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Waverly Mar 2012
Hometown girls
are real with you.
If they don't like you,
they'll even make their *****
look ugly;
pulling them in all the way
to the tops of their thighs
through their buttholes
and you can smell the stench
in your brain.

But when they let you in,
when they let you sit on their ears,
it's like warp-drive.

They smoke virginia slims,
because that's what their mom's smoke,
and the bags under their eyes
are filled with nicotine,
but they're pretty bags,
purses of flesh
full with the kinetic beauty of coal.

Hometown girls are mostly black,
mostly white,
but nobody's checking
and when they whisper something nice in your ear
it's colored with a microbrew
or a wheel of Jim Beam.

Sometimes they'll take you by the wrist
into the bathrooms;
sometimes they'll take your drink
when you're not looking
and smile when you catch them
with it on their lips.

But that smile is good even,
on par with a supernova
in its ability to crush
and make beautiful.

But most of the time,
they stand around
outside Casbah
and Motorco
--if they're bougie
it'll be West End--
in the middle of the night
under the porch of the sky
looking out with amber
slitted eyes
like cats,
their legs twitching thoughtfully
as they wait for cabs
and pick at the night.

Hometown girls
are ****/beautiful
because they'll watch your every move
from the gallery
out of empathy,
knowing they've been that ***** before,
knowing they've been that lonely,
knowing they just want to get drunk
and want to be around randoms
that aren't so random.
Sitting in the dark, alone
in this wooden shack no one's own
outside blows northern wind
I trapped myself in, I was blind

In this dark, dark night
my only hope is this candle light
I can sense her close
she's right there ; in the shadows

The walls are holed, my hearth frozed
in perfect silence she rosed
she sat by my side, warming me up

romantic date with the lady of the death
she is so beatifull, I want to join her
I blew my candle in a last breath

La lune haute, le vent de novembre glacial.
Au creux de mon abris sombre, une bougie
Elle m’est une protection triviale
Mais sans elle sur ma porte serait écrit ci-***

Lumière si douce en temps de noirceur
Ma bougie agonisant près de mon noir cœur
Mon âme tu l’avais réduite en haillon
Les murs de ce sombre abri sont ma prison

Mon cœur est givré par le souffle d’un titan
Je la sens. Là! Dans le noir elle m’attend
D’un geste de main ; je l’invite à ma table

Calme, elle me rejoint dans un silence d’or
Tête à tête aux chandelles avec la mort
Avant que par amour je souffle ma bougie
the second part is the same poem its just the original version which sound better in my opinion
This is the first poem I have ever written in english. It used to be filled with grammar errors but Wejdan help me correct some of em.
Oh! the last part is the original. It sound a hell of a lot better in my opinion.
LJ Eaddy Feb 2014
I live in the land
Of the inbetweeners.
We are what
The French would call,
What the ghetto calls,
What the successful calls,
Day dreamers,
And what we call,
The future leaders.
I live in
The land of rebels.
The people who fought against their oppressors
Because they know the truth behind
Social Darwinism;
And the fact of the matter is
That no race
Is a superior race
Because "race"
Is a manmade idea
To justify the injust
Ideas of slavery.
The rebels who ran out of chains
Because they weren't
Supposed to be chained down.
The rebels who walked midnight railroads
To escape the clutches
Of the white man's burden.
The rebels who refused to stand
In one spot
When there were plenty of seats available.
The rebels who refused
to bite their tongues and
The rebels who refused to be spoken over
Because they had
A lot of important stuff to say.
The rebels who dreamt outrageous dreams,
So that the complexion
Of your pigment
Was never a deciding factor
In your life.
The rebels who refused
to follow unlawful laws
Because they were
Law abiding citizens
Only when laws were just.
The rebels who challenged what was superiority,
The rebels who changed the course of history forever.
I live in
The land of the outsiders
Who conform the
Preconceived ideas
To fit them
We roll small blunts
of white paper
Filled with the words
of novels and poetry
And blow through those books
Inhaling every letter
And letting it cling to our lungs
Flowing the grammar
Throughout our bodies.
We stand spittin
Absolute value bars
Rapping elongated equations
Of X equals
Y +/- root Z
Divided by root A
Times the quantity of
B - C.
We stick up
Banks filled with
Material and instruction.
Stealing all the information we can take
And try peicing it together
So that more than words
We have knowledge.
We *******
Our brains,
Pleasing its sapiosexual
******* with
Grammar and arithmetic.
I live in the land
Of the inbetweeners.
The people making history
In their everyday lives.
The revolutionaries
Who fight for even
The smallest of issues.
The individuals who stand out
Amongst a crowd of people
That look just like them.
The inbetweeners,
They who refuse
To subjugate themselves
To society,
But will subjugate society
To themselves.
glass can Oct 2013
broken glass embedded in backs
causing blood stains on crisp Calvin Klein shirts
from wrestling limbs on kitchen floors

licking ears as sassy retribution
for passive agression
and acts of contrition

greasy hair
unshaved legs

on fur

on mouth

on moleskin
on holographic jewelry owned by us

bougie bohemians
highbrow artists
low-maintenance interests that include

blow, opiates, fringed scarves, "velvety",
all the pills you can fist into your mouth,
a wannabe lou reed, your friends' band,
and **** **** ****** **** gallery openings.

Take a picture, it won't last as long as this work day
but we have to have our money for the water--after the eight ball and taxi, of course.
Reece Feb 2014
Bougie Lucy, she rolls up the loose leaf
Loosely we lose it, in Lucy's two teeth
Luckily Lucy, she's got a two piece
Two piece suite, yeah, that's two seats
Look at me, it's a trick see, trickily tricky
Trickling; fusing, musing and using
Using her music, as the music is booming
Becoming a new thing, another new ring
Ruthlessly useless, bruising that two-string
But she uses, oh boy she uses me, yage, yage
Yes yes that's our own way, today and Tuesday
Always a new day, but to-day is Friday
Not to question why-day,
Only on Friday-
the day we die-day
Paul d'Aubin Jul 2014
Samedi  12  juillet 2014
J’ai bonheur  de vous faire connaître  l’édition,  ce  mois de juin 2014,    du livret de mes  poésies intitulé : «Fulgurance des êtres, des Lieux et des Mots».
Ce livret édité à compte d’auteur par   "Paul Daubin éditeur" et imprimé par la COREP. Il  comprend 104 pages avec 21 pages d’  illustrations, provenant pour la plupart de mes photographies en couleur.
La belle préface, aussi perspicace qu’emphatique est l’œuvre de mon ami,  l’authentique Poète Toulousain Christian Saint-Paul.  
   Ce Livret traite  sous les cinq chapitres  suivants:
- 1°) « Souvenirs d’Enfance »; ce sont mes  souvenirs les plus lointains de mon enfance en  Kabylie (Bougie et Akbou)  et à Luchon dans les Pyrénées.
-  2° )  Dans « Sur  les Chemins de Toulouse »,  je dépeins le Toulouse des quartiers de ma jeunesse, le faubourg Bonnefoy, Croix-Daurade, le  Lycée Raymond Naves des "années ardentes et tumultueuses" (1965-1972) ,  puis les autres  quartiers  pittoresques de Toulouse où j’ai résidé,   après mon retour en 1992 dans cette belle ville,  sans bien entendu oublier la Bibliothèque de recherche "Périgord" qui est pour beaucoup  mon lieu havre de Paix intérieure et mon  "refuge spirituel".
-  3°) «La Corse, L’ile enchanteresse»,  correspond à des poèmes en Français sur La Corse surtout la région de Vicu et le canton des "Deux Sorru", sur les  lieux et les arbres souvent emblématiques de cette île qui aimante et capte ses amoureux et ses fidèles et leur rend leur attachement au centuple.
- 4°) Les «Poésies de Révolte et de Feu » décrivent mes passions parfois mes indignations. Aujourd’hui que j’ai  atteint soixante ans, l’âge de la sagesse, j’ai encore  gardé vivant cette faculté de m’indigner et parfois  de me révolter. Les poèmes nous parlent  du grand poète Italien Giacomo Leopardi,  de la « Retirada » blessure faite à l’Esprit jamais refermée pour les enfants et les amis de  "Toulouse l'Espagnole",  de Mikis Theodorakis, de l'assassinat de John Lennon et de l'action et de la dérision de  Coluche, etc  
- 5 °) Le  « Renouveau des saisons et petits bonheurs »  traite  des saisons tout particulièrement des somptuosités de l'automne,  des lieux que j’ai aimés,   de la création et de la boisson du  vin et ce n'est pas le moindre de mes reconnaissances,   de nos compagnons les Chiens.
Le prix de vente proposé de dix euros est au strict prix de revient.   Pour l'acquérir  il vous  suffit de m’envoyer un chèque d’un montant de dix euros et une enveloppe timbrée au tarif normal   mentionnant  votre adresse postale  pour que je sois en mesure d'effectuer  l' envoi postal.    
    Paul Arrighi
Adresse : Paul Arrighi -  20 Bd de Bonrepos- Résidence "La Comtale" - Bat C - Bal 7 - 31000 – Toulouse (Francia)  
Courriels :
glass can Jul 2013
and sitting in the corner of a blessedly quiet McDonalds that is so old they haven't changed their booths to be uncomfortable to sit in, yet and wearing a black dress suited for vamps,
tarnished serpentine earrings whispering in my ears

not yet not yet not yet

speaking also to the stolen ring in my bag
that I am not yet a bougie eccentric

made to burn money and carry cigarette wands
and travel to tangier and have a little exotic pet

until I become more educated, eloquent, work on
my elocution until I am someone, who's someone

that deserves and has the gall to take, and possess
the world's most most beautiful blue wolf fur coat
Paul d'Aubin Nov 2015
Jeudi   le 05     novembre  2015

Très cher (e) s  ami (e)s  de «Hello Poetry»,

J’ai bonheur de vous faire connaître l’édition, ce mois de novembre  2015, de la nouvelle édition de mon  livret de mes  poésies intitulé : «Fulgurance des êtres, des Lieux et des Mots».
Ce livret édité à compte d’auteur par «Paul Daubin éditeur» et imprimé par la COREP. Il comprend 104 pages avec 21 pages d’illustrations, provenant pour la plupart de mes propres  photographies en couleur.
La belle préface, aussi perspicace qu’emphatique est l’œuvre de mon ami, l’authentique Poète Toulousain, Christian Saint-Paul.  
Ce Livret traite sous les cinq chapitres suivants:
- 1°) «Souvenirs d’Enfance»; ce sont mes souvenirs les plus lointains de mon enfance en  Kabylie (Bougie et Akbou) et à Luchon dans les Pyrénées.

- 2° )  Dans «Sur les Chemins de Toulouse»,  je dépeins le Toulouse des quartiers de ma jeunesse, le faubourg Bonnefoy, Croix-Daurade, le  Lycée Raymond Naves des «années ardentes et tumultueuses» (1965-1976),  puis les autres quartiers  pittoresques de Toulouse où j’ai résidé, après mon retour en 1992 dans cette belle ville,  sans bien entendu oublier la Bibliothèque de recherche «Périgord» qui est pour beaucoup mon lieu havre de Paix intérieure et mon «refuge spirituel».

-  3°)  «La Corse, L’ile enchanteresse», correspond à des poèmes en Français sur La Corse surtout la région de Vico et de son pays (les Pièves)  sur les lieux et les arbres souvent emblématiques de cette île qui aimante et capte ses amoureux et ses fidèles et leur rend leur attachement au centuple.

- 4°)  Les «Poésies de Révolte et de Feu» décrivent mes passions parfois mes indignations. Aujourd’hui que j’ai  atteint soixante et un ans,   l’âge de la sagesse, j’ai encore su gardé vivant cette faculté de m’indigner et parfois  de me révolter. Les poèmes nous parlent  du grand poète Italien Giacomo Leopardi,  de la « Retirada » blessure faite à l’Esprit jamais refermée pour les enfants et les amis de  «Toulouse l'Espagnole», de Mikis Theodorakis, de l'assassinat de John Lennon et de l'action et de la dérision de  Coluche, etc.  

- 5 °)  Le  «Renouveau des saisons et petits bonheurs» traite des saisons tout particulièrement des somptuosités de l'automne,  des lieux que j’ai aimés,  de la création et de la boisson du vin et ce n'est pas le moindre de mes reconnaissances, de nos compagnons les Chiens.
Paul Arrighi (Toulouse/Ajaccio)
Adresse : Paul Arrighi -  20 Bd de Bon repos- Résidence «La Comtale» - Bat C - Bal 7 - 31000 – Toulouse
Courriel :
Paul d'Aubin Feb 2014
Les nèfles de Kabylie

Il est des souvenirs d’enfance qui dominent longtemps l’esprit et ont des goûts de saveurs douces telles les madeleines de Proust.
Pour moi qui suis né à Bougie Ce sont les nèfles de Kabylie.
C’était en mai soit en juin que ces fruits blonds arrivaient sur la table de formica dans des couffins tressés de paille,
comme le signe d’un printemps qui bientôt deviendrait fournaise mais vibrionnant de Soleil.
Il fallait enlever la peau et en séparer les noyaux qui me faisaient penser à des billes Mais leur chair était succulente avec des zestes de vanille. et de bonbons acidulés.

J’avais huit ans, c’était la guerre !

Mais quand les nèfles arrivaient, j’oubliais les soucis des «grands» pour goûter à la chair des nèfles, jouer aux billes avec leurs noyaux.
C’est ainsi que parmi les drames, le regard de l’enfance est lointain.
Car la mort leur reste chimère. bien moins réelle que les jeux et les fruits dorés, bref privilège de l’enfance.

Paul d’Aubin (Paul Arrighi)
Toulouse- février 2014.
Quand nous habitions tous ensemble
Sur nos collines d'autrefois,
Où l'eau court, où le buisson tremble,
Dans la maison qui touche aux bois,

Elle avait dix ans, et moi trente ;
J'étais pour elle l'univers.
Oh ! comme l'herbe est odorante
Sous les arbres profonds et verts !

Elle faisait mon sort prospère,
Mon travail léger, mon ciel bleu.
Lorsqu'elle me disait : Mon père,
Tout mon coeur s'écriait : Mon Dieu !

À travers mes songes sans nombre,
J'écoutais son parler joyeux,
Et mon front s'éclairait dans l'ombre
À la lumière de ses yeux.

Elle avait l'air d'une princesse
Quand je la tenais par la main.
Elle cherchait des fleurs sans cesse
Et des pauvres dans le chemin.

Elle donnait comme on dérobe,
En se cachant aux yeux de tous.
Oh ! la belle petite robe
Qu'elle avait, vous rappelez-vous ?

Le soir, auprès de ma bougie,
Elle jasait à petit bruit,
Tandis qu'à la vitre rougie
Heurtaient les papillons de nuit.

Les anges se miraient en elle.
Que son bonjour était charmant !
Le ciel mettait dans sa prunelle
Ce regard qui jamais ne ment.

Oh ! je l'avais, si jeune encore,
Vue apparaître en mon destin !
C'était l'enfant de mon aurore,
Et mon étoile du matin !

Quand la lune claire et sereine
Brillait aux cieux, dans ces beaux mois,
Comme nous allions dans la plaine !
Comme nous courions dans les bois !

Puis, vers la lumière isolée
Étoilant le logis obscur,
Nous revenions par la vallée
En tournant le coin du vieux mur ;

Nous revenions, coeurs pleins de flamme,
En parlant des splendeurs du ciel.
Je composais cette jeune âme
Comme l'abeille fait son miel.

Doux ange aux candides pensées,
Elle était gaie en arrivant... -
Toutes ces choses sont passées
Comme l'ombre et comme le vent !

À Villequier, le 4 septembre 1844.
Anjana Rao May 2020
this is a love poem.

this is a break up poem.

I remember
when I first
fell in love with you.

It was 2012
I wandered around the city
taking ****** pictures of street art.
Took free public transit.
Spent the afternoon
at the old, old red Emma's
back when it wasn't bougie.

I knew what you were
but I couldn't help it,
I fell in love.

I remember courting you,
thinking maybe I could call you

Greatest City in America
run down
all at once.

In 2014
you held me
through my numbed out days,
through my drunken nights.

with your ****** transportation
that might or might not arrive.

with your gentrified Hampden
where I once heard a white man say he felt
"So safe."

with your burnt out building I climbed
with a girl
who'd one day leave me behind.

with your street cats,
street rats.

with the Royal Farms
that sold cheap Mikes Hards.

I could barely love myself,
I still loved you.

I need you to know
that I will always care for you,
but somewhere along the way
something broke in me.

you held me then,
still hold me even now,
but it's getting time
for me to move on.

It's not you,
it's me.

My restlessness,
my ungratefulness,
of what you've done for me.
My inability to value
potential stability,
potential community.

It's not me,
it's you.

It's all the same with you,
same scene,
same bars,
same parties.

I love you,
I really do.

I'm sorry,
but we need to take a break


Need to start seeing
other people.

Don't cry,
it's better this way.

And besides,
you're not,
could never truly be

this is a love poem.

this is a break up poem.

maybe one day
when the dust settles
we can be friends.

But for now,
I need to leave.

I love you.

Good bye.
Written February 4, 2020
Yr gonna feel like ****.
The dinners, the openings
all don't matter.

The friends the small talk
the bougie dishes
all don't matter.

You know this
and I know this this
is why we are friends.
Samy Ounon Oct 2013
Ange de lumière, je serais ravi de suivre
En vertu de la mèche et à travers la bougie
Dites-moi comment vous faites un ruisseau
De la pensée et de l'amour comme un rêve de fuite

La ruisseau par lequel je me guide les pas
Une lumière par laquelle je remplirai ma tasse
“C’est le sang des ténèbres” je chuchote, puis le bois, donc
Plus profonde est la lumière je ramasse
C'est le genre de douleur que l'on désire,
Le genre qui nous manque quand elle n'est pas là.
Celle qui fait mal,
Mais que l'on regrette lorsque l'on s'en va,
Et que l'on passe notre vie à espérer ressentir.
C'est le genre de douleur que je garde en moi,
Que j'entretiens chaque jour un peu,
En lisant les lettres que jadis tu m'envoyais,
A la lueur d'une bougie,
Les nuits où je me sens seule.
sadgirl Sep 2017
is the only
one who brings her
own wine
to the party
it's always cliquot

is that girl,
find her perfume
on your supreme hoodie
but she will leave,
and you know,
she fears nothing

is too white
to wash out of your
duvet, too rich
to devour whole
and too bougie
to ever live a normal

is the space
between her thighs
and nothing else
her eyes are as empty
as the macy's storefront
but she's better than that,
louie v all day, every day

is urban,
the hypebeast,
the sneaker head,
the cool girl
she is everything them
white girls want but don't

is a nightmare,
the disembodied hand
sends a backhand slap
across your cheek,
the mother who drank too much,
the mother who's jewelry
blinded you

is a poem that
rambles towards the
last stanza, just like
this one, and she
is my elusive lover
*she is a ******* goddess
Personification of Saks Fifth Avenue.
Ton regard est une flamme
Je suis une bougie
Mais tu n'as d'yeux que pour elle
Alors que je m'éteins
KD Miller Mar 2016

I've met a few good men,
a few good men, this is why
I am so vexed.

The springing pantomines
of careful youth rings around
the green, as it always has

the campus store sells
cigarettes and muffins and condoms
as it always has, and

although the mood is different than
the one on early semester Halloween

The grass is as green as it always
has been.
I need to learn to let people

and things go, but it doesn't help
when you live, when half of those memories

happened in towns where George Washington and Witherspoon got
drunk off their *****,

and Madison lied about men in the woods. Sitting dully alone in the stadium

the vast Powers,
I am one in 23,000
and I do not know how I feel

about that and the lost
days when I used to chain smoke
voraciously in the parking lot

in a car that smelled like
burnt tobacco
and run through

the rain in Murray dodge,
write on the walls at the Pyne
arches and smoke

drugs with friends
in the freezing rain on Wilson's

This is all gone now
I need new trivial distractions

now that all of mine are gone
and I see the summer sun getting
closer to my bruised memory.

i've met a few good men
key word:

the quivering ghosts of our
salad days runs around the green
do you remember? are you sure?

i ran through the campus store
laughing til my liver hurt
posing with antifreeze, asking friends "anyone want shots?"

i don't know, wouldn't know
what princeton's like now
because i haven't been in six months.

i do vaguely remember
strips of it, the cheesecloth that wrapped around
the ides of april, freezing and shivering under my arms.

i still haven't learned how to let people go.
it is difficult when
you live in a town that is made by its history.

what town or person isn't?
constant talk of Stockton, Witherspoon and Washington's
crossing damns my existence.

i used to go down to the stadium
freeze my fingers off or pop open bottles with

i remember when i lied to Lacava about my first time
smoking cigarettes that is
he bought me my first pack

i sat in the front seat of the car that january
trying to coolly inhale
begging to god to not let me cough.

i didn't.
i remember i ran through the rain with someone i loved, once
through murray dodge

he'd told me he never forgot the way
i looked with eyeliner dripping down my face and
my soaking hair slowly curling into snail shells.

i'd written on the arches at Pyne
then i'd written on the walls with our spit
joking - why's it called PVNE?

I sat serenely with my friends one February day
that year, i must specify because one  has passed already.
smoking bouges on Burr's grave, so bougie.

i got new distractions
i don't have any way to keep them, though
i'll find a way in the summer

or maybe not
KD Miller Jan 2017

one in the morning, champagne drunk
steered uneasily down the sidewalks
of an uppereast side street,

the January wind whipping us
into a frenzy
smoking rolled cigarettes
a homeless man stops us:

asks for food
she gives him a cigarette
lights it for him
looking back, this was not good

a drunk bougie boy out of many
says "it's alright sweetheart!" as he passes us on the sidewalk. we complain of exhaustion

it is quiet.
i will move here next year
i pause.
I think, stop

and we laugh
and wonder if it's really happening
and i think my poetry is uninspired
and frankly, ugly

my state does not settle in
i almost step on a puddle
i say where am i? the answer:
realization enough to strike me sober

L'homme pâle, le long des pelouses fleuries,
Chemine, en habit noir, et le cigare aux dents :
L'Homme pâle repense aux fleurs des Tuileries
- Et parfois son oeil terne a des regards ardents...

Car l'Empereur est soûl de ses vingt ans d'orgie !
Il s'était dit : "Je vais souffler la liberté
Bien délicatement, ainsi qu'une bougie !"
La liberté revit ! Il se sent éreinté !

Il est pris. - Oh ! quel nom sur ses lèvres muettes
Tressaille ? Quel regret implacable le mord ?
On ne le saura pas. L'Empereur a l'oeil mort.

Il repense peut-être au Compère en lunettes...
- Et regarde filer de son cigare en feu,
Comme aux soirs de Saint-Cloud, un fin nuage bleu.
Je veux
Que tu suives à la lettre
Le menu des ébats que j'organise
Minutieusement pour toi.
Je veux
J'exige que tu suives
Mes instructions
Sans dévier d'un iota.
Toutes les étapes,
Toutes les indications,
Tous les menus détails,
Des pages, des chapitres et des lignes
Qui mènent à ton *****
Du samedi soir,
Je veux en être l'architecte et le témoin.
Je veux
Que tu t'effeuilles
Que tu sortes de ton corps
Et que tu te regardes
Quand soumise et délurée
Tu offres ton corps en pâture orgamisque
À mes yeux exorbités
À la lumière d'une bougie translucide
Qui te pénètre de sa flamme de cire.
Je veux
Je te possède
Je te prends
De mes yeux fous de faucon.
Ce sont des yeux indomptables
Mais tu sais les apprivoiser
Quand ils battent leurs ailes
Au gré de tes envies d'oiseau
Au gré de tes scénarios.
Je veux
Que tu m'exhibes
Les moindres pleins et déliés
De ton âme en rut,
Que tu m'implores
D'un mouvement imperceptible
À la commissure de tes lèvres
Un toucher du regard
Au bas du dos,
Un massage à distance,
Et que tu te tortilles
Quand je te délivre
À tire d'aile
Le sceau royal
Du toucher des écrouelles.
Tu es ma fauconnière
Je suis ton faucon royal
Prisonnier sans l'être
De tes appâts rebelles.
Le ciel dont je m'abreuve
Quand je te fais la cour
Est une cage sans filets
Où la meute de nos sens enfouis
Se délecte dans une chasse à courre
Archaïque et délicieuse
Entre ta coupe pleine et tes lèvres
T R S Oct 2019
Gargle, boggle, google eyee bogles
Stack! Stalks, balking at raucous menageries.

I badgered my basic bougie bailiff.

Staggered, I berated a beleugered nation of basal biscuit-heads.

Dead. My eye were dead.

I bled out my eyes.

You're welcome.

I tried.

I let you be red.
And now I'm boiled up.

I led you into
Mordor and boiled your cup.
Mon Alius

Et si l'on effaçait d'un saut dans le vide

Du chemin de la Caféière

D'un commun accord, la barrière de ce cimetière,

Dont l'écorce défunte déploie ses quatre-chemins

entre le pangolin et la fourmilière ?

Mon Alter,

Et si au lieu de se poursuivre,

A coups de **** bougie,

De se frôler à se confondre,

On enterrait la flamme tremblante de sueur qui nous hache

Et nous envoie valdinguer de terrier en terrier

en zigzaguant comme des crabes en déshérance

Dans des toiles d'araignées musicales?

Mon I

Si on signait unilatéralement de nos pas pour la xième fois

A la énième heure du énième jour du énième mois

Un énième armistice sur un air de calypso

Sous le haut patronage de Mighty Sparrow ?

Mon Ombre

Abolissons donc cette frontière de pulpe rouge,

Cette parche mince qui nous encapsule,

Plongeons ensemble dans l'eau torréfiée

De la rivière de rhum qui dévale du volcan

Et dansons notre calypso en couple sans meneur

Sans frein, sans selle, sans harnais

Soyons cavaliers et montures de nous mêmes ! Et vice-versa !

Menons ensemble notre transe
Tom Shields Aug 2022
A town you never heard of, you’ll never hear the end of
You’ve heard the end of
Guns in America, a story you’ll never hear the end of
The insecure White Man’s struggle ends with a massacre
A story that never begins in history, you never hear the end of
It’s always been going on, Elijah McClain, I hear him screaming in my brain
The pain is ongoing and I see this veteran policewoman walking towards a car
She’s got a gun in her hand and can’t tell the difference between a taser
Like the weight is the same as her heart and a feather, but it’s ******
White Supremacy, suddenly everybody is Kyle Rittenhouse’s defense attorney
Editing bodycam footage, standing around for 77 minutes and detaining
Your fellow officer whose wife is a teacher in the classroom, taking his weapon
And letting the school shooter reign free, rain bullets down on the
Nation you claim to love, so much ******* bravery, contaminated with agenda
Politics, frothing blood on the shores from sea to shining sea, ducking in the suburbs
From scopes that’s car windows reflecting the sun in the fifth day out the week of plus 110 degrees heat
It’s upscale for us, hell, close as bougie as you ever get when you can cook eggs on the street
The air is so thick with well-informed opinions that keep up with the world
Everyone knows everything, everywhere all the time anymore, and I try to avoid it
Hide from the anxiety, stay inside, idealistically cling to a shred of pride, the insanity I desire is structural anarchy
Challenge the integrity of a system that’s starving people, by flipping the tables and making the power-hungry just hungry
I’m just angry, you go into any atmosphere and it’s pretty clear conversations of social conscience run deep into consideration
Failure, on a historical, national, centuries-long, cultural level, not just any one people can be held accountable or responsible
Nothing can be solved with one tongue-lashing in one sitting, but nobody wants to hear that no satisfaction
Will come from the instant gratification of getting one over on the opposition
Who sit smug in defiance of each other, calm heads prevail even when they’re objectively incorrect
Because it’s not about logic, facts, truth or morality
It’s about appearing better than, media and perception
Appealing to the ego and id, ebb and flow of how to till an audience
Field them out, groom the youth and watch them grow
But truth is, the right thing to do is the hardest thing to do
That cop kneeling on George Floyd choked everybody who could see it was wrong
And he only killed one man with his actions, but caused all hell to break loose
If the world were a smarter place, they’d have tackled him off, detained him
Let the man in the hallway go, backed him up and taken action, but
Going online to defend White Supremacy, they used to go out into the world and put on hoods to do that
Kyle Rittenhouse took on the police department’s responsibility, he was 16
**** all the legalities, I hate lawyers and I refuse to speak with you on terms of legalese
This kid lived in a world where he couldn’t just be concerned about going to school the next day
Or playing video games, doing some teenager ****, no
He had to get an assault rifle, go out of his way to commit a double homicide, and people flock to his side to call it justified
What do you same people think about the yielding of Uvalde PD to a school shooter, active, in progress, who likely only wanted them to storm in on the rampage so they could commit suicide
The last chapter in American history because it will be the death of all of us
No arguments will endure one side not listening to another side not listening
When no one can make headway with a fair point, when you strip the right to choose based on autonomy
When you come after people for their differences, marginalize entire communities
Feeling so threatened you cry Marxism and quiver behind your idols, that you never noticed, sacred now institutions, installations of
Your unknown ancestry, history, let’s be honest, it’s not destruction to evolve the status quo in a positive direction for this hopeless society
Killing people out of reactionary fear, before they even do anything
Then rioting, splintering, there is no unity
There is no sanctuary, there is no safety
Peace is apolitical in nature, it just has to be, in that it is also injust
And politics are injust without being peaceful, but inspiring people to be hateful
Darker and more hateful than anything the eyes might ever see, they awaken evil in the cesspool, the spirit
Bubbling out of the mouth and over the teeth, fits of rage overtake the world stage
Like January 6th
You don’t get to compare your riot to other riots and say you did it more well-behaved
When you riot on the nation’s capital that’s like punching America, Uncle Sam, Lady Liberty, the constitution you preach like the bible and all the founding fathers in the face
My mind’s eye is swollen from the insight that plays on the news with the slaughter of these children, comparisons to the attitude surrounding incidents of gun violence and what it’s actually like to have mental illness
The Governor of Texas, mouth-breathing Abbott says, anyone who shoots someone else is not mentally stable, so police then
Murdering police who **** people all the time, and don’t even always use guns
A whole police department just stood by and let someone else **** children; I saw teachers trying to buy bulletproof vests online for their first graders
Kyle Rittenhouse is a symptom of a diseased mindset in America, if they won’t, he will then, and we don’t treat him
Like we would, we could, we should, I saw a light show celebrating his actions
**** the criminal history of the people he killed, judge, jury, nor executioner is on the head of the children
But, going to church, the grocery store, school, someone could just show up with two ArmaLite M15s and **** them
A Mossberg, Glock, Colt, Smith&Wesson and ammunition to fulfill the mission
Of raising stock in these gun manufacturing corporations, in the end
Because we set precedents with old money presidents, Donald Trump and the Bush Dynasty, Clintons and self-fulfill them
That we inherit sleepwalking promises of change, half-deranged, fall-guys for the previous administrations like Biden
And view one different face in this indistinguishable, old, white, grey spoiled milk on the fridge shelf of presidents as a beacon
There’s a systematic breakdown at the molecular level by legal minds far more educated and dedicated than mine
That are far more passionate, with more time, I’m just
Tired, God
I’m so tired of going outside and not knowing if there’s gonna be a Howard Unruh situation
Or that this America my nephew grows up in, will be so ****** up and, he’ll have teachers put bulletproof vest on his kindergarten supplies list
And I want to appeal against my better instinct to shooters to attack those whose job it is to protect and serve and fight back, to give a chance to the unarmed and innocent civilians
Go for your local police department if you need to pick a target, I implore you, if not for the impact, then think of it as a merciful act
They are carriers of the symptomatic disease infecting communities, leave unequipped people to live their lives, if you can’t be reeled back from your planned attack
I am so tired
It’s so hot it feels like the whole country is on fire and not from the sun
I could never be who I am anywhere else in the world, I want to love it here for that
But I don’t want to die here for anyone.
please read and enjoy

L'homme pâle, le long des pelouses fleuries,
Chemine, en habit noir, et le cigare aux dents :
L'Homme pâle repense aux fleurs des Tuileries
- Et parfois son oeil terne a des regards ardents...

Car l'Empereur est soûl de ses vingt ans d'orgie !
Il s'était dit : "Je vais souffler la liberté
Bien délicatement, ainsi qu'une bougie !"
La liberté revit ! Il se sent éreinté !

Il est pris. - Oh ! quel nom sur ses lèvres muettes
Tressaille ? Quel regret implacable le mord ?
On ne le saura pas. L'Empereur a l'oeil mort.

Il repense peut-être au Compère en lunettes...
- Et regarde filer de son cigare en feu,
Comme aux soirs de Saint-Cloud, un fin nuage bleu.
il y avait une rose rouge et il y avait une bougie parfumée
sur une table faite de bois, posées
en face d’une fenêtre et la pluie, à la nuit tombée
vue sur le canal et les bateaux amarrés

et il y avait toi,

assise et pensive, pour rien au monde je ne te dérangerais

et il y avait moi,

te photographiant de derrière, discrètement

je passerais ma main à travers tes cheveux noirs bouclés
atteignant ta nuque, ta peau je toucherais
avec la mélodie de l’orage tu me regarderais et je t’embrasserais

ô khristine, ton infinie beauté m’emporte

tu m’enchantes à travers les décennies, je te désire autant que l’infini
plus qu’un mirage, je ne t’oublierai plus
à propos de toi j’écrirai
d’angleterre et d’ailleurs je t’aimerai
le 30 janvier 2022

— The End —