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Sydney Carter Jan 2016
Stand beside me
as the light falls in.
Hold me close
as the air takes wing.
Stay right there
as the sky turns grey.
Take my hand
as this earthsong fades.

All I need is you.
Dave Robertson Apr 2020
It’s only us that’s broken

these once unspoken words
reverberate around a globe
that doesn’t wait for us

gets on with growth and bloom
and spawn and gambol
same as always

as children we cry
and bemoan our lot
unjust and unwarranted

but the doublespeak
is busted by the healing
all around
Lora Lee Oct 2015
Once a tiny bud
Who grew outside of her protected liquid garden
Into a flowerburst of colors
Ultra-hued light
A taste of the divine
flowing from the heaven of her scent
as I hold her and inhale
I feel my own creation and hers mingling,
with the beat of my womb.
Each day,
so many colors, growing in intensity
Each day
so much depth unfurling from within
And with that earthsong, song of whales and mermaids,
a  gorgeous iridescence
That bestows light upon me
With its transcendant holiness
I know I am thus twice blessed:
A  starsong of delight
Who blesses and re-blesses her own miracle
of creation.
My own joyful garden, both in
And out of water
Able to burst up and out,
Seed by seed by seed.
And I wish to explode with it.
For now, I take a breath.
I have. I hold.
We glow.
Written in 2010, after the birth of my third child

— The End —