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Robert C Howard Sep 2013
Symphony No.9 in d – minor, opus 125

Allegro ma non troppo

The silence gives way gently
to quiet tremolos rustling
beneath the beckoning
call of distant horns.
A melodic cell, nascent in violins,
spirals down to the somber depths
of cello and contrabass.

A sudden cataclysm
shakes the hall like thunder
heralding our universal birth.
Gales of sonic force
splashed like turbulent waves
against the rocky shores.

Drifting sans glass or sextant
on a sea of expanding mystery,
we gaze to the heavens
in hopes for a glimpse
of our father’s aetherial dwelling.

Molto vivace

With hands intertwined,
we dance in a ring
to the capricious airs
of the laughing gods
with Zeus himself on timpani.
So pass the wine and kiss your neighbor
and fill your glass to the brim!
For today is yesterday’s morrow
and tomorrow’s history.

Adagio molto e cantabile

There is no greater and more healing light
than the candles that shine
in the eyes of a friend
or loving spouse -  
tenderly lighting our paths
through the storms and fogs
that cloud our lives.
Peace abides in a friend's embrace.

An die Freude

Against raging storms of
strife and sorrow.
we hear a healing voice
A calm cello hymn -
that migrates up to higher cords
of violas and violins -
breaking into joyous song
sung by trumpets, winds and drums.

Casting all shrillness of discord aside,
a baritone lines out Schiller’s ode -
and sings of Elysium’s daughter.  
Quartet and chorus enter in
proclaiming hope for the human family,

A tenor raises a stein to valor
in the company of his friends.
The quiet pulsing of horns and winds
ushers in torrents of ecstasy.
Arms clasped in communal embrace,
we gaze to heaven on bended knees
then rise with a majestic fugue
that illuminates our souls
like a blazing Alpine dawn.

In a cyclone of passion,
Schiller's words and Beethoven's notes
entreat us to restore
what custom has rent apart
that each of us may live our lives
as brothers in heavenly sanctuary.

May 25, 2007
Firefly Jan 2016
A forgotten poem by Henry Brooke ( Irish Dramatist/Novelist)

Taken from

Or cool recess of odoriferous shade,
And fan the peasant in the panting glade;
Or lace the coverture of painted bower,
While from the enamell'd roof the sweet profusions shower.
Here duplicate, the range divides beneath,
Above united in a mantling wreath;
With continuity protracts delight,
Imbrown'd in umbrage of ambiguous night;
Perspicuous the vista charms our eye,
And opens, Janus like, to either sky;
Or stills attention to the feather'd song,
While echo doubles from the warbling throng.

Here, winding to the sun's magnetic ray,
The solar plants adore the lord of day,
With Persian rites idolatrous incline,
And worship towards his consecrated shrine;
By south from east to west obsequious turn,
And moved with sympathetic ardours burn.
To these adverse, the lunar sects dissent,
With convolution of opposed bent;
From west to east by equal influence tend,
And towards the moon's attractive crescence bend;
There, nightly worship with Sidonian zeal,
And queen of heaven Astarte's idol hail.

" O Nature , whom the song aspires to scan!
" O B EAUTY , trod by proud insulting man,
" This boasted tyrant of thy wondrous ball,
" This mighty, haughty, little lord of all;
" This king o'er reason, but this slave to sense,
" Of wisdom careless, but of whim immense;
" Towards T HEE ! incurious, ignorant, profane,
" But of his own, dear, strange, productions vain!
" Then, with this champion let the field be fought,
" And nature's simplest arts 'gainst human wisdom brought:
" Let elegance and bounty here unite —
" There kings beneficent, and courts polite;
" Here nature's wealth — there chymist's golden dreams;
" Her texture here — and there the statesman's schemes;
" Conspicuous here let Sacred Truth appear —
" The courtier's word, and lordling's honour there;
" Here native sweets in boon profusion flow —
" There smells that scented nothing of a beau;
" Let justice here unequal combat wage —
" Nor poise the judgment of the law-learn'd sage;
" Tho' all-proportion'd with exactest skill,
" Yet gay as woman's wish, and various as her will. "

O say, ye pitied, envied, wretched great,
Who veil pernicion with the mask of state!
Whence are those domes that reach the mocking skies,
And vainly emulous of nature rise?
Behold the swain projected o'er the vale!
See slumbering peace his rural eyelids seal;
Earth's flowery lap supports his vacant head;
Beneath his limbs her broider'd garment's spread;
Aloft her elegant pavilion bends,
And living shade of vegetation lends,
With ever propagated bounty blest,
And hospitably spread for every guest:
No tinsel here adorns a taudry woof,
Nor lying wash besmears a varnish'd roof;
With native mode the vivid colours shine,
And heaven's own loom has wrought the weft divine,
Where art veils art; and beauties beauties close,
While central grace diffused throughout the system flows.
The fibres, matchless by expressive line,
Arachne's cable, or aetherial twine,
Continuous, with direct ascension rise,
And lift the trunk, to prop the neighbouring skies.
Collateral tubes with respiration play,
And winding in aerial mazes stray.
These as the woof, while warping, and athwart
The exterior cortical insertions dart
Transverse, with cone of equidistant rays,
Whose geometric form the F ORMING H AND displays.
Recluse, the interior sap and vapour dwells
In nice transparence of minutest cells;
From whence, thro' pores or transmigrating veins
Sublimed the liquid correspondence drains,
Their pithy mansions quit, the neighbouring chuse,
And subtile thro' the adjacent pouches ooze;
Refined, expansive, or regressive pass,
Transmitted thro' the horizontal mass;
Compress'd the lignous fibres now assail,
And entering thence the essential sap exhale;
Or lively with effusive vigour spring,
And form the circle of the annual ring,
The branch implicit of embowering trees,
And foliage whispering to the vernal breeze;
While Zephyr tuned, with gentle cadence blows,
And lull'd to rest consenting eyelids close.
Ah! how unlike those sad imperial beds,
Which care within the gorgeous prison spreads;
Where tedious nights are sunk in sleepless down,
And pillows vainly soft, to ease the thorny crown!

Nor blush thou rose, tho' bashful thy array,
Transplanted chaste within the raptured lay;
Thro' every bush, and warbled spray we sing,
And with the linnet gratulate the spring;
Sweep o'er the lawn, or revel on the plain,
Or gaze the florid, or the fragrant scene;
I know its haughty, but please read!:) its one of my favorites!
Robert Zanfad Nov 2013
these things are yours:
the leather sofas, paintings and mantlepiece chachkas
marked with pink post-it notes
that defined this houseload of secrets to outsiders

as I wrote glories for you in forced smiles garnishing
black and white stories for a world you craved
our home groaned beneath the weight

pink notes

they feel like garottes, the
crafty complaints to strangers
duly noted in a ledger somewhere...

I never noticed 'till now
that even our children have been plastered with them,
sorry little heads bobbing under their wires,
stiff armed puppets, like me
facing ruined toys or threatened death of a pet,
love served contingent like dessert after dinner

my powder blue lips were ever too meager to say anything

I suppose the sofa your cat peed
on is mine to sleep in,
though bleach wasn't enough to get her stink out
no chairs around my foldout dinner table

I never had a stack of blue paper to paste on furniture or people

my meager parts were abandoned by curbside at night:
clothing, computer, tools;
broken finger, blood-crusty nose,
bruised psyche;
memories of a mother and father;
old desk, contents drenched in murky wash water
treasures to be gathered in an Easter egg hunt
before morning

I'm *****, broken on the street
to live in the van again and *** in a cup

yet I elate in this paucity of things; it makes me lighter
I embrace its freedom
like when I used to sleep in park trees
to avoid river vermin, hungry
(yes, pate´ in Paris was divine - I ate the serving you’d have wasted )

or on train station benches with foul-smelling vagrants
you wouldn't understand that interaction …
this devil knows names, shared their bottles and pains
(the view of Prague’s rooftops from the castle veranda -
marvelous over glasses of wine and slivers of brie)

I learned hope is thin, frail skin, aetherial
my scars are hard, heavy, battle-earned wings that will never fly

as to things I do own:
love of self left after your half-portion spent;
poems scorned because
you never understood how they could be born without you

soon enough
we'll both be ashes or dust;
I’ll go in puffs
of swirling cigarette smoke and cheap bourbon
you under soil, I think
while words and our children
will both outlive the good sofa you sit on

I want them to be happy
Darkly Feb 2017
Let me pull you through this as
gently all the little things you see
reach out and pluck you from the home you keep

Uncertain steps to somewhere
this can only be a dream
what does it mean

What does it mean

In the arms of the aetherial gale
I am not sure
it’s like I’ve been here before

Once mighty wings now
encased in silken threads again
I close my eyes with a hand in the well of notions

Welcome to infinity
awoken to be put to sleep
the wave is calling for me

Where is the key
to the gate
who is the keeper
to the kept

The darkest part of distant space
the deepest fathoms in a lightness place
there is no abyss
no nothingness
it all exists to flow
These are lyrics from my personal music project, Mars Orca.
Marisia Delafuga Mar 2015
Lovers  speak the language of the Universe
They hold the infinite joy and smiles
lovers are reborn everyday
lovers are the new gold
lovers like you and me
we are the heavens melody
we bring new music in this new Era
Aetherial mystic directly to warm Our soul connection
Lovers speak Orenda!
In this Orenda I Surrender
In this Orenda We Surrender
were the miracles takes place
Lovers Lovers
infinite Lovers!
Kevin Gish Jun 2014
A thunderstorm now blossoms, stealing the sheen from a lambent sky.
Selfish clouds harvest light, storing it away for security,
An aetherial currency long-forgotten.

But she remembers, hiding amid grey flannel bedsheets.
She remembers all: the birth of the ground as it fell from the trees,
The death of the moss that hoped for more.
She remembers the haunting shriek of the pterodactyl, circling into Oblivion.

In her room on the moon, with doors of ancient bone and holy song,
Locked away from the great hereafter, she hears the whisper of a promise meant for a whole world and falls asleep.
the undiscovered petals of the cryptic stemless magnolia
scattering in the effervescent breeze
just like our bodies assemble and deconstruct
at irregular intervals we perpetually yearn for breath
wich may instill in us the desire to dream a dream within a dream
as dusk shapes itself gently into dawn like weaving poetry
we heave and shudder beneath the unspeakable intricacies of the mocking skies
interlaced with ancient stars and sacred light
deep in the darkness they exchange secret ciphers with hermetic lips far-flung
unlike your own as we speak in hidden tongues
we may never unravel the singularity
behind their riven frequency
in perfect metric form
even shouldst we prevail upon the dark with our will to power
the endless listlesness of our immortal coils
will in time reveal to us the sublime putrefaction
and we will no longer hear the music of the stars
and every lavish note wich passed us by
will haunt and torment us til dark becomes darker still
though i am but a shadow my love strook pure and true
for i wept at your side throughout the anguish of your life
and i gently persuaded the moonlight to bathe you while you slept
its gentle beams flowed through the gaps in the autumn leaves
falling lifeless and withered from the earthly pillars of life
twixt your bedroom window
a thousand-and-one umbral nights may pass
but the imprint of your countenance engraved upon my heart
like ancient secret hieroglyphs dying to be cast like spells
loud and ardently into the twisting narrow dark
so that our eldritch love may manifest
in the ultraviolet of my heart
often do i think about that day when we first met
on that strange and alien shore
nothing but the silence and illusions faint
of battleships battered and broken
beyond the hazy light in your eyes
we walked along its pale and desolate banks
hand in hand like young wild things do
entranced by the shapes of the strangest seashells
our bare feet oblivious in regards
to the ephemeral depressions of the pathways we crossed
in the wet and cold crystallized sand
white, glittering and gleaming
in the fading misty morning
we may have made love that following night
but we are no longer here to remember anyway
if there exists another plane somewhere beyond
i hope to retrace our steps there once more
and fall in love again and again forevermore
our broken aetherial astral boats
that once crossed some otherworldly stream
may cross oneanother yet again in a dream
Wombed Dawn ascends /
Yearning to cascade /
Upon Treasured a gaian sphere, /
She is our earthly matriarch; /
O, Her aeonian epidermis /
Thirsts for aetherial droplets of dew /
That crash & quench in sonic frequencies, /
Under radiant, adamantine moonbeams, /
& Galvanic blue-hot lightning. /

The Melodious Winds beckon me /
As each susurrant breeze /
Brushes against my hair follicles /
Awakening the vagabond in me. /
Although I glean naught a zephyr /
I fathom the celestial compass of her travels, /
She spirits me away /
To surging airborne streams /
A sanctuary of life & lovelight. /

Rouse within me /
The somnolent Moonbeams /
That can only be seen /
As I glisten in the night; O, the liminal throes of twilight. /
Believe in me, /
Fathom my presence, /
Even when /
My corporeal vessel can no longer be seen, /
Be observed, in eyes bound by mortality. /

Trust in the stellar element /
Inhabiting your existence /
Upon this realm: /
You are a luminary, /
A beacon, /
A lodestar. /
Awaken to the fatidic foreordinance: /
A nascent constellation you've augured /
Upon your Beloved Creator's Mind's Sky. /

Shine, /
Shine, /
Desiderata, /
    Shine, /
Shine, /
Materialista, /
       Shine, /
Shine, /
Transcendentalista. /

(—Se' lah)
1 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

2 "Now the earth was formless and desolate, and there was darkness upon the surface of the watery deep, and God’s active force was moving about over the surface of the waters."

3 "And God said: 'Let there be light.' Then there was light."

4 "After that God saw that the light was good, and God began to divide the light from the darkness."

5 "God called the light Day, but the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, a first day."

6 "Then God said: 'Let there be an expanse between the waters, and let there be a division between the waters and the waters.'"

7 "Then God went on to make the expanse and divided the waters beneath the expanse from the waters above the expanse. And it was so."

8 "God called the expanse Heaven. And there was evening and there was morning, a second day."

9 "Then God said: 'Let the waters under the heavens be collected together into one place, and let the dry land appear.' And it was so."

10 "God called the dry land Earth, but the collecting of the waters, he called Seas. And God saw that it was good."

11 "Then God said: 'Let the earth cause grass to sprout, seed-bearing plants and fruit trees according to their kinds, yielding fruit along with seed on the earth.' And it was so. "

12 "And the earth began to produce grass, seed-bearing plants and trees yielding fruit along with seed, according to their kinds. Then God saw that it was good."

13 "And there was evening and there was morning, a third day."

14 "Then God said: 'Let there be luminaries in the expanse of the heavens to make a division between the day and the night, and they will serve as signs for seasons and for days and years.'"

15 "'They will serve as luminaries in the expanse of the heavens to shine upon the earth.' And it was so."

16 "And God went on to make the two great luminaries, the greater luminary for dominating the day and the lesser luminary for dominating the night, and also the stars."

17 "Thus God put them in the expanse of the heavens to shine upon the earth"

18 "and to dominate by day and by night and to make a division between the light and the darkness. Then God saw that it was good."

19 "And there was evening and there was morning, a fourth day."

20 "Then God said: 'Let the waters swarm with living creatures, and let flying creatures fly above the earth across the expanse of the heavens.'”

21 "And God created the great sea creatures and all living creatures that move and swarm in the waters according to their kinds and every winged flying creature according to its kind. And God saw that it was good."

22 "With that God blessed them, saying: 'Be fruitful and become many and fill the waters of the sea, and let the flying creatures become many in the earth.'”

23 "And there was evening and there was morning, a fifth day."

24 "Then God said: 'Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds, domestic animals and creeping animals and wild animals of the earth according to their kinds.' And it was so."

25 "And God went on to make the wild animals of the earth according to their kinds and the domestic animals according to their kinds and all the creeping animals of the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good."

26 "Then God said: 'Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness, and let them have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and the domestic animals and all the earth and every creeping animal that is moving on the earth.'”

27 "And God went on to create the man in his image, in God’s image he created him; male and female he created them."

28 "Further, God blessed them, and God said to them: 'Be fruitful and become many, fill the earth and subdue it, and have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving on the earth.'”

29 "Then God said: 'Here I have given to you every seed-bearing plant that is on the entire earth and every tree with seed-bearing fruit. Let them serve as food for you.'"

30 "'And to every wild animal of the earth and to every flying creature of the heavens and to everything moving on the earth in which there is life, I have given all green vegetation for food.' And it was so."

31 "After that God saw everything he had made, and look! it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, a sixth day."

—Genesis 1: 1- 31 (NWTSE)

Excelsior Forevermore,

Sanders Maurice Foulke III, AAS
Marisia Delafuga Mar 2015
One thing that I Have Learned Along my journey Is that the inability to face Reality by denying it or suppressing it surely Doesn't work.
I wanna tell you that in this pretty wild thing Called LIFE there is
ABSOLUTELY ******* Everything. Oh YES! And I mean it Absofuckinglutely Everything. There's no need to protect your soul from life since you're Already the life!
there is no need to be in a constant fight.
Take it As it is and rebuilt your own Fire, your own tribe!
Honesty is the foundation in facing our inner demons
To regain our inner peace and Your Soul.
If I were A Child Again I would just Listen and embrace this lil soul and I would say to this lil girl that " In this Life there is Everything, Don't wait in vain , there is madness, there is huge light and huge darkness, take it as it is and MOVE On! Move On With Your Life!
NO matter what.  The situations will test your Desire for change!
And Reveal your darkest aspects to shine A Light on them.
Your Soul is a protagonist! You are the Value you are the meaning.

ReSTART again!


TRUST in your Instincts! Yes TRUST In your Instincts please.
Respect your needs enough and laughing at the society's joke!
You Are the Artist in this life so let's make a masterpiece were your soul is laughing and don't believe the lies in your brain. Ignore all the voices that doesn't came from a deepest love, ignore all the liars lil by lil, feel your dreams and feel your waves! And now lets water our brilliant Dreams.."
There is A Voice inside whispering the secrets of your universe!
Where Does this Voice is came from?
Is Your souls Voice!
Have faith in this Beauty
And from a state of powerlessness you transition into a powerful state
From a victim state you slowly becoming a Victor
I wanna connect this distance
gracefully wisely faithfully and fearlessly  with all my passion
and my primal instincts! You may call it resurrection
And in this Acceptance I find a joy and support to Ride My waves!
My life waves!
And I Love them I LOVE them All
Being ALIVE is ABlessing
We are Still Alive and that really means A LOT..
I want more
more spring
more laughs
more tears of joy
more peace
more thrills
more reliefs
more joy
more Love
more Release n' Catharsis
more Abundanceflow
more Awe
More Inspiration To ACT on!
More Beauty
more good music
more Rise and Shine
more Delicious taste
more Aetherial scent
more HOLY Days
More Cool Summer Breeze
more Rise and Shine
more Truth and Dare
more Humans with Kindness
more wisdom in our consciousness
more simplicity
more Angel Kisses
more more more
to blown me away..
Woe is to this galaxy, we have finally converged our ends to this retched world. It is now time to ready your weapons; for we will show no mercy. Turn your eyes to this love that shines brightly and reflects to embrace you with its tenderness. I'm am the sun and she is like the moon, this metaphor used so regularly, it takes our roles of confidence and takes it to the extremes. We float ever so gently, gasping only for the day to see eachother again. As the night falls, I rise to search for her, in place and others. This and that one. High and low. Shallow and deep I will search. When I fall she rises, pondering about trail of woe. She finds me after a tide, and smiles at my face, brightening to give our light to this world. She floats closer and the ominous aura we liberate compels the mind and weakens the state of hatred others love in. If only our parents could understand that we do, the stars and planets and elements and aetherial aspects, we call to you to look upon us and finally realize, this love is eternal, and never again shall we search so woefully for the other, for we know the next time we meet; it will be a day that makes a man cry.
Sorry for the non- Latin translation... it's "***" so that's why I'd rather not have that as the title... haha

— The End —