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K Balachandran Jul 2015
A wish like a wild fire,
kept burning inside her heart,
she couldn't contain it any more,
so  whispered it to the heart of night,
fearing it would be forgotten easily
as the night advances to a destination unknown.

But the first golden ray of morning light, she gathered
was the sweet fulfillment she didn't know she sought all these days.
jeffrey robin Dec 2015
( in response to today's DAILY )

I gaze into your eyes !

I see myself

Struggling for existence


We are both so empty

Yet we say   WE  are      In  love


The winds !

Blowing all the children into the oblivion

Of vacuous movie theaters

Where     WE   watch STAR WARS 7

& make our oppressors wealthy

and pretend that something REAL

is being said


Oxymorons of hateful love

We talk about each other as total strangers


We need each other but dare not show weakness !


We run and hide in our own darknesses  and say we are LOST !!

We write our poems and are praised for our pain

But we will  NOT unite in LOVE



We claim

THEY are oppressing US

But in reality

There is  no THEY

and there is no US


And another day

Filled with emptiness

Is wasted

NO      THEY   ..... MAKES .... US    DO THIS !!


We will not address our fear


We are not poets

Only victims of our own pure.

Self abuse

Ryan Jones Apr 2012
When the sunrise kisses the sky and meets the the vast canvas with fluorescent splashes of love I know it's you. When I watch the violets violently push their way through the soil searching for your light I feel as if I'm looking into a mirror. Every so often I arise from my midnight slumber and gaze upon the lifeless world and wait for the morning dew to dance against the leaves I, quietly ponder your journey, Jesus, The heart & tenderness of life who pours love over this sorrowful sphere of souls. I missed the days of your prestigious youth as you "born by a river in a lil' tent"- and we should have known then that "A change was gonna come". Before long you were walking the roads of jerusalem healing the sick, rasing the dead as beams of his fathers light fell upon his head. I missed the day John dipped his gracious head and his spirit fled into the immense depths cascading along towards the pure stream of inifinite life.  Far below your rightful place you performed the great hymm of love, blowing peaceful choruses to your orchestra of twelve, with a simple stroke of the bow. Here, There & Everywhere people of all walks of life heard about this man spreading love and bliss but I guess it just wasn't enough, as he was betrayed by a kiss. And in the night this man was moaning, in the night the ground was groaning, in the night the price was paid, yet after the night the world would be saved. So the next morning he had awoken aware of what the judge had spoken, beaten with massive blood loss, his fate to die on the cross!... So he had to die for our sins as he dangled on the cross like hair does a bobby pin. And I can Imagine upon his last breath we were given our first, an eternal quench  of our thirst. And so he had to renounce his earthly home as his spirit fled to his heavenly throne. His death was for us, for our cycle of life to continue.Even nature is englufed into his plan, just like the silent trees cradle the songbird God cradles man. Jack Kerouac spoke to me one night;glowing, illuminated prose set from the tip of his ink glaring off of the ruffled, dusty beat book and he said Ryan... "Man loves in lilly's and lives in milk and in his milk he lives in creamy emptiness"- (yeah, I hear you jack)- So I ask when will man, like a young calf feeding from his mother, draw from your word which is filled with immense light and creamy fullfilment. And this word was put here to illuminate our souls so we can rise in boundless love from the prison of doubt to the freedom of love.. Is it too late... and when the Storms sing, and floods us all will we stand there and moan, frozen in spirit?...when we see him sounding the horizon with flames in his eyes will we give him holy redemtion?.. . When the sky cracks against the dismal night, and his hand  stretched out, like it always was from the beginning, will your heart finally become welcoming?... When the world begins to tremble will we do the same and make the mistake and feel we are dismissed from the betrayal of our own kiss. I feel like we are weighed down under a tomb of ignorance and have fallen from our mothers womb, punished by doubt, that gloomy bird that strikes us with his wings and pushes us further into dark sands of eternity. Now, I am not saying that I am completely free from the ignorance...for at times I've turned the blinds on his light, in fright that I was in the wrong place  as darkness shadowed my weary face. I felt like the vulture standing over a dead carcas, thinking, maybe this doesn't belong to me, maybe I shouldn't sink my teeth into his flesh. My life was vaguely lit like the winter moon, as fear traced my every move.  I let his love be ignored, At times I would throw him a kiss into a pale ray just to say this is me, I wonder if you hear me, do you see?, your child so caught up in a crippling fear of expression, sitting here listening to the tick and the tock two sounds so prevalent to a sheep out of flock, yet all the while waiting patiently like a boat at the dock sitting here waiting for you to realease my anchor and allow this ramblin' mind to tred along the rippling waters of your spirit. Bob Dylan -  prophet of captivating thought once said: "He not busy being born is busy dying"- oh yes, I hear you Dylan and that the conductor of our life drives a slow train and he's waiting for you to drop your luggage and only then can you hear his train-a -comin'. And since that morning after listening to the rain and melancholoy sounds of John Coltrane I realized that I must acknowledge him, pursue him, and come to a resolution that he truly is a perfect being our one and only love supreme. So, I lastly say to you, beautiful lost souls of undeveloped spirit- Love is the source of your being, so unlock the chains to your sunflower- gypsy - butterfly soul and spread your wings and fly. Set yourself free from the decaying flesh of man and woman who suffer your radiant thoughts, thoughts so deeply seeped into the lamb, yet ,slaughtered like the pig in the farm-green, cool, spring wind. Never mind the words of man rather the words of the lamb.
This is a poem I just recently completed. I wrote it in 2009 with the title " Jesus Christ Revisited"- I've been working on a poem called "Soul of Man" for the past two weeks and I happen to stumble across the first mentioned poem and I fused the old poem with the poem I've been working on, and out came an entirely new poem I call : "Eternal Lamb"- Give me your ears for a few minutes. Thank you.
Liliana Jaworska Jul 2015
He was dancing between forces of light and darkness.
His eyes celebrated journey of sun in the sky
looking in it for ancient knowledge
invoking light and fire of all stars
praying to divine source of goodness
pretending to be white lunar light.
He told me' You must be light to give light,
fire to give fire in this dark world.
All living matter belongs to light.
All living matter is thought of God.'
I needed him as I need breath to live and die,
as astrology influence of stars and planets
as east west to embrace direction
as plants cosmic rays to exist
as body cells Infinite Intelligence to guide
as child womb to grow .
I guess he has good heart underneath
worthy miracles come to him
even if he appears to me like black moon
hungry for light to experience pure moments.
He called me Venus, Isthar.
I called him hidden mystery of universe.
We both spoke soul to soul
with codex of love
and sacredness of spirits.
I was Divine Godess filled
with smell of white roses
illuminating his mind.
When night came
he loved me with power of Gods
embracing my crown between stars.
Showing me constellations and moon
he became almighty Creator
giving brigtness of all of cosmic creation to me.
My mother told me
'Choose your man wisely.'
But what is wisely
doesn't come from heart.
He was first man
who didn't break my heart
and shattered my dreams.
I choosed him following my heart
and voice residing between my heart,
fate and God's inspirations.
When he looked in my eyes he told me
'Vision of God is clear to me.
Loving you I am one with His light.
You gave me eyes of God.
I am godlike, goddess like
I am His wings of Love above all
Existing only for you and our love.
I am prayer of your heart.'
Angels created intimacy and ecstasy
between our bodies and worlds.
Sacrifice, sweetness was my gift to him.
'Guiding lantern of my heart' he called me.
Holding his head in my arms close to chest
I was morning and evening star glorifying law of love .
He was guardian Angel of my day and nights
rebirth of my soul to escape death
music and poems of my longings
force of attraction between our hearts.
It was romance of souls and minds,
body to body, spirit to spirit
intimacy of clouds carrying our hearts
close to Mars,
closeness of bodies, kiss of breaths
unity of flames, memory of Eden.
My mother told me 'Choose your man wisely.'
All I know heart is wiser than mind.
Listen your inner voice
blood, veins and cells
God's whispers of intuition
and you will find the one.
This love is return to Source,
fullfilment of human emptiness
not caring for pride, humanity.
It's nakedness of souls
celebrating acts of closeness
not looking for any other lover
not knowing beginning and end
of falling in love and being in love.
'Let his fires and silence burn you.'
pure passion whispered.
I choosed wisely.
Soul to soul.
Heart to heart.
Fire to fire.
God making two one.
Sequoia C Aug 2012
chaotic impulses lead to irregular rhythm
your sun dances over head and
aching skeletons rattle their bones,
drinking bottomless cups of sand
swept up with the dry wind into their eyes
and garments that rot and rag about their femurs
as they smile dangerously and wink

chaotic impulses lead to irregular rhythm
a small brook turns into a fierce demon
sweeping eddies full of names into its depths
and the meek grizzlies paw at
the rotting bits of fish left on the shore
who gulp in deadly heaps of air
for their water-ridden lungs
chaotic impulses lead to irregular rhythm
leaving an abandoned shock of metal
as a refuge for the lonely
and frostbitten potatoes are the only accompaniment
to twenty five pounds of rice and a lean frame
hiding huddled in a mass of snow
lay all of the accused

chaotic impulses lead to irregular rhythm
as thick steel drives through flesh and boe
grinding rubber against gravel; metal against metal
and screeching high-siren pitches nonstop day and night
boring into your skull with the urgency and ceaselessness of a hungry wolf
who scares off the weak and the poor, the hungry and the searching;
who became

chaotic impulses lead to irregular rhythm
and those strange and lonely souls scared off by
the fierceness and emptiness of corporations and concrete artists
flee into the fierce emptiness of the wilds instead
sparing one hardship for the other
searching for a fullfilment not found in a box
and an empty space that can only be filled by invisible wings

chaotic impulses lead to irregular rhythm
a frantic dance in a great big monastery
the lunatic portrays a Zen within his twitch
to layer understanding beneath Zen beneath lunacy
with his mad fervor he becomes great
and understands real truth - in his own way -
and then dies
Ember Bryce Oct 2014
This is the kind of note I hope you all have an addition to..

I think I've come to a realization. Just watched "waking Life" for the first time the other day and I've ALWAYS been super curious about dreams. The many discussions with my roommate Jenay Breden the many talks on deja vu with Ben Masters, and many others, I am open with dreams and like i said very curious and good at asking questions (To me it is kind of wrong because I feel dreams tell A LOT about people so I am getting all this information from someone and they think they are jsut telling me a silly dream that means nothing.) A dream is an opening into your soul and psyche. Its very personal yet can be profoundly universal.. Anyway, I had a strange dream last night: (haha though all dreams are strange)
but the premis of it was a personal moral I feel I had to overcome at this moment in time..

not all dreams are the same, it might not be a moral, but the conquering of a long journey. For example I've had many a re-occuring dream where I would be on a quest and every time I have not completed it but the next time I dremt it I got further. Till one night I will complete it, then not have the dream again..

about half my dreams are scary on all sides of spectrum, from having family in danger, to other dark things.. to monsters, to death, running from someone/thing, to real-life-stuff to not-so-real-stuff, to parkouring in a mansion while my friends and I throw random objects at each other (i know.. what? haha).
Random dreams about things I desire, or fullfilment of life goals (one time I wrote a song on the piano in my dream) or the dream I had about swinging on the vines in the jungle before my bday.
Such as adventure dreams: flying is a huge thing i do in my dreams that I savor each moment of. A very-young-me dream was I was a sto-away on a pirate ship, but it was fun to travel through the maze of hidden spots..
Or maybe other dreams that aren't so much scary, but things I fear happening. Like a boyfriend cheating, or losing money. I mean, we all have these dreams.
My girl Ashleigh was telling me how her and her boy, had a similar dream the same night.
I see random people I know, and people I don't know.. yet
Such as deja vu. Ever since I had the theory a couple years about deja vu being a dream you once had, I have only encountered moments that attest to this.
Almost every deja vu Ive had I remember it being from a dream.. How can your mind know what is going to happen in the future?
We all might have heard that our mind and the universe are one. In many ways you know. examples: positive and negative affirmations, how the way we think spans subconsciously to others (when you're thinking of someone and they all of a sudden call or text you), we are all connected, etc
SO, if the universe IS our mind (and our souls are connected to this unvierse, to each other) and the universe has no time, because how can you put a tangible definition to something intangible, (i also got that from reading "universe in a nutshell" by Sir Steven Hawking).. then the universe/your mind, already knows the many paths your physical self can take in future, past, and present.
But WHY then (always my question:WHY), why then would it want to show you this glimpse into 'the future'...?
I will leave with a lucid dream I had one night:
a re-occuring place in my dreams I've noticed is a housing complex that is many stories tall where many people of many different ages and ethnicities live.
In this particular dream we are being chased not by zombies or aliens but a mix of the two, they look like the creatures from 'I Am Legend'.
I first noticed I was 'just in a dream' when one of them was chasing me up a flight of stairs and i fell, on my **** hands and legs scrambling up I saw it come for me and kept telling myself to 'wake up wake up!' and i might have for a second or two but then right back to sleep. When i realized there was no way out of this and that it was: 'MY dream, i could do what i wanted with what I had' (sound familiar to one's waking life? hmmm) before this whole moment I had run out of amo and had no gun so was at a lose to be easy prey. I was in the basement with everyone else of the house or others who had run in for shelter, and the beings were on their way downstairs. All of a sudden I thought 'there is a gun on the person in front of you and it is loaded' i grab the gun and with excitement but uncertainty I shot at the beings, and sure enough, they one by one fell down. WE were all, now, safe. Then it cut to a scene that we were all at a bar dancing and celebrating. haha
I am excited that i have lucid dreamed before but its not like once you do it from then on you are capable of it, it is very rare for me to lucidly dream, but still very exciting.

Please Please coment and tell me ANYTHING relatable to this. your dream, your thoughts, your theories, your deja vu, your disagreements.. I am very intrigued. I would create a blog somewhere but have no idea where to start, so i started here..
I tagged people I know and love and people i've noticed who have also taken interest on any subject I've mentioned.
Sorry for anyone I missed but please feel free to comment anyways if you see this and are not tagged
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, no matter if I said it, only if it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense."
karen champagne Nov 2014
The wind blows my hair,
blows through my soul,
blows my worries, sorrows and fears for that moment.
I close my eyes and feel tranquil.
It is peaceful the wind, in its own loudness.
The wind gales come and stop abrubtly,
like taking a short nap.
Winds come again like whispers from angels,
air from their wings.
Angels are amongst me,
I cannot see them,
I cannot feel them,
yet I know they are there.
It is my escape to nature.
I open my eyes to the rippling of water.
Pure peace, unthreatening.
Sun shines on the water like stained glass,
dangling crystals over the water.
I feel an inner peace I could not achieve in my own mind.
I am one soul.
A lost soul.
Searching for a place of peace within myself.
If only to feel this peace for eternity I would find my soul.
One of purpose, of meaning, of desire, of true happiness, fullfilment and hope.
Ekemini Nelson Feb 2016
After defecating
no tissue to wipe
our buttocks
no dry leaves to clean
our hands
no water to wash our
the government promised
the tissue

But their promise is christ
second coming
thousand years elapse
no sign of fullfilment
flies feast on our feaces
gurnor chased away

The air is Carbon (iv) Oxide
feaces taint it
when is the true Messaiah
Perhaps! God is the answer
the mother hen will protect
her children against the hawk

At dawn
the dogs swallowed
our feaces,leaked our hands
The answer is God
Ayad Gharbawi Jul 2013

In rooms of a time I called yesterday
The evenings were red I felt
The sunsets meant something final to me
A pointless hand gestured meaningfully
A sentence expressed passions
Where else did I paint scenes of life
You saw the conversations
The attempts
In instances hopeful
I cried once or twice
To create
The hope of love
And fullfilment, how strange
Glancing nowhere
Walking somewhere
Where do I exist?
I can be, I can love
Yet, in loneliness’ laws
Who is there
To love?
Ellie Wolf Nov 2015
Oh how I wish I could walk
with the aura of my namesake.

That I would never have doubts.
That my self-confidence would never waver.
That I would have any confidence whatsoever.
That I would have a sassy remark about everything.
That I would always have a comeback prepared.
That I would never be afraid to use it.
That I would always have a funny story to tell.
That I could always be there for everyone.
That everyone would care.
That I would never feel “dead inside”.

But, alas,
I am a person.
I am not a wish-fullfilment fantasy.
I will never grow into her,
because despite my feel-good delusions,
I am not her.
And she will never be me.
Stevie Ray Mar 2016
One day everything leaves that you own
all blackness can't hear the sound of your soul
Back to square one, loophole
as you go round in a whole
senses tense sense a consequence that slowly unfolds
detached from the string of existence
enveloped in riches, drifting in lost ones wishes
you miss out on missing
a mingled fulfillment
a fullfilling fullfilment you left it all to your children
content with contentment
dreaming about life
all it seems is allright
you're not afraid of this ending
taking your place in the fabric of space
slowly drifting and mending
objects move closer
you feel a light bending
a strong pull
as you feel the times ending
in a last sigh you let go
as you went from life
to enter a Black Hole

Light reaches your eyes, different place
different time, different face, different smile
retain a sense of self in this strange
state of mind
reembraced reïnstated well on your way
with retracing your self
Never a constant, always developing
human curiosity, aahh for-the-hell-of-it
blaze a bit be a mellow kid
you carve your road soon enough
meet old friends like Broken Trust
and you'll carry weight untill your shoulders crush
fight and re-see one end that's close to us

Written to this beat:
Fenix Flight Oct 2014
The Joy of Reading
Is like no other
its a peaceful fullfilment
that lights you from within.

It Transports you
to strange and wonderful places
Some you've heard about
some you never could have dreamed of
even in your wildest dreams

It can take your stress away
and leave you in a happy place

It settles around you
like an old familair Blanket
Comforting you and soothing you
in ways only reading can
Inspired by a conversation I had
hfallahpour Mar 2017
To be in peace and have an alignment
Our hearts need love for refinement
With love every second is a precious moment
Without it we live in torment
and we can't reach fullfilment
All I've been chasing, besides you
and what was really worth it
were those un-blue purposes and some precious movements
in time, as I saw how the basic thoughts were within
as I took on the weighty burden of my being
and also the trust to partake then,
in all what I must have realized, in the forthright truth
and in that handful of vile white lies
as you had the by God's voice dictated fullfilment
and looked so needless to say unrestrained content
as I nevertheless -or better- in fact did not know you came
to your end, but, no,
no single one in Heaven can be by all means heaven sent,
so, I guess that sudden adieu was as a last goodbye
as the Holy Hands of our Creator meant
in the gesture of His splashing sighs

No, I guess to be heaven sent is an earthlings' task
but don't we all have our so called Heavens
as one of the thin lines next to what one referes to
as being the Torrid Zone, as that's hell
what surely cannot ever be a place, divine

And, like almost everyone sometimes I wished to be
the next best thing to be
although I'm just a mortal like you were, a lesser God
who realizes you completely faked you forgot me not
but, now, I see your grave as you're lying here six foot down,
as me, I'm even ahead of my next up that's leading
to another grim down,
as I asked you:
"why am I even blue,
as your indigo evening gown was that apparently too"
as tonight I saw those sparkles of love leave
this little town
saying goodbye to the next mayfly who's
anxiously spitting out the smile that became a frown
in this life that's not always worthy to live
when you know you're the next one balancing on the risky, touch-and-go cliff but, hey: "  maybe you say : I do wanna live"...?
Tint Jun 2020
A question, I want to ask a question
As I look up and scream the words out, eyes swelling up in tears
For the answers will be kept,
for forever I'd be deaf
The questions that came late
as the answer early left

Is my question worth it?
Is it worth the wait
I was a child of nature
I was a child of faith
Now I know how it is non-existent,
the hope I knew, that is
For now I know not of singing,
I know not of fame

All I want is to ask a question
as it scares me to death
I also would like to ask permission,
as I want to drown in tears
To let go of the emotion,
and get down on my knees
I stare up and beg for the fullfilment to take me back, lifeless.
Circa 2017
Jill Tait Sep 2020
Be it discipline or desire but one’s determination can conquer any given goal with joyful jubilation, the hardihood of the human mind is unique in every way..willpower and moral fiber will triumph come what may

Self confidence is an accomplishment that alas is very rare, there are oh too many doubting Thomas’s in the crazy world out there.. if only one could believe in oneself then fullfilment would follow through for the victorious shelf..yet our mistrusts and misgivings are never that far away with a reluctancy of refusal to help us in dismay

Positivity with a zest and a zeal overthrows everything in the way one can feel..crushing negativity, those inner voices in our head.. and letting us look forward to a brighter future instead..only ourselves can achieve this end one’s destiny without remorse or regret

— The End —