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Ghazal Feb 2014
Her feet float above the stage
as if carried by some unseen force.
From my view among the generally admitted
I can hardly make out the details of her face.
But those graceful movements are so alluring
each subtle step, precise, and all consuming.

She is the most vulnerable of all artists,
performing a dance that demands every emotion soak through her skin.
Each fluid movement pulls from the reservoir of her experience.
Trained from a young age to move agilely across the stage,
bearing the weight of the world upon her shoulders;
My Ballerina has more heart than anyone else on earth.

This reckless transparency, on the stage, is her glory.
Yet in the average corner of existence
this susceptibility to the sun's rays
would leave one suffering the harshest burns.
My Ballerina hurdles from one emotional extreme to another
with the cyclical tensing and relaxing of each muscle.
please comment please
Transcendentally existential in-extremis extremity nuance.  Vicinity victual vigilante villain.  Propinquity habitation harbinger harangued.  Clairaudience clairvoyance agilely dexterous acuity, tactile coordination.  Feral phrenic frenzied ****.  Carousel ceaselessly ceremony chaos character charisma.  29th Psalm some holy spirit, the angel was a vision of resplendent beauty as it hovered in mid air above the knoll.  Apex axis crux and citadel pinnacle's peak.  And yet I would distance traveled time spent like to mitigate this of in to you.  What then is the essence of metaphysical mystique.  I say lets ethereally sublime be mesmerically enrapturing.  Ecstatically euphoric and climactically *******.  Let your vicarious recalcitrance revel in the prolific profuseness of my profundity as we lavish in our wanton abandon.  Though paw flaw laws are to claws aimed craw, horsefeathers are more proficient and surreal on the salaciously seductive.
in response to Bill Hughes' "Please Write"
Kimberly Clemens Nov 2013
Curtain dust is like magic falling onto the stage
And the rickety crickety creaking of the aged floor
Holds all the birthrights to the moments constantly being born.

The sea of floating souls do not desire anything more
But to submerge themselves in the waves of the anthems
And underwater they try to bottle the fallen curtain magic.

Wavelengths of harmonies flow through space
Beckoning for a flow, a feeling, a connection between each other
Moments agilely fleet away, but here time is endless.
I feel like this isn't finished, but....
smriti Feb 2018
Caressing your breath
through mine
lingering through
the heart beats
your presence enlightens
my soul to eternity…

Though we were strangers
in the whole wide world
but as we came together
it created a new world
where love flutters through the air
and spirits are set free…

I wonder how come
i had been living alone
& lament for the moments
i lived on my own
as you reflect through my eyes
i smile to the word of the mighty…

Your embrace hugs my essence
at its core
your smile
let my heart dance
to the carols of swirling waves
brushing the sands on a cliff of the sea…

Cool salty breeze
agilely cuddling around
letting my flick
touch your cheek
to let us both twirl together
now, whatever the song it be…
fast as a blitzen comet,
     this dashing prancer
     contra dancer
     (i.e. Rudolph nary hoof) didst zip

with cupid ditty toward his ***** wife,
     who loosed a suppressed yip
asper one discovering remains of the day
     from the donner

     (newt the majority) party whip
ping her olive drab camouflage attire,
     as if she hapt to be a vip
endlessly congratulating herself

     (and bow wowing her ego) bing awarded
     the housekeeping seal of approval,
     and expected me to tip
her gore gee us Martha Stewart déclassé

     snoop doggy dog rendition
     as she did slip
agilely (with broom and dustpan in hand) rip
peat head lee uttering

     an apropos Mary Poppins quip
booting muck can clear across to Compton
     (wherever that might be) pip
pin like a cat on a hot tin roof,
     where no cure existed to nip

in the bud at this stage,
     and rid thine beloved Narberth bride,
who caught a bout clean destine
     feverish frenzy to make house beautiful,

     oblivious to beseeching despair,
     sans this husband who cried
plaintively imploring divine intervention,
     lest extreme heroic measures

     need be taken, thus guide
me asap before her blistered hands
     rubbed red as tender (vittles) raw hide,
     which could find her catatonic, doggone

     ill eagle lee flying a boot
     like a bat out of hell, and stupefied
hence, this urgent message typed out in a huff
     for less severe invasive

     experimental treatment truly tried
on this, that, or some other missus so and so
     .....please pardon this abrupt end,
     plus initial idea wide

lee differing from my initial intent won
during how to write an elegy to mister son
describing, how aye felt enervated with run
hills of beaming solar rays, oh how none

synthetic drug to bathe,
     enhance, suffuse away mon
day moody blues,
     and now...gotta tend tummy ***!
Transcendentally existential in-extremis extremity nuance.  Vicinity victual vigilante villain.  Propinquity habitation harbinger harangued.  Clairaudience clairvoyance agilely dexterous acuity, tactile coordination.  Feral phrenic frenzied ****.  Carousel ceaselessly ceremony chaos character charisma.  29th Psalm some holy spirit, the angel was a vision of resplendent beauty as it hovered in mid air above the knoll.  Apex axis crux and citadel pinnacle's peak.  And yet I would distance traveled time spent like to mitigate this of in to you.  What then is the essence of metaphysical mystique.  I say lets ethereally sublime be mesmerically enrapturing.  Ecstatically euphoric and climactically *******.  Let your vicarious recalcitrance revel in the prolific profuseness of my profundity as we lavish in our wanton abandon.  Though paw flaw laws are to claws aimed craw, horsefeathers are more proficient and surreal on the salaciously seductive.
Ethereal Pegasus, emissary liaison
ever the amateur family entomologist

Upon texting her a picture
(countless moments ago
since October ninth)
unfamiliar delicate looking critter -
(seen inside the apartment many times),
she quickly identified crane fly
agilely affixed to lampshade.

I figuratively tip hat at Tipulidae
long legged dainty insect
poised to strike proboscis,
where adults buzzfeed on
nectar from flowers or other outdoor plants
unlike larvae whose diet
constitutes decaying wood and vegetation.

Said winged six-legged invertebrate
of the class Insecta
resembles a mosquito on steroids,
and can freak people out, crane flies
pose absolutely zero harm
to bipedal hominids i.e. **** sapiens.

Detriment to human beings
ought not serve as benchmark
to assess purposefulness regarding
all creatures large and small,
rhetorical question cometh your way:
how came man/woman kind
as arbitrary arbiter
determining which animal
and/or plant species
can claim their sweepstake
linkedin with world wide ecological web?

If assigned role of divine creator,
(atop egg shaped noggin of mine
thorn of crown yours truly would don)
dutifully, eagerly and immediately trumpet,
whereby naked ape relegated to dung heap
feasted upon courtesy voracious grubs
chief among them
the Alaskan Bull Worm.

Life, liberty and pursuit of happiness
in sync with inalienable rights
decreed toward all flora and fauna
except nasty horrible brute
loosing wanton cruelty upon planet
bajillion dollar bounty on her/his head
plus forced to eat Peruvian puff peppers,
which measures 16 million Scoville units

(this drake just joshing you)
if she/he violates trespassing code
compromising, jeopardizing, or yawping
indignities heaped against the existence
of any organism
(except haughty human beings)
entitled to live
upon oblate spheroid.

Invariably survival of the fittest
will decree dominance
of one or another living entity
unless robots take over the world.
The easy to handle
sticky sided material
made of a variety of materials, including
cellulose acetate, polypropylene,
PVC, and adhesive
(alluded to in the title)
applied in an innovative manner
allowing, enabling, and providing me
the means and ways to affix paper bags
artfully, carefully, and gingerly
paper folded over school books,
which requisite book covers
(Trader Joe's bags supremely sturdy)
lasted the entire school year,
and offered an opportunity
to flaunt my creativity
without marring the school property
subsequently said weathered book covered,
id est paper plastered with scotch tape
offering a clear smooth sheen,
albeit fantastically, easily and courtesy
itty bitty teensy weensy serrated edge
used to cut off cleanly
in a very precise manner
over every square inch
of dad who bagged agilely
Methacton School reading material,
which left the book like new
(actually removing said cover
analogous to solving a Chinese puzzle)
subsequently at close of term
and eighth year of being educated
after getting promoted to the next grade
got sold at electronic auction
to the highest bidder –
powder milk biscuits free),
for a decent price,
which amazingly enough
intact wrapping materials
once removed with surgical precision
to maintain integrity of specially crafted
Matthew Scott Harris quality binding
grace the halls
of many famous art institutes,
(and many walls of nouveau riche
and worth - in my nonbiased
humble estimation) a mint,
when sold off eBay giving me near
instantaneously fame and fortune
to quit the rigors
of an honors based academic curriculum,
and reap laurels publishing and selling
my book with the grateful assistance
particularly when - yours truly
as one of the topnotch students
in Mister Bergey's math class,
(slated to graduate June 19__,
but on account
of stupendous entrepreneurial talent,
and nonpareil literary composition
in tandem with making
heavy duty sturdy book covers,
which humdrum assignment
delivered overnight fame and fortune,
the unheard of acclaim
gave me a ticket to ride
to the head of the class
after phenomenal success
affixing said book covers)
after beloved popular educationist
assigned each kid
why he/she needed
to cover Algebra book
extra credit Brownie/
Cub scout points given
for endeavor presented
on optional writing endeavor
penning a convincing essay
about why such action
ought to be undertaken,
not only the obvious reason
to ensure protection
against the elements at large
that could wreak havoc
and render ruinous
said book next to useless
thus after some brainstorming
this then precocious
paperback writer wannabe
(essentially fool on the hill)
You Do The Calculus;
A Radical Exponent
With Number Of Factors
To Cover Textbook
dreamt up the aforementioned drab title
videre licet crafty appellation  
all the while enveloping, kneading,
and sporting mine smug mug
(of yours truly - the author holding pet pug)
an absolutely glorious amazing
example of his creation
recyclable with minor alterations
for generations of vipers.

— The End —