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sycokitten Nov 2011
My mind is filled with screaming thoughts, all swirling in a torrent of relentless negative ideas, that wish to fill me with the panic i've come to know on a more than intamate level.
I've started to realise they're muffuled.. as though i'm unconciously smothering these intruders, tresspassing of course being an extremely high offense in this world i don't quite remember creating.
Just sitting here listening through the fog as they try to rant at me all of the quaint little pessimisms they can think of, their voices growing quiet as i slowly steal their oxygen. What a murderer i've become, pressing upon the windpipes of my anxiety , so emotionless and uncaring, as if such a violent act were nothing out of the ordinary in here.
i know what you all must be thinking, because of course some of the voices are having the same ideas.. "She's snapped!" well perhaps i have, i'm not entirely sure about anything at the moment, but if i'm essicently killing a type of pain, then doesn't that make me benevolent rather than malevolent? fixing by destroying the main alements.
Shouldn't that mean i'm healing rather than breaking?

Leila Valencia Mar 2017
The word itself
The word itself
The word is lost,
And I am
In its shadow, its very being.

On, the, word - open
The word itself
The word I shreek from
I want to stay from....

The very word, the word that I will never be close to, the word,

Alex Sep 2019
Oh sleep
where have you gone: I wish you still cared
do you remember intamate times we shared
why dont we have a love affair
We were such a lucid pair

Oh sleep
I'm so messed up: I miss the way you feel
just us remeber: down forever: we had a deal
this is a dream right: no way this is real
broken that you left: my heart will never heal

Oh come back sleep
i need you ever so deep
without your embrace I'm weak
please come home or for eternity I weep
Just a silly one. Terribly tired
Alece Woosley Nov 2021
I want tho feel intamate with a man.
Safe even if I can protect myself.
I want to surprise and be surprised by a man.
I want to spend rainy days snuggle in the covers with him.
I want to hold hands and go places we have never been.
I want to discover things with him.
I want to f* hard and pashonetly.
I want to hug him and kiss him deeply.
I want love from a man and to love him back.
I want him to recognize who I am and I want to do the same thing back.

— The End —