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Thomas Thurman May 2010
How sweet the name of Cthulhu sounds
In raving mystics' screams!
It drives them mad, enflames their brains,
And troubles all their dreams.

It brings insanity and dread
Into the world of men,
This world which once seemed safe and sane
Shall not make sense again.

We gaze upon thy face more dread
Than any watchful dragon;
And sing the eternal hymn to thee,
Ia ia Cthulhu fhtagn.

Cthulhu! my dead yet sleeping king,
Thy cults shall be restored,
Thy tomb shall rise to air again,
Just, r'lyeh, r'lyeh, Lord.

Weak is our twisted woodland dance
And cold our campfires cursed,
But when the stars shall rise aright,
We shall be eaten first.
Come to my arms --- is it eve? is it morn?
Is Apollo awake? Is Diana reborn?
Are the streams in full song? Do the woods whisper hush
Is it the nightingale? Is it the thrush?
Is it the smile of the autumn, the blush
Of the spring? Is the world full of peace or alarms?
Come to my arms, Laylah, come to my arms!

Come to my arms, though the hurricane blow.
Thunder and summer, or winter and snow,
It is one to us, one, while our spirits are curled
In the crimson caress: we are fond, we are furled
Like lilies away from the war of the world.
Are there spells beyond ours? Are there alien charms?
Come to my arms, Laylah, come to my arms!

Come to my arms! is it life? is it death?
Is not all immortality born of your breath?
Are not heaven and hell but as handmaids of yours
Who are all that enflames, who are all that allures,
Who are all that destroys, who are all that endures?
I am yours, do I care if it heals me or harms?
Come to my arms, Laylah, come to my arms!
purple orchid Mar 2014
You have the beauty
That enflames the heart
And enchants the soul
Within, don't hide it

Society's standards
Are ridiculous
The media's portrayal
Of what beauty is biased
We spend out of our means
To wear such and such labels
Wear pounds of make-up,
Starve ourselves,
Because who we look in
The mirror is not what
We see on tv?

What is beauty?
Is it the texture of my hair?
Is it the hue of my skin?
Is it my ethnicity?
Is it my weight?
What is beauty?

Black is beautiful
White is beautiful
Hispanic is beautiful
Asian is beautiful
Bi/multi racial is beautiful
You're beautiful
We're beautiful
We don't need society's
No, we don't need to
Be deemed perfect by society
In actual fact, it's standards
Are unatainable
So why do we strive for
Something we know is
Only an illusion?

Do we realize the impact
That media has in shaping
The way the millennium
Thinks, and behaves?
We demand change,
But we're the same people
Tuning in to the same
Shows that we protest about

We've become so engulfed
In the world of entertainment
That the word has lost
Meaning itself
Heck, I'm 18
I'm guilty of this too
Entertainment is no longer
Just that- it's crotch grabbing,
Glorified drug, alcohol abuse
And yet, we wonder why
Majority of
My generation has no substance,
No depth, and no layers

We no longer aspire to be
The Obamas, the Ghandis,
The Mandelas and so on
No! That has long passed
The 'American Dream' has
Become Kim Kardashian
And Kanye West

In all honesty,
We are our surroundings
You want change?
Let's stop watching reality tv
Maybe then these networks
Will stop producing more trash
Let's instill morals
In our children
And help them discover
The fire that burns inside
Them, the beauty within
Granted-there are some of us who don't succumb to these things. This is one sided, it's subjective.
purple orchid Apr 2014
I met someone like you
In a sense that he possessed the same
Spirit as you,
With old passion that boils for the written word
See, he had the fire you had
The kind that enflames the heart,
Engulfs every part of the body,
The bright yellow that means destruction for those who dare to
Envision what lies behind the concrete walls

But he, better.
With a soul that lusted for the truth in things, only to find the truth couldn't be found in things we saw but in what we felt
But you wanted to see what could only be felt

I did meet someone like you,
Only he had a tenderness your hands couldn't have ever known,
Your heart wouldn't have bothered to attempt to give, or attempt to accept
Your mind wouldn't have fathomed-it goes against your illogical logic
(Narcissists aren't emotional when it doesn't concern them)
And your eyes couldn't see though wide open, because your heart is closed

He looked at me like the astronomers had conspired with the stars for me to find him,
For him to find me
And they aligned perfectly
As if the ancestors had boiled our blood in a clay *** to forge an unbreakable bond,
And like the 10 rules of life, written on stone and sealed with the love of Him

I guess what I'm saying is,
I met someone better than you
On second thoughts, you don't compare. It's unfair to you
Jane Rochester Dec 2011
my chest beats
staccato on a snare drum
Fingers twitch
pen skitters
letters, syllables, lost
run far away and
leave this place-
there’s nothing left
of your humanity.
The gods embrace my tremors
and their love
enflames destruction.
Inferno consecrating,
consume the ash
a phoenix
(my soul sings)
Nada Enriquez Aug 2014
A rouse of ruckus split the air like her hair.
She always seems to slay them many a time
A bit embarrassed to admit; my crime,
my pants are tight,  her face enflames the flair.

Because I drink at length, she’s memory loss,
her frazzled, freckled countenance lacking bruise.
Her body outlines nascent, lucent, chartreuse,
under the lights, to her, no albatross.

I haven’t had a great guffaw, so long,
I keel on the ground; I gasp to flinching art.
Her wits portray a certain sadness in heart,
it may be just me lacking tune from liquor’s song.

A smile with a tinge of wry reveals to me
Conundrum that isn’t there, she hides no pain.
Routine is not routine, smiles through the pain
she bears the wounds but also wound up free.

By showing levity through degrees of laugh,
serene-like visage; comedy never wanes,
she somehow brings to mind my window panes;
escapist reminders, days in past on graph.

Those special times were hurtful and grand, it’s strange.
Reflect from anecdotes, silly, happy, glad.
It’s clear she meant the other way a tad:
to venture, warts and all, the laughter exchange.
Travis Green Nov 2023
I wanna dive deep
Into his superheated sea
Of exquisiteness and sweetness
Rivet my eyes on his irresistible muscular build
His ****, manly features

Smooth, seductive lips
That makes me wish to kiss him
For centuries on end
Marvel at his dark, mandorabe beard
Dreamy gleaming eyes
That gives me an intense high

His entireness entices me
The way he glides
Into my gay domain
Has me intoxicated on *******
He enflames my passion

Makes me crave action-packed moments
With his awesomely charming machoness
Peruse his manhood
Escape into his mental landscape
Kiss every slick, sensual spot
On his flawless tattooed body

Groove on his coolness
Succumb to his ruling power
Let him please and squeeze me
Freeze and tease me
Fulfill my every need

Make my head spin
As we spend our lives together
Take command and enchant me
Fill me up with his thugness
*** me up, make me erupt

Gimme his turgid throbbing third leg
Make me wet, bathe me in his sweat
Merge with me, let his spectacularness
Surge through my innerness
Grip my full, appealing ****

Twist my luscious buds
Leave me fixated on everything he says
The way his deliciously dangling nuts
Mesh with my radiant russet flesh
Make me holler in jubilation

Make my body quake
Put me in a state of stupefaction
As he reaches his ****** gratification
And sprays his tasty man gravy
All over my voluptuous buns
He knows
how to light up
my evenings
and brighten
my mornings.
He would give me
the songs of the stars,
he would ignite
me with a sheen
of sweat.
I grace my
cigarette with a
kiss from the flame,
like he enflames me
and we rise
this cloud of smoke.
we are caught
within the barrel
of time,
our infinites between
then and now.
I ***** out
the cigarette
with his memories
and together
we are born by the
up to the distant
DieingEmbers Sep 2012
Carbonated kisses tickle my tongue
as steel edged lips
force me to tilt back my head
exposing my neck,
my adams apple bobbing
as i am soda-nised
gulping for air.

My hands slowly fondling your wetted curves

Come once more
fill my throat and make me gag

each fluid movement
enflames my aroused senses

slate my thirst
bring me to the edge of pleasure
my sweet

indulge me once more

with carbonated kisses.
Diet coke my favourite tipple
Tom Atkins Dec 2020
Outside it is snowing, just a bit.
Twelve years in and it still seems odd
Vermont, cold and with its ethereal light
feels more like home than the hills and mountains
you spent your first 54 years immersed in.

It seems odd that you were nearly sixty
before rediscovering the ocean,
Maine and Cape Cod, wild, often rugged,
nothing like the sprawling sands
where you were raised. And yet, it is these seas,
not the seas of your first half century
that calm your soul and raise it
from it’s gloom.

It seems odd that the place
that sings its siren song,
calls to you, makes you yearn like a lovesick boy,
lies in a foreign land,
with a foreign language,
nothing familiar, nothing, and yet
the first time you arrived,
sitting in Saint Mark’s square,
cappuccino in hand,
the Adriatic light and salt water filling your senses
you felt more at home
than you have ever felt in your long fractured life.

It seems odd, that you are so in love
with a woman so different than the southern sirens
that surrounded you most of your life.
Darker. More direct. Challenging, yet gentle,
Struggling strong, real.
She enflames you. She calms you.
She protects you. Even from yourself.
You have never known a woman like her.
And yet, in her arms, you feel that most unusual of things,

It seems odd that at this age, you look at the places
you called home, and the places you feel home,
that make your soul feel whole, complete, possible,
and you question so much of the place and time
and people who raised you.
But only for a few moments
before realizing home has never changed.
Truth has never changed.
You have.
I often spend a lot of the week between Christmas and New Year's reflecting. These thoughts arose after looking at pictures from a few years back to use with this poem for my blog. One showed up from Venice and the poem fairly spilled out.
JaiJai Nov 2014
The loneliness comes without notice
Not even a courtesy call
I beckon it in resentfully
Ask it to brush the mud off at the door
No words exchange
No need
We've been through this before
I pull the sweater over my head
And scrunch the jeans to the floor
He runs the bath
I lay in the warm tub
My eyes fix on an empty ceiling
As it's hands push me under
Gently, smoothly
The water feels comforting at first
Until like a flood the heightened panic enflames
I try not to stir, it'll only make it worse
I lay in the moment, the seconds that feel like hours
I can't breathe, I stop thinking
It's only when I let go, does he
Removes me from his grip
Allowing me space to catch myself
He stands up and lingers
I lean against the cold tiles until I regain myself
Then he vanishes and I hear the door slam shut
His job is done, for now
Diana Bloom Jul 2018
the moon envies the sun.
she keeps the harvest
and is praised for her ability to be generous with her glow.

but the moon fails to see
that the sun can also sting.
she ignites and enflames
and can hurt in the worst way.

the sun envies the moon.
she brings out the stars
and helps maintain the waters,
pushing and pulling the tide back and forth.

but the sun fails to see
that the moon brings along blindness.
sometimes she shuts herself off completely,
leaving the stars to finish her work.

the moon envies the sun,
the sun envies the moon.
they are completely different,
but completely the same.

Joel M Frye Aug 2014
Come, take my hand and walk with me
into the blinding darkness of
unspoken fear, unfelt, unseen.
I cannot hope that you would love
the journey, only pray that you
will stay to love the company
you've kept.  Your touch, your comfort through
the night which rises every day,
and darkens daily will be needed.
Fevered fear enflames my skin,
constricts my throat, a breathless plea
to stop the strangling from within.
The Spirit uses you as peace
to strengthen me for what I face.
Not one of my best;  just breaking the fast.
Glenn Sentes May 2023
Because of you I held the pen again
in its every stroke
comes the memory you inked
deep in this throbbing heart.
For years, words groped like
a traveller void of map,
like a candle without wick,
like a paintless canvas.

Because of you
the flame burns again
rekindling the feelings that once lost their fire.
It could ignite a bonfire in the cold now
or a wildfire in the snow.

How sublime!
When these longings
create masterpieces of words--
etched through the magnificence of your beauty in the ******* of the pen and paper.

And when the passion enflames this poesy once more--let the fire burn so high so it reaches the gods and answer my plea.
For E
JMRS Nov 2018
I seen it again last night
She began talking about him getting better
Without her
Her dark brown eyes filled up with tears
And her lips started to tremble
As she went on
I love him to the point of madness she said
And I could tell that she was mad
I could see her head full of hurricanes
And that she gave him everything she had
But she has flames in her eyes
The kind of flames that could engulf
Entire night skies
But instead of burning the night away
She Enflames herself
With all the guilt and pain
nivek Nov 2016
I carry around a certain kind of kudos
and it enflames my enemies
makes them feel kinda poor
even in the face of something so ephemeral.
CharlesC Oct 2018
are the appearances of
what is at last recognized as unreal:
the imprisoning belief in limitation
of the body and mind by appearance..
discovering appearance as appearance
enflames the old and worn belief
and makes clear: the prison has
no bars...
Travis Green Jul 2018
I stare at your silky-smooth equations of love,
how they melt liquid sounds upon my soul,
enflames my rhythm of science and intensifies
my passion for chemistry. I can feel the waves
of your boundless sea striking me into a world
of infinity, amplifying my taste and brightening
my poetic nation, entrancing my sensations, rotations
and vibrations shaking across my sight, as I gaze
at the rivers and oceans, how they spin into circling galaxies
escaping far from earth’s inner reality, lost in the ******
of harmonizing vowels sifting in the sparkling air,
your burning dimension an addiction to my hungering
Travis Green Jul 2022
You saturate my gayness in your fascinatingly
Flavorful captivation, I feel your tongue
Slither on my voluminous fun bags
Kissing and spitting, staring at me
With intense and hungry *** in your
Dancing brandy brown eyes
Your lustrous, man-nificent beard
Brushes up against my engorged points

I look at you with passion streaming
Through every fabulous fraction of my craft
You command my inner world
You enchant my emotions
Make me want to hold you closer
Enveloped in your tenderness
So defenseless when you present
Your immensely thugnificent masculinity

Your high-profile hypnotic game enflames my domain
Makes me hanker to glide in your bright nightly flame
Surrounded by streaming extra lit hotness
That burns unreservedly in my inner world
You give me compelling perplexing rushes
You make me blush when you tell me to hush
And kiss my expressive, energetic lips
You got me hot and shocked

My body is lost in the flaming mad lit passion
Rising in the velvety effervescent night
Your sumptuous hunkiness interlocks
With my voluptuous stunningness
Makes me highly sprung to considerable degrees
Sinking into your radiant enchanting handsomeness
Travis Green Nov 2023
I concede to him
Need to feel his sensual
Manly body against mine
Rub his hot, strong chest
His long, warm arms
The sexiness and smoothness
Of his glistening, rippling muscles

I cherish his firm superb structure
He has me intoxicated with desire
To dive into his virile masculinity
Conquer my gay world
Set me afire, entice my entireness

Console me, enfold me
Engross myself in his
Rivetingly beguiling strikingness
He exudes boldness
A robust fragrance
That takes my breath away

His machoness floats my boat
He draws me in effortlessly
To his treasured majesticness
Possesses a magnetic personality
That captures my heart

Has an appealing backside
A long, thick, and tasty rod
Appetizing dangling *****
Such a ruggedly handsome exterior
That speaks to me deeply

His flaming heat enflames and tames me
He projects vitality
Enraptures me with his sensuality
Has me so attached
To his magically immaculate splashiness

I wanna belong to him and no one else
Look into his mesmerizing eyes
Allow him to claim my mind, body, and soul
Swallow his rapid elation medication
Let him take me down

Penetrate me with his throbbing tool
Of tremendous devastation
Make me scream with delight
****** me, treasure me
Enter my creamy center

Drive deep into my guts
Take in his swaying motion
Release chest-swelling breaths
As his super solid shotgun
Slides in and out of my tight tunnel

Stretch me wide; speed it up
Give me an unforgettable rush
Rise to an action-packed ******
Blast his sticky white love juice
All over my attractive derriere
Mr E Apr 2020
From depths below and tangled threads
Where cobwebs stow the darkest machinations
Caught like droplets from the dew
Poisoned liquid, envelop mends.

Old wounds bite deepest
Where they're cut again
Where mold and mildew inch and spread
Dark bruises form and grow in hues
Green, yellow, red, and blues.

Bleached wounds that hide beneath the skin
Deep below that soft pink shield
And from within they do not yield
Old anger enflames those ancient wounds.

Some are seen like boiled flesh
Of scars that cut too deep years ago
Or of pains that never truly healed
Be cautious and be wary though.

Of stabs and cuts
Invisible to the eye
Be wary of the blights within
Wounds that slice and gnaw each passing day
Untreatable blights without any cures
Cancerous burdens who always stay
Travis Green Mar 2023
When I look into his flashing cognac-brown eyes
A rare crackerjack galaxy of wonder, radiant emanating creativeness
A solid-gold glowing treasure of delectable ****** perfection
A blazing ray of striking sunshine that mesmerizes me
That surprises me when he smiles and enflames
My fire and desires within, an ardent spark of rare impassioned magic
That burns a thousand and one times, holds me in penetrating gaze

He makes me crave his dreaminess and tenderness
To float in his rugged much-coveted thuggishness
Savoring his captivating display
Of magnificent supereminent engagingness
In his bold, strong embrace
It feels so weirdly hypnotic, so singularly significant
To mesh with his electric persuasive freshness

My sheer warm joy, my fierce alluring lover boy
Inhumanly powerful and spellbinding
He fills my heart and soul with endless sweet bliss
Brings me cosmic sparkling solace
The most precious and pleasurable gallant
That leaves me entrapped in his hella magnetic thunderstorm

His unsurpassed mantastical attractiveness
Has me so beside myself, such carefully crafted magicalness
That is beyond sensual and incomprehensible
I am immersed in his enrapturing world of splendor
A top-drawer ardent wonder to marvel at
A source of explorable and inexorable hotness
That keeps me coming back for more and more
Of his raw personable charmingness

I absorb the litness from his slickness
Travel through his immaculate flamboyant kingdom
Where I obtain rare insurmountable knowledge
Kiss every part of him so gently, take great delight in his strength
Stroke his superb luxuriant beard, steal a kiss
Make a wish for our worlds to forever intertwine with each other

For there are astounding mountains of bright high-octane delight
In his extraordinarily dashing and earth-shattering frame
The compelling smell of shea butter lotion
Surfacing his monumentally macho body drives me wild
Makes me hanker to stay here in his nearness
Take in his brilliant keen chemistry

My essential supreme dream, I love him more
Than the infinite glistening stars and majestic moon
That light up the memorable and wondrous night
He is all that I need to concede to
All the king that I need to cling to
Everything that supersedes here and now
Travis Green Nov 2023
When he gives me that look
He has me instantly
Hooked on his pulling power
In the embrace of his enchanting handsomeness
Claims and enflames my frame

Tames me with unrestrained flame
Excites my senses, melts my defenses
Gives me a loving, lingering kiss
Clenches every inch of me
Sweeps me off my feet

Conquers my existence
Breathe in his tantalizingly
Delicious fragrance
Drink in his valiant manliness
His machoness is
Far too attractive

Immaculately groomed
So smooth and splashy
So groovy and soothing
I carry a torch for him
Dream of him, get lost in him

He consumes me like no other
Stops me dead in my tracks
Captures my breath
Leaves me in awe when I marvel
At his fantastic masculine art

His beauty is beyond description
He is a spectacular mantuary
Of incomparable perfection
A glorious morning sun
A mountain of charm
That has me walking on air
Sinister Mar 2020
As tones of dusk embrace the dawn
beneath a harvest moon,
his thoughts relive the moments gone,
the lyrics 'midst his tune
and somewhere deep beneath the beat
he's carried through the years,
the echoes speak of rhythmed feet,
resigned the end is near

A gleam enflames his tired eyes
as rev'ries roam his soul,
and somewhere past their lullaby,
he hearing church bells toll
as truths invade the peaceful calm
and settle 'pon his mind,
a maelstrom made of timeless qualm
and memoirs redefined.

From whence they came, to fade away
as aons redesign
bereft a chance, like night and day
to once again align
and still, he knows, beyond a doubt
the worth he's vested there,
what life is really all about,
the seconds often shared.

As tones of dusk embrace the dawn
beneath a harvest moon,
his thoughts relive the mem'ries drawn,
the journey fraught with boons,
and somewhere deep beneath the beat
he's carried through the years
he knows he's lived a life, complete
through joyfulness and tears.
Travis Green Dec 2021
The way you walk with a swagger
The way your slang enflames my domain
The way you dance, I can’t deny your power
You are on fire; you can’t be extinguished
I am in dire desire of your invitingness
Your distinguishable dimension
***** my senses into your existence
I wish for your brown sugar kisses
Your luxurious fragrance on my neck
You stimulate my taste buds

You are like richly dark-brown cognac
That dances delightfully on my tongue
You command my thoughts
You make me moan so hot and long
When you put your lips on my shoulders
When you eye me so enchantingly
Make me surrender without hesitancy to you
You are my king, an emerging masterpiece
I muse on conversing with you
Adoring the canvas of your body
The unbeatable bliss I feel with you
The thought of touching your flesh
Exhilarates my world

I crave to be with you in a jacuzzi
Where the water slides down our bodies
Feel the magic swirl around us
Place my hands on your beard
The way I can feel your vibe
How your eyes carry me away
To a greater place
Solaces me, treasures me
Gives me the brightest visions of love
That no one else can give to me

— The End —