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Lady Bird Jul 2015
fear flows through the night
tainted shadows hovers above
trapped within transparent darkness
stale air creeping like a stalker
every moment swallowed by sadness
leaveing a hollow emptiness deep inside
nate mattson Jul 2013
I can't stop , can't stop thinking , about her , the feelings are real and they just don't go away , she's the greatest person alive , I mean no one is perfect but if there was a perfect she would be pretty dam close, I can't think of her leaveing , it drives me nuts , to know that soon she will be thousands of miles away , I'm in love with this girl , and my heart is slowly shattering knowing she  is leaveing , why can't I handle this ? Or can I ? I'm so confused because real feelings don't just go away , real feelings make you feel like I do , happy , sad , confused , crazy , I don't understand love its the devil , at one moment your the happiest person alive and than your the saddest  person alive , love is a game , where you try new thingshopeing to find the right one , trying to sadisfy yourself with victory , but you don't always win , love  is great , love ***** , love is always good when its real , love is real , she is real and I love her , but I'm loseing her , the days are getting shorter and the nights not getting any longer , I wish I could just go with her , but we both need to try new people we are young , but I don't wanna try new people I have feelings and they are real , and real feelings don't just go away ! , but I have no choice and no say , mabey just mabey one day we will be together again but only time will tell if we are ment to be and I know my feelings are real and real feelings don't just go away
Sara fairmeal Jun 2015
I can feel your eyes peirceing mine.
Reading my face like a book,
leaned in so close,
I try to study yours as well.

But I can not read you!
With us sitting here alone,
your face so close to mine.
Fighting the urge to kiss you
overwhelms my mind.

You get painfully close...
Inches away from me.
Speaking softly of things
to make my heart melt.
My stomach is in knots
as you look away.
Leaveing me brethless
without a signal touch.
Mario Cotto Jan 2011
Darkness, a chill in the air, unexpected sorrow overwelming, she's dead.

Hope is gone and left. Emptyness is at the door creeping in like death himself. Death came quckly that night,passing right over my brother and decided to take another.

No one. Knew untill halfway throught the night, in the silance, at the time of change. He stood over her and let a silent tears flow from his eyes. Her pain was gone, her soul resting etirnialy with God.

His pain just beginning. His life was reset, everything changeing because she was dead.

The comprehension of death is and will remain imposable. It's the second thing that unites humanity. And it's the first thing we come to fear naturaly. It's a fear not learned or over come.

Death is the crul irony of life bringing relife and stress at the same time. Death is the end to what we are a custom to and a beginning to a new life.

Death had changed him.,had made him take on new struggles had made him some how stronger. Death had taken his skin and made it impenatable, only two things could harm him and he avoided the one with out hesatation.

He came to think that with love came more pain and death himself couldn't even bare it . So thus with out love he could live forever and could concur death.

Darkness, a chill in the air, unexpected sorrow overwelming, he's dead.

Hope is gone and left. Emptyness is at the door creeping in like death himself. Death came quckly that night,passing right over to my brother. Oh how I wish he could have claimed another.

Death has become my friend and my enamy leaveing dispare in his wake but like a snake I can avoid him.

For Death is the crul irony of life bringing relife and stress at the same time. Death is the end to what we are a custom to and a beginning to a new life.
Kim McCarthy Apr 2013
A million ways to use it, Never felt I had any choice
Sustained now for so long, It's become my inner voice
Just pops into my head, And it won't go ignored
It's a part of me now, So I grab a pen and record

This ink blots the paper, Leaveing behind emotional stain
The message received from my heart and my brain
A build up on the soul, To cleanse I just release
Things get better once it's out, Causes inner wars to cease

An overflow becomes avoided, No need to clean a mess
No matter the issues size, Poetry finds ways to express
It keeps me moving forward, No matter where it leads
Poetic potential is so great, I know I will succeed
I find love in you're eyes
           for the first time
   there is wormpth beneith you're hands
those hards dangerous hands
      tenderley yet hungerly
coress my skin leaveing me yet again borised
only now I'm kissed by those lips
lips that ounce crussed me
       leaving holes in my soul
    holes  that I never thought would heil
now they kiss me & it's the worst thing you could ever do
becuz tomarrow will turn back the hands of time  
    & I will live yet again in yesterday
where you're hand will bruise
me and you're words will eat a hole in my heart 100 times more then ever becuz now even after the *** runs dry
I find love in you're eyes
           for the first time
   there is wormpth beneith you're hands
those hards dangerous hands
      tenderley yet hungerly
coress my skin leaveing me yet again borised
only now I'm kissed by those lips
lips that ounce crussed me
       leaving holes in my soul
    holes  that I never thought would heil
now they kiss me & it's the worst thing you could ever do
becuz tomarrow will turn back the hands of time  
    & I will live yet again in yesterday
where you're hand will bruise
me and you're words will eat a hole in my heart 100 times more then ever becuz now even after the *** runs dry
Finally when it was over you came back
when i moved on and found some one new
and thats because i realized you were never true

You said I was never there
when i stood and asked you "are you bored"
But when ever i came near you, i was ignored

I use to see you
in a white wedding dress in my dream
when i finally woke up and realized that you were a witch with an evil scheme

I was thrown in a dark realm
Where your words keep hitting me like lashes
till i am no more and burnt to ashes

Tell me why did you do this?
even when i said " I can change,i know i can"
I guess i failed to realized that this was a plan

you wont get a me back
You were a coward who liked to flee
by leaveing you forever, I will set my self  free

I will admit that you were beautiful from  the crust
till i saw you get dump and turned to dust

I hope you health and good life
remeber one thing a cheater could never be a wife
Becca DeMateo Oct 2013
I just can't take it anymore
this feeling
its driving me
your driving me
i hate you
all you do is leave
"be home later"
i'm left  here
with OUR son
it pains me
i hate this
i'm so lonley
you have fun
I'm not involved
do you even
love me
it's hard
not to cry
i really wanna
i wish you
would just stay
stop leaveing me
or i'm gone....
crazytilde Nov 2014
22 days until I'm out the door
Leaveing forever
Not coming back
I'm leaving my life behind
I will have to recreate myself
I fit in here but now in leaving
So terrified that I'll be a misfit
I just hope I fit in
Get excepted for being me
Saying goodbye is looming
And my nerves heat booms
My pulse thumping in my head
I don't want to say goodbye
But I have to
So I'll just make my last 22 days count
Sabrina Apr 2015
When u where leaveing I said

I just wonted you to
With me....
I'm alone don't leave
I loved
Now what
Can I don't without...
U where allways
Now u are

— The End —