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Chambord recollections,
   exhaling smoky vapors,
wisps of  Madagascar aromatics
midst a French Château dream,
  dipped in honeysuckle reminisces
  of cardamom spice and the pungent
zest of once 'neath a midnight legend
Erin C Ott Apr 2018
Alongside the girl who's a home where the heart is and a rooftop escapade all in one, I learned while wandering like a stray dog through a French chateau that old folktales believed salamanders were born of fire.

I’ve always felt as if fire is a cliche. It bites the hand that feeds it. Beautiful, but destroys. We’ve heard it before.

But, no one strives to be a cliche, and no one would like to be born of fire, either.

Too often, when we hack the head from the hydra of our family roots, another tragedy grows in its place. A salamander might have poison in its blood, and bloodline, ‘cause this family tree was uprooted long before I’ve ever seen it in its prime.

Sometimes, it’s hard to use the brimstone on your tongue for good when those with a right to be pessimists seem to drag you down, but think before you spit fire at the cinderblocks round your ankles, because even under a cockatrice’s gaze, they’re people too.

In those long weeks where high school looks like a desert, we somehow learn to never be more fragile than the skeletons, or the eggshells we're walking on. But I’ve since learned and swear by the fact that life and living are two very different things.

I can't make up my mind if this is all more apology or anthem, but if I can recommend one thing, it's this:

Allow the complexity of language in the simplest of words to forcibly beat your heart. You won't always hear the words you want to, the words that might keep a desert salamander alive, and that would do the same for you if there were someone there to say them. So grasp at straws. Hear poetic words now, and poetic words later, no matter how ragtag they may or may not be, intricate or beautiful, both, or neither, and everything in between and not. Plaster in the cracks of your atrophied heart from those nights where your mother slams every door and threatens to never come back, and dear god, make use of whatever words in this world there are that bring comfort through even that.

When the drudgery of life interrupts the sensation of living, presenting you with a rigged inkblot that just won't do you right, look, in the absolute worst of times, rather than up at a sky you've seen every day of your life, look down.

When the inconsistent blue that you've seen on every week of every month of every year fails you, do not search for life saving inspiration in what you've seen a thousand times. See the intricate patterns in the wood floors you walk on. I know it feels so often as if the beam from the lighthouse has already passed you by, but a crack in the pavement, a blemish, might just be the greatest joy of your day when you spot the flowers that still grow in spite of how they’ve been tread upon.

Then, scan your neutral horizon to see the little people. The unprompted kindness, the shy smiles, and the people who never quite know what to do with their hands, because I cross my heart and hope never to die young that they've felt this way too.

A person ought to mean more in life than in death, so for the love of your own self, feel, even in the darkest of power outages, for anything that's always out there.

And it’s true, autumn leaves cannot save your life in the long term, nor even will the smile of a stranger. But as long as you keep saving room for the simple joys that make your heart beat overtime, you'll have the first ounce of leverage it takes to save yourself.
This poem is dedicated to Leah, who helped me learn better than any cautionary tale that being cynical only yields about as much satisfaction as a cynic would honestly expect.
fairlyfreaksome Aug 2015
two shots of
a splash of
lime concentrate
peache schnap-ps
triple sec
cheap-*** *****
top it off with
soda water
drink until it's gone
Kìùra Kabiri Apr 2017
Adam, beauty of my splendours’ wake
Adam, gorgeous of my woman's make
Like blended incense of a skilled perfumer-longer lasting
Precious is your every moment’s memory-forever fascinating

Sweet like honey dripping with tastes
Exulting like melodic music to banquet
Exalting as glory of saints sequences
Fragrant like blossoms-blooms to bouquet
You are awesome, Adam, my handsome!

Betwixt your endearing arms embrace
There is no other kingly palace-
In the world, better than being in this place
You are mine ever, fortified fortress!

Your arms enclosures are posh and precious-what a delightful pleasure!
Than all the Royal Palaces in the world- the Palace of Pena,
The Buckingham, the Bellevue, the Palace of Versailles…..
You are my refuge, my strength, within you I am at peace!

Your hugs and kisses are the safest and secure citadel, château!
More than the newly built castle-Castle In Love with the Wind, Conwy Castle
The Château de Chambord or the worldly Windsor Castle, the Edinburgh Castle
Better than the Neuschwanstein or the Alcazar or the Culzean Castle  

On your pleasured chest
What more luxury lusciously nest?
Than this peacefully plumed softs on to rest
On yours is a cozy quilt pillow-purest!  

Adam, I adore you, you are the one for me and I am the one for you!
Like you are never any and if any there are not many but only of you a few
Adam, my strong man, your body is like the vigour of a youthful river flow
Shaped and chiseled finely like Archangel Michael’s-without any a flaw  
Your stamina is of a stallion, raised for the royal loyal knights, princes and kings

You eyes, they burns with allure like summer suns, with calmness and warmth
Your looks alone, burns my cold skin with a warm tenderness and a happy healing health
With you, again, my under skins shivers, vibrates with a new chill feel of elated lively wealth
You build stars for me even when my sky is a sorrowful sea of melancholy and misery

Adam, look at how you build-fascinating, amongst the pride of your elites
Like a cherub injected with alchemies of never getting old but growing younger
Straight and tall you stand-dominant before me conquered, deeply rooted as Lebanon’s cedars
And when me you touch gently o-ooh! It is with soft so tender as river lilies sacred splendours
Adam, you are killing me, skinning me while still I am living, let me first die for you!  

Let me feel your loving lips digging deep into mines meager burning complete even my heart  
Let me first touch those sinews and serrations all over your graceful figurine  
Let me first prostrate, adore you-my king and knight, my warrior and worship!  
Let me fancy you muscle man, a delighting idol of your deity’s outline
Let me a little look in those starry eyes of yours and see my fragility safe in their security

Let me feathery feel weighed in those toddler’s sways and swings of your swift palms lifts
You arms strength drawing all my energies faint, as it goes round my wasp’s waist  
Then you can slay and slice me-**** me subjugated into a humble defeat before you
In whatever way you want and feel best, I am capitulated-your captured and conquered queen!

Adam, before you, you are the coveted master and I am your surrendered slave
Besides you let me leafy feel, little and small dancing on your burly biceps
And my brittle petite bottoms sit safe on top of your large ****’s laps
For you alone are my glorious king-Adam, you send me deep into my craving grave
Stretch and save me from the abyss of my trepidations and temptations-I want you, for good!

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.
Donc un homme a vécu qui s'appelait Varron,
Un autre Paul-Emile, un autre Cicéron ;
Ces hommes ont été grands, puissants, populaires,
Ont marché, précédés des faisceaux consulaires,
Ont été généraux, magistrats, orateurs ;
Ces hommes ont parlé devant les sénateurs
Ils ont vu, dans la poudre et le bruit des armées,
Frissonnantes, passer les aigles enflammées ;
La foule les suivait et leur battait des mains
Ils sont morts ; on a fait à ces fameux romains
Des tombeaux dans le marbre, et d'autres dans l'histoire.
Leurs bustes, aujourd'hui, graves comme la gloire,
Dans l'ombre des palais ouvrant leurs vagues yeux,
Rêvent autour de nous, témoins mystérieux ;
Ce qui n'empêche pas, nous, gens des autres âges,
Que, lorsque nous parlons de ces grands personnages,
Nous ne disions : tel jour Varron fut un butor,
Paul-Émile a mal fait, Cicéron eut grand tort,
Et lorsque nous traitons ainsi ces morts illustres,
Tu prétends, toi, maraud, goujat parmi les rustres,
Que je parle de toi qui lasses le dédain,
Sans dire hautement : cet homme est un gredin !
Tu veux que nous prenions des gants et des mitaines
Avec toi, qu'eût chassé Sparte aussi bien qu'Athènes !
Force gens t'ont connu jadis quand tu courais
Les brelans, les enfers, les trous, les cabarets,
Quand on voyait, le soir, tantôt dans l'ombre obscure,
Tantôt devant la porte entrouverte et peu sûre
D'un antre d'où sortait une rouge clarté,
Ton chef branlant couvert d'un feutre cahoté.
Tu t'es fait broder d'or par l'empereur bohème.
Ta vie est une farce et se guinde en poème.
Et que m'importe à moi, penseur, juge, ouvrier,
Que décembre, étranglant dans ses poings février,
T'installe en un palais, toi qui souillais un bouge !
Allez aux tapis francs de Vanvre et de Montrouge,
Courez aux galetas, aux caves, aux taudis,
Les échos vous diront partout ce que je dis
- Ce drôle était voleur avant d'être ministre ! -
Ah ! tu veux qu'on t'épargne, imbécile sinistre !
Ah ! te voilà content, satisfait, souriant !
Sois tranquille. J'irai par la ville criant :

Citoyens ! voyez-vous ce jésuite aux yeux jaunes ?
Jadis, c'était Brutus. Il haïssait les trônes,
Il les aime aujourd'hui. Tous métiers lui sont bons
Il est pour le succès. Donc, à bas les Bourbons,
Mais vive l'empereur ! à bas tribune et charte !
II déteste Chambord, mais il sert Bonaparte.
On l'a fait sénateur, ce qui le rend fougueux.
Si les choses étaient à leur place, ce gueux
Qui n'a pas, nous dit-il en déclamant son rôle,
Les fleurs de lys au cœur, les aurait sur l'épaule !

Londres, le 10 août 1852.
sandra wyllie Mar 2021
my ******* are drums
my feet are numb
can’t move –
strung on the notes he plays
hung on the melody –
the stubble on his face
his curly hair
a harpsichord
his fruity stare
a glass of Chambord
Waltzing the Matilda
with him
swinging hips
looking trim
under the glare
of Times Square
eyes locked as keys
in the ***** breeze
of New York New York
Lazarus nyakundi Jan 2020
you kiss me
Delton Peele Oct 2020
The taste of love once bitten  ambrosial  insatiable
Saffron infused whipped honey butter
The flavors of the colors plumb crazy purple
Candy apple red sugary sparkling white
Glossy ebony. Red cherry kukabura  licorice
Deep blackberry
soft glowing pink spiked with wisps of magenta ,coral and tastefully splattered
With clouds snowy white and airy.
The Mojave desert drenched
And still wet shimmering in hues of golds sparkling as seen through pouty  eyes.
The taste of passionate sweat
And and the ultimate quench
The tears of love
Oh the mere mention of which fills the well of my eye
Countless pillows saturated
From the seemingly endless nights
That should have been............
Instead i writhe alone, in a hot sauna ,glistening
Minds twistining in this insatiable plane
*** drive insain i m thinkin my brain stuck in puberty
Bristling with i wanna
And im cursed with a perfect pornographic
Memory in perpetual  purgatory
Im sick withit
I notice a whip of your hair , an extra long stare
The nap of your neck
That look of" i dont care if youre here or there
You are of no interest to me"
Whith respect i try to discretely slip away.
Im hypnotized with a bellicose glare thats saying
Dont you dare try to walk away from me.
Come to me later when im alone
You have something i need .!
My blood instantly boiling under your spell all the way home i san smell your gaze upon me.
I have no will i am your Renfield
Im in love with being sealed in your fate
And this seether you have me steeped in
Caged temporally is only temporary
I am whodini shifting Nosferatu
You thought you had me
Sorry i have you under me and you invited me in
I ve got a fever ........
etiquette and inhabitions obscured
Sleepy eyed smirk i picture you and I
In an oasis under an ****** blue sky.
You in a jean skirt
Compassed about by lush deep green
Your favorite song nothing you do could be wrong
Im outa my mind your twerkin
And i can almost see your. .........
kicked off the gong show for lude behavior
Thats just sillyness .
Seriously im lascivious
Enough about me all i want is everything
About you
Succulents thriving in the august month draped in a glistening canopy
Of moist oceanic breeze.
everything joyful inviting. caramels
Almonds, sticky sweet baklava......
Mangoes and sticky rice....
Thai ice tea and coffee.
Honey do dripping cloves and cinnamon........wild mountain blackenblueberry jumble pie with extra  crumble and saturday winter soup
And summer sunday fried chicken
Bliss .....concord grape claufatis Di Sorono with fresh squeezed murcotts
Whith a drizzle of chambord
Panne de homone
And the tickle of a little humming birds tounge flicking your earlobe
Felt but not heard
The flavors mixing
shake not stirred
The first drink youll savour and with a woulnded heart you will slide down to the bottom of the glass looking for more
Its such a rush that you chase it knowing its ultimately
What you live for
Wanderlust,indescribable wontedness,
Mysterious,intoxicatingly exotic
Dangerous cocktail of eclectic electricly charged concoctions
On the cusp of poisonous
depending whom you share it with
could be the breath of life
Releasing you from stress and strife........could be the kiss of death ..................
Could be a soulmate could be the best thing the world has ever seen ..........inspiring ...................creator of king a Queen ....
Nations are built and conquered by her
Mountains moved.
Its what makes life worth living.
Once smitten the world abounds
Heaven smiles
You bath water feels like milk
And smells like lilacs an hyacinth
Youre gowned in silks and satin
Everything becomes new
in vibrant pastels and unimaginable
Flavors mingle .....
Personally to me its..........
It starts with honey and black licorice sucrets
Turning to orange an whip cream then fresh crunchy cherries
Enhanced with the essence of you
Like the sugar cube on a stick
I pour my Absinthe through

And as our pallets change along with life
As they always do one thing remains constant
I follow my heart and
always winds up in you !
Sorry forget me knot two.the second spell prequel
In a party He just wanna roll,
Switch the punch with Chambord for the Goat.
Capricorn wanna **** on a cancer.
Like what ...? Let's keep it buck
Yannis is good but Wemby is ruff
If I had to choose then I'ma choosing my love

— The End —