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Donald Guy Nov 2012
wandering the Commons, quietly listening
   to the sounds of Childish Gambino

Looking for the sixteenth time for
   An escape from the Pru
Sipping a glass of Sam Adams Boston Brick Red
at a corner of WHISKEY'S on Boylston

Stopped in at Ben & Jerry's on Park:
   Bought a cone of  ™
Paid for it with
my Bank of America® VISA® P L A T I N U M   P L U S ®

Checked in on  foursquare and
   read the protest tweets on
my verizonwireless® hTC® ThunderBolt™
with Google:
                #NYPD collapses on #Sanctuary and begins arresting clergy and occupiers
                inside. #D17 #Re-Occupy #OWS
                _Retweeted by Occupy Boston
           @OccupyWallSt Links to sanctuary/clergy violations?

Erst I wandered the sights
and thought of thoughts

Tweeted a picture of the “pro-corporate” march
Pictured Headlines:

Area Cop Arrests Area Man for Obeying Traffic Signal
"Didn't anybody tell him that's not how its done round here?"

Cell of Young Idealists with ties to
Low-Level Terrorist Organization Busted & Detained:
Found Plotting the Grassroots, Digitized, Non-Violent Overthrow of the Status Quo

City upon a Hill: “Whose city?! Whose hill?!”

~D.B. Guy, 12/17/11
A poem which "properly" involves a bizarre amount of formatting. See
Walid Abdallah Jun 2018
Forget…?      Not yet.

I was a little kid one day
I knew nothing but how to play
Once we had a big house and a tree
The paradise I used to see
I was playing with other boys
Around the tree with different toys
I always had a dream in my head
To grow up, be bigger than a kid
I always had a wish
Never to know grief or anguish
Did I forget…..?
Never….not yet.

One day I had black hair
Satisfied with my parent's care
I knew nowhere but my parents' embrace
I knew that is our house and our place
I still remember my white kite
Flying over our house before my sight
Going to school with friends of my age
Once I was young … a little page
Once we had a full life of our own
Once we had our sun and moon
Did I forget…..?
Never ……not yet.

Suddenly I grew up a thousand years
With cries, grief and tears
It was the first time to hear about Zionist occupiers
Of our own life, they are defiers
Everything turned upside down one day
My black hair turned into grey
They destroyed our house and tree
Heard lots of desperate cries…Alas, it was me!
And showed up one Zionist
And said to me "Get out, terrorist"
Did I forget…….?
Never….,not yet.

My own parents, they brutally slew
Our house and tree, they fiercely up blew
I had no ability even to weep
As terror into my heart began to creep
Our own life, they have stolen
Our house and tree have fallen
Zionists shouted, "We came to take your land"
Your sky, desert and sand
They said, "Of our own land-get out
With guns' and tanks' shout
Did I forget?
Never, not yet

I began to walk away and run
Under flaming sky and weeping sun
They forced me to desert my land, what a vile!
In my own country, everlasting exile!
All houses, schools and mosques, they demolished
All our friends and relations, they perished
Under my feet I lost my way
In my country, I became astray
My parent slept in eternal peace
They took every comfort and left me no piece
Did I forget?
Never, not yet

I was looking for a place to settle
With no food and water was so little
A while passed and saw some kids like me
They ran away, they did nothing but to flee
We lived together
We were brother to brother
Recalling what happened before our eyes
And our cries reached the skies
Everyone, his story, told
With weather was so cold
Did I forget?
Never, not yet

We promised each other
To defend our country together
We would get back our land
Arm with arm and hand to hand
We are stronger with the power of faith
We have no fear to face
Together we would sweep them out
With our faith, without doubt
The day will come so soon
And get back our sun and moon
Did we forget?
Never, not yet

Pain and torture they invent
With horror and deliberate intent
Every time they **** one of ours
The more we gain powers
One day they will definitely taste the same pain
That's what we keep in heart and brain
They make our streets full of bones
We are much stronger with stones
Keep demolishing houses more and more
We have more stones and they are our weapon and cure
Did we forget?
Never, not yet

As long as there is a drop of sweat
Our country will come back to us as we expect
As long as there is a drop of blood in our vein
Our struggle would never be in vain
We will achieve our own dream
We will cross every sea and stream
To see a green branch of leaves
Only when the last Zionist leaves
Our relations whose lives they sacrifice
In a procession direct to paradise
With prophets and martyrs they live together
An eternal life that would never wither
Did we forget?
Never, not yet

The land is ours and forever will remain
Despite all people, they **** and detain
On the land where Jesus Christ once put his feet
The same land will witness their defeat
Zionists plant sorrow  and envy
God is watching and destiny
We have God's right
With which dawn overcomes long night
Did we forget?
Never, not yet

Al Aqsa weeps and calls
Its lobbies and halls
So many martyrs on its land, no matter
For the pigeon again to come and flutter
Despite all Zionists' crimes, the world turned the deaf ear
Our dream is getting closer, it is very near
For our country we come like water flow
Yearning for our clear sky and blue
We never surrender or agree
To be slaves after being free
Did we forget?
Never, not yet

Our waiting will never be so long
Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa to us they belong
We will get our right back
And put an end to the night so black
We will get our life again
And get our land every mount and plain
Al-Aqsa will open again to pray
And will never be an easy prey
Our kids will never be slaves
With freedom every new born behaves
Did we forget?
Never, never, never, not yet.
A dedication to Palestine and my Palestinian friends
Dr. Walid Abdallah
Trevor Gates Jan 2013
Hello again, and welcome to tonight’s program

A wonderful show it is, for you that is…

A beautiful imbalance of provocative wonders

Simmered together in an elixir of intoxication

The modern day alchemist roams the night for the eyes of sensuality

The midnight occupiers of the everlasting void

A world you understand but can’t comprehend

A life you comprehend but don’t understand

The unsaid pleasures of private fantasy

The untold fantasy of malevolent pleasures

Please come in

Don’t be shy

We’re all here

Waiting for you

Yes this way

Keep walking till you see the door


This is the door

The door for you


Room 16

It’s unlocked

It’s ok


Walk in

This is your door

This is your mind

This is your door to your mind

Room 16

Where were you when you were 16?

Do you remember that one night that changed everything?

That one girl?

That one boy?

Finding yourself….did it happen?

Did you feel misunderstood?


Did you misunderstand others?

I remember only too well.

The stories I faced

The ridicule I endured

“You need to be punished” said the stepfather-person, “But since you think you are old enough to make your own decisions, here’s one for you.  Now it’s either you or your cat.  I can either gut you or gut your cat…decide now, Which of you doesn’t get gutted?”

I look up at my little cat, squeezed underneath his massive arm

I didn’t put it past him that he would hurt me in an unimaginable way

I point to myself, saying that I didn’t want to be gutted.

“Wow.”  The stepfather-person says, “You must not love your own pets.  Some person you’ll turn out to be.”

He tosses the cat to the ground and leaves to his room.

The next day the cat is gone.

What cruel manifestations we are of all our sins

What dark creatures we are, yet we are terrified of the monsters underneath our bed

The monsters in the other room
The monster that sits at your dinner table
The monster that beats your mother
The monster that kicks you into a bookshelf
The monster that strangles you
The monsters

The monsters we all have the potential to become

But do we?

I’d like to think that some of us can become angels instead

Not monster or demons

But some do

In fact

Many of us do

Many of us become the monsters we covet.

What are you?

This has been tonight’s program.  We’d like to thank the academy and all who made this possible:  Quarters, Jimi Hendrix, Ronald Dahl, Marilynn Monroe, Bret Easten Ellis, watches, Eastern Promises, A history of Violence, Daniel Day Lewis, Rebecca Hall, Cocteau Twins, tomatoes, graphic novels, There will be blood,  red gel pens, gold frames and all the little people.

Thank you and please visit us again.
Not really a poem, but a writing exercise I developed.  I treat it as monologue directed to an unknown audience/reader.
Eslam Dabank Apr 2022
Sirens, ballads of anguish are singing, ears are ringing, 
     Our nightingale is shrieking, and children are clinging.
Our Kalyna is red, but wrapped in blood now, not love, 
     From the massacres aeroplanes bring from far above.

My uncle, enters the now upside-down house of his, 
     “Welcome”, with a phoney grin, and wariness he says. 
The house holding memories is now clogged rubble, 
    In the land that shall never greet occupiers or trouble.

His daughter's dreams shattered, for the reverie of filth, 
     It matters not; the nation of his deserves blood spilth, 
We deserve not peace, but the delusions of a hag pass, 
     May he rest in peace, along with the delusion he has.

My mother may never hear the raindrops fall again;
     Missiles seal ears with noise, and the death of men. 
The men, women and children, who will lead us all, 
     Through scorched fields with whispers old and small.

She is a hairdresser, she might braid hair for the fun, 
     But other mothers, braid the hairs of daughters gone, 
They keep them safe under a pillow where they smell, 
     The warmth of days before the dictator's missiles fell.

Red and black are the only colours they pervaded here, 
    They wish for our colours to diminish and spring adhere, 
But beauty routs the devil of ugliness and his conceit;
    Our colours saturate our resistance, painting your defeat.

They shall not sprout in our fields, like poisonous herbs, 
     They "rescue" us, but the gunshots my brother disturbs, 
We did one day exchange our dreams for a pistol facing - 
     Facing the bear who is destruction, within embracing. 

Blood accumulated in heaps on the sleeves of killers, 
    Like a marvel detested in a chapter of stained thrillers.  
But thriller this is not, it is lives of the innocent lost;
    He plays chess in reality, after a coin he has tossed. 
Mothers, daughters, sons and fathers are everyday slain, 
     but spring soars today, prevails tomorrow - in Ukraine.
This poem was inspired by a video I recieved from my uncle, who entered his house for the first time after fleeing it to join the Ukrainian army with a fake smile, saying "welcome! Welcome, Oh God!" - the Oh God was a reaction to the rubble and the wreckage he found. His family had to flee to another region as well.
topaz oreilly Nov 2012
Stay put Owner occupiers  are now envied
corners of smudged wealth,
suburbian renters isotope
brandish new England
more the continental model.
In derelict public houses
inside weightless Box Rooms
every blade of concrete counts.
I shall play in once Lavender fields
and usher questions.
How many times
do we render our knowledge?
ghost town forms are in submission,
again recession chimes
more than a lack of opportunities,
but who are these  newcomers arriving en masse
to once bespoke areas
with money earned
from former unfashionable abodes ?
Not utterances of unsolvable contradictions,no

He speaks to me, do you not understand

In incantatory language, intense, so intense

It creates a new heaven and earth

He speaks with magic words

Whose overpowering proof of authenticity

Is in their unawareness of my presence

And would that this be the status of my language

In a world wedded to nothingness this language

Creates a fresh reality that floats free of the body and society

His words are the occupiers of a new

Magical, passionate and transformative speech

That become an absolute singularity in the mind

Where time is stilled in cancellation to a complement

Forms the magical realm of reciprocal imagination
The Occupier

A wrong type of rabbits have invaded
the woods they are aggressive, intelligent
but lack empathy for those not as them.
The rabbits that lived before were smaller
the blue of colour and happy in their modest burrows
thrown out thrown out by the grey ones that
took their holes or made them inhabitable.
The original rabbits live in the corner of the woods
a place too near the road and are often run over
by cars and tractors.
The intruder rabbits originally came from Europe
but there was an attempt to exterminate them
so they moved south and had become a curse
hateful, murderous and intolerant.
The smaller animals in the forest recent this
but they have the boars on their side so little
can be done, but being psychopathic by nature
they eventually destroy themselves.
The Occupiers

Outside, the only road in my village
a horde of carts pulled by skinny horses full of furniture and children
demanded access.
Our great grandfathers built this house we have
the right of return.
I contemplated giving them the shed but knowing they would
demand a larger part of the house, thought it best to resist
my thought of being kind.
The people outside were of Roman ancestry and had lived
in this area for hundreds of years and had been harassed wherever they went
It was time to take back the village and the right to defend ourselves
I rang the police, fifty officers came and disbursed the crowd
and a guard post erected at the entrance.
I normally have a liberal heart, but in this case, I had no empathy
by those who tried to make me homeless
Ahmad Cox Mar 2012
To occupy is to take by force
To forcibly remove someone
To take up space
Claiming your territory
Or even your space
There have been many occupations in history
Most of them where done through force
Most of the people who were being occupied
Never really had a choice
If they wanted to be occupied or not
We as humans have a tendency
Of wanting to occupy
Of wanting to take over
Wanting to convert and destroy
Instead of trying to learn
Learning from each other
Sharing our resources and our ideas
Instead of trying to live in harmony with the land
With the animals
With the sea
With each other
We would rather subjugate and destroy
Until there is nothing left
We must think a lot less like occupiers
Trying to control our space
Trying to control each other
And trying to live in harmony and peace
Burma and Rohingya

1948 thousands of Palestinians were thrown out of their
land suddenly by the new occupiers, was called Israel.
and thousands of them live in camps waiting to return
a dream they refuse to let go off.
Now, the Rohingya people have fled their country Burma,
they have nothing; they want to return to their land
but land mines and gunfire stops them, both instances
are and obscene abuse, a horrid behaviour by
one people to another, but there will be a reaction if you
push hard enough even the modest turn and
fight back, and you better understand this truth.
Barton D Smock Aug 2016
the demon ***** a child in the dream of yours where it first appeared  

the mother gets less and less attention for being born

the baby uncrosses its eyes

at a lone ******, I lose hours to the handstand
the occupiers
of my city

proof a mosquito in the gravedigger’s ear
Mateuš Conrad Sep 2017
the ethos of arbeit has overpowered the english speaking people, with a sarcastic notion of liebe, and made both work, and love, arbitrary, nay, nasally said: homophilic: too many phobias are spoken off, spiders in the guise of arachnophobia don't suddenly become islam! you see any gigantus aranea roaming the streets?! for the most part, i'm closer to see popes walk naked in a francis bacon sketch of the affairs... let's be honest, the holy ghost has become run over by the other spirit, the other phrase of sophia, the zeitgeist, not this church infested cockroach colony of the platzgeist with a few crimson cardinals numbed into mumbling their mea culpas ave marias... the senile old ******* just died, with: a few more thousand young men, born into a world without having to succumb to the "tender" female noir of a bambi (transgender times, live with it) harem ******* occupiers in the form of: zee heff! i'll be crying as much when, some other public personage dies... although i did grit my teeth when my great-grandmother died, managed to bite off a scalpel of tooth with my other tooth... funny, i can still tongue the canyon proof.

and it's the antithesis of the # (hashtag) generation,
namely? the súdokū...
   plus the english ******* explanation of
needing the hyphen, as a diacritical mark
to ease, sorry, forget the poncy ***** ******
talk of "proper": lubricate the dissection
of cutting a word open into alphabet street...
   it would otherwise look more like su-dough-coup
with the p in bracket form ( ), since the french
over the antithesis of dyslexia compared
to the english, they just add letters that do not,
require attendance / mention.
          but that's the case, every time i solve
this *** sushi riddle i can't but compare it to
the zeitgeist of the hashtag...
              so i perch on a windowsill like a
wake of vultures of a lion reaching gluttony scene,
and start thinking: hey, how about we pair up
and pecker off that sod of a robert plant?
give him the curly wurly momentum,
start to peck at his ***,
  and then give him a vulture's barber effect
of trichotillomania?
there's bound to be a lesson in that,
    what with ol' hef gone, we only 'ave to
worry aboot the hoff...
             ha ha... when hef met hoff,
           and the **** never stopped,
even leaving king solomon a tad bit jealous.

i sit on a pile of rubble, and call it a castle -
time ref. to counter the darwinist -
and yes, the saharan desert was once a
mountain range akin to the alpes - or the himalayas -
as any chemist would, side with the geologists
than than the biologists: mushy mushy doesn't
buy my effort, the biologists just expanded
history, we might as well make the *other

connection, between desert and mountain,
ergo: time,
       takes a lot of it,
          pretty much as much as space,
             apes have become debased genesis foci...
too many variations of it,
you'd have to start with eskimo and say:
  well: the orangutans seemed pleased with
a down syndrome replica...
                so just the chimps? no gorillas?
i still like my counter darwinism argument,
the counter biology, the lost mushy mushy
cushioning of certainty -
    like any chemist, i live for the hard stuff,
comes no harder than siding with geology,
saying: the epitome of times comes in
the form of the saharan mountain range,
that, given enough time (and we have a lot of
that now) - eroded into a sand-dial...
    irony, or divine intuition?
          and didn't the bible give off a whiff of:
and then a dinosaur went into eden:
   hey, be gods, try to, even,
  watch out, a ******* meteor might just come;
there's no fundamentalism contained
in a book that was written by an egyptian
    just a lack of poetic integrity in the interpretation...
i still don't see how poetry is slagged,
but the basic tenet of poetic writing is
taken, without a pinch of metaphor,
or counter-metaphor, in that it can be expanded
and be applied like a philosopher's stone,
to turn any known material into gold!

which brings me to another point, well, two,
how do you gain respect from the cats
you're petting?
             you sleep longer than they do.

point 2...

why has reading become such a "tedium" /
"accomplishment" -
   i'll tell you why, i don't like a language
of thinkers, i live a language realm of babblers...
the right to say blah is worth more than
the right to think oh...
                speaking has become too easy,
solidified by that fact that (if not even est.)
when someone writes a book, it becomes,
oh, the most glorious accomplishment!
     wow... these people really managed to
shut their gobs, and write a book?!
         wow... it's like seeing the fruition of
the event that didn't take place, that would have
been the out-doing of the hebrew architectural
tenure on the pyramids, that would have been
the hanging gardens of babylon,
that was, eventually, the poor nebuchadnezzar
crawling and snorting like a pig for seven years...
if you thought the pyramids were
a mad idea,  
    the jews finally solved the riddle exclaiming:
o.k., you know what, that's just
bonkers... you're about as mad as your hyena
grandfather, or father, or whatever he was
for asking to the seas to obey him by whipping
them (xerxes)...
  it's that unamazing to write a book these days...
or it really is, given that you have ghosts
writing them...
       ****, and they said the paranormal
didn't exist... really? ghost writers?
       maybe that's one of the reasons that when
don juan wrote his memoir,
  after bouts of not getting any, he invited
himself to a better pastime than jerking off...
well, might as well die a boring sod since
i'm not getting any, any more...
       me? i always thought of jerking off as
performing ****...
     i can't imagine the hand to be anyhow
different to the muscular ****...
    and for some reason,
i always end up thinking of the queen of england
waving: to add the seasoning of lacklustre
to the whole affair:
  like i'm there, but not really, there -
the roy orbison effort to make that:
strenuous effort at opera -
     and he was hardly the modern comparison
of a pop star with neck arteries protruding;
and he's still better than elvis.

word of wisdom:
  in the medium of poetry?
write by one technique, and one technique
well, that's how i was taught english,
by a pict.
nick armbrister Feb 2019
Brothers in War
Why did the two brothers fight one another?
In opposing armies on the same battlefield
Because one was Latvian and the other Russian
Both had the same father but different mothers
The Latvian one welcomed the Nazis when they came
For he was fascist and hated communists
He collaborated and was happy for a few short years
Till fortunes of war made the Soviets come
The Nazis left after battling the new Soviet occupiers
The Latvian bro knew what would happen so was ready
He fought the Soviet invaders with his Mauser rifle
Killing many but eventually being cornered in a village
There were informers about and the Soviets knew
With no escape he vowed to never surrender
The Russians sent his Russian brother to **** him
There was no negotiation for he was a collaborator
His bro tried to flush him out with machine gun fire
And then with accurate rifle shots hoping for a headshot
The Latvian bro had two shots left including one for him
When his chance was there he took it and fired
The Russian bro was a loyal communist and wanted promotion
But he slipped up in his zeal and got nailed by his bro
Who then blew his own ******* head off with his big toe
Thus died two brothers on opposing sides and ideologies
Now forgotten by all except the ghosts
Tomorrow's future

Christianity appears tepid I usually do not think about its
lack of centre as I dislike all religions they are fairy tales
that demands to be taken seriously.
Christianity can seem innocent enough, a bewildered vicar
and nice ladies bringing a flower to decorate the altar, till
we remember Bush and Blair; they invaded Iraq, not for
oil alone, but to prove their God was bigger than Allah.

The Christians have for hundreds of years fought in every
Corner of the world and foisted their brutal religion upon the innocent even
up to this day. The occupiers of Palestine belongs to the western conquering
culture and they – Israel- will be the biggest losers when the weakness
of our shallow culture is exposed and millions of Europeans
will flock to Islam that demands thrift, morality, and honesty.
Our culture is rotten; only Islam can save our soul.
Safana Jan 2023
I told you the truth...
Everyone has to decide.
To correct the uproar
Then we taste the red sauce.
There are no more petitions.
Or let's taste a white pear.
But, with no pride
Since we overthrew the rift

Who will go around?
And bring us a hamper.
Except you alone

Our one and only Tinubun
Who he will remember is...
The others should sip some soup.
No one walks on the thorn.
Even as he lifts the world

In our country as a whole
Who is the target?
To pull the nation’s trigger
Then respond directly.
Our tinubun is the one

Who is he, the stalwart?
to inflexibly hold Nigeria
Our tinubun is the one

Who is he, the middle man?
Whom everyone is interested in
I said: "Tinubu is the one."

Who will forgive?
The forgiveness of occupiers
Tinubu is surely the one.
No ethnic differences, as I am Hausa, but I better vote for the Yoruba man because he has a lot to bring to our country, Nigeria. His vision is wider, and his mission has strength.
The occupiers

Faro is a beautiful coastal town with a marina
and wonderful blue waters, it is an old city with
historic buildings and an inner wall where
the army and rich merchants lived, but there is a problem
you can hear it like swarm bees long before you
see them; rats are building a city in the ancient
the sewer system and get sunlight through
the storm drains, not to forget they a have an army to,
vermin come ashore from long boats, established
a colony thrived and married into the local rats.
At night thousands of them come over ground
and clean the city of waste, the sanitation dep,
has little to do in a town with no litter, but how
long will it takes before the vermin are strong
and ready to expel the humans?

PS. This scribbling was never meant to have political
The story of the young Jesus

Jesus was sceptical of his tribe as a trainee carpenter
he was lousy, could even make a bookshelf, he was bullied for this.
Jesus took umbrage and criticized the establishment of bootlicking priests
whom the Roman occupiers had given them power?
He took to hanging out with a group of radicals of the day
and since he was good with words soon became their leaders.
The groupies, one of the Magdalene, were for the pleasure of the flesh,
although Jesus was fond of this woman, he didn´t show it openly.
Jesus got big-headed thought he could take on the establishment
like when he chased money lenders out of the church.
He was wrong!
He was arrested mocked, and given a thorn crown, but he insisted
he was the proper leader of the people.
they crucified him, but women come to the rescue, healed his wounds
and sent him and Magdalen, the despised ****, to France.
He had seven children and ended his days as a valued goldsmith.
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2023

A Star Has Borne










Ryan O'Leary
The Proscribed Poet.
waiting for the day
the ultimate lay
to destroy all the other kids
who made fun like conversation before the battle of Zama
duck and cover
and run
to your mother
some waves crash pretty **** hard and others seem to do their part patience patience
mister mister
we will say the human race
now we will say the human race plus mister manly man right here stuck to
my ******* shoe
stuck to
the old days
the old ways
you are a
pathetic little man
i’ll spit you out like all the rest your hench men
or better still i’ll woo ya wife
will rest assured
If it’s
a **** off
that you want
if it’s nuke’s you wish to com
i’ll take you back to kiddy school
and see what all the bright minds think of mr manly man
show and tell
you’re just the same
a de
fected membrane
playtimes over mister mister
time to face the facts:
you can’t destroy a ******* thing you can’t win the human race you’ll break a wall and see yourself you’ll never love a human soul
you might not have the biggest **** but the biggest **** is you
and now it doesn’t seem so great:
your ***** desires
when no one will have you!
the alarms keep ******* ringing
and i’m still ******* laughing
am i wrong
or is it not conversation we all want not conversation
like our own
not conversation
on a phone
but down here we just want to talk
human to human
am i wrong
or is it not the time to **** **** up
nothing ain’t worth ****
without something
to get us out of bed and meet the dead
this ******* alarm
and this blessed smile
keeping us tucked
so now just over the fence you might see the bobble of a walking hat those who are tall and
are worth nothing still
without a gun in their hand
or a trick in their hat
they are worth nothing still
if they lie dead on the bed all red if they lie dead on the bed all red
cut off his arms and stick a needle in his eye on the left
let him watch with the other
watch time unfold forever
keep him in a box with a peeping hole take him on your trips

fly western commercial and drop him off let them feed off him like lenin
busted bust
and broken treads
you’ll leave him and return always
duck and cover
there’s no fun and games tonight tonight
i wish to die
duck and cover
i’m sure there’s just enough balance
to keep us the occupiers occupied
duck and cover
what’s wrong with a clenched fist strong smashing deep
and hard
into your
just for you
to hit me back
you ***** ***** *******
i love you
rest assured we will
come for you
and threaten you with peace of mind

adjust time
make it
act like Joan of Arc it’s enough for time to pass
time to sell all my belongings time to **** mister mister
Today is the impending

Christianity appears tepid we do not think of it
as a centre of our life.
I dislike all religions they are fairytales for adults
that demands to be taken seriously.
Ladies decorating the church with flowers while secretly
lusting after the vicar.
We remember Blair and Bush both are Christians
in its name, they invaded Iraq and killed thousands
of perfectly innocent people,
The Christians have for hundreds of years and foisted
their version upon masses who already have a god.
The occupiers of Palestine belong to the western culture
and they will be the biggest losers when the weakness
of our insipid culture cracks as the world implode.

— The End —