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Kyla Shears Apr 2014
When I look out the window what do I see? I see all kinds of ******* trickin on the street. When I go shopping I see people huging a man and when they finish huging they give there number to a stranger that is hot and ****. I turn a round and say that stupid *****. She's a trick of a ****
Love is not what u call it
Underneath a crushing moonlit
Roses are dancing in a glow garden
Cram of comeliness whispering through my pensive
Applaud an agitating mind of dragging love
That submerging under a poetic passion
A wild **** of beauty wishing to crave a romance
Stressing on mind that makes
Bubbles of emotions simultaneously,
Touching and filling the empty dreams
That essence of heaven creating the melody of divine music
Passing through the poet's nose and nails
Deep ache  popping at the heart and stone
There render of love conceiving to catch a **** of heaven
A tangible gaiety that creates so surprising illusion
The glimmer chords becoming to splash
The utmost inflames growing to outburst,
Bursts into the fire of gaiety--
Psyche pouring a fathomless passion till the twilight
Where there I am dancing alone with my shadow,
Ah! my Love--
Oh! my Love ----
What a Crushing Moonlit!!  
@ Musfiq us shaleheen
underneath the crushing moonlit: the beauty makes a divine melody
Within the four walls
Below a roof
Busy with play of words
The poet is aloof.

The sky is breaking low
Pitter patter rain
Capture they must the flow
Of drizzles soothing pain.

Outside on a stretch of green
Drenched to the bone
A man with cracking skin
Hoeing from morn.

The toiler is tasked to ****
Paid by the hour
Must earn the precious quid
Whatever the shower.

The poet is lost in the toil
To grow his rhyme in shower
The **** works fast the soil
Growing hope by the hour.
Keeety Katt Dec 2014
Maybe just maybe
We could start all over again
Maybe just maybe
We could make something happen

Maybe just maybe
We wont have to pretend
Maybe just maybe we could love all over again]
But for real this time
Maybe just maybe

Maybe just maybe
I wont be so insecure
Maybe just maybe
I could trust you all over again

Maybe just maybe
I wont be that **** up *****
You once called me
Maybe just maybe I could forget that

Maybe just maybe
I wont be that **** you claim me to be
Maybe just maybe I could forget that
Maybe just maybe

Maybe just maybe
I could give you another chance
Maybe just maybe
I wont be so deep into my thoughts
I might just open up
Maybe just maybe

Maybe just maybe
I could erase the images of that other *****
Maybe just maybe I could forget
Maybe just maybe
I wont have that in my head, while we are making love
Maybe just maybe

Maybe just maybe
I could forget
That picture she took
And put It al over instagram quoting “My baby, I love him so much 1year at it”
Maybe just maybe I could forget that

Maybe just maybe
I could forget that you wasted 5 years of my life
Maybe just maybe I could forget that

Maybe just maybe
I could forget that you cheated on me
With another *****
For a complete year, than come back to my house like nothing
Maybe just maybe I could forget that

Maybe just maybe
I could forget that you got this ***** pregnant
Maybe just maybe I could forget that
Maybe just maybe, I could forget that you once got me pregnant and made me abort that
Maybe just maybe I could forget that

Maybe just maybe you left me
To go be with her
To take care of that baby
Maybe just maybe I could forget that

But you know what
I don’t even know why your at my footsteps
My husband is sleep, from taking care of our newborn baby
Maybe just maybe you cold forget that.
fandthende Jan 2015
saa sker det. kan det her vaere det sidste skub?
4 maend skabte frygt i millioner. med twistet idelogier og skarp ladte vaaben.
og her sidder jeg. ser paa fnuggende der roligt danser med vinden.
hold kaeft hvor er jeg ligegyldig.
er jeg er tvunget til at leve i det her? tvunget til at deltage?
krigen er vel uundgaaelig.
man siger pennen er staerkere end svaerdet, men hvad nu hvis man skriver med blod?
et billed siger mere end 1000 ord. dette er blot malet med gevaerere. **** os!
lad dem puste og proste, igen og igen. haabe de roede mursten holder.

— The End —