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Nelsya Feb 2016
Times drove us into an endless road of possibilities.
Where I saw the light of hope amongst the stars.
A smidgen of electricity was sent through my entire body,
A smidgen of this endearing feeling runs between the heart and mind—
After our encounter under the starry night skies,
the shared dreams and drinks,
and the whispered of senseless mumbles.

Scattered leaves of Autumn companying beneath,
As the alluring voices from between your crooked teeth,
lull me to another happy ending dream.
As I thought about a figure and a smile as beautiful as yours.
Also the way your eyes glisten under the darkness,
and the tingling scent of yours,
Which brought back the tightening knots—
—Around my lung, heart, and throat.

And before the sun peeked from its horizon,
You asked me,
"Do you love me?"
I leaned to kiss you and whispered,
"Just a smidgen."
Jessie Schwartz Feb 2018
Courage…by Jessie 10/05

Sitting in a crowded room, chaotic and smoke filled, thunderous roars fill what space be left, noise so loud it beats thy ear into failure.  
Parting the thickened smoke with thy eyes, I spot thee, queer in sight, like a single perfect rose amongst a backdrop of decay.
Attempting to hold thy vision steady, tracing it in thy mind, again and again,
Soon, the presents of my eyes upon thee, awakens thee and pulls thy attention to me, only to have thee look away in awkward shyness.
Not long am I able to sustain thy craving heart with but a look, hoping for better more. I navigate the restless crowed, inching thy way towards thee.
If comforted by thou close presents, then why doest thy chest seize from lack of air? Have I taken ill? My brow dampened and thy rags cling heavily to thy back.
Completely deafened by the boisterous sounds, I sense a tremendous pounding in thy ear.
Take hold, for the pounding comes from thy own heart where the beat sounds thy troops to charge.
Gather thy senses and control them each one, so that thou can orchestrate a memorable introduction, then will I have gained favor with thy heavenly host.
I am but arms reach away and her intoxicating aroma overtakes thee, sending vibrations throughout this mobile vessel, making thy limbs quiver and week.
Fool not thy self with thoughts of grandeur, I am not thy equal in this realm and swiftly make hast to when’st I came.
Coward thy be, unable to conquer thy fear of inadequacies and summon thy strength, retreating in defeat, never to know the rapture of what might have been
Back once more, alone, companying thy self through the night.
Press thy lips to thy cup and swallow down thy misery in silence.
Vanidy Nov 2017
I'm lonely.
Rolling and sighing.
Very unhappy.
I'm used to people companying.

The sound of silence.
The wind howls in the room.
It makes me dense.
Everything becomes so gloom.

I'm just sitting
Playing with only a bug.
I'm lonely, so I want someone coming.
And give me a hug.
Someone come and give me a hug...

— The End —