne.
Varona inmortal, flor de mi costilla.Hombres soy.¿Hay en mi sangre alguna gota de sangre de África, o de indio chorotega o nagrandano? Pudiera ser, a despecho de mis manos de marqués;
mas he aquí que veréis en mis versos princesas, reyes, cosas imperiales, visiones de países lejanos o imposibles: ¡qué
queréis!, yo detesto la vida y el tiempo en que me tocó nacer; y a un presidente de República no podré saludarle en el idioma
en que te cantaría a ti, ¡oh Halagabal!, de cuya corte -oro, seda, mármol- me acuerdo en sueños...
(Si hay poesía en nuestra América, ella está en las cosas viejas: en Palenke y Utatlán, en el indio legendario,
y en el inca sensual y fino, y en el gran Moctezuma de la silla de oro. Lo demás es tuyo, demócrata Walt Whitman).Buenos Aires; Cosmópolis.¡Y mañana!El abuelo español de barba blanca me señala una serie de retratos ilustres: «Éste, me dice, es el gran don Miguel de Cervantes
Saavedra, genio y manco; éste es Lope de Vega; éste, Garcilaso; éste, Quintana». Yo le pregunto por el noble Gracián, por
Teresa la Santa, por el bravo Góngora y el más fuerte de todos, don Francisco de Quevedo y Villegas. Después exclamo: ¡Shakespeare!
¡Dante! ¡Hugo...! (Y en mi interior: ¡Verlaine...!)Luego, al despedirme: «Abuelo, preciso es decíroslo; mi esposa es de mi tierra; mi querida, de París».¿Y la cuestión métrica? ¿Y el ritmo?Como cada palabra tiene un alma, hay en cada verso, además de la armonía verbal, una melodía ideal. La música es
sólo de la idea, muchas veces.La gritería de trescientas ocas no te impedirá, silvano, tocar tu encantadora flauta, con tal de que tu amigo el ruiseñor
esté contento de tu melodía. Cuando él no esté para escucharte, cierra los ojos y toca para los habitantes de tu reino
interior. ¡Oh pueblo de desnudas ninfas, de rosadas reinas, de amorosas diosas!Cae a tus pies una rosa, otra rosa, otra rosa, ¡Y besos!Y la primera ley, creador: crear. Bufe el eunuco. Cuando una musa te dé un hijo, queden las otras ocho encinta.
Yo tuve una prima
como un lirio bella,
como un mirlo alegre,
como un alba fresca,
rubia como una
mañana abrileña.   Amaba los versos aquella rapaza
con predilecciones a su edad ajenas.
La música augusta del rtimo cantaba
dentro de su espíritu como ignota orquesta;
todo lo que un astro le dice a otro astro,
todo lo que el cielo le dice a la tierra,
todo lo que el alma pregunta a la Esfinge,
todo lo que al alma la Esfinge contesta.   Pobre prima rubia,
pobre prima buena;
hace muchos años que duerme ese sueño
del que ni los pájaros, alegres como ella,
ni el viento que pasa, ni el agua que corre,
ni el sol que derrocha vida, la recuerdan.   Yo suelo, en los días
de la primavera,
llevar a su tumba
versos y violetas;
versos y violetas, ¡lo que más amaba!   En torno a su losa riego las primeras,
luego las estrofas recito que antaño
su deleite eran:
las más pensativas, las más misteriosas,
las más insinuantes, las que son más tiernas;
las que en sus pestañas, como en blonda de oro,
ponían las joyas de lágrimas, trémulas,
con diafanudades de beril hialino
y oriente de perlas.
  Se las digo bajo, bajito, inclinándome
hacia donde yace, por que las entienda.
Pobre prima rubia, ¡pero no responde!
Pobre prima rubia, ¡pero no despierta!   Cierto día, una joven condiscípula,
con mucho sigilo le prestó en la escuela
un libro de versos musicales, hondos.
¡Eran los divinos versos de Espronceda!   Se los llevó a casa bajo el chal ocultos,
y los escondimos, con sutil cautela,
del padre y la madre, y hasta de su sombra;
de la anciana tía, devota e ingenua,
que sólo gustaba de jaculatorias
y sólo entendía los versos de Trueba.   En aquellas tardes embermejecidas
por conflagraciones de luz, en que bregan
gigánticamente monstruos imprecisos
del Apocalipsis o de las leyendas;
de aquellas tardes que fingen catástrofes;
en aquellas tardes en que el iris vuelca
todos sus colores, en que el sol vacía
toda su escarcela;
en aquellas tardes del trópico, juntos
los dos, en discreto rincón de la huerta,
bajo de la trémula hospitalidad
de nuestras palmeras,
a furto de extraños, vibrantes leíamos
el Canto a Teresa.   ¡Qué revelaciones nos hizo ese canto!
Todas las angustias, todas las tristezas,
todo lo insondable del amor, y todo
lo desesperante de las infidencias:
todo el doloroso mundo que gravita
sobre el alma esclava que amó quimeras,
del que puso estrellas en la frente amada,
y al tornar a casa ya no encontró estrellas.   Todo el ansia loca de adorar en vano
tan sólo a una sombra, tan sólo a una muerta;
todos los despechos y las ironías
del que se revuelca
en zarzal de dudas y de escepticismos;
todos los sarcasmos y las impotencias.   Y después, aquellas ágiles canciones
de prosodia alada, de gracia ligera,
que apenas si tocan el polvo del mundo
con la orla de oro del brial de seda;
que, como el albatros, se duermen volando
que, como el albatros, volando despiertan:
  La ideal canción del bravo Pirata
que iba viento en popa, que iba a toda vela,
y a quien por los mares nuestros pensamientos,
como dos gaviotas, seguían de cerca;   Y la del Mendigo, cínico y osado,
y la del Cosaco del Desierto, bélica,
bárbara, erizada de ferrados hurras,
que al oído suenan
como los tropeles de potros indómitos
con jinetes rubios, sobre las estepas...   Pasaba don Félix, el de Montemar,
con una aureola roja en su cabeza,
satánico, altivo; luego, doña Elvira,
«que murió de amor», en lirios envuelta.
¡Con cuántos prestigios de la fantasía
ante nuestros ojos se alejaba tétrica!   Y el Reo de muerte que el fatal instante,
frente a un crucifijo, silencioso espera;
y aquella Jarifa, cuya mano pálida
la frente ardorosa del bardo refresca.
  Poco de su Diablo Mundo comprendíamos;
pero adivinábamos, como entre una niebla,
símbolos enormes y filosofías
que su Adán desnudo se llevaba a cuestas   ¡Oh mi gran poeta de los ojos negros!,
¡oh mi gran poeta de la gran melena!,
¡oh mi gran poeta de la frente vasta
cual limpio horizonte!, ¡oh mi gran poeta!   Te debo las horas más inolvidables;
y un día leyendo tu Canto a Teresa.,
muy juntos los ojos, muy juntos los labios,
te debí también, cual Paolo a Francesca,
un beso, el más grande que he dado en mi vida;
un beso, más dulce que miel sobre hojuelas;
¡un beso florido que envolvió en perfumes
toda mi existencia!   Un beso que, siento, eternizaría
del duro Gianciotti la daga violenta,
para que en la turba de almas infernales,
como en la terrible página dantesca,
fuera resonando por los anchos limbos,
fuera restallando por la noche inmensa,
y uniendo por siempre mi boca golosa
con la boca de ella!   ¡Oh, mi gran poeta de los ojos negros!
¡Quién hubiera dicho que yo te trajera,
como pobre pago de los inefables
éxtasis de entonces, esta humilde ofrenda!...
¡Oh, gallardo príncipe de la poesía!
Pero tú recíbela con la gentileza
de un Midas que en oro todo lo transmuta;
en claros diamantes mi abalorio trueca,
y en los viles cobres de mis estrofillas,
para acaudalarlos, engasta tus gemas.
Así tu memoria por los siglos dure,
¡oh, mi gran poeta de la gran melena!,
¡oh, mi gran poeta de los ojos negros!
¡oh, mi gran poeta!
Cool down
Absorb by nature
To stay awhile
For a little bit longer

As the wind pass by  
The Green Leaves of Natures
Dances through the rhyme
Bask of time

Get awe and wonder
Thrilled in trill
As you would admire
To climb the highest falls

A glance of it
For a foretaste of good time
Would not be a kiss goodbye
It’s a treasure of a lifetime

An hour of silence
Let your dreams remind
While you’ll be captivated
As yourself search inside

It’s beauty
It’s pride
As you are surrounded by
And embraced by nature

created on 11-30-2013

note: Tagbibinta Falls is located in Maragusan Davao de Oro
or  former (Compostela Valley Province).
          A nature made and one of the great tourist spot in Davao de Oro ( former Compostela Valley  Province)
Nací, hermanos, en esta dulce tierra argentina,
pero el primer recuerdo nítido de mi infancia
es éste: una mañana de oro y de neblina,
un camino muy blanco Y una calesa rancia.

Luego un portal oscuro de caduca arrogancia
y una abuelita toda temblona y pueblerina,
que me deja en la cara una agreste fragancia
me dice: -¡El mi nieto, qué caruca más fina!

Y me llenó las manos de castañas y nueces,
el alma de leyendas, el corazón de preces,
y los labios risueños de un divino parlar.

Un parlar montañés de viejecita bruja
que narra una conseja mientras mueve la aguja.
El mismo que ennoblece, hermanos, mi cantar.
Blanco, ceñido de luz blanca
desde los pies a la cabeza.
Vienen de lejos hasta mí,
se alzan, me embisten, me rodean.     Hacen nacer dentro del alma
no sé qué antiguas inocencias.
Alegría sobre las olas,
en los troncos de las palmeras,
alegría de oros y azules
bajo la luz que se dispersa.
(Esta alegría que ahora siento
yo sólo sé lo que me cuesta.)
    He podado las viejas ramas
que maduró el dolor. Las viejas
ramas. Ya el árbol tiene blancas
flores, y frutas opulentas.
    Tras el dolor consigue el alma
su plenitud. Sólo así llega
a reposar en la alegría,
a sentirse total y nueva.     He podado las viejas ramas.
(Yo pregunté sin que me oyeran.
Quise saber si era el otoño:
tenía el cielo una luz vieja,
un oro pálido y sereno,
como las hojas secas.
Veía siempre una gaviota
planear sobre mi cabeza).
He podado las viejas ramas,
la vida entera.
Enterré en el fondo del pozo
mi clara estrella.
He podado las viejas ramas.
Puse luz en mi noche negra
para que hoy beba su alegría
la pobre alma...                                 Me rodean.
Blanco, ceñido de luz blanca
desde los pies a la cabeza.
El alma bebe su alegría
entre las olas. Se despierta
de su mal sueño. Arena casi
maternal. Entre las palmeras
hay aves de oro, frutos de oro,
niños de oro, doradas hierbas.
Las olas rompen y me embisten,
y me visten de blancas yedras.
¡Alegría sobre las olas
disparando loca sus flechas!
Despiertan dentro de mi alma
no sé qué antiguas inocencias.     Alegría sólo presente
para que siempre sea eterna.
(Esta alegría que ahora siento
yo sólo sé lo que me cuesta).
La mirada interior se despliega y un mundo de vértigo y llama nace bajo la frente del que sueña:
soles azules, verdes remolinos, picos de luz que abren astros como granadas,
tornasol solitario, ojo de oro girando en el centro de una explanada calcinada,
bosques de cristal de sonido, bosques de ecos y respuestas y ondas, diálogo de transparencias,
¡viento, galope de agua entre los muros interminables de una garganta de azabache,
caballo, cometa, cohete que se clava justo en el corazón de la noche, plumas, surtidores,
plumas, súbito florecer de las antorchas, velas, alas, invasión de lo blanco,
pájaros de las islas cantando bajo la frente del que sueña!Abrí los ojos, los alcé hasta el cielo y vi cómo la noche se cubría de estrellas.
¡Islas vivas, brazaletes de islas llameantes, piedras ardiendo, respirando, racimos de piedras vivas,
cuánta fuente, qué claridades, qué cabelleras sobre una espalda oscura,
cuánto río allá arriba, y ese sonar remoto de agua junto al fuego, de luz contra la sombra!
Harpas, jardines de harpas.Pero a mi lado no había nadie.
Sólo el llano: cactus, huizaches, piedras enormes que estallan bajo el sol.
No cantaba el grillo,
había un vago olor a cal y semillas quemadas,
las calles del poblado eran arroyos secos
y el aire se habría roto en mil pedazos si alguien hubiese gritado: ¿quién vive?
Cerros pelados, volcán frío, piedra y jadeo bajo tanto esplendor, sequía, sabor de polvo,
rumor de pies descalzos sobre el polvo, ¡y el pirú en medio del llano como un surtidor petrificado!Dime, sequía, dime, tierra quemada, tierra de huesos remolidos, dime, luna agónica,
¿no hay agua,
hay sólo sangre, sólo hay polvo, sólo pisadas de pies desnudos sobre la espina,
sólo andrajos y comida de insectos y sopor bajo el mediodía impío como un cacique de oro?
¿No hay relinchos de caballos a la orilla del río, entre las grandes piedras redondas y relucientes,
en el remanso, bajo la luz verde de las hojas y los gritos de los hombres y las mujeres bahándose al alba?
El dios-maíz, el dios-flor, el dios-agua, el dios-sangre, la Virgen,
¿todos se han muerto, se han ido, cántaros rotos al borde de la fuente cegada?
¿Sólo está vivo el sapo,
sólo reluce y brilla en la noche de México el sapo verduzco,
sólo el cacique gordo de Cempoala es inmortal?Tendido al pie del divino árbol de jade regado con sangre, mientras dos esclavos jóvenes lo abanican,
en los días de las grandes procesiones al frente del pueblo, apoyado en la cruz: arma y bastón,
en traje de batalla, el esculpido rostro de silex aspirando como un incienso precioso el humo de los fusilamientos,
los fines de semana en su casa blindada junto al mar, al lado de su querida cubierta de joyas de gas neón,
¿sólo el sapo es inmortal?He aquí a la rabia verde y fría y a su cola de navajas y vidrio cortado,
he aqui al perro y a su aullido sarnoso,
al maguey taciturno, al nopal y al candelabro erizados, he aquí a la flor que sangra y hace sangrar,
la flor de inexorable y tajante geometría como un delicado instrumento de tortura,
he aquí a la noche de dientes largos y mirada filosa, la noche que desuella con un pedernal invisible,
oye a los dientes chocar uno contra otro,
oye a los huesos machacando a los huesos,
al tambor de piel humana golpeado por el fémur,
al tambor del pecho golpeado por el talón rabioso,
al tam-tam de los tímpanos golpeados por el sol delirante,
he aqui al polvo que se levanta como un rey amarillo y todo lo descuaja y danza solitario y se derrumba
como un árbol al que de pronto se le han secado las raíces, como una torre que cae de un solo tajo,
he aquí al hombre que cae y se levanta y come polvo y se arrastra,
al insecto humano que perfora la piedra y perfora los siglos y carcome la luz,
he aquí a la piedra rota, al hombre roto, a la luz rota.¿Abrir los ojos o cerrarlos, todo es igual?
Castillos interiores que incendia el pensamiento porque otro más puro se levante, sólo fulgor y llama,
semilla de la imagen que crece hasta ser árbol y hace estallar el cráneo,
palabra que busca unos labios que la digan,
sobre la antigua fuente humana cayeron grandes piedras,
hay siglos de piedras, años de losas, minutos espesores sobre la fuente humana.Dime, sequía, piedra pulida por el tiempo sin dientes, por el hambre sin dientes,
polvo molido por dientes que son siglos, por siglos que son hambres,
dime, cántaro roto caído en el polvo, dime,
¿la luz nace frotando hueso contra hueso, hombre contra hombre, hambre contra hambre,
hasta que surja al fin la chispa, el grito, la palabra,
hasta que brote al fin el agua y crezca el árbol de anchas hojas de turquesa?Hay que dormir con los ojos abiertos, hay que soñar con las manos,
soñemos sueños activos de río buscando su cauce, sueños de sol soñando sus mundos,
hay que soñar en voz alta, hay que cantar hasta que el canto eche raíces, tronco, ramas, pájaros, astros,
cantar hasta que el sueño engendre y brote del costado del dormido la espiga roja de la resurrección,
el agua de la mujer, el manantial para beber y mirarse y reconocerse y recobrarse,
el manantial para saberse hombre, el agua que habla a solas en la noche y nos llama con nuestro nombre,
el manantial de las palabras para decir yo, tú, él, nosotros, bajo el gran árbol viviente estatua de la lluvia,
para decir los pronombres hermosos y reconocernos y ser fieles a nuestros nombres
hay que soñar hacia atrás, hacia la fuente, hay que remar siglos arriba,
más allá de la infancia, más allá del comienzo, más allá de las aguas del bautismo,
echar abajo las paredes entre el hombre y el hombre, juntar de nuevo lo que fue separado,
vida y muerte no son mundos contrarios, somos un solo tallo con dos flores gemelas,
hay que desenterrar la palabra perdida, soñar hacia dentro y también hacia afuera,
descifrar el tatuaje de la noche y mirar cara a cara al mediodía y arrancarle su máscara,
bañarse en luz solar y comer los frutos nocturnos, deletrear la escritura del astro y la del río,
recordar lo que dicen la sangre y la marea, la tierra y el cuerpo, volver al punto de partida,
ni adentro ni afuera, ni arriba ni abajo, al cruce de caminos, adonde empiezan los caminos,
porque la luz canta con un rumor de agua, con un rumor de follaje canta el agua
y el alba está cargada de frutos, el día y la noche reconciliados fluyen como un río manso,
el día y la noche se acarician largamente como un hombre y una mujer enamorados,
como un solo río interminable bajo arcos de siglos fluyen las estaciones y los hombres,
hacia allá, al centro vivo del origen, más allá de fin y comienzo.
Bendito sea Dios, porque inventó el silencio,
y el chirrido de la chicharra,
y el lagarto de fastuoso traje verde,
y la brasa hipnotizadora
(horizontal crepúsculo pudo haberla llamado
don Pedro Calderón de la Barca en el declive del Barroco).
Bendito sea Dios que inventó el agua
el agua sobre todo.

Bendito sea Dios porque inventó el amanecer
y el balido que lo poblaba.
Ahora vuelvo a escuchar aquella melodía.
El arroyo arpegiaba sobre cantos rodados,
hacía el contrapunto.
Suena el concierto en mi memoria.
O puede que se trate
de una música diferente:
la que escuchó, primero, entre los arrayanes de Granada
Federico García Lorca,
y luego aquí, rescatada,
en Columbia University.

Bendito sea Dios que inventó los prodigios
que contaba mi padre
perfumado de espliego y de tomillo.
Eran historias de ciudades mágicas
en las que el agua circulaba
por venas de metal, agua caliente y fría
(nos lo contaba al borde del regato,
helado en el invierno, seco en estío:
«Venga, a lavarse, coño, guarros».
Y obedecíamos).

Bendito sea Dios que inventó la cabra -la cabra
que rifaba por los pueblos-
mucho antes que Pablo Picasso,
con barriga de cesto de mimbre
y tetas como guantes de bronce.
Maldito sea Dios porque inventó el estaño
parpadeante del olivo,
ramas y tronco de Laoconte,
y aquella sombra trágica de catafalco y oro:
un rayo congelado en la mano siniestra
y en la diestra un crepúsculo.
Maldito sea Dios porque inventó a mi padre
colgado de una rama del olivo
poco después de recogerse la aceituna.
No puedo perdonárselo.
Pero eso fue más tarde.
Antes fueron los niños.
Bendito sea Dios que inventó aquellos niños,
vestidos como príncipes o pájaros.
Con voces de cristal, «Papá», decían a su padre.
Bendito sea Dios por inventar una palabra
milagrosa, jamás oída,
y su padre correspondía
con vaharadas de ternura.

Maldito sea Dios, porque yo quise
arrezagarme en la ternura
pronunciando la mágica palabra
entonces descubierta. «¿Papá?» «Mariconadas,
si te la vuelvo a oír te llevas una hostia».

Bendito sea Dios porque inventó los años,
1970, 1980, 1990...,
inventó el fuego, el oro viejo
de los arces de otoño,
y estos ríos profundos como penas,
largos como el olvido o el recuerdo,
hospitalarios, generosos,
por los que la ciudad va navegando
hasta la mar, que es el morir.

Bendito sea Dios que inventó libros sabios.
Se daba nombre en ellos
a lo que antes no lo tenía.
Bendito sea Dios porque inventó licenciaturas
masters, campus con risas y con marihuana,
laboratorios y celebraciones
con cantos en latín, gaudeamus igitur, ,
todo situado en niveles distintos del tiempo.

Bendito sea Dios que inventó la memoria
y que inventó el silencio de este lugar aséptico,
y las venas metálicas ocultas
en las que el agua espera
unas manos liberadoras que les devuelvan su canción.
Ahora sé que mi padre está vengado.
Mi padre, descolgado del olivo
pronuncia con mis labios las palabras totémicas,
y se estremece este recinto sagrado.
«Coño, joder, carajo, a lavarse la cara, hostias».
Y abro los grifos, lavabos, duchas, retretes,
se desbordan las aguas que él soñaba
en la choza de adobe y paja
cantan la gloria de la recuperación,
y mi padre navega por las aguas,
le provoco, gritándole desconsolado.
«¡Papá!». «Mariconadas», me contesta.
ahogado, recuperado,
navegante por los canales de oro,
vivo ya para siempre.
De sombra, sol y muerte, volandera
grana zumbando, el ruedo gira herido
por un clarín de sangre azul torera.

Abanicos de aplausos, en bandadas,
descienden, giradores, del tendido,
la ronda a coronar de los espadas.

Se hace añicos el aire, y violento,
un mar por media luna gris mandado
prende fuego a un farol que apaga el viento.

¡Buen caballito de los toros, vuela,
sin más jinete de oro y plata, al prado
de tu gloria de azúcar y canela!

Cinco picas al monte, y cinco olas
sus lomos empinados convirtiendo
en verbena de sangre y banderolas.

Carrusel de claveles y mantillas
de luna macarena y sol, bebiendo,
de naranja y limón, las banderillas.

Blonda negra, partida por dos bandas,
de amor injerto en oro la cintura,
presidenta del cielo y las barandas,

rosa en el palco de la muerte aún viva,
libre y por fuera sanguinaria y dura,
pero de corza el corazón, cautiva.

Brindis, cristiana mora, a ti, volando,
cuervo mudo y sin ojos, la montera
del áureo espada que en el sol lidiando

y en la sombra, vendido, de puntillas,
da su junco a la media luna fiera,
y a la muerte su gracia, de rodillas.

Veloz, rayo de plata en campo de oro
nacido de la arena y suspendido,
por un estambre, de la gloria, al toro,

mar sangriento de picas coronado,
en Dolorosa grana convertido,
centrar el ruedo manda, traspasado.

Feria de cascabel y percalina,
muerta la media luna gladiadora,
de limón y naranja, remolina

de la muerte, girando, y los toreros,
bajo una alegoría voladora
de palmas, abanicos y sombreros.
Asida de una rama de neblina
dialogo con mi ayer, oro y tormenta.
La furia del clavel entre la menta
enciende todavía la colina.

Mientras la dulce tarde se asordina
otra música llega, grave y lenta,
a enclaustrarme en sus gritos de tormenta
y su olor de jazmines y resina.

El ayer... Ah que mundo tan lejano
de esta avidez de presa de mi mano,
halcón menudo que cazó centellas,

ave de paraíso ya perdida,
entre la selva muerta de una vida
que iluminaron todas las estrellas.
Igual, la flor retorna
a limitarnos el instante azul,
a dar una hermandad gustosa a nuestro cuerpo,
a decirnos, oliendo inmensamente,
que lo breve nos basta.

Lo breve al sol de oro, al aire de oro,
a la tierra de oro, al áureo mar;
lo breve contra el cielo de los dioses,
lo breve enmedio del oscuro no,
lo breve en suficiente dinamismo,
conforme entre armonía y entre luz.

Y se mece la flor, con el olor
más rico de la carne,
olor que se entra por el ser y llega al fin
de su sinfín, y allí se pierde,
haciéndonos jardín.

La flor se mece viva fuera, dentro,
con peso exacto a su placer.
Y el pájaro la ama y la estasía,
y la ama, redonda, la mujer,
y la ama y la besa enmedio el hombre.

¡Florecer y vivir, instante
de central chispa detenida,
abierta en una forma tentadora;
instante sin pasado,
en que los cuatro puntos cardinales
son de igual atracción dulce y profunda:
instante del amor abierto
como la flor!
Amor y flor en perfección de forma,
en mutuo sí frenético de olvido,
en compensación loca,
olor, sabor y olor,
color, olor y tacto, olor, amor, olor.

El viento rojo la convence
y se la lleva, rapto delicioso,
con un vivo caer que es un morir
de dulzor, de ternura, de frescor;
caer de flor en su total belleza,
volar, pasar, morir de flor y amor
en el día mayor de la hermosura,
sin dar pena en su irse ardiente al mundo,
ablandando la tierra sol y sombra,
perdiéndose en los ojos azules de la luz!
Leydis Jul 2017
Quiero ser tu “Aurum”—Si amor, tu amanecer brillante.
Que seas tú mi Argentum, el amor más puro o blanco que haya tenido.

Procuremos que nuestro amor sea como oro y plata.
Que sea maleable y dócil.
Que nuestro regazo sea el conducto para las;
Aleaciones de las más intensas pasiones,
de infinita lujuria,
de eterna conquista,
de brillante utopía,

Que seamos conductividad caldeada en el lecho.
Encendiéndonos en un amor que traspase la tierra,
que se funda en ella,
que incruste en sus piedras,
Que cada entrega se vean las chispas relumbrando
entre las aguas, la peladillas y la arena,
para así poder identificarlas en tiempos de indiferencias .

Seamos fuerte como metal para vencer las treguas,
las que alejan parejas,
las intermitentes quejas,
las del miedo a atarse a una sola persona por toda una vida,
la desconfianza y las que conllevan a la más vil de las ofensas.

Seamos tan etéreos para trascenderlas.
Seamos del oro su brillo, de la plata su esencia.
Que sea nuestro amor, una moneda intercambiable.
Usando esos metales de amor para quitarnos hasta la pereza.
Sanemos cualquier tumefacción pasional usando el oro para sanarnos.

Si amor sé que somos de carne y hueso,
pero para que nuestro amor perdure,
tendremos que convertirnos en ¡plata y oro!.
Que cuando pasemos por el fuego,
nos fundamos uno con el otro,
como se funden los metales
que crean las más ¡impresionantes obras de arte!

Adrien Jul 2014
Quiero pintar tu cuerpo con mis dedos, de mil lineas y puntos
Para capturar los mil verdes que toma tu mirada
Segun el tiempo, segun la hora.
Para guardar conmigo el sabor de tus suspiros,
Y el de tu oreja,
El de tus labios,
Y el de tu lengua.

Quiero cojer estos tesoros inaprensibles,
Estas gemas inalcansables;
Como de mis dedos la arena,
El polvo de oro que se escapa;
Nubes suaves y edulcoradas,
Por cual viento invisble llevadas.

Quiero pintar tu cuerpo con mis dedos, de mil lineas y puntos.
Para mostrar al mundo y a la faz del Sol
Lo que puede brillar una pequeña flor,
Como puede cambiar un miserable en hombre mejor.

Quiero ser tu siervo, alimentar tu fuego
Proteger de mis brazos tu belleza
Y hacerte sonreir para que sea dia
Quiero estar a tu lado poque estoy enfermo
Y eres la prescripcion que me hizo el cielo
Quiero robar el nectar a tus labios
Y tocar tu piel para estar con Dios
Quiero ser tu sombra para seguirte por donde estes
Quiero ser tu alfombra para que me toques con tus pies
Quiero ser la orilla a la que vaya tu barco
Quiero pintar tu cuerpo.

Quiero oler, quiero tocar, quiero sumergirme alli dentro de la corriente pacifica casi magica, de té y de menta, de miel y de lima, con los ojos bien abiertos para sentirme vivir y la boca y cada poro del cuero espeso que cubre mi cuerpo debil.
Quiero vivir toda mi vida en este instante, en el que mis pelos se levantan, en el que mis entrañas sobresaltan y mis pupilas se dilatan, cuando me miras y lees en mi alma, y juegas con ella, cuando paseas y bostezas en el jardin secreto de mi sueño cuando posas tus pies sobre mi boca sobre mi letra cuando caminas sobre mi, sobre mi poesia como sobre un camino que no lleva a ninguna parte, para no irse del pais solo recorerlo no salir del museo porque tu eres mi galeria de arte.
Quiero tocar, quiero oler, quiero sumerjirme, dejar de orar, de pintar puntos y lineas, quiero alcanzarte.
Estoy movido por esta fuerza salvaje que late en tus pupilas,
Esta misma que mueve el insecto  hasta la flor prominente, es lo que hace sudar y empapa los páramos cada noche como para bautizarlos y lo que mueve los sequoias a tratar de tocar los cielos por miles de años ; la excitacion y efervenscia en las ramas de los bosques cuando llega el alba, las alabanzas y los cantos de hadas vestidas de plumas cuando viene la luz, el susurro del insecto y de monstruos minisculos que musitan llega la luz, llega el color
Tu eres mi luz , tu eres mi calor cuando me atrapas en el abismo verde de tus ocelos dulces que quiero oler, quiero tocar.
Quiero sumerjirme en las galaxias celadon de tus fanales que percibo a veces en el cielo, quiero con la boca y las venas abiertas impregnarme de la clorofila que moja tus ojos es lo que mi cuerpo pide, mi cuerpo suplica, el eucalypto a mi garganta a mis pulmones el aire puro, el aire limpio, quiero oler tu haliento, estar penetrado de calor, y de fuego por un instante que me mires como el pajaro secreto que toca su nido por un instante y por un instante solo, cuando se ilumina la noche por un fragmento de segundo y que desaparece, quiero volar contigo quiero parar el tiempo porque cuando me miras vivo. Quiero tocar quiero oler quiero estar contigo, porque eres mi luz, mi ilucion y mi dia, la mas bella creacion que hizo jehova.

— The End —