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Jayanta Sep 2015
‘Hemphu’ and ‘Mukrang’
Created this world!

We were born under the ‘Amora tree’
from the egg of ‘Wo Plak Pi’.

Then ‘Sum’ and ‘Sang’ trained us,
Edify us ‘karjong is everywhere’
It is there in air, soil, water, plant, animal.....
Every where!
So we must have admiration for them,
Must nurture and protect them!
Hearting ‘Krjong’ is a crime!

Now everywhere
There is a Chaos!  
Rain fades away
Forest disappears
‘Ingnar’ and ‘Bongkrui’ar
are suffering from starvation!  
Searching food here and there!

Now everywhere
There is a bedlam!  
‘Hanthu’ and ‘Mehek’ are wane
Searching them in day and night!
How we prepare food for ‘Thong Nokbe’!

Now ‘Hi-i-Arnam’ is wandering

Call everybody
Organize ‘Cho-jun’
to Keep karjong everywhere!

Call one and all
organize ‘Rong Arnam’
To shield karjong everywhere!

Call everyone
organize ‘Wophong Rongker’
To protect ‘karjong’ everywhere!
It is based on Karbi folk believes and tradition.  Karbi is tribal group inhabited mainly in Krbi-Anglong district of Assam, India; which is located in a rain shadow zone. They belief soul is everywhere so everything in nature to be nurture, take care and protected. There is a saying that after creation of world, creator sends two parents to the world and from them again different clan are evolved. Before increase of population creator sprinkle nine seeds to east and west, out of which Hanthu and Mehek germinated and flourish. The first Warrior Thong Nokbe introduce the practices of getting food from wild, he first prepare food from Hanthu and Mehek, so Karbi people consider them as scared food and it is mandatory to prepare it in every auspicious occasion.  
‘Hemphu’ and ‘Mukrang’ – the creator, Karbis hold in high esteem on them;
Karjong- Soul; Amora tree- Foudiaf mangrifera; Wo Plak Pi- Sacred bird (a mythical bird), Sum and Sang- first Karbi Parents;  Ingnar – Elephant; Bongkrui- Tiger, Hanthu- a verity of herbs ( Scientific name Gnetum gnemon L. (Gnetaceae) Gnetum gnemon L. (family Gnetaceae); Mehek-  a variety of Shed tolerating slending tree ( Scientific name - Mehek (Rhynchotechum ellipticum (Dietr.) Gnetum gnemon L. (Gnetaceae) Gnetum gnemon L. (family Gnetaceae),  Thong Nokbe- first Karbi Warrior; Hi-i-Arnam- Evil spirit; ‘Cho-jun’ – a rituals  performed once in three years in ‘normal circumstances’ or if ‘demanded’ earlier. ‘Cho-jun’ is performed for family wellbeing during which the ancestors from both the male and female lineages are also propitiated; Rong Arnam is another ritual observed during the month of Matizang (December) for the protection of the whole village; Wophong Rongker- It is believed that the performance of WophongRongker protects the agricultural lands from the ravages of floods and ensures timely rain.The venue for the performance of Wophong Rongker is the Wophong Rongker than (a stone shrine surrounded by a patch of forest – a sacred grove) situated in the nearby hill just outside the village. It is taboo to even pluck fruits from the trees of the than.
Celestial Vince May 2015
I'm not good in arts
Never hit the bull-eye
In a game of darts
But mine eyes can be arty
Especially when dissapointed, by the one I'm hearting
If my thoughts were painting(s), vivid they would be
Above everything...

The mirror never lies and I've tested this
And everything on it I can see my bliss
See the reflection of my tears, the point is
My mirror never lies

Beauty is in the eye(s) of the beholder, but as you grow older
You will know that there's no order in this
A diamond is a diamond to me, but just a stone to you
Yes its true

Mine eyes are arty
I know this is confusing but, the celestial environment I dwell in
Just took over these thoughts and blew me away
So now I say, try and surf my wave
I'm far away from the normal state
I'm calm, I'm rough, I'm tumbling
Call me a high tide, I'm reaching for the zenith
Cause in it, I find myself
Growing floral thoughts

This mirror is creative, or is it my eyes
Cause I see myself wading
And everybody, waving
As if I'm leaving
All along I've been creating a lake with mine eyes
These none **** brown eyes
Have created a lake of tears
Tears of joy

Man my eyes are arty
Abstract thought of the eyes being arty, and cretive. And the mirror is the reflector of the occurance. Tears of joy can lead to Celestial thoughts.
Nadia Apr 2019
I love you, my sweet, little bug
We lazed this morning, cuddly snug
Hiding from a drizzly day
Warm and giggling as we lay
Hearting art, space and cats
Asking questions, having chats
Watching mag lev trains on screen
Learning magnetism for the keen
A picture couldn’t hold this bliss
Nor any words fully reminisce
The two of us, affectionately enspooned
Love, peace, curiousity, cocooned

NCL April 2019
LRB Oct 2013
How dare you?
You are a slow killer
The pesticide, to me, the butterfly
I flutter around freely in the wind
I soak up a drop of your honey
And your hidden poison takes control
The worst part?
You know you are doing it
You know it is happening
You know you cannot do anything
But yet you do not acknowledge it
You are sweet honey poison
The suffering never felt so so amazing
So cruel
What do I do?
I do what I can do
Do you do what you can do?
No, you do nothing
Just sit
Let me chose
Chosing the wisest is always the most difficult
But the wise follow their hearts
Hearting what hurts us
Human correct?
On track you take me
Me, the butterfly
You hold me
Tell me sweet words
And then let the train run through me
The course of your honey poison
I loathe the pleasure so
So I say to you my dearest
Lexie Aug 2016
it's a dark night
I can hear your heart scream

it's the moon, full
shining on your paper thin soul

its the stars now
whispering to the trees

the candles
they ca-all
to me

won't you listen
to the scheme in my throat

won't you wonder
how we will ever survive

won't we die ?
in the dark of the deepest night

with your eyes
is right.

can't you hear me
my hearting beating like feet on the floor

can't you remember
what these lies are good for

can't you taste it
like blood on your tongue

and sweet
for all


I will listen
to your confession
can you not
is already
of their
is already

from the fear
in their eyes
could not
try, to
Something’s wrong with my poor Mac
It’s acting very strange
It may have had a heart attack
Or else become deranged.

It doesn’t do the things I say
Or function like it should
It wants to go a different way
And that is never good.

I try to save what I just wrote
I press the proper key
But when I try to find the note
It’s nowhere I can see.

The spell check has been smoking crack
It now speaks only Greek
I click it and it answers back
With words I did not seek.

So many things have run amok
I think I need a nurse
To find a cure with any luck
Before things get much worse.

So I’ll unplug it’s life support
And take it to repair
And hope I get a good report
And not news of despair.

I do not want another one
I just want this one fixed
I do not know which way to run
My feelings are so mixed.

If they cannot mend this thing
I know I will be sad
This Mac is not a Diamond ring
But yet it’s not so bad.

At least I know it’s ins and outs
And how to work around them
I just can’t stand it when it pouts      
And threatens me with mayhem.

So I must take myself off line
And miss a day or two
I think that that will be just fine
As long as I have told you.

I’m not the star of any show
Not everyone will miss me
I just want to let you know
So nobody will diss me.

For disappearing suddenly
And not hearting the daily
I’m vanishing quite thuddingly
But I’ll return most gaily.
Just a silly from the files.   Gotta take this Mac in next week.
wordvango Nov 2014
slicing my skin
clear through
to the *******;
I am broken again
but , not enough to need you.
Falling asleep again,
turning blue,
your biggest fan is your hero,
I hide my disdain,
I remember , in theory,
being true to
writing for me and I,
now I am hearting .
strangers in the bleeding
devante moore Oct 2023
Hurt more times then I’ve expressed
There are things I should’ve let go
But instead I’ve put them to bed
And let them rest in me
Cuffed to past pains
Betrayals turned to chains
That I remain shackled to
So I close
Rather then be exposed
To the world and those that still see life in me
Swatted away attempts to be rescued
As a man hurt is often my companion
Raised and swayed to think that way
But once my perspective is flipped
Failures and lessons turn to small victories
Now I see
How rewarding it can be
To live and to love
Even while hurt
Not completely healed
But still
If necessary a man should live with a hearting heart
Rather then closed one
Beautiful things
Creative things
Dumb things simple things
Living things hating things
Theme things hearting things
Evil things good things
Freedom things slavery things
Thinking things imprison things
Set things your things
Mind things free things
Read things between things
The line things
Beautiful things
Creative things
Dumb things simple things
Living things hating things
Theme things hearting things
Evil things good things
Freedom things slavery things
Thinking things imprison things
Set things your things
Mind things free things
Read things between things
The line things
kitty hart Apr 2017
My life is a battle,
Deep scares,
Picking scabes,
Hearting heart,
Live a good life they will say,
But how could I if I'm in
writingtree Nov 2017
the dooth pattern
lips summer from umbrella
tieing spiraly laces
granting the filament
hard deep suggest then
its doesnt matter stuff
it doesnt matter when
hearting cade
river nance
to much piruling
a scarry race
the scurry dance
delected dreams
mind beaming the ridge patterns
from an unpublished book titled "spree"
Kabelo Maverick Oct 2017
I hardly cry
I hardly lie
I hardly sigh
I’m the coming sign

I’m hardly shy
My hearting shine
in this humbling shrine,
is becoming bright

I hardly try now
I hardly pry now
I’m hardly blind now
And it’s easy…

*Coz’ I hardly die now.
inspired by a "crossing friend".
Fábio Dec 2024
Under the cover of the night
A gentle thief crawls, runs
And creates light

She came and stole
Now I'll never be whole
She left me alone
And departed with my soul
Only remained flesh and bones!

She came, stole and ran
Leaving me lifeless, without hope
Ahh, if I get her!
I'm never letting her go!

She is indeed a thief!
She stole my heart,
Ran away and gifted me with grief!

Under the cover of the night
A gentle thief crawls, runs
And creates light
November 2023
sitting in a space surrounded
by rain, I become rainish
I puddle up with distopia
gather rainish-soaked bitter memories
into my heart as though they’re precious
and necessary
my brain acting as rainish gauge
tracking un-data for the un-stats
for making claims like presidential

the heart knows Truth, knows Love
and never falters nor complains
the heart rests in comfort
like a baby rests in cradling arms
ignores rainish thoughts
and bittered memories
surrounds me with treasured ones
gently leading me back to center

hearting me back to God

c. 2024 Roberta Compton Rainwater
preservationman Apr 2021
Bags packed
Open Road a awaits
My hearting striving on journey no hesitate
Enjoying life in appreciate
Destination anywhere
Certainly no square
Feeling the breeze
All at ease
Routes will be miles
I am caught up in the scenery
My stays could be towns along the way
I am away with what I called home
This is my true life to roam
I am exploring who I am
Something I never took the time
The minutes and seconds to reflect
Somewhere out there I am meant to be
This is my opportunity to surely see
I lived alone in a small house
Well I wasn’t totally along as shared with a mouse
This journey was first a dream but thought possible
It was just a reality being a reminder
So the road is my chance while I still have breath
I don’t know how much living I have left
But this is my venture
A life that will offer adventure
A personal moving picture
So world wave to me as I drive by
This is my one life to try
Tomorrow unknown
But my courage and determination being shown
Until my arrival being a permanent stay
For now, I am traveling astray

— The End —