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Karl Warren Nov 2017
I see you dressed in wool,
My mind unwinds,
I feel a definate pull,
To see her struggle against her binds.
Tall and thin she towers,
Headphones cover her ears,
Red and yellow leaves spiral in showers,
Can I speak and overcome my fears?

Intimately we look up from the ground,
And walk our separate ways without a sound.
Ignatius Hosiana Apr 2015
You go for more or settle for less
Run after them or go at your own pace
You can climb higher and higher
You can always get what you want
None should tell you that you can't
If you can proceed, you shouldn't retire
You can soar higher than the sky
You can poke your limits in the eye
Ahead lies a wonderful reward
Go for it, focus on moving forward
You can change your little story
By constructing yourself greater glory
Navigate the icy unchattered waters
You can go beyond the definate borders
Nothing about their words matters
You can disapprove your doubters
You can hit the spot, if you truly aim
You can change the rules of the game
Notes (optional)
Oshin Lamba Mar 2015
Her feather touch, then tender-glare
Weary eyes on my restless skin
Anticipate, the blissful moment of,
Melting subconsiously in her warmth
Inside the formaldehyde of her laps
Immune to ever pain, nullifying sorrows
Blurs my vision
For a definate dissolution
In love, her love!
My state, concluded by misery
Yells for a dreamy place
This wishful thinking of mother's love.
Marshal Gebbie Apr 2013
Over the last 200 years the Australians and New Zealanders have joined forces in conflict.
We have fought, back to back, against a common foe.
Fighting and dying in battle beside each other...resolute and definate.
We fought as Brothers.
Each year, on the sporting field, we have been bitter adversaries, giving no quarter
But in battle we are ANZACs
....and forever it shall be.

Today is ANZAC Day.
Today we remember those who gave their service and sacrificed their lives ...for us.

As the sun goes down and in the morning....
Pearl Feldman Mar 2014
1)  Thou shalt have reverence for Life, for that Life flows through you, your neighbour and all the Kingdoms of the Universe. Yea even to the very Source of all Life.

2) Thou shalt let Life flow and fear not, for there is a definate plan which shall lead you and give you that which is right for you.

3) Thou shalt not get so emotionally involved in Life that you forget the purpose thereof.  It is an experience to open your Divine Heart to an even greater love. It is a way to gain understanding and a greater experience of enlightenment.

4) Thou shalt enjoy Life for it was meant to be enjoyed, and can only be lived to the full by serving others in joy and love.

5)  Thou shalt have compassion for thyself, remembering that if you cannot love thyself you cannot not truly fully love anything or any one else to the full - for all is One and all is Love

6)  Thou shalt hold onto the positive for by holding onto the negative you make it strong.

7) Thou shalt not bend to earthly desire for power, wealth, food nor drink - in  excess these are not good for you.

8) Thou shalt not punish yourself or another needlessly - you have paid past debts back by suffering - and now have wiped the slate clean. Remember too that you are held responsible for all new debts incurred.

9) Thou shalt not be afeared by mass media which pollutes your mind and springs from a mass of polluted minds.

10) Know that ultimately you have power over nothing material - and nothing material has power over you except that which you give power to.
Remember too that one cycle of Life is but one season in Eternity. Therefore LIVE, LOVE and ENJOY the NOW yesterday has been, and cant be changed, tomorrow will come bringing its own changes.
Sir Douz Dante Oct 2014
The sky was dark blue clear,
the moon was brighter than ever,
the stars seemed to be dancing,
a nice night to be romancing,

she and i were under the pine,
glasses in hand,red wine
the stream,silent under the silver light,

she held me close,
nose to nose,
well almost,
and then she asked,
"do you love me?"
i expected it you see,
but my answer she hadnt forseen,
"No i dont",
came my words,
like a rift between worlds,
she bit her lip,
her heart skipped,
her dark brown eyes were now crimson,
her fist tightened,
Tears about to free flow,
before she could break,
our lips met,
a twist in the script,
then came the words,
from deep within my heart,
"i do not love you,
coz that is definate,
but i am in love with you,
and that is INFINITE!"

— The End —