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L Gardener Aug 2014
I convinced myself it wouldn't be different.
I would just be holding your hand sometimes,
to feel a bit closer.
Some moments would be ever so slightly sweetened
yet beautiful in their own right.
We would be sleeping side by side,
dreaming together.
Without being reminded we would be cared for.
I would be able to see what I love about life reflected off of you.
You would be my favorite shoulder to rest on.
I would be your friend. I would be your lover.
I would be
we could be
but you can't.
(I'd rather be your friend forever than lose the gift of your presence in my life)
amie Mar 2015
imagine a world without mirrors
there'd be no judgment of others based on ourselves
and no judgment of ourselves based on others
imagine a world without mirrors
our souls would be the tools with which we'd perceive
not our eyes
imagine a world without mirrors
scratches, marks, burns and scars
would be treasured as symbols of strength and sacrifice
imagine a world without mirrors
we'd look deeper than the mere facades of our exteriors
into the intrinsic complexities and marvels of the heart
imagine a world without mirrors
our childhood innocence would remain
but our naiveties would fall away
imagine a world without mirrors
we'd behold our sisters and brothers in grace and awe
we'd behold them with love
I don't know why, but I keep asking myself what the world would be like without mirrors
Leecaramel Aug 2014
You see me as a black rose… dark, different and indifferent. Waiting to whittle away at your expectations, burn to ashes and become victim to your degradation.

As a witness to my own hiding…I see you trying to fight me, deny me and box me away to a place where no one will find me, confine me. You don’t realize I am bursting inside, creating my own place to hide.

You see me as a dark horse, difficult to tame, trying to find my own way not bowing down to what you have to say, you want to put me down…to play with me and keep me in this self-society created cage.

So many queries about why I don’t walk the path bound by society’s theories and ideologies, greeting and fearing the shadows that follow me, you torture me. You hate me.

You see me as an eclipse that comes as a sign of a curse stepping on everybody else’s turf, however I see myself as a bird. Flying away from the troubles that knack from my very soul, humbled by the beauty of the chips of a coal…I see myself as a mole.

A diamond that glitters in the deep holes, hidden and tucked away in the naiveties of a newborn… inside myself I am home, the rose amongst the thorns.

So to clarify and justify the ignorant mindsets that arise from the why…any queeries about who I am can be directed in the comfort of my identity and be left to die.

dark as dark — held secret
in TV's hoarse static. lining up and
scuttling across the thoroughfares,
vineyards wrung out of blood,
stomped, crevasse pithless.
willowed and scrunched up, a camouflage
of sorts to masquerade proper terrors.

ripe for Decembertime. magnanimous
assault of buses athwart carts jaded
somewhere between the bend and the fang, shadow upon *** of shadow and
the jiggling of loose change in mired pockets igniting a cadence of dithered flame. later, the lights will cross-fade
into criss-cross. x marks the spot
of burials. content with locks secured
by keys and vice versa. hermetic word
sealed shut in the eyes of the sleepless
children. naiveties suckling our mothers.
songs stifling our fathers. bamboozle
of radio intensifies to raw warfare.

our dangers go to work,
unfurling age. septuagenarian is rare,
and in any common rate, death teems
full in the disappearance of mornings
promising river-flown stories of
how everything was once in our hands.
The Reef Unseen
He was fifty-five divorced living in a cottage but how
is it possible to explain how he came to fall in love with a woman
15 years younger and lose his dignity.
I must take a break here try understanding the human heart
or the circumstances of the wished for the repellent he was
a ship that had lost its gyro-compass when navigating
the sea of deceit this foolish dance of the human borboleta
When he first kissed her, his whole being was absorbed by
her like falling into a cave of endless pleasures and his anchor
got lost in the outer seas
Then  suddenly it was over like dream that ends at dawn, her
the door was locked there was someone else, rejected he pleaded,
had she relented it would never be the same the thread
of naiveties that bound him to her was broken  
you can't re-dream a dream.
So he took the dog with him and drove up north he had wanted
to see the autumn colours after week, they drove home
The dog loved the old routine when he had been depressed
The dog was sad, for him she was the morning mist that
Briefly, obscure the blue mountain range where the sun arises

— The End —