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Ann M Johnson Oct 2016
What I fear most are not the things that go bump in the night.
The things that frighten me are often times things that at first you can not see.
These things that first start with someone elses thoughts can too often be turned into negative actions. What may start as a passitionate thought, or cause can too quickly turn into a distructive action. This is why I fear insensitivity, crude jokes, apathy.
Other things I fear are people that talk without thinking about what they are saying first, or how others might interpet what they are saying.
I fear selfishness which may lead to uncaring actions.
I fear crude jokes that do not respect ones fellow man or women, because it could subtlely desensitize ones perspection of those around them. They may get defensive and say it is just a joke.
The constant violent images on the news and on television, may further desensitize others to think that volence is normal or okay, or worse still that it is a normal part of life. It don't have to be perseived as normal we can chose to limit our own exposesure to violence on television. We can let others know that we don't condone violence, whether it is on television, or in reality, or in our own community.
I fear all these things that at first hide inside the deepest parts of someones mind, long before it is publically seen. This realization of this hidden darknes,makes me cry, or scream, if I thought about it all before going to bed. I would cover my head and sleep with the lights on, and every noice would make me jumpy.
This is why I fear the things that I can not see the most.
“poet, it’s your day,” she says.

groggily growls the growler,
“what’d ya mean?”

“the sun came up today early,
but partly cloudy interrupt-us has arrived subsequently,
worse, the Great Swami Interpet predicts rain comes
heavy this afternoon on our journey home.”

he reflects upon his craggy, scraggly image that is
reflected upon the cold brewed black coffee.

replies carefully without thinking,
“today I will commence writing under
a new guise, a new name, a different persona!”

“whom shall we be today then?”

come back to bed revelation poet

how poems get plucked from trees of passing conversations and new poets
come into being...
Ksh Nov 2019
I'm trying this new thing
wherein I take something ugly,
and turn it into something
I find beautiful.

Like the concept of myself
being replaceable and dispensable
in someone else's life,
in this very moment in time.

I choose to interpet it
as me being a signpost, a direction
to the one true place that someone else
is destined to be.

Like tangent lines,
meeting once,
in a certain finite point
in the infinite board,
and to never meet again.
brandychanning Mar 2024
they receive, interpet, discard, rehydrate, delegate, redistribute,
brook no, smile stupidly at stupidity, opinionate but never lecture,
never hector, rarely curse unless it is essential, tell good jokes, abhor verbosity, act on instinct, admit error when instinct stinks, sharpen
their teeth, their tongue, and their verbal reciprocity skills

in case,

life becomes interminable intermittently intolerable when other creatures impose, flagellate, pontificate, render the impossible as quite likely, reveal things I wish I never heard, detail the details of the inexplicably intricate uninteresting with prodigious force, and an unlimited absence of periods, commas, or breaths taken,

and escape
impossible for some meetings require good manners, first dates the remote but not trivial possibility that a false start has or can occur,
(see The Pleated Skirt poem) and the incidence of really good books in very poorly designed book covers…ditto the men variety of same!
jeffrey conyers Mar 2014
I can do without the pressure.
Just knowing Him is a treasure.
I can't speak for God, nor would I want too.

I can't interpet his ideas and opinions like the ministers do.
Where they offer their own perspective?
Many with their own objective.

Man wrote the words that God inspired for them to do.
And many has been right on points and true.
There's nothing under the sun that isn't within the Holy Scriptures.

Once sin begun, it had no ending.
Like many policies of our own politicians.
All laws are made for guidance.
And many requires good instruction.

What many states is against God words might be true?
Then God might be testing us to see, if we can adjust.
And still showcase His love.

Many love to say, what would Jesus do?
This is when , we must sit back and reflect about that.
Cause God really is judging us.

The words, are true.
How can you hate your brother/sister?
That you see every day.
Then try to accept your enemy on a daily basis.

No, I can't speak for God.
But will try to speak to you.
Love can conquer all, if you don't let hate participate.

Whatever life someone lives?
It's theirs.
Whoever someone loves?
It's theirs.

We might live to regret it.
Even go the distance to protest it.
Even use God words to do it.

I just can't speak for God.
I leave that to others.
Nat Lipstadt Jan 17
Jan. 14. 3025
~For vb~

******* watery eyes and haven’t even
gotten even got started, even though you may
have noticed, I’m even reusing the same words over the over/under line again cause I’m thinking, nah, believin’, my words running out is a definite possibility

wait! your
words are fine,
quality ✅,
quantity ✅,
maybe baby, you’ve just run out,
of vision vitamin supplements or your insights, dinted by overexposure to winter
sunlight are inside, festering and pestering to un chill,

and baby, it’s cold gray blustery days and they just want hang out on the inside,
where the lake of caffeine perking, kerning, keeping you, you,

ain’t looking for
a partner, serious loving, even flirtatious
flings don’t mean a thing cause they ain't got that swing, and *** you are unconsciously
borrowing old song lyrics, because the good
stuff is overused, overrated and let’s face it,
fret-tingly overlooked  and worst,
overu s e d

me-being an antique, don’t mean value ain’t necessarily so, just old and all told, and
user up, and the space between lurches,
hits and misses, torrid + horrid, is tiresome,

and maybe,
you’re a waste of space of valuable interpet real estate, that should be chilling in reserve like that last bottle of nouveau Beaujolais from France  circa 1985
or just sinked inked to a stainless steel
grave in a kitchen sink

<^>the possible implications
of such a condition,
beyond complex
volcanic volatility,
as a final
until then
I’m stink~eyed,

— The End —