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In the mustardseed sun,
By full tilt river and switchback sea
  Where the cormorants scud,
In his house on stilts high among beaks
  And palavers of birds
This sandgrain day in the bent bay's grave
  He celebrates and spurns
His driftwood thirty-fifth wind turned age;
  Herons spire and spear.

  Under and round him go
Flounders, gulls, on their cold, dying trails,
  Doing what they are told,
Curlews aloud in the congered waves
  Work at their ways to death,
And the rhymer in the long tongued room,
  Who tolls his birthday bell,
Toils towards the ambush of his wounds;
  Herons, steeple stemmed, bless.

  In the thistledown fall,
He sings towards anguish; finches fly
  In the claw tracks of hawks
On a seizing sky; small fishes glide
  Through wynds and shells of drowned
Ship towns to pastures of otters. He
  In his slant, racking house
And the hewn coils of his trade perceives
  Herons walk in their shroud,

  The livelong river's robe
Of minnows wreathing around their prayer;
  And far at sea he knows,
Who slaves to his crouched, eternal end
  Under a serpent cloud,
Dolphins dive in their turnturtle dust,
  The rippled seals streak down
To **** and their own tide daubing blood
  Slides good in the sleek mouth.

  In a cavernous, swung
Wave's silence, wept white angelus knells.
  Thirty-five bells sing struck
On skull and scar where his loves lie wrecked,
  Steered by the falling stars.
And to-morrow weeps in a blind cage
  Terror will rage apart
Before chains break to a hammer flame
  And love unbolts the dark

  And freely he goes lost
In the unknown, famous light of great
  And fabulous, dear God.
Dark is a way and light is a place,
  Heaven that never was
Nor will be ever is always true,
  And, in that brambled void,
Plenty as blackberries in the woods
  The dead grow for His joy.

  There he might wander bare
With the spirits of the horseshoe bay
  Or the stars' seashore dead,
Marrow of eagles, the roots of whales
  And wishbones of wild geese,
With blessed, unborn God and His Ghost,
  And every soul His priest,
Gulled and chanter in young Heaven's fold
  Be at cloud quaking peace,

  But dark is a long way.
He, on the earth of the night, alone
  With all the living, prays,
Who knows the rocketing wind will blow
  The bones out of the hills,
And the scythed boulders bleed, and the last
  Rage shattered waters kick
Masts and fishes to the still quick starts,
  Faithlessly unto Him

  Who is the light of old
And air shaped Heaven where souls grow wild
  As horses in the foam:
Oh, let me midlife mourn by the shrined
  And druid herons' vows
The voyage to ruin I must run,
  Dawn ships clouted aground,
Yet, though I cry with tumbledown tongue,
  Count my blessings aloud:

  Four elements and five
Senses, and man a spirit in love
  Tangling through this spun slime
To his nimbus bell cool kingdom come
  And the lost, moonshine domes,
And the sea that hides his secret selves
  Deep in its black, base bones,
Lulling of spheres in the seashell flesh,
  And this last blessing most,

  That the closer I move
To death, one man through his sundered hulks,
  The louder the sun blooms
And the tusked, ramshackling sea exults;
  And every wave of the way
And gale I tackle, the whole world then,
  With more triumphant faith
That ever was since the world was said,
  Spins its morning of praise,

  I hear the bouncing hills
Grow larked and greener at berry brown
  Fall and the dew larks sing
Taller this thunderclap spring, and how
  More spanned with angles ride
The mansouled fiery islands! Oh,
  Holier then their eyes,
And my shining men no more alone
  As I sail out to die.
Archana Jan 2019
Draped in boundless pride
she strolled along the streets,
the town's flamboyant prima ballerina.
Still little did the debaucher know her.
Defenceless she laid
as he spanked and clouted her,
Her vehement howling and wailing couldn't stop
the yanking of clothes.
Motionless, emotionless she laid
while he plundered and mutilated her body.
Vandalised by an uninvited visitor,
Incapable of moving her body
the ravishing ballerina reclined.
The scars he made was not on her body but deep in her soul.
That gloomy night whistled away
for the sun to flare its first ray.
'18 year old violently molested and deceased'.
Hence the prima ballerina became a mere newspaper headline.
The intense pain injected in the soul of an innocent girl can never be presumed by anyone else.
OnlyEggy Feb 2011
Can you feel the rumble?
Gathering force in the close distance?
Feel the power of uneasiness coursing,
rushing through the very bones of the humble.
Minding the madness in the foreboding future,
do you fear the coming rain?
In vain, in vein is where the worry does bumble.
Or do you stare in wonder of the flashing awe?
Where lightning strikes across the face of clouded,
clouted minds of awe-struck and stumble.
These are forces of the fearful foes
striking iron with lighting flashes,
stashes of memories induced by the low grumble.
But I, For I, Because I am brave and I am strong
I do not fear the thunder but long for its embracing,
re-placing my woes and all of my troubles
with brave courage and a strong spirit
and imbuing its strength into my Heart
And with a flex of my muscle, let the rumble
Roar across the land, across the sands,
Mountains and valleys, oceans and lakes,
Let my fury strike with the speed of light
and let my courage rain into your soul.
For I, I am the coming storm.
Tommy Johnson Aug 2014
The living legend is ****** into a rut of pining for his splendid playwright
She was his everything
A new breed of woman
No societal entourage could compare
No jovial jubilee could top her
Her humongous measure of perplexity
Her grace
Her charm
Her mystery

He now despises himself for this moment of nostalgic weeping
The mucus makes it hard for him to breathe with his deviated septum
He looks for something to alleviate his sniffling
And eviscerate all his emotional anguish
Nasal spray and bourbon
He can breathe but the alcohol only exacerbates the visceral issue
And dampens his already flaccid spirit  

Clouted with the disheartening reminder that it wasn't all her fault
He fumbles with the bottle while retracing the event in his mind

"It was the golden age of bronze metals"
"She was asked to do as she was told"
"A white lie"
"A foul up"
"An accusation"
"An accessory to ******"
"Madcap ad libbed alibis and recounts verbatim"
"She turned on them, they killed her"

The bourbon was gone, his nose was stuffed again
Wheezing, gagging, crying  

What's the word for when a living legend wants to die?
neth jones Apr 2022
life is vaporous
life is sleep and within life vapour I take a slumber
limbered keen and nimble I kip travels
unraveling lumber
  the annual rings a lolling carpet
   life is but a pencil sharpener
at my shoulder
                a nap sacked boulder
peppered quartz for schemes
  as an investor in dreams
                          i am larval

mumbling some verse nonsense
gavel for gorge
clouted by The Greats
the knowers who silk spin
     the freedom of sleep and the imagination
                                                            into­ rule and bard
the thirsty claws of the snared dream
the shared laws that barter with hurt
even as though we know ;
'ignorance is no excuse for the law'
         we ****** not forward with our 'self'
we have a trust of 'no confidence'
                      and an obedience to follow

i am some frown of traveller
        and a knowledge trawler
self-made unaware
an incomplete idiot with a knot of care
life is sleep and within that sleep i take my life
and with it
          any the fool that follows
Terry Collett May 2015
Enid told me
about the chair.
Just an ordinary
chair; wooden chair

with open spaces
at the back. Made
marks on her back
where he'd made her

sit so long and where
she leaned back. So
what did your old man
keep you in the chair

for so long for? I asked
as we stood by the metal
green painted fence
surrounding the grass

outside Banks House.
Cross examination,
she said, looking away
from me, her eyes behind

her thick lens glasses
gazing at the fresh fish
shop across the road.
What was he cross

examining you about?
Someone took money
from the money teapot:
15/- it was, so he said.

And he thought you
took it? She nodded
her head. Wasn't me,
I never took it. Who

did? No idea; my big
brother maybe, he
needs it, not me. I
looked at her standing

beside me by the fence,
our feet on the space
of pavement. Did he
hurt you? She bit her

lower lip. He kept me
in the chair. He said
he was keeping me in
the chair until I owned up.

And did you? I didn't take
the money. I thought he'd
give up once he realized
I never took the money

and let me go, but he
didn't, he walked around
me, hands behind his back,
asking me questions. And

where was your mother in
all this? She sat on the sofa
chewing on her handkerchief
saying: tell him the truth

Enid, tell him the truth.
Enid sat by the fence,
hands each side of her.  
So what happened? I asked,

looking for signs of bruises
and such. He walked round
me and said: I'm not letting
you go until you tell the truth.

I said I didn't take the money.
He clouted me about the head
after ten minutes. You'll not
get off this time, he said.

My head spun. My mum
left the room. He told her
go get some tea on. I looked
at him, but only as he passed

in front of me, not all the
way round so sometimes he  
was out of sight and I didn't
know what he was going to

do next. He hurt you after that?
I asked. He dragged me off
the chair and sat down himself
and gripped my wrist tight.

He made me stand there for
ages, him griping my wrist,
talking, talking. My legs ached.
Wanted to sit on the chair. She

was silent; looked at the fresh
fish shop. Then he dragged me
over, and hit me until I said
I had the money. And did you?

I asked. I knew she had.
The face told me. The eyes
behind her thick lens glasses
told me. She nodded, looked

away. A horse drawn coal
wagon went by along
Rockingham Street, the coal
man sitting on the sack cloth

seat dour faced. How about
some chips from Neptune's?
I said, looking at her, at her
grey faded flower dress and

the dull green cardigan, her
hair pinned back by two metal  
hair grips at the side. I didn't
have it, didn't have the money,

she said, just said it because
of him hurting me. I know,
I said, don't talk of it again.
She nodded and we walked

up Meadow Row, in the slow
beginning coming down rain.
Samm Marie Jul 2016
On the first day of the last week
A girl wrapped in gold did appear
She whispered to the people of the land
Who knew their ending was near
She softly uttered these words:
"This can all be avoided still
The destruction, the chaos
The end all be all"
     The people shouted and cursed
Throwing rocks and casting stones
They all wanted to just return home
Each worldly word fell on deaf ears
For the rocks and stones clouted
The girl of gold with fear
     On the second day of the final week
A boy clothed in silver did appear
He spoke to the people of the land
For he knew of the crimes they committed the day before
"You can repair the damages done
But only within one last day
You still somehow have hope"
     The mayor of these people
Stepped forth and pleaded with
His kin, his brethren
But his words fell on deaf ears
For he and the boy of silver
Were slaughtered by once innocent people
     On the third day of the final week
A screaming light tried to save them
But the darkness of the hearts of the land
Swallowed the light without thought
     Days later
On the final day of the final week
The world was visited by the four who died
Each voice was powerful
Each voice was echoing
The people had been warned
But now their choices came back for hauntings
Each rush of negativity ever uttered
On the now barren earth
Fueled the four deities who had tried to help
And their great power
Engulfed the world in flames

     On the first day of the first week after the final week
The grass was replenished
The sky was once again clear
The poison that rushed through the veins of those people
Finally eradicated
A new race emerged slowly
To repopulate the world
But they had not yet been created
So all that rested on the
First day of the first week after the final day of the final week
On a perfect green hill
Under a perfect blue sky
Grew a single flower
Seven petals
One for each day of the week
Aaina Nov 2019
Scraped knees and torn clothes
Her little child is home
Done playing with his chums
Say to his mommy
Mommy, I am avidly hungry
Mommy unblemished his make up
Dirt from the barren ground
May find its way up
Caressing his face
With a dismal voice
She slowly says
Daddy will be home soon
Soon we will know our fortune
He sat outside the shack
The lost puppy found him
And started to wag
Gazing at his little friend he shouted
Mommy feed him he is clouted
Seeing him sad mommy couldn't cope
Even though did not want to give him unrealistic hope
Said daddy won't take long
Take him in your arms, keep him warm
His stomach rumbled as he glanced at the sky
Wishing his father comes as he sighed
Mommy just desired she could do something
For his child so frail and pale
And save him from this dusk
And give him a bail.
After a forever, daddy came
He was tired lifting the world
And burning in flames
His hands were wounded
But his feet were strong
He builds the world
But for them he doesn't belong
He said the universe hasn't been fair
To them he had his blood to share.
And today too
They had to sleep
With rumbling stomach and nothing to eat
His mommy held him close
And felt every bone
And his daddy will again wake up tomorrow
To feed his child
Earn, steal or borrow.
neth jones Jul 2021
the penters brutal militia
now marches
through a portal truncated

In unailing sleep
     i taunt the spheres
       and demand the negatives
scream out elements
strike runted ire
         at the worlds great forgeries

dream #1

an ancient cottage is clouted to the ground
paff !
a charred magician trick
  rapid sporing
   inflating to a build
    then pressure cooked
        packed with smoke        
          compounded by fire              
in a quenched **** of energy
                            a construction
                     beams and rocks
                a hearth is hearted
            a mantle mounted
   feasted together
      and clenched in a furious shrine

i emaciate in the quiet storm of collected electric
i must test this unruin
i put an assertive foot over the threshold and...

i am pulled to the lovers
an attention away from here
downed on the bedroom floor
ridiculous pillow strapped to my ridiculous head
i stand
stammer frustrations
and running on an internal gut of turbulence
i slam home back through bed

dream #2

my burnt match form
all fours on a beach
my spiny digits plugged under the baking sand
straining the salt and murky charity
darkening the sand with impurities
and forgiving the sea
a pure revealing clarity

the formal sun
now casts without interruption
(just a little refractive kink)
water cleared
blinding the blind of the ocean floor
all Eves and Adams startled by
their **** branded world
shamed traffic
of disorientated prehistoric sealife
batting about in the garish aftermath

i resolve to the lovers
face down
******* huffs against the mattress
i flip over and zip back in
hands clamped

dream #3

simple streets and the bedside knife
i greet and greet
the first is a nop
the second a lancing wound
the wound takes a lacing
a bled string
and they are gratefully hauled
with grace to the sky
as though plucked by weather balloon
i am busy
                              in distribution of the lovers
dishonestly forecast to a haven in grave

i'll wake
          work satifified
                              but both revved and worn
early 1st verse -

[bedside knife
                    red bulb flashlight

   fixture my quaggy cranium
    lashed brightly to a pillow
     secure in a flight

     nocturnally occupied
     tuned to a volatile folly
   hosted most thorough
running on an internal gut of turbulence]
Pricers Feb 2019
My crys could fill the Earth of apocalyptics to anguish my idea of me of this world the heavens couldn't plead my anger was mine alone but theirs amongst my heartsilenced compulsefied my clouted genius quatams isolation of man ache after sought monotony my breathe was empty of screams of stoked seclusion to prevail from the dom longing was vary to the quiet choas quisked was the plot ticks just as the bloads song die
Dan Hess Jul 2019
Wherein the runes should speak of your awakening
Myself eclipsed; in tides of darkness, shrouded
For if my only knowing height’s forsaken me
By fate itself, my action found, is clouted

Your magick weaves a tale of legend's stature
In ire, I am besmirched by my affection
Yet, by the open skies, my heart is captured
Sewn to my soul, yore; guide, and my direction

At first, it was in solace I lamented
I'd found my home arrested, thence, herein
Yet, glowering upon thy throne, cemented
My gaze adhered to thee, my heroine

In stark decree, and vying for attention
To coalesce with thee, I seldom whisper
I nary take to me, in, for retention
As ether beckons, beguiled, am I, through fissure

Wrought unto planes ascended, everflowing
Sovereign soul of thine undoing, wild
Wherein altogether cometh, nought is growing
Though godly; Us, it still is but a child

Mine interim; thine own chagrin
To be without what is
As what is outward lies within
And all begotten, His

So cry, do I, to Mother Moon
While in the night you rise
By loneliness, pray, end me soon
Please, take me to the skies

For He, the Sun, is brightly blinding
Why, nocturnal, my life!
Thus, in the light, no sight I'm finding
Only endless strife!

Your mystery; the depth of thee
Ne'er seen before in effulgence
If thine enigma summons me
I shan't be revenant

Ineffable is that which tempts
To be beyond it all
Conceding corpor, to-when, hence
Abandoned is my droll
What you should know
is that I’ve never done parties,
except that wasn’t quite a party,
more an excuse to liquor up
in the first week back,
tepid attempts to recall the faces
who swam past a year before
like scarecrows from a car, expressionless
in a chaos of fields.

Told this was integration
but anywhere else would’ve done,
mumbles like distant storms
behind closed doors,
footsteps a high echoed chime up the stairs.

The room, a tumble-dryer of conversation.
A brown drink, probably ***, or coke, or vinegar,
somehow navigated to my hand.
A pilfered traffic cone in the corner,
playing cards slapdash on the coffee table,
forgotten hearts, fading diamonds.

Somebody spoke, a game began.
Spilling secrets, unwillingly or too drunk
to care otherwise,
each hopscotch-like laughter another
thorn of headache.
I zoned out as if watching the shopping channels,
palms peppered with the braille
of my nails mining into my hands.

The spreadsheet of names scrolled down,
guys with over-gelled hair, ******* shirts
then me, trickling out my half-hearted truth,
quickly dismissed, knocked to the curb,
my social status cemented once again.
Then you, the last to speak
in this merry-go-round
clouted me awake as though coma free.

o Lychee-pink fingernails, slushie-blue eyes.
o Seashell necklace, skin several sunbathes down.
o Hush of a French accent, denim jeans punctured with holes.

The images, the speech came quick
as if behind the glass of a bullet train.
I tried to capture them like a cat
hopping up for dragonflies,
but these were more like snowflakes
perishing on my tongue.

If my mind hadn’t been frazzled
with the intricacies of anxiety
I would have uttered my name,
snaffled yours, an early birthday gift,
but no.

The evening capsized, us students dispersed
like birds barked at by a dog,
the clock’s downcast dialogue
of time gone, opportunities missed.

I stayed awake with the shape of your face
as though viewed through cellophane.
You mattered somehow, electrocution
right into my brain, your secret swallowed
by the ghosts of the night.
Hell, I thought, resting with my vivid
fabrications until the next day, the next year.
Written: 2018/19.
Explanation: A poem that was part of my MFA Creative Writing manuscript, in which I wrote poems about cities that have staged the Eurovision Song Contest, or taken the name of a song and written my own piece inspired by the title. I have received a mark for this body of work now, so am sharing the poems here.
KG Mar 2020
You liked the song
I should have guessed
Hidden like pidgeon forums tangled with the rest
You care for blues
Carved in the hearts
Barbed wire wrestled babes held searching for their arts
You like me tall
I like you small
Mangy hair tattoos and strong attitude akin to those who suffer as if they hold nothing dear to lose
I know
all this
You hear me honest
You caused this distant feeling dreadful
I needed one to line my back
You were to be grown attached
Though a stalker I have never been, you make me think on this again
Perhaps this changed in the mention
I will leave now
If you wish, alone
I fear not the pain of losing this soul
I've never known
You can seem
I can shout
You will wish to leave before this clouted storm runs it's course
I will be torn
Though hidden from in Athena's gaze
Of this
I know, but wish you not
we wait for a wild wind
for the apples to fall it

doesn’t happen yet

and those he clouted with the clothes prop
were already pecked severely

the birds come hungry

they talked about the difficulties that face
us this winter

realisation came that I would have chosen
this if I had seen an example
or followed a trend
a trial period

however things occur
some parts are okay

he thinks I am a hill billy which amused me

yesterday they took a different route while

i followed at a distance


days off

— The End —