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Sophie Hartl Dec 2014
hi he hypothesised
hiding his heart
holding onto hope

lust lingered on his lips
lather lying on his legs
lulling his lungs lightly

tears trickle trails
tolerating treason
to my tongue

uttering useless unapologetic
unexcused excuses
Scarlet Niamh Nov 2016
There once was a mathematician, who
hypothesised long ago that I would
learn to love him. His words were all logic,
plans and placements, everything set in
stone for me to keep. He said that, one day,
my heart wouldn't break at the prospect
of love and that I would get over my
pure fear - of me, of him, of... us. He
promised that, one day, his love would be
returned to him when I realised exactly
what he was to me.

He was right.

But I was too late.
~~ Come back to me, my logical wonder. ~~
The more I know
tte less it is so and
so it becomes.

the singularity,
sub atomic
hypothesised electronic
in theory anyway

and theories are what **** us,
ask Pythagoras.

They talk in millions
ride with the minions
trying to make more
who they've become.

I'm running interference
for a cross border incursion,
war may be static but the numbers
mount up.

No one wants to know
it's just the way that
things go and so
it becomes.
Traveler Jan 2021
It’s the small things
that matter
It takes time to
get them done
You must first await the
chosen moment
Never jumping
the starting gun

The policy of puritans
Police the walls of paradise
You can take your ball and go home
But you better play nice
You see...
Acceptance is a roll of the dice

An entrance with an exit
Describes a revolving door
A pattern that consist
Of both peace, love
Hate and war
To and fro
The ego goes
Reincarnated unaware
Wayward souls
(I hypothesised that last flow)

Irrelevant yet intriguing
Would be
An ending without a beginning
And so I shall begin the ending here
Universally unaware!

Traveler Tim
The objects that populate the universe are both aspiring and terrifying in their capacity to create and destroy us.
Solar flares and astroid lurking  in the darkness of space threaten our humble fragile existence here on Earth
And in the chaos, tension, conflict and social division of 2020 it’s easy to forget just how lucky we humans are to be here
But with a bit of hard work maybe one day we’ll venture out towards the stars!
Alex Filippenko

— The End —