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I S A A C Oct 2022
feast for the ancestors who were famished
embrace the familiar damage
bisou bisou, thankful for the room
used to be so stuffy in the old place
i left my feelings of inadequacy in my old ways
old space, watch the page turn
displace metaphors about the days turn
is getting older just getting further from my innocent joy?
is getting older just pretending that i feel joy?
a glimpse of it underneath the books that weigh heavy on my brain
trying to understand everything but neglecting vain
trying to fulfill the expectations expected of me
for my ancestors who were famished
i am grateful for the feast
Circa 1994 Sep 2016
I was teetering on the precipice
of something.
edging towards the glimmer.
mashing tongues,
you tore me limb from limb.
I'm glazed with sweat.
you baste me in honeydew.

in the bedroom we speak in vowels:
The sounds of death,
Long awaited for.
I died like this every night and loved every minute of it, bruised down to my bones.
i i i, want moremoremore.
Give my teeth a whitening.

You are the eye of the storm
the first leg into a pair of pants
the bone with the best sense of humor.

you left me high,
but not dry.

accept this broken french as a gesture of my affinity:
je taime
tu me manques
je tadore mon lapin
bisou bisou
Fi Jul 2016
grin penetrating my mind and your touch - your grab - sewn into my side
sinking as a summer without fin(n)s drowning in your baby blues,
and fooling myself into early christmas hollyboughs? go-lightly on me, oh please!
A ****** bisou beneath mistletoe
with curled toes and auroral, idolising eyes
fantasising eyes
overall, decriminalising eyes
Annie excuse at (H)all to see you and
-vive (mes soins, votre sécurité)
-kindle (the ignition to my inspiration)
-pair (poles apart)
a pair in the most offensive of ways
my only vice is cleansing yours
but your sins or psyche?
am i wounded or warming?
my truly fatal frailty
Women Who Love Too Much
Book by Robin Norwood
Emma Livry Jan 2017
The current existence
Excited the reckoning
With blissful swarms of
Bleak kisses on
Troubled judgement.
Part 4
Anna Brown Sep 2014
Everything is exploration
Mazes underground one thing leading to the next
Bisou Bisou
My tongue marvels at the words
I never realized why it was called a train of thought until the metro connected the places I've been
All about connection
Everything's about connection
The way your hugs match his
Or the city sings the same song
Painters expressing the same feelings
There was rain and sundresses
Different customs, I like yours better
You made me crave age, freedom, the city
Old and new buildings alike
Fancy bars and expensive clothes
A life I've never had
I still marvel at the taste
Mon Papa c'est le roi, ma maman c'est la reine,
Elle arrive à nous faire rire,
Même quand on a de la peine.
Tu nous prépares des jus d'oranges du guerrier,
Et des petits plats biens mitonnés.
Même si parfois on critique ta cuisine,
Tu sais bien, qu'en fait, on te taquine.
Tu nous fais des bisous tous les soirs,
Tu n'oublies jamais, même s'il est ****.
Avec toi on peut toujours se confier,
Bien que souvent, on a peur de t'inquiéter.
Tu nous soutiens dans les moments difficiles,
Tu sais toujours comment rendre notre vie plus facile.
On adore te faire plaisir,
Et encore plus te faire rire!
Je ne sais pas ce qu'on ferait sans toi,
Heureusement que ce n'est pas le cas!
Même pas peur des monstres sous mon lit
Ils sont chassés dès que tu viens la nuit;
Tu nous fais un bisou protecteur,
Avec lui je peux affronter toutes mes peurs.
Just last chance my love,
Just trust me and believe,
Last chance to show you,
Last chance to love you,

All I ask I Last chance,
To put you in nine place,
I messed up in the past,
But this time I will be the best,

It was a mistake to say adieu,
I still need your bisou,
I'm here to rescue,
Just Last kick ,

I'm not Evanescent,
I just realised you are important,
I'm at my lowest point,
I just feel your love,
Babe just last chance to fix,
Last chance to put you on empyrean,
To fly like an erne,
I'm tired of being alone,

Just one chance to love you,
Just one chance to show you ,
I want you my dear,
All I'm asking for is last chance,

I promise you will feel clamix,
I feel like I'm listening to a mix,
I love and need you.
Babe all I'm asking for is last chance
Rachna Beegun Feb 2015
" - Elle t'aime.
- Qui m'aime? C’est qui « elle » ?
- Celle qui t’aime? C'est la fille qui te regarde dans les yeux en te parlant. Celle qui sourit quand elle est à tes coté. Qui te taquine sans cesse pour au finale réussir à obtenir un câlin ou un simple bisou. C'est la fille qui veut t'embrasser la sur le champ. Celle qui ne rêve que d'une chose: crever dans tes bras. Elle veut que tu lui dises ce que tu penses d'elle. Que tu la prennes dans tes bras comme une poupée de porcelaine. Que tu la réconforte comme si tu réconfortais a ta petite sœur quand elle pleure. Que tu lui dises que tu l'aimes comme tu le dirais à ta mère. Cette fille-là, veut voir son reflet dans tes yeux quand tu souris, quand tu es heureux, quand tu rigoles. Mais ce qu'elle veut par-dessus tout, c'est ton cœur. Celui qui va la loger pendant des heures, des jours, des mois, des années. Elle a des frissons dans le ventre dès qu'elle te voit. Rêve de te dire je t'aime yeux dans les yeux.
what do you get out of thinking you're alright?
what do you dream in your room when it's late at night?
how do you feel, are you stuck in a
Déjà vu?
no, its not real
but I bet it's catching up to you.

I always felt like life was a beautiful
sad song
& if you hear me, I hope that you'll stay with me all night long
because I can't accept my loneliness,
I am my only friend
I just want to vanish to an iridescent land
life is such a beautiful sad song..

& I'll always be in some type of
love with you
I'll decide for myself what I want to do
taking the turnpike, sitting in sunny rooms
dead flowers in my head, yeah
flowers always in bloom
lyrics to a new song i'm writing..
Hebert Logerie Nov 2024
Au revoir
Pour toujours.

Avec mes deux mains
Je t’embrasse pour la vie
Pour les fleurs de demain
Et le bonheur sur le tapis.

Un bisou à gauche
Et un autre à droite
Ce n’est pas du tout moche.

Au fond de ta gorge étroite
Je nage non **** du gazon
Comme un géant poisson.

Copyright © Août 2024, Hébert Logerie, Tous droits réservés.
Hébert Logerie est l'auteur de plusieurs recueils de poésie.
Translation of 'Twin Kisses' in French

I'm feeling lonely,
I don't feel lovely,
I'm feeling lost,
I'm not in my best ,

Can you come over,
I know I will be happier,
Can you  can you come over,
Be my life saver,

All I'm asking for is one,
I'm tired to be alone,
Can you come over,
To restore that smile,

Come over i need your câlin,
Even your bisou,
Starting to feel chaleur,
Come over to calm the chaleur,

My mood rate is low,
I feel like to bow,
As if as I'm stabbed with an arrow,
Come over to restore my mood.

Tired of being lonely,
Come over you are my hope,
I know I'm not dope,
Uuu come over,

I'm going down,
Feeling like an clawn,
Can you please be  apace ,
I'm broken in asunder.

Hope you will cry with me,
Tired with this feeling,
Aah come ove,
You are my everything,

Please I'm on my knees,
Feeling like I had no purposes,
Please come over,
Onto come onto come,

Babe please come,
Please running out of time,
Can you can you,
I want you to come over just want you.....

— The End —