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the air was thick and heavy
the sun was heating up the sky
And somewhere in the jungle
more men were gonna die

The streets were full of people
Feral dogs were running free
The haze was thick and murky
The sun you couldn't see

It's a Saigon Sunday Morning
Ten more men were going home
To  a flag tri-corner folded
And a marker of white stone

The men were all assembled
To load them up with care
It was a Saigon Sunday Morning
with ten men no longer there

The jungle was a minefield
The trees were blocking out the light
It was ***** trapped like crazy
And it seemed like it was night

A patrol went hunting "Charlie"
But, they were found out first
It only took twelve seconds
And it turned out for the worst

The city never noticed
The 'copters flying overhead
Whether bringing in supplies
Or taking out the dead

It was a Saigon Sunday Morning
It never changed one little bit
The air was always heavy
And the alleys smelled like ****

Back home the news delivered
The families destroyed
They were waiting for their loved ones
A short time were deployed

Ribbons tied around the Oak Tree
to support those coming back
On a Saigon Sunday Morning
With twenty bullets in their back

A transport with the bodies
Drops fifty more to play the game
It's a vicious, endless, circle
The procedure's all the same

It's a Saigon Sunday Morning
Ten more men were going home
To a flag tri-corner folded
And a marker of white stone
Daniel J Weller Jul 2018
The wind is ripping
From the sound of oscillating
Overhead 'copters
Splitting my vision.

In the peripherals;

       A polyester carpet—sleeping bags—breaks the dry monotony of summer grass;
       The bicycle courier awakes from said floor, listless;
       Important man, suited, takes calls from other men, suited — octopus arms scattering papers, receipts, coffee cups and tie;
       Two hard hat builders chain cigarettes and fight visible hangovers, droopy eyes staring down some impending scaffold.

And I almost miss it all,
For the passing,
Of oscillating 'copters.
Cavendish Square, London, July 2018 (on the day Trump's helicopters circle London)

As part of 'View from...', a collection of observational poetic experiments, whereby I allow myself five minutes to finish a poem regarding my surroundings at that time.
Catie Staff Dec 2013
I am a turtle. But not really.
I have a bed on my back. In fact, I have my entire home on my back. It’s heavy and digging into my shoulders, quite painfully.

I am a turtle. But not really.
I am covered in green. My clothes are green. My face is green. Even my hair and hat are green. It’s an ugly shade, but it makes me nearly invisible.

I am a turtle. But not really.
So slow… so incredibly slow. I am crawling along, plodding, fighting my way through the underbrush. Even the bugs are faster than I am. I wade through waist-deep muddy and stagnant waters.

I am a turtle. But not really.
Everything around me is so big. Compared to the forest, the ‘copters, the world, I am invisible. No one can see a turtle down below, so small.

I am a turtle. But not really.
When danger comes, I drop to the ground and fold up, real tight. I pull my arms and legs and head into my plastic shell. To hide from the shells.

I am a turtle. But not really.
This is a poem about the men and women who have served and are serving our country.
topaz oreilly Jan 2013
Down Tempest Lane
I wish they could turn off the search lights.
Smoke and mirrors interloping
back at the Copters
through the blinds,
blades weeping in symphonic sympathy,
before the Pantyhose and Plunge bras peel off,
some of us can get it on for real.
Others' frigid halves
fake it, like blades of grass,
who is the real snake
the appointed shooter or liar ?
Jonny Angel Apr 2015
Meandering streams
have cut deep chasms
into solid jagged rock,
up into
the Heavens.
The tinkling
of occasional goat-bells
& the twinkling
of a million sacred lights
soothed the soul.
Stars so close,
as if you could reach out
and touch them.
A brilliant night sky so beautiful,
made you realize
the sacredness
of this glorious creation.
If it wasn't for
the nocturnal copters
with their infra-red
computerized machine guns
ripping up targets,
you would think you
were experiencing nirvana,
not witnessing
such deadly devastation.
Every five minutes they come
whirring like copters for war
slashing through immaculate peace
you crave to blanket your day with

Those speeding three-wheeled
are kings of small streets and
act like you must pay them to

Extricate you from a cluster of
doomed and dusty eggs and bacon
deliver all that racket

in your head
every time you think
about buzzing

on your meatloaf
in your heart
in your dreams
on your hopes
on your thoughts

about how marriage
should be
a man and a woman
now one soul in
two bodies
living together
fighting for stable

The roses look damp
bouquets of mums
on the kitchen table
you pouring hot coffee;
the mug you took two
hours to pick out
is punctiliously stained.
CK Baker Jul 2021
A salute to the heroes
who battle the blaze
of raging infernos
with billowing haze

they drop into combat
in smouldering heat
a ****** forest
holds little retreat

brothers* in arms
who forge the attack
scaling the landscape
with 60 lb packs

down in the valleys
and up through the hills
hectares burning
as time stands still

bombers and copters
descend from the air
as dozers dig trenches
with no time to spare

the enemy rages
and embers rush
the firestorm flames
consume the brush

an evening ignited
in blood orange sky
candling trees
with tinder dry

may we always remember
the fighters of flames
who battle the burn
without any fame

saving families, and cities
wildlife and ward
a charred streaked face
their quiet reward
*and sisters!

🔥…ignited by sparks
of a discarded roach,
when using the forest
mind your approach! 🔥
thomezzz May 2020
This is America
Where the rich only get richer
And the only thing that’s free is poverty
Where a single mother cooks Spam out of a tin can
In a 30 cent dented frying pan
Where little black boys clutch their guns to their hearts
Loaded and cocked;
Ready for the **** to drop

This is America
Where everything costs more than a dollar is worth
And even the dollar stores are 99 cents and up
Where Asian schoolkids get called Ching Chong
By fat middle class white boys devouring Ding Dongs
Where women’s bodies are controlled by men
In Ralph Lauren suits;
Spewing their propaganda on love and hate

This is America
Where the devil’s truly in the details
And if you want to make it big, you better have something to sell
Where healthcare is monitored by the government
Siphoning out your drugs like a treat for good behavior
Where crackheads and dope fiends and pill poppers
Are one in the same;
Minds and bodies and spirits riddle with addiction

This is America
Where jail time is a punishment not rehabilitation
And broken men evacuate our prisons with nowhere to go
Where incarceration is code for a controlled population
Killing culture and cops and citizens like a gnat between your fingers
Where higher education is a necessity but only somewhat free
Pell grants and work studys;
Graduating and finding yourself with a useless degree

This is America
Where immigrants seek asylum
And we call them bottom feeders and lazy day laborers
Where the borders “need” be stronger
Assigning them men with dogs and guns trained to shoot to ****
Where little Mexican girls traipse across the desert
Bare-footed and thirsty;
Hiding in the brush to avoid the copters

This is America
Where freedom isn’t free
And the only thing worth a buck is your soul
Where underage girls give a quick **** for a quicker bump
Abducted from their Kansas white neighborhood
Where **** is prevalent in a Christian society
******* and *****;
Always searching and seeking for the money shot

This is America
Where money is handled by crooks and thieves
And the poor, cold and hungry, suffer on the streets
Where panhandlers and beggars flood the suburbs
Abandoning their upside down mortgages for a solitary corner
Where every single material thing is a luxury
Taxation on *******;
Living paycheck to paycheck for a box of tampons

This is America
Where the middle class barely exists
And it just doesn’t cut it, your 40 hour work week
Where your earnings are garnished by social security
But the elderly are still struggling to make ends meet
Where retirement means a part time job
Office work or retail;
Dealing with the public for the next 15 years

This is America
Where free speech isn’t so free
And censorship exists despite our history
Where college kids speak their minds in poetry slams across campus
But the working class chit chat about television
Where hipsters and deadbeats stake their claim on
Restaurants and bookshops;
With ironic names in Helvetica print

This is America
Where we shed our blood for the greater good
And send our young and naïve to the front lines
Where soldiers come home to their families
Now realizing the only thing they know how to do is ****
Where they watch their children play in the streets from their bedroom window
Suicidal and Homicidal;
Placing the end of a shotgun in their mouth

This is America
Where reality TV reigns supreme
And more people know the name Kardashian than Einstein
Where kids are taught by underpaid unionized men and women
Holding the future of the country within their poor hands
Where schools can barely feed their students
Stomach and mind;
Both empty and starving, craving for attention

This is America
Where ignorance is the greatest epidemic
And keeping your mouth shut is the greatest sin
Where you gotta stand up and shout the truth
From the rooftops of Brooklyn to the sandy beaches of Pasadena
Where you gotta write and sing and rap and talk and feel
Pour it out and soak it up;
The true loss of the American dream.
She passed by on a moped
a biped on a moped,
I thought what next
centipedes on velocipedes
raptors in copters?

but no
it was Sheila on a
two wheeler
showing off.
Ruslan Oct 2024
You invoked Us, have mercy!
Grant a spouse, set mind at ease.
Take your spouse, but behest I give.
And obey her soul with no lending arm.

Not thus only heard spoiling spouse of yours.
Gain you now and then own rogue consort.
Rogue consort is like of a wanton sort.
Both she’s not hostile, and a mate she’s not.

***** up your courage, it’s no time to cry.
Pull your mind up, make your foes be killed.
Be not in a funk, God is with you still.
Chase away, my man, own foe with will.

Let an evil run, he must always run.
Pull your mind up and suppress the crum.
Do not spare all them, bogey to be burnt.
That is why to you I give vow next.

Burn up all of them, make your crosses burnt.
Break away your canvas, canvas break in whole.
Kick away all them not regretting force.
Kick away all them from your own house.

What for, my man, stand scratching here your head.
Go away, my man, and ball all your girls.
Go away, my man, and get lost your soul.
Yet look up, my man, do not make hast now.

Take a sit, my man, a mite on a stove.
Learn and take them in two or three, more words.
Say to me, my man: what the hell for all.
Say to me, my man: well, ******* to you.

But look ye, my man, do not get off horse.
Otherwise, my man, you blow own horse.
So, look ye, my man, take care of it.
If not you will not support any head.

But look ye, my man, if again you’ll sleep.
And all state, my man, you will blow in hip.
And you will be tramped by some sheeny guys.
And you won’t give **** at large, otherwise.

Now, my dear man, do not diss your spouse.
Just because you led to collapse state force.
Just because you led to collapse a home.
Just because you didn’t intent to stand on.

Just because you loved to have long a rest.
Just because you did not choose a bedstead.
Just because you went away to the wood.
Just because you fouled your pants under hood.

But by now, my man, wind your right horse up!
That is all, my man! no one see your cup.
Any more, my man, take a sit a bit.
After that, my man, get a lovely kick.

Now what, my man, is not grief of yours.
When you does not have your beloved horse.
Yet your own grief can be seen by you.
Any more, my man, you’re just for two.

What for you got up if there is no foe.
Why the foe is able to invade your home.
When the foe so far has been on a stove.
The foe keeps your spouse at his own cave.

Yet you cannot see her footstep that’s last.
Just because you are lonely since the past.
Just because you did not whim to stand up.
Just because you’re out getting into dorm.

It is not a grief if you don’t have horse.
Well, per contra, now there are a few mates.
And by now you have own your affairs.
Any more, my man, you will be for horse.

Any more you stay and go forward there.
Why you do not follow, you a kick will get.
Take this, nicer man, get a spare slum.
Any more, my man, you have this as well.

Come in here, do, check all things therein.
You don’t stay stone-still, do not, please, come in.
But go just this way, you can open this.
Any more, my man, you will **** at me.

****, meanwhile, my man, and smack own lips.
You are now a man, postgener, you.
You are now like this as you are that day,
Could not open up shop by any way.

Just because you’re such a *******.
Just because you’re decaying err.
Just because you did not oust a foe.
Just because you blow all things thereupon.

But at present time, you have ***** up.
Outside your window, glittering star, no doubt.
Outside your window, peer up a bit.
There is no a light on the eye with nimb.

And you have by now horns you have, no eyes.
Any more, my man, you will be for foes.
Any more, my man, you will craunch a soil.
Any more, my man, you will drink no oil.

You will drink and **** hundred times on end.
You will stand and **** when you keeping seat.
You will **** and sleep.
And for you, my man, the same things will be.

Any more, my man, you aren’t sole man.
Any more, my man, you will be noofter.
You’re, my man, by now: a fine nance!
You’re such a guy who negated us.

You’re such a guy as you really then
Could not open up shop on a solemn date.
You’re such a guy as you clearly are
A dull little ****, a wacko dull.

Just because you are a **** face carrion.
Just because you did not care, indeed.
Open up shop to nancies with hair red.
Just because your goal was in wooden end.

And by now, my man, take a sit and doss.
Take a sit a bit and tear up the foes!
Otherwise, my man, death of yours has come!
Death will come, and you do not rush to her.

For such kind of bullies, can’t be seen decease.
But for such bullies outer fate here is.
Look around, my man, take, kind man, a sit.
Fall asleep, my man, and take lovely horse!

Make your spouse got served above her eyesballs!
Make your spouse got served, let her give a know!
How of borrowed kids to get crap kicked out.
Yet be ware, my man, I am observing you.

If you, dear man, end up with your spouse.
So, she will come next to the home of yours.
So, you, dear man, take a sit flat long.
So, you, dear man, take a sit thuswise.

That is why because you are such a fool.
That is why because you not washing back.
To bang, rail her as an opposed ***.
To bang, rail her, did not please, but could.

Oh well, so be it, do not bang, you could?
****, meanwhile, my man, smack your own lips.
You are such you are, it means this is you.
You were different bringing flowers.

Brining bunch of them, awful scarlet roses.
It would better then you ***** off girls show.
It would better then you don’t ****** that *******.
It would better then you ***** off – not ******.

Just because of you, **** did not ***** off.
Just because you’ve blown all the state cleaned off.
Any more, my man, you are not so single.
Just because you are right a freak.

Just because you did not long for thereat.
To unloose the horse and bang enemy.
Yet by now, my man, take a sit and kip.
Any more, my man, or just dust, trust me.

You’re by now an *** as he is so blind.
Did not tempt to fight on the battlefield.
You were not inclined to put on that foes.
Who is holding you with your own horns.

Who bangs spouse of yours, mother of yours.
But forbear, my man, you are singular.
Just because you are simply a gemman.
Such a gentleman, to bang’s not to stand.

To bang up you all, into doss to fall.
But I can’t have slumber whilst someone to ball.
While someone here is, he feels wife be shtooped.
While someone here is someone who’s not sod.

Whilst someone to ball, they are to be banged.
And you do not have to call own horse.
Call your own horse, two, three, or four days.
And you do not have to call as he is.

Not such guy like you, he does not stand still.
He stands up for his own country, though.
He stands up alone on account of he
Doesn’t resemble you. on account of he

Does not go to wood. on account of he
Is warfarer that’s battle. on account of he’s
Eager them to bang. on account of he’s
Searching army deals. on account of he

Did not let all them. let them all come in,
To his own land. on account of he’s
For his own state. on account of he’s
For his own home. on account of he

Did not aim such life. to allow a ****,
And he pressed on him. on account of he
Stands for him as man. and such guy like he’s,
Talking then to you. He is saying that:

He’s the very same! by whom, you, all cruds, are swearing.
You are all the same, on account of he
Does not come to whom are standing still.
He stands for those who stands right for yourselves.

They are all of Him, servants among you.
Among you a slave, name of him is Rus!
More he must exist among foes of mine!
Among foes of mine, foes of own mine!

And a name of his’s Egogogova!
Egogogova, gogogogova.

Whata gogovo, no egogovo.

That’s it, gogovo, well now gogovo.

That’s gogovo, so that gogovo.

One egogovo, such egogovo.

Yes! Egogovo.

So, take rise, the state! Rus, a mother land.
Go and press a ****! foe of mine at end.
Press the foe of mine! And don’t touch their hips.
Well the name of mine! they have on the lips.

They have on the lips, just entire Allah!
And on their fronts they’ve two tops of head.
They all have two apples every their day.
And all them have three earthen seed grain.

Just because we are kids from the Serpent.
Just because we do not ask any state.
But they are all you as you are of fate.
As you are the kids of the Old Serpent.

Just because you came to My pretty home.
And all of you said and you said Me so:
Our wish in court, you are the Good Lord.
Yet I also couldn’t say to you: my sprout.

You are not! my son, do not come to me.
Go a little bit, go and take a sit.
Just because you are barely a good man.
For all deals you have just one unique dad.

Just because you were kindly shaped and formed.
Just because you are not temperated.
Just because you are showing off, that’s all.
Just because you don’t have your body old.

You got older just for some forty springs.
Just because you are balling still with ease.
Just because you are balling still with ease.
Just because you are balling still with ease.

Just because you don’t have your body old.
Just because you also are not switching off.
Well at present days you have got so old?
Or again you are balling with no holds.

For the native state, are not full of riot.
For such one girl-friend you regret.
She’d better be balled by a stinker.
She’d better be balled by your boss.

Or ****** fishing inspector.
Or a braun with a wooden jill.
But you all do not roar to him.
It’s better your **** to keep clean.

It’s better together with Islam for ours.
It’s better together for yours and for yours.
It’s easier together than jointly to prison.
I also them balled! all you in ******.

I balled all you onto the road.
When ****** wolves are balled.
When ****** crums are balled.
For pittance as ******* on three-shift basis.

For pittance piledrive the ears.
At night you do not fail from bed.
Just because you have ******.
Now all to Gestapo you want?

That’s great, get **** out from hut.
All of you by now, all are nances!
All of you now, all of you’ve been in deep ****.
In deep **** for you all will come.

Well, briefly, guys, believe or not.
All emotive Koran – check every spot.
All the same you will not have a quiet.
I will you fuss in the troop.

I will fuss all of you with no sorting.
Just because I’m boring boring.
Just because I fancy so much.
And I’ll see when I am laid low.

Resting on sofa drinking some tea.
And I would skill who hewed to me.
Well, who muddled me. I will force,
I force him to devour dirt from knee.

Thereafter I’ll get lit up, yet beastedly Rusia, hold on.
I’m leading you to warfare.
And to czars I return you in vote.
But who will not trust to all you.

I will ball him more than a snake.
I’ll go to nap but you all under plank-beds.
What for I’ve got all gutter alleys.
You’d better stand up all fore-hearth and that’s all.

I’ll cover up all you from top, from top.
Just because you by all in a crowd.
Will-a-wisp to Me all under plank-beds.
I’ll all of you, all of you, all you there.

Well, cut it short, I all of you ask.
Erm, oh no, I could for an hour.
From Ruslan to pull off nice poet.
All you knew his manly soldier.

******* combat on plank-beds.
He fussed battler for own ears.
He fussed all of them on his own.
Thereby, his gemma was beaten.

That those wretches were martyred him.
But for that he could not hold on to.
And he battered devils from copters.
For the deadly scurrile gorges.

And for that he’s been all in tears.
For several hollowed years.
Having neither boy-friend, nor girl-friend.
As he is to himself the best mate.

As he is jeckoff from a swamp.
Nostradamus called you in such manner.
As he was a real oppressor.
As he was a needful man.

For the victory he will see service.
I will show him to all, to your sons.
He will bring to you all the Satan.
And he says to you: don’t say that,

You did not love me, I’m here.
I wish with you all sticking to by sight,
To have a sit and read a faith to bride.
As you all are imbeciles herein.

As you are inhabiting swamp.
As you are not carrying a button.
As I will ball exactly all you!
And for mane, and for tail, and in chaps.

Just because you are gobbling and gobbling.
As you all are eating that.
Is called as hocky in the bad.
You’ll be fed by Rusia as well.

Is sitting and cannot help herself.
Drinking again from the morning.
Begging again to all patience.
Fussing again tasty crackers.

Sitting at the puter eft.
Moving the **** under desk.
As he’s aware of the best way.
It’s meerer, sweeter when it’s in the state when you sit.

As it’s aware what is on the top.
It is followed by horseman on twig.
The twig is not mere in full!
It costs three rubles, one and all.

It costs the good price because.
Every why has therefore.
As I will to attain so.
And that’ll be made in gold.

Who wished to fight his foes.
Will be without horns.
But who could not take rise.
Who wished to ball the livestocks.

Who wished to ball any jade!
That’ll be soon in two-time bat!
That’ll be soon with two-time dopant.
Who balled up of mates a ****.

Who forgave them that whup-***
That’ll be given a sum paids.
Who absolved them all the sins.
That will stay at faster streams.

But the stream is not idlesse.
It has even golden banks.
And those banks are nicely gold.
But you do not really want.

You pretend to be together.
Balled by luzhkov in pair of drawers.
He is ready you to bang.
But he’s ******* between legs.

He may be just educator?
If such story is of you.
He is surely a ***.
But his nose is not so slack.

Rather balled he all of you.
He’s balling now the cow.
As he does not have a horn.
Every why has, therefore.

He has singly for that love.
I can each to all of you.
Insistently get impressed.
That it needs to be so.

That’s all, I can’t do more.
I’ll go back! that’s all
I cannot
I will march off!

But who can’t be victorious!
He will drink aqua afresh!
But the aqua is not bare.
It is added with gold matter.

Coins in the field are walking.
And of pittance keeping pocket.
But the pittance is not simple.
Is from gold that’s highly silken.

It is held by four good guys.
Three of them are on the top.
And I Wish by all is called.
I optate that and all this.

I feel baldly nothing else!
Not desiring anything.
I put out for all you.
I put out in meantime.

When you all expecting Us.
Watching Us because of that.
Every why has therefore.
As we such a way have!

Such way I would love – that’s all.
I don’t have in mind goal.
I would need from you one bolt.
Do not go to him for short.

Do not go along the road.
Good man, hail, I’m your foe.
I have come to you, let me.
Implement as your squaddie.

Poor fellow, day, night each.
Was not sitting – reading speech.
He was sitting – you were dormant.
******* your land by a command.

If you will not waken up.
All of you’ll wait for burst up.
Those who slept in every pose.
Or just trivially wrong modes.

Simply as I truly mean.
To all you I give a spouse.
But the spouse is not so plain.
Give-me-golden-coin pay!

Golden shiner hands.
Just for fun from dullness.
Just for fun from dullness.
Grown that you possess.

Eyes appeared on your head.
But no view I see on spot.
Further they have risen else.
But I can see nothingness.

Just the horns have grown.
Rising more and more.
Horns – antlers.
Big antlers!

Here’re your huge antlers!
They are foes for you.
If you **** at least one foe.
I will send my pardon.

Will I pardon you – that’s all?
No! you’ll come and eat
And dream up due to my quest.
Only if you will

Eat when you feel like.
If you will fall asleep,
When you feel love
Is waiting all of you

I prevented all of you.
I’ll go to bed.
And have dream, Ruslanchik.
That’s a wrap……

— The End —