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     <DUN-Dun-dini-Dun-Din-DUN-Dun-Dini Dun Din>


I try to keep them to my-self...
<DUN-Dun-dini-Dun-Din-DUN-Dun-Dini Dun Din>
<DUN-Dun-dini-Dun-Din-DUN-Dun-Dini Dun Din>
<DUN-Dun-dini-Dun-Din-DUN-Dun-Dini Dun Din>

Walking out in streets of Day-eh!
I try to keep them to my-self...
Never felt a price to pay-eh!
I try to keep them to my-self...
Always got to minimize.
I try to keep them to my-self...
I'm a smart guy in disguise...
I try to keep them to my-self...
No one seems to re-al-lize...
I try to keep them to my-self...
These are not just CON-VER-SATIONS!
I try to keep them to my-self...
Cause flowers wilt and flowers die.
I try to keep them to my-self...
Always got to minimize.
I try to keep them to my-self...
These are not just CON-VER-SATIONS!
I try to keep them to my-self...

soft spoken

Ideas, big and bold...
I try to keep them to my-self...
Ideas, big and bold...
I try to keep them to my-self...
Ideas, big and bold...
I try to keep them to my-self...

<musical break>
<DUN-Dun-dini-Dun-Din-DUN-Dun-Dini Dun Din>
<DUN-Dun-dini-Dun-Din-DUN-Dun-Dini Dun Din>
<DUN-Dun-dini-Dun-Din-DUN-Dun-Dini Dun Din>
<DUN-Dun-dini-Dun-Din-DUN-Dun-Dini Dun Din>
<DUN-Dun-dini-Dun-Din-DUN-Dun-Dini Dun Din>

Ideas, big and bold...
I try to keep them to my-self...

soft spoken
Ideas, big and bold...

<DUN-Dun-dini-Dun-Din-DUN-Dun-Dini Dun Din>
<DUN-Dun-dini-Dun-Din-DUN-Dun-Dini Dun Din>

...never matter till their sold.

Ideas, big and bold...
* I try to keep them to my-self...
Alexander  K  Opicho
(Eldoret, Kenya;

songs of freedom in Kenya are paradoxical of themselves
they have become the songs of oppressive tyranny
they are not songs that were sang by freedom fighters
in the tropical forests of aberdares and Mabanga
they are blissful carols of powers that be
mouthed by the state poets in the deadly feats
of political  sycophancy fuelled by cult of betrayal
and espionage, a real substructure of state dictatorship
they are not the true songs of mau mau
that were sang by Kimathi wa miciuri
they are the songs of the top crust of the tribal
and political powers that be in oblivion of
the cultural revolutionaries that countermanded
cultural Darwinism of European imperial gamesters
they are not the songs sang by Elijah Masinde
of Dini Msambwa that spirited up cultural aura
of cultural dignity;which cautioned certainly
an African against the cultural call of the white culturalizer
the African to balk and turn his back
and **** and spit scornfully  at cultural trickster in the colonial ploy
to dance for Dini ya Msambwa in the spirit of war and fires of war
that is to be fought in preservation of democracy and cultural freedom.
31 Oktober 2016
Dini hari, Jakarta-Surabaya, Pukul 00.45

30 menit yang lalu, kau bertanya kepadaku,
"apa yang membuatmu bahagia?"
secangkir kopi, malam dan hujan jawabku
lalu kau mengernyitkan kedua alismu dan bertanya,
"kenapa? kopi itu pahit, malam itu sendu dan hujan hanya membawa pilu"

"Karena aku menyukai kejujuran pada kopi,
Ia jujur akan dirinya. ia yang pahit rasanya. ia yang hitam parasnya. tanpa bersandiwara. tapi itulah hal yang mencandu darinya.
Karena aku menyukai kesederhanaan malam,
Ia tak perlu harus bersinar, ia cukup indah dengan bintang di dalamnya tanpa dengki ingin menjadi siang.
Karena aku menyukai keikhlasan hujan,
Ia tetap ikhlas menjatuhkan dirinya meski banyak yang memaki dirinya dan berharap ia tak pernah datang."

kau termenung kembali,
dahimu berkerut memikirkan sesuatu
"apakah hanya itu?" tuturmu lagi
dan aku hanya tersenyum,

"aku hanya ingin menjadikan diriku seperti mereka, tidak berlebih pun tidak mengapa, hanya ingin menjadi dan merasakan kejujuran seperti kopi, kesederhanaan seperti malam dan keihklasan seperti hujan."*

kau tersenyum mengejek
"Kau terlalu naif" tandasmu dan aku hanya tergelak,
seperti itulah aku, jawabku
pada akhirnya, kau turut tergelak jua bersamaku
menutup pembicaraan dini hari kita kala itu.
kepada kamu yang telah mengajarkanku mengenai kejujuran, keikhlasan dan kesederhanaan, terima kasih telah menjadi kopi, malam dan hujan bagiku.
Aridea P Oct 2011
Dulu terlihat manis dan suci
Ucapan manja masih menghiasi
Setelah  dini menghampiri
Betapa indah merasaakan cinta sejati
Awal penuh kebahagiaan
Hidung mancung dipadu tawa
Mata indah penuh cahaya
Kerlap-kerlip penuh cahaya
Saat pertama aku melihatnya
Ku jatuh hati padanya
Ingin ku bahagia bersamanya
Selalu indah selamanya
Tapi, dia telah bahagia
Bahkan tak tau aku di sini
Menunggu datangnya cinta
Walau hanya sebercak tinta
Biar tersimpan dalam hati
Hingga kita bertemu nanti
Biar ku rangkai dulu jadi lirik
Oh Tuhan,,, aku punya Cinta Dalam Hati
Alexander K Opicho
(Eldoret, Kenya;

But I remain a believer in my ancestral religion
Whose God is wele but not the Germany world, it is a religion,
Like most of universal ancestral ones,
With appalling moral threshold,
When Elijah Masinde of dini ya Misambwa
Despised those who condemned man as notoriously religious
He meant human religious approach to life is absolute in nature
However diverse religions compete for human ears
Rich ones glorified in the luring away of modal ears
But all are devoid of spiritual impetus
Disappointing the progenitors of religious imperialism
These short-cutters in matters of sanctimony
Will not come to our heaven
They will get me sharing a cup of tea
With my sister- in-law; Mary, the mother of Jesus
And I will shun them, I will not know them
I will not invite them to a heavenly cup of tea
They will be suffocated by cadaverous appetite,
For we honor our religion with ancestral regard;
The Faith of Our Ancestors
But in ridicule they call us kaffirs, pagans, christo-pagans,
Animists, atheists, gentiles, non-believers, mediumists,
Rebellious rebels or whatsoever they call us;
The anti-muhamedan-mis-christologists,
                                                              Let them delude themselves,
If they disparage us with sick contumely
Abreast the dumbfounding development in sciences
Plus so fortuitous humanistic awareness,
Humanity in Religion has to adjust optimally
Religious masters have to help
Interpret the religious Books, bible, gita, quran
All Written or verbalistically in the glory of epical orality
In tandem with the best centered
Life extant,
Otherwise selfish religions becomes an old wine bag
With its old and stale wine,
You will persuade Russian carousers to drink
But to your chagrin, none will condone, your stale wine
Do not seek to sell your faith
Because every human community
Has an ancestral faith
Respect them all for that is gods in their accolade of
Any man or woman without religion is dangerous
                                                But do not advantagize yourselves
At the expense of people of other faiths
It is  good you reciprocated
Planet earth is our only sure and known abode
If we lived well here, and there is another world
For those who will be good, we hope the conclave of Gods
Would all sit in judgment for their credit
And reward those who helped humble humanity
Of their religions as well as those of other religions
As for all the Gods love humanists.
Bagaimana kalau surga dan neraka itu tidak ada,
dan kau
berlomba untuk hidup paling abadi berdampingan semestinya ?

Namun sekarang aku bercermin dengan realita.
mungkin kita berada di ruang yang sama, sibuk bercerita hari kemarin dan besok.
lalu kau harus pergi,
sehingga hanya jejak senyum hari ini yang tersisa dalam perjalanan sendiri-sendiri.

Jadi izinkan aku mengucapkan:
“Hati - hati di jalan ya.
Semoga selamat dan menemukan tujuan. Semoga pula sampai jumpa.
Semoga semua semoga karena 1000 doa ikut serta.
Aku pamit.”
4 Oktober 2019 pada pukul 03:30 pagi.
Semoga kamu bisa tidur.
I am Amadioha the earth goddess  of Igbos,Ngai wa mugo wa gatheru
who created the nine daughters of mumbi ,and Gikuyu a man,
I am Wele of Dini ya Musambwa,creator of Elijah Masinde
I am  Katonda the creator of Kintu and Namiremeb hills at Makerere
I am eshu the god  of the  Ijimere and Achebe and Soyinka,
behold today  I stand in Egypt,where the sun comes from
where I similarly  stood billion and billion of years ago,
to create all the stars the moon and the universe
not even known to the son of man until today,
this is where i created my first born of  humanity;
dear Africa the generations of Negroes,
the beacon of my eye, i enjoy a look at you  minus blinkers,
i stand here a fresh to correct my creation mistakes
i formerly made, when creating my dearest son in Africa;
Kenneth Binyavanga wa wainaina, who hails at Nakuru hills,
he is the sweetest song to my heart, classical music of my ears
i contrite much , as i were not to create you a blended blood
from an  Omuganda  girl and  an Omugikuyu  boy,
i  was to create you a pure Muganda, like Okot P' Bitek,
or a pure Kenyan , like Francis Davis Imbuga,
i were to control your academic fortune , that you  don't start,
your maiden education  Lena Moi primary school,
an epiphany of a divorced woman,spelling curse of wifelessness,
on those that pass through the very  school , i was wrong.
had i known i could have not  sent Cleophas to work
in your fathers home , for him  to sleep in the horse shed,
cursed is the ******* memory of what he did in that quarter
as you preened  and eavesdropped outside like a hen
listening to the eagle's contralto,
why did i sent Wambui to be your nurse maid ,only to preach
the gospel according to the power of peasant ****** to you,
she tangled her buttocks before your **** eyes,senting
your young heart to sensuous extremities, Wambui ,a she devil,
Wow! Kalenjins are bad neighbour, they are dark and ugly
slow in the brain and sadistically malicious in the heart,
i  know not why i made them to abode with you within the
great valley of kenya, they throng schools and they cannot learn,
but i have now held them captive, i have made them your footstool
for ever and ever my dear son ,as you hold the scepter of power,
i goofed beyond  remedy by all ethereal to send you to Njoro boys school,
for you to meet Sigalla, that extra-masculine Sigalla , the ******* hunter,
i gave you wrong sisters, they made you put on your mothers dress
and her long hair,then you posed to the female public as an Americanness
your romantic number was fwive fwive fwive fwive , fwive at New-york,
i wonder why i did not give you enough power of languages
so that you generate a numberless fantabulousies and Goalies and so forth,
only to borrow from a young woman;Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
the  yellow sun's slapslap  slapslap slapslap slapslap slapslap   slapslapp!
Mangu Boys School to you was a blessing , had it not my fault,
of giving you a mutton headed faculty full of annentcy,
that went for the persiflagery and aesthetic phantasmagoria,
in the art and theatre prose and poetry; the Bigger Thomas Lawyer,
your only  misplaced  mentor  that gave birth to what i love in you ;
hence i am writting about this place now,this place kenya,
folly of folly is when i goofed to take a natural writter like you,
to commerce class in the land of apartheid, Nadine Gordimer's  front
that sired Brenda Fasie a top Lesbian, the song bird of my times
as you all know we the gods also jealously love,
she only charmed you with her naked ****
swinging like a pendulum on the  musical stage,
after her communique of being a top lesbian,she call it Africa,
o! no,  Africa never came from Lesbians, it comes from simple nature;
mother and father, in natural and collective  heterosexuality,
You only saw and revved in dope culture in the cubbyhole of Victory,
and hoped clubs from Dazzle to the rest , in hunt of  your boyhood,
sadly to be befallen by dark clouds  in victim-hood of optical nutrition,
abiding among the  tall, beautiful, smoking bunch of Lesbians.
My son, from  today and henceforth,  i the Africanus,
the god of African fertility,poetry and art,
humbly chose to recreate you the king of kings and queens,
of African story telling  at global status, to tell all African songs,
beyond sham fallacy that gay and Lesbian literature
are the begotten  apex of modern and Global literature
these are only white lies featuring a death bound imperialism.
All lines are controversial
Average performance is extremely intelligent,
My answer to the riddle is this God never wrote fables
In the bible, Qur’an, Gita, Ramayana, Dini ya Musambwa
Nor anything you will mention that amount to mankind's
Mental peregrinations in search for God.
Jewish literature in the form of the bible
Is strongly successful as a misleading literature
And firmly founded in racial prejudice.
Similarly the Qur'an is Arabic adjustment
Of Jewish literature in the bible.
The Apocryphal of them all is enigmatic.
The sons of Asia are dangerously gifted in literature
And their epics often form religion, think of Tagore’s poem
That became Indian nation anthem,
Karl Marx's das kapitel that became revolutionary religion
Blue print or even Gautama's sermons recited by Jesus Christ
Six hundred years later as a sermon on the mountain.
Now; to me Asians must stop racial chauvinism
And accept humanity as there are very many human beings
Who are living away from Jerusalem and are prosperous
Both economically and spiritually, take a case of Vatican.
In my faith therefore, God himself
will give Jerusalem to African immigrants in Palestine and Israel,
Because Abraham was a refugee in Africa,
Ishmael was born in Africa; Jesus was a refugee in Africa
And even a Libyan; Simon the Cyrene helped him
To carry the ominous Roman cross, doen to Calvary
Thus, Christianity is founded on the innocent misery of an African race.
Favian Wiratno Sep 2018
Jawa Barat, Malam ke-22.

Diantara sela sela dini hari;
Diantara lantai kayu, atap lapuk, dan dinding rotan,
Aku merindukanmu.
Annisa Jul 2018
di rumahku
semuanya kamu

di teleponku
tentang kamu

pengerat berlari
kamu sendiri
pengerat pergi
kamu tidak cari

setelah kami ini
ada lagi
setelah kami pergi
suaramu meninggi

8 pagi sampai 5 petang
posisimu selalu terlentang
dibelai-belai penuh kasih sayang
bila telat jam makan kau mengerang

sembari menonton sinetron di TV
sembari menghitung sisa uang jajan kemarin
sembari memakan indomie
ketika pulang dini hari
semuanya, kau jadi saksi
Hana-chan Jul 2014
used to be my favorite month,
eighteen May will always be my favorite day,
realizing something not right make me feel
'why am i exist?'
and my tears fall.

everyday I grow up,
words and actions hurt my heart,
still i choose to be strong,
pretend to be strong is not easy,
deep in my heart scars everywhere
and ask 'why my heart get hurts easily?'

to be strong and pretend to be one,
I keep everything inside,
never think of telling how hurt is my heart,
never even think to forget about it
and just let tears falling non-stop.

stranger that saves me and motivates me,
through her words and poetries,
she is a first aid box,
always there when I get hurt
and she is my b.a.e (before anyone else)
Diadema L Amadea May 2018
Radar itu berupa debar;
Samar samar pendeteksi dini sebuah potensi akan jatuh hati.
Penunggang badai Feb 2021
Kuingat, waktu itu aku membawamu ke sebuah kedai. Sebuah tempat yang hari lalu pernah kujanjikan padamu. Dengan motor tua peninggalan ayahku, aku merasa bangga. Dengan kau di jok belakang, malu-malu mendekap badanku erat, kita melaju tanpa banyak bicara melintasi jalanan kota.

Sesampainya kita, aku menoleh kesana-kemari mencari tempat yang pas. Tempat yang khidmat untuk kita menunaikan ibadah temu, setelah lama menjalankan puasa rindu.

Masih seperti biasanya, tanpa memandang situasi bagaimanapun, kita tetap saja seperti biasa: tidak banyak mengobrol. Hanya tersenyum, basa-basi (aku dengan pernyataan pamungkas bahwa "rambutmu cantik hari ini", dan "jangan memujiku terus" adalah andalanmu ketika malu) , tersenyum lagi dan salah tingkah sejadinya. Begitu kikuk kita di waktu itu.

Kita begitu seadanya. Saling berhadapan, saling menggenggam tangan meski canggung. Kutengok dari balik jendela, hujan perlahan jatuh membasahi seisi bumi. Tentu kedai tempat kita juga. Kulihat ramai manusia mulai bergegas dan menepi menghindari tumpah ruah sang hujan.

Rinainya mulai melantun tak beraturan di jalanan, di atap kedai, di jok motorku dan di hati kita berdua. Sambil memandang keluar, aku yakin kau merefleksikan hal yang sama dengan apa yang ada dipikiranku. Bahwa keping ingatan masa lalu mulai berpendar, berputar dalam kepala. Yang mungkin selalu berusaha kita lupa.

Satu hal yang benar, bahwa hujan dengan begitu saja telah menjadi bagian dari identitas kita berdua. Kutipan bahwa hujan turun selalu membawa kenangan, bagiku sesekali benar. Dan diantara kau dan aku, memiliki kisah yang dianggap kelam.

Kita adalah dua manusia yang hatinya pernah patah dan kecewa, lalu dipertemukan dengan cara yang begitu acak oleh semesta. Atau, entahlah. Aku hanya yakin begitu. Mungkin buku-buku Fiersa Besari banyak mempengaruhi caraku berpikir soal ini.

Ditemani lagu-lagu dari Dialog Dini Hari, dan dinginnya suasana kedai sebab hujan yang menggerayangi, semakin menambah kesan romansa terlebih kopi pesanan kita datang menghampiri.

Masih ditengah hujan yang mulai menjinak, aku mengingatkanmu soal buku bacaan yang telah kita sepakati sebelumnya saat masih hendak merencanakan via telepon. Ya, benar, tujuan utamaku adalah mengajakmu menikmati buku bersama. Untukku, Ini kali pertama. Semoga saja engkau suka.

Dan hujan, adalah diluar dari rencana. Aku tersadar, bahwa ia membantuku banyak kali ini. Untuk memeluk hatimu kian erat, untuk menghempas keluh-kesahmu jauh tak terlihat.

Kita mulai mengeluarkan bacaan. Dari ranselku, dari tas jinjingmu.

Aku dengan Tan Malaka, kau dengan Boy Candra. Begitu kontras, namun kutau bahwa ada bahagia dengan harta yang masing-masing kita miliki itu. Yang bahwa kita membacanya karena terpana dengan mantra disetiap kata-katanya—atau juga karena pemikiran kritis yang disulap menjadi sebuah goresan pena pada setumpuk kertas oleh sang aditokoh. Kagum dengan warisannya—dalam tulisan, mereka benar-benar kekal selamanya—dalam ingatan.

Kita tenggelam jauh kedalamnya, jauh kedalam setiap paragrafnya. Mata kita beradu sesekali saat fokus tergoyah, saling melempar senyum karenanya. Lalu pada satu waktu, kita mulai menutup buku, mengartikan temu, menyempurnakan rasa hingga waktu tenggelam berlalu.

Berlalu... Benar, semuanya berlalu sejalan dengan gerak sang waktu. Tak terkecuali kita didalamnya.

Aku menyayangimu, sebagaimana keberlakuanku pada buku. Aku merindumu, sebagaimana bumi merindukan hujan. Dan episode-nya bagiku selalu saja menyajikan wangi yang sama, sebagaimana wangi petrichor yang tersisa, dari rinai yang pergi meninggalkan bentala.

Kita menjadi "pernah", lalu lestari selamanya.
Kemana semalam kalau siangmu penuh peluh?
Peraduan mana yang kau singgah kala menunggu Tuhan membalas?
Sang racun dunia
Sang peracau jiwa
Sang penggoyah iman mereka bilang
Kendara motor dini hari
Pergi dengan siapa ia mau
Karena akan terlalu bodoh memikirkan rangkanya
Diamlah kalau kau belum tahu rumahnya
Diamlah kalau tak tahu mana zakar mana akar
Urusanmu selalu tak kalah sepele dari pada urusan Si Jalang
Annisa Nov 2019
terima kasih sudah melengkapi
disini tertulis
untukmu pada dini hari

jika dihadapkan lagi oleh tawamu
satu detik saja
kita ada

berdesir wangi lembut
aku kenang lagi aromamu
akan ku putar lagi perjalananku

13 januari nanti
jangan berhenti
tetap seperti ini

siapa aku berani menuntut abadi
gadisunja Feb 2023
Kutemukan banyak kamu
di waktu-waktu
yang terlalu dini untuk selamat pagi
dan telanjur lewat untuk selamat istirahat.
Kalau begini,
baiknya aku ucapkan selamat apa, ya?
sunja berlalu
Nita Dec 2020
Dini hari
Gelap gulita menyelimuti
Mimpi-mimpi yang hampir mati
Mungkin akan bangkit kembali
Gadis pemerhati ulung sedang memeluk riuh suara kembang api
Tak ada yang peduli, selain dirinya sendiri
dan nadi yang sedang berdenyut
Desember, 2020.

— The End —