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Akillmisa Jul 2018
I remember when you would hit my chest
you would cry and pray
or whatever you felt that day
you'd look at me with those disgusted eyes and say
why dont you love me
well loving you made me this way

As every insecurity you projected unto me
led to my undoing
we fall apart
when I look at us
I  see the flaws you made aparent
I sigh woe is me blah blah blah
I hid behind the humor
but you made me this way

i remembered when you wanted my defensive
but when I did you became offensive
I dont understand
or  just wasn't comprehensive
of what mistakes I made
you were attentive that id never make this error again
I was set up for submission
or was that was your true intent
nevertheless you made me this way

I sleep next to you but the only presence is air
when I reach for your hand
you're not willing to share
id be there when you didn't want me to
but if the roles changed I aint sure what you'd do
this way of life isn't just about you
you made me this way to stop loving you
its late at night but i couldn't rest until my words were seen
DAVID Dec 2015
under the aparent darkness,
the nacar red of your lips
give me ligth.

between the tender and quiet
kisses of fire, you absorved
my darkness

there was no magic, it was
just that, two dark beings
absorving ligth.

a beast with a loewe head,
desolated, tormented, for
his pain.

between the lost and desdain,
and with desire sticked
to his skin.

the ligth in absolut darkness,
years looking that skin of silk,
those lips sweet as honney.

the silky and perfumated lips,
of a beautiful shadow, a lioness
in the dark.

and who will know, only darkness,
about that silk skin, that give ligth,
in a dark nigth.

a loewe, the lost descendant,
looking the way, and to that silk skin,
of honey gold and fire.

a lion lost in shadows, looking that
skin, that as divine grace, or gifth
of friendly gods.

found me, catch and love me
in the shadows, rigth before dawn,
giving life to the blackened heart.

and the flux of life, of strength,
to resist mi strokes, controling
herself tenderly.

never scared of my roarings,
only the beautiful fire, she give me,
with her nacar red lips.

her femmale lips, a beast, beautiful
with her skin of silk, perfumated and

tenderly resisting to the attacks of a
beast, thirsty of her, her ***, her blood, kissing
her skin inch by inch.

the HERMOSA shadow, with silk skin,
and nacar red lips, resist even thou, she
wanted to lay next to this beast

thirsty of her, her body, her etternal legs,
her *** of MUJER HERMOSA,
the beautiful and sweet lioness, that was mine
in absolut darkness..
liz Nov 2013
i am not prayer; i am poetry
and exist within
(and outside)
a realm of preconceived notions
about choices from august nights

and i still experience
that uncomfortable humidity
that pours from hot breath and hollow hearts

have you ever stopped to think
that i am more than
a look on my face
(an aparent sign of ****** activity)
and that the feelings we share are not mutual

i am sexless
and will not submit myself to: *** of sorry/
of fifty mile travels/
or because you are homesick/
or because you walked me to my car
parked 50 feet away

because i am more that fifty feet
and i am more than prayers and poems
Eleanor May 2016
Of all the worlds I fall into none. But space and time have no hold on me. I watch from above in aparent silence and wonder how I can get back to my body.
Anna2000 Apr 2015
Science explains life as a series of reactions.
Some are inevitable.
Some are just chance.
Science is supposed to be a explanation,
But somehow,
Mabye just because I am me,
Science has failed me.
That day in 7th grade was just a fleeting feeling
Or so I thought.
A crush is just that.
A confusing, scattered mix of feelings, that normally,
Science could explain.
Dialated pupals,
Fluttering heart?
Flushed cheeks?
Still normal.
This is what science explains.
Perfect sense.
But what about what it can't explain.
This little fleeting feeling can
Turn a normally sane person into a aparent lunatic .
Turn a single word into what seems like a thousand buzzing
Coded messages.
Turn a slight stumble into a worldwide tumble.
That quiet little feeling,
That you told to just go away,
Has apparently decided instead
To just keep growing.
To defy rationality
To blurr the line between just a flutter
And the unknown.
Even after a year of starving that feeling,
And you think, its finally gone
With a mixture of
disapointment and relief.
Just to find out that it was hibernating
And ready to make a comeback.
Do these things
That just start as just a little feeling
Defy science
And turn into what could be described as
Resiliant, controlling,
Odd little feelings turned creature
That seem to have minds of their own
And a twisted sense of humor.
Things that some might Call
the begginings of love.
One of the few,
Or perhaps many,
Things that are truly
Jack R Fehlmann Dec 2014
I cannot lie about my station in life.
I know that it is  the direct result of my choices.
At some point I made  a choice  that did no good,
though at first, right then, in that moment
It seemed alright, ill effects, truthful toll unnoticed.
And I will not pretend that I' ve made so many,
hundreds,.. thousands?
Some are worse than the others,
few are borderline as at their worst they do no harm.
Then there are the milestones.
The horrendous game changers that narrowed options.
I look back, now, from this, my aparent station.
My role in the scheme of things.
Who I am and all that I lack,
with my head lowered, and my eyes squeezed tight
reliving, regretting... in acceptance.
I made my choices and I earned all that I have,
Or worse, all I'll never get.
Long ago I made these choices at a great expense.
In the heat of those moments
Their ultimate and yet to be completed prices
they seemed weightless, and had no warning tags...
Well, all but the addictive types that we are told of.
Warned, schooled, shown facts, pictures  and advertisements
But the those were for the others,
Not a master of his this world, his life,
his was supposed to be bulletproof, unbeatable, perfect..
Well to that kid I say hello,..
from this low, unwanted and barely capable existance.
Long ago I made these choices.
Quwaine Aug 2020
They say real eyes realize real lies
Social improvement disguised as gentrification.
Pandemics and self contained isolation,
Still doesn't stop the industrialized racism of our nation.
It's like they want me to be black, without being black,
they say black is as beautiful as the night sky,
but at the same time will make comparisons to my skin being the same colour as under the bed
you made it so lay in it.
dont try to justify your actions though the scapegoat of ignorance.
Its not bliss, its blisters.
The ice and fire of your words cause a chemical reaction that is more than skin deep,
Internally screaming, angry tears from my third eye weep.
But better not make a sound or a peep
Being an angry black man can prove to be fatal.
Labeled as a criminal but our melanin deficient counterpart's are simply mentally unstable,
our innocence and resonable doubt was left in the cradle.
Our depression was only made aparent after the dissolution of our family was concieved post-natal,
but they still want us to be grateful?
surpirsed that the thoughts from the recessess of my mind are ones that are hateful,
thinking that these blanco diablos have nothing but ill itentions
serenading me with affection and attention, while simultaneously executing their decpetion
But.... real eyes realize real lies.

— The End —