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Michael OConnell Jan 2011
******* and your dear old trains,
hard seats and beat staff selling
rip-off chaff on chariots of mass
profits. The **** merchant gazes
through dead eyes and scratched
plastic as he charges up my **** with
an astronomical figure. A smile
on his bosses face as he races
into his office with more bloated
profits is all he can think of as he
sinks my high hopes into an oblivion
of rage. "*******" I tell him as he
flashes his price, 'that's twice what
I've already paid', but "mind your
language" is all he says as if that's
worse than ****** a man half your age.
He can't use his brain independently
from the movement of his masters
strings, he must watch the news
as if he's staring at his personal
kings - what a *****. All I can do now
is accept my fate of a few boring dates
with the telephone and my mates
at East Mids Trains, but that's in the
future and the **** merchant's in the
past, now I speed towards memories
I hope will far outlast that **** behind
the plastic and the ***** to whom his
thoughts are cast. Bring on
The Big Smoke.
There is a person that I once knew.
Like a masterpiece in a museum
She hung on the walls of a good mans heart.

But back behind
The steady red velvet ropes,
there was not the proper light,
And her smile became shadowed and blurred.

The curator noticed the change
and in an effort to free her
Started washing her canvas with spirits,
a bottle shaped like escape.

It started changing her hue
And it freightened me
I knew she would not be here much longer
And that freightened me more.

I knew I would miss the
Endless eon skies
When her eyes met mine.
But she had to go and
I was left Gemini of heart

I still remember to this day
The soaring cobalt towers,
The little soul echos,
The stardust whisps that wished
Someone could comprehend
The poems
in her endless eon skies.
About an old friend, a person on a diferent time line who effortlessly caught everyone around her in a unicorn web of games, music, sci fi, and starwars everything :) i wish you well.
PastelPunk Feb 2015
Beer bottles crashed down to the ground
She heard heavy foot steps
Startled and freightened
She had no clue
What to do
Her lover walked in
A smile on his face
Her took a swing and couldnt stop
****** and battered she picks herself
A couple days later
Nobody could know
They'd be so hateful
With a smile
She walked into school
Her body was beaten
And her heart was broken
By one she loved most
She was tired of this
So she went to the roof
Where she felt okay
And then in an instant
She was alone
Dead on impact
She thought no one cared
Hard times, good times,bad times,high times
How many times, did we talk about this?
For I commited crimes upon your eyes,
And how many times was I forgiven?
I believe a couple of times,
Lies the thing that,
I'm used to be good at,
Which made you cry and freightened,
Forgiveness is not what I ask,
It's the presence,
That's all that I'm yacking of,
But it seemed that you're either deafened or muted, but I'm certain that you have not been polluted,
Defiant of Christ, somewhat Agnostic?,
But in the Kings eyes it's all translucent.
How I see things nowadays, is just like looking through a film no matter how bright the light is everything is still dark.
Jake Mar 2021
Live straight forward
Colossal collasping
Keep onward
Flurries relapsing
Shadows through dawn
Shine protruding
What you may believe
Shall live till tomorrow
Create with care
Breathe in the air
Seldom freightened
Energy heightened
Far from sorrow
Never owned
Nor borrowed
Surrender comfort
Paralyzed by choice
Pure rejoice
With persistence
Lost from resistance
Experience builds
Reconcilliation our fate
Freedom awaits
Aprés la chair

— The End —