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Brian Allans cry for help

Hi my name is Brian Allan and I have been kidnapped by a masked bandit,
I have no idea what he looks like because he grabbed me from behind, and
Before I could see him, I was kidnapped in the back of his car.
At first, I thought they were just targeting me,,but I noticed he had my friends
Brendan and Patrick, and they have been kidnapped for longer than me, and they
Are starting to look weaker as well.
I will look weak too, but it ain't my character to be weak, but this kidnapper
Calls himself the clean cut kidnapper, and suddenly as I am writing this, I am noticing
Brendam being beaten, and please someone save me, cause you can't beat up Brian
Allan, cause, mate, Brian Allan is too strong, it is one thing to kidnap me intially, but you
Are not keeping me. Cause someone will save me, or Brian Allan, me, will escape, so
You better make sure you are ready for my escape, you see, I am Brian Allan, who the hell are you, you see dudes, my hands are tied and they are hurting, but Brian Allan is tough, he won't die from this, I also have my legs tied, and I am suffering, and there is gag on my mouth so I can't speak.
The actual kidnapper of me, is Richard Swain, and mate he killed Paul Berenyi, as well AA Scott McDonald, and now he wants me dead as well as Brendan and Patrick, we are scared, and we want to be set free, because we are boys, and when me, pat, and brendan get free, we'll gang up on Richard Swain, and bash his little head right in, I can, cause my running makes me strong, and i will protect little Brendan, and I will also protect Pat as well, yes, I need to be set free.
Richard came back into the room, and laughed a weird heh heh heh, as he was looking at us ******* in his rumpus room, struggling to get free, and move on to the next phase of our lives.
Patrick was saying through his gag, I will bash that Richard Swain, when I get my hands and body free from this rope, Richard Swain is a dead man, and brendan said through his gag, I am normal, why have you kidnapped me with two intellectual disabled men, I am a kid, and when I get free, you'll regret the day you kidnapped Brendan Schultz, and Brian Allan and Patrick Enright, I just wish each of us can untie ourselves and do karate on these spastic kidnappers.
Brian then said through his gag, that Richard Swain isn't keeping them with him, and Brian Allan also said you aren't getting away with this, Brendan is normal, and this comes to a shock to you, me and Pat are normal too, and Richard Swain said, I know your normal, but I am a mentally disturbed man, who wants to kidnap normal young dudes so you dudes are doomed in this rumpus room, and none of you will be ever set free, heh heh heh heh
Pat and Brisn struggled to get free, because they are bigger and when they got free, Brian and Pat untied Brendan and very slowly got away, being careful the spastic Richard Swain won't catch them, they got away and after 1 hour they returned to their individual houses, and Richard Swain noticed we were gone, and suddenly the police arrested him. And after 3 months was sentenced to 23 years behind bars, while Brian said, you can't kidnap me fella, while Brendan and pat said the same thing, yes these boys were safe at home at last.
SS Dec 2016
it's interesting how intially
with you I felt nothing

but now that it's over
there's this banging in my chest that's scREAMING

                  "please come back to me"

I never wanted you
     but want you now

but before all I felt was nothing.

see, I didn't mean for you to be my muse
       -my sense of pain and isolation

but now you are.
and isn't that just ironic

because before there was barely even a spark
& now my fingers ache and tingle
constantly outstretched
          wondering where you went
          wondering what you meant when you said
                "maybe our timing was wrong,
                      but I'll always be here for you"

is that really true?

because the one before you sang the same tune.  

oh, you didn't mean to become my muse.
but now you are.
Hello Daisies Nov 2018
Life is like a game of chess
I've been thinking about this a lot as i try to rest
Intially it's a game you strive to play with another
Playing chess alone wouldn't be worth the bother

Now i know probably not original to compare life to chess
But i cant help see the resemblance, if i may stress
Chess gives you many players to help you along
With those players comes choice right or wrong

Every move you make causes another to act one way
Later you might regret not letting that piece stay
You have a goal to make it out safe and win
And of course you try to succeed even with a little sin

A many time you may be trapped by another
Maybe a piece you counted on turned into a bother
You stragetize every move in order to survive
But at the same time won't win unless luck is on your side

Sometimes it's hard to see through the chaos which move to pick
One day you'll be a queen feeling mighty and slick
But one wrong move and you'll feel useless as a trapped pawn
But the game doesn't end until your last breath is drawn

No matter how hard you fight you may find yourself in ultimate checkmate
causing a panic and crying you lost your fate
Or you may find you succeeded your goal and came out safe and sound
Though either way you are still not bound

With whichever result you find yourself in
You can alwaysΒ Β start over with a new beginning
Although im sure most can relate
That mostly every game of chess you'll play ends in a stale mate
Idk just thinking a lot and super anxious and exhausted
I'm not satisfy neither am I happy
Saying goodbye to you wasn't really my intention

You caused me sleepless night of worries and tears
Unbearable pain and countless heartbreaks

Intially,  we were the most talk about couple
Our moves and steps got people calling us sweet names

You stole my heart and ran
Broke it into pieces and threw it right on my face

You betrayed me with hurtful words
Saying that you and I ain't compatible
You used me and dump me without any regret

I trusted you
I loved you
I did everything for you

This is how you could repay me
I'm totally a stranger and absolutely nobody to you

I got to let you go
I have hold onto you for long
Seriously, that has killed me numerous times

I'm sick of dieing a death that is worthless

Goodbye 😭😭😭

To those pleasurable moments
The calls, sms, visits & hanging out

Goodbye 😭😭😭

To 'I love you'
I miss you'
'You are my joy'
'I can't live without you'
'We were meant to be together'

Goodbye 😭😭😭
To everything
Most especially you
At times the expected turn to be the unexpected. Life is full of uncertainty!!
Saumya Dec 2017
'Life' is but a mysterious road we tred on.We'll intially start treading, with the caution and warmth of two magical soul, who'll guide us about every tips and tricks to tread safely on this road, but many unfortunate ones of us, may lack that light too.many may even not be blessed with such souls, or maybe deprived from them since the very beginning.
But life, for all goes on and on, and we gotta walk and walk.

We'll meet many new strangers, from time to time, and the list will expand eventually, but at a certain phase, some stranges will change the path, and choose the different one, you're not treading on.You still will have to make sure, you keeping treading, if possible, with the ones you now have with you

Eventually, there will be some out out this sum of people, who'll change their path too.Bur what you'll always have to remember while treading, is 'you' never gotta hold on' because everyone has a different map, to tread on, and not every traveller can accompany you everywhere, tho they wish too.

Their eventually, will some a big wide crossroad, where, all these people who accompanied you yet, will depart, tho they wished hard to stay with you.You'll lose and miss them, for sure, but then, you'll meet another set of people, who'll be there to wellcome you on your journey with the roads still to be tread.This obviously will be new, and kinda unadaptable at the beginning, but things will sooner be fine, as to learn to adapt.Basically, there will be many roads you'll tread on, but the thing you'll Exactly need to learn here, is 'The more adaptable you are, the better journey you'll have'.

There will be many ups and downs, pits and blotches in your way, but then, you'll have to enjoy, whatever comes your way.Finally, there you'll be introduced to a big, wide, long, dusty, crossroad of life, where you'll all be alone, almost helpless, lacking the energy you intially had when you started the journey, but then, the mere blessing you'll have is an evolved body, heart, mind and soul, and your consciousness.
This road may either be rough, or smooth depending on the journey you've had, the values you've inculcated, and finally, you'll be back to somebody who actually gave this roadmap, with all the strategies and your validity. Happily sad, or maybe sadly happy to have you back :)

That's Life, that's the truth.
And guess what? It's completely inevitable :)

— The End —