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Fey Jul 2022
Summer's surrealness -
a dragonfly in space,
stars aligned in perfectly circled shapes.

Craving the tingling
foreboding sense of of cold -
burning fingertips, auburn smoke.

Autumn's delight - fiery
colorfulness, adorning
the piny mountainside.

© fey (24/07/22)
Celestial Jul 2022
Ah, the rush is over and the battle is fought.
I come to my home and know it’s not got,
A hold on me or my family, though it thought.
Surely imagining us chained and caught.

But we hold steady, and always ready for fighting.
There may be striking lightning,
Or a dismal sighting.
However, we, are keeping the home loved, clean, and inviting.

I keep them all with me on my steps, because I am free.
The journey I choose each day keeps my glee,
Never would I choose to flee.
Until the day they’ve brought me to my knees.

Such a crushing day won’t come.
My people will not succumb,
Even with their silly, dumb,
Playful escapes. It’s what makes everything fun!

You’ll catch us in the sun, playing in the water.
Knowing our gates can’t falter,
Fortified with love and a magic filter,
And when we leave it piggybacks with us, as a watcher.

I am bound.
To see, the ones yet to be found,
As friend or foe on my ground.
A welcome is said, a miracle sounds.

We're all wound in light.
But mine is so bright,
So I share my might.
No matter the plight.

It's the good I can do,
In the day-to-day that will ensue.
To help guide us to,
The divinity within me and you.

Through the hard times, my kindness
Came from mindfulness.
All of the blindness,
Couldn't shield my colorfulness.

Not those woken from slumber,
They see my wonder.
What could outnumber,
What goodness encumbers?

The burdens of evil I suppose.
It hinders those,
Who cannot see the rose.
Presented for people with a nose.

A nose for finding a truffle,
On the path for solving your puzzle.
The key to all the hustle.
To receiving abundance without trouble.

I found it,
I help people out of the pit.
They find the bottom after a fit,
And sometimes I get bit.

But it comes with the territory,
Caring for their story.
Cutting the predatory,
Then doing something celebratory.

Enjoying the ordinary day,
I bring a way to play.
With the sunshine and its rays,
Some don't know how much it pays!

I'm rich in heart.
Because I play my part,
And study the art.
Given at each new start.

It's immeasurable, the wealth.
When you have your health,
And you grow in stealth.
What comes at the twelfth?

The last of our hours?
I'm unsure, but I want flowers.
To show what power,
I was so blessed and showered.

A soft thank you will travel the breeze.
Hopefully bringing an ease,
For those who weren't pleased.
At my passing and disease.

In anycase,
I know I found my place,
It's been staring me in the face!
What will come from this base?

A mystery for sure,
But nothing is as pure.
Then the futurous blur,
That is my life whir.

Since I've given a tour.
What do you implore?
Was there something more,
I could've given at the door?

It doesn't matter now,
I've given my vow.
There is much to how,
But instead, I take my bow.

As I gesture,
May you find pleasure.
On your journey of measure.
For it's a treasure.
Damaré M Nov 2013
Pretty wings 

You have pretty wings 
So use them 
Spread them to the greatest span 
And let no man abuse them 
Even if that mean I have to let you go 

I want you to fly away and free yourself of all repression 
Become smaller and smaller to every person of bad intentions 
As you rise higher and higher
Spread your wings wider 
Flap ferociously
Soar hopefully 
My eyes will be following you emotionally 
The translucency of your wings 
And the colorfulness of your feathers 
Amuses me 

But sometimes we all take you for granted so without panic 
Reach your own pinnacle 
We will come to realization when you exceed your culmination 

Use your pretty wings to fly away 
Because accepting someone who's is unacceptable 
Is like clipping your primary flight feathers 
You will always be too chicken to reach high elevations 

Pretty wings 
And fluffy clouds 
You're gonna feel turbulence leaving us behind 
But don't come down

Pretty wings
nicole Feb 2021
welcome to my poetry page! i want to share with you guys all facets of my creative expression and interests so this is a little experiment and unlisted only, but in any case please remember this is my treasured and valued work and all poetry really is so subjective
<3 nicole


shoes on.
buckle, tie, a particularly satisfying snap.
foot out of the
door, heart against the world;
the pulsing beat feels like it might
hit the floor



When we were young
you told me you didn’t have a favorite place on earth
so you drilled a hole
In the dense black dirt
let down the rope ladder
made of fragile cares
i guess you didn’t make it back up here

you forgot to anchor it


store bought happiness, sterile words, plastic hearts; manufactured, you and i


THAT *****
you laugh that cold coarse laugh. tilt your chin and sigh- ‘don’t quote me when i'm high’  



you were an artist
with paint smeared over your face
the brazenness and colorfulness visible in your gaze
you’d stretch out your arm
trying to gauge the right perspective
stamp a finger on the canvas if were all too congruous
your mark: a line of staggered footsteps,
haphazard and drunken; sideways
determined to do it your way

you lived life resplendent- often slovenly
the mess and the mixture
of a palette of the brightest hues
the wind whipping your face
as you screamed a new reckless dare
the way you laughed at challenge
as if it could give you no greater cheer
mocking, mirthful, reckless, morally pure
if i didn’t know better,
id think you didn’t care

you had keen interest
in old tapes, odd books, and flowers
writing letters, discovering shortcuts, and ridiculous puzzles
I- logical and always present
wondered what you were trying to piece together
why you would venture off into distant times and seek ways of wasting time
but you had a way of preparing for the future
investing in it and storing a safe
‘cherry blossoms’ you sputtered
your favorite flowers were cherry blossoms
when you said that i was indifferent
but when you explained their meaning
i could only silently implore you to be mistaken
—two weeks
of life, ethereal and bright, two weeks of light

we stood at the sea’s edge
only rocky cliffs on our coast
you gazed into the far distance,
waves lapping the shore
seagulls croaking their cries

i was reminded of your often soliloquies
moments of imagined tragedy and despair
when you would explain your paintings with a knowing
and set entranced and conflicted there

but you turned toward me in faked oblivion,
that i know were not abluvion of thoughts
a warm smile crept into your eyes,
a playfulness gently settled on your lips
your being lit up with rays
an innocence and ignorance
dissolved into your air

you gave the ocean water its sheen
a marmoris of glittering creatures in there
of what otherwise was a graveyard, a cold air
a grey calm, a great unflinching stare

colors- why were you so determined to die
they were your best known tool
colors- why did you not have more time
how they mask and trick
this fool


the first breath
clockringcrowsalarmtoaster click!
Heavyfootstepsloudfights and
first kiss HAH i wish

star twinkling melodies

careful typing to you
(i hate wearing out my thumbs.)

the rush of the train

the toll of the bell

the raucous laughter of kids

cereal box shake

men’s loafer beats  

snip of hair 5 inches across

packaging tape unrolled

opening to go boxes

washing machine stop

bubble wrap pimples
water lapping my state
green lights to go  
homemade dynamite  
anvil clanging headaches
slow stirring of my thoughts
cycling my mind
silencing my heart



it was a swirling sky, so beautiful that beautiful could not begin to describe it, beautiful a word so overused that could not encompass our sky.
because it was orange around your head
you were gilded in gold by the flames,
glowing almost effervescently

It was cloudlessly blood red,
hugging your body fiercely
and flickering at the edges of you, like smoldered parchment

the blue, the blue stretched lifetimes and light years above us, it was dark and endlessly so, a black hole not because of the physical pull it exuded, but a gravitation beyond the guidelines of this world

beneath us, the lush grass cushioned our bodies and tickled our feet, not because it was particularly soft, but because we melted into each other and that made all the difference

you tilted your head and smiled at the boundless and infinite sky, painted in all hues, almost as bright as all the colors of you.

I could've sworn it was real

But the colors were a facade for the meaning of the moment, and it was almost as if you were color blind, blind to the beauty of the colors, because to you,
t o  y o u
the orange was a warning in front of your eyes,
the red was the blood you spilled last night,
the blue was the dark shade you always cried,
the green grass the prickling greed you could not hide

and I could not do anything
as I stood there and watched,
watched how you slipped into the sunset without a word
how you withered and shriveled at the hands of the sky
they strangled you and constricted
you just stood there, stoic, wordless
And fell backwards, tipping over the edge of the horizon, into the painfully beautiful sky.

it all comes back on the pillow of my bed
that day under the orange sun
i travel by train and plane, long days passing to meet you
and in that orange sun
We dance and dance
and it ends the same,
all too same.
a memory trapped in a prism, a colorful illusion.
the colors that fade, day by day

there was no goodbye at the end of our story
even though I try again and again.  
even so, I'll come tomorrow
so please come again, and meet me in this memory
for 8



this shadow does not follow me
step by step, now forward now back
it is ahead of me, extending a hand
beckoning forward to the pitfall lands
this shadow is not the little voice in my head
it is the ghost that speaks for the face in the mirror
the more i deny it, the more i agree
with the words that i dare never to speak

a room with four walls echos back
with no interference, a straight linear path
a room with shadows devours the pack

A.  I hate your colorfulness


          B.  I just want neutral, colorless.
Of memories lived and breathed, through what I now understand to be stained glass.
A solvent of regret subdues the overbearing advance of pain and killers tonight.
I soak up the taste of wine and passion with fervor and haste, looking for more.

An intrepid search for the strength of utterance ensues in the meadows and marshes of defeat to beget me peace and so-called freedom.
I do not want to be myself any longer.
We are sad things leading about an accursed existence, fabricating and weaving webs all connecting and ensnaring meaning.
The colorfulness of diversity holds our attention and gaze protecting us from the glum lifeless still background, we're doomed to say the least.

I don't want, to die too young; to be remembered as having gone too soon; to be the average, another statistic; to live an average and mundane life.
I need, love; obedience; friendship; trust; loyalty and the opportunity to learn, to live, and to grow.
I am just a boy, looking for love in a never changing world.

Chain down my vision, rob my soul of freedom and clean out my tongue with oil.
Set me loose on the tyrants and let me wallop.
Be my master, enslave my bond and train mine grainy mind to obey.
Disillusion my mixed thoughts and feelings, **** me. Take me from behind, tear everything off and do me in.
Lash my naked nubile body and pour hot water over it all.
Listen to me scream and shriek then do it all over again.
Love is pain. Love is death. Love dies in the end.
Tired of the days, and nights too!
zozek May 2021
when our hearts blended
under the newly emerging sun
I felt that life
would forever smile on us
you were the blanket over me in a homely,
all warm and loving cozy colorfulness
with all your attraction
that turned home
into a constant first date  "clicking" excitement

— The End —