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I would say
I love you to the moon and back,
But truth is I love you more,
With every fiber of your being,
Each and every pore.

I would say
I'll travel the seven seas for you,
But I'd do it twice as much,
There and back again twelve times,
Doesn't even convey the amount of my heart you touch.

I would say
I'll take a shoot for you,
A dagger in the heart,
I'd be your barricade,
Only if you'll play this part.

There and back and round again,
In envoloping  love spiral,
I don't even care,
If this confession goes viral.
Makenzie Marie May 2015
Tonight the Sky cried for me.
The crickets sang, for me,
The most captivating melody.
The Wind whistled at me,
and wrapped around me, envoloping me in it's beauty.
And for the first time in a long time
I felt at peace,
free of anxiety.
I felt pretty.

And I'm so dang lucky
to hear God's voice in everything
"I love you, darling."
Dale Regrasse Sep 2016
The left hand ****
turned all the way
envoloping me
inside a spray

as the water flows
and drips to my feet
I see the steam but
can't feel the heat

I'm no longer wet
I don't see the gleam
upon my bed
I try to dream

only one image
appears to me
and it alone
may be the key

a supple frame
an angel's face
no longer dwells
inside this place

the touch is soft
but carries might
I know I won't
find sleep tonight

a cloud of death
the box is black
as I exhale
I begin to crack

I ***** the ember,
I feel the heat
the skin now pale
upon my seat

I should feel pain
but I am numb
inside my head
a gentle hum

at last a feeling
just an emotion
but lost in waves
an endless ocean

this emptiness
the only cue
I see my heart
now belongs to you

— The End —