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My organs need aligning      
To my mind's meandering tract.
Irrespective if she loved me,
I should have loved her back.  

August 1st 1994

What do you want from me? I am not just,
As you desire; I am not whole or part
Of your antiquity. I know I must
Deplete my ore of you; I must depart,
If only to withstand the judgment call
That I should sober mine my soul. I dig
But find my land possesses naught but pall
Shrouds, wrecked by empty casks and crowded brigs.
‘Tis only with the passing time and flight:
When I long to belong, when I am blind
With *****, stupefied and brain-dead bright,
That Scotland, you invade my winding mind.
The question haunts as dreich as my desire.
My constant drunken dream will ne’er expire.

Where do we go from here? What is to come
Of me within you, in you, here and now?
The solitary plight in one man’s sum
Of rhyme and reason creases on my brow.
I, sweat in winter outcast by the self,
Must sit. I crouch and crawl from bed to bowl.
This box is stutter stained by glass, the serf
My conscience specified, to catch the soul’s
Transfusion red to street. It drips and slides,
It split my very sides when sadness swept
So close. Dear Scotland, will I ever hide
The condemnation, nailing my inept
Existence? Will I ever find the time?
Dear Scotland please prepare my earthbound lime.

It did, and I did, one after the first.
And now the long time that I walk upon
Has thrown itself, is gone. The wayside burst.
Yet blind, I still conceived my setting sun.
Lone looped black celluloid, I circled, fed
Upon the axle of my own demise,
So many times in dry feet, airborne led
(To a) dishevelled Scotland, spread for absent eyes.
Undressed: acceptant in the throes of musk,
The tear comes shuddering. The chasm wails;
The dales of concrete weep from dawn till dusk.
Yet my visage of sickened eyelets fails.
If Scotland is to eye, my wounded knee:
Then tomb my head in Boston, let it be.
You loved me with a broken quill clutched tight
Into your hand. My blind eyes reacted to
The sound of greyness in your voice. A flight
And fancy ploy: the essence of a truth.
As memories of eggshelled sojourns waltzed
To Spain and back my tip-skin touched the soul
Of spirit taste, on foot, which cracked beneath
Another sole. My role had shifted poles.
Yet then, in linened white and Boston bright
Disdain, I worshiped, nay, I bled the thought
Of rain on cobbled Ahston Lane. To fight
The want was useless. Now, to the fight, I float.
A ghost in life, I crawled the clouds for miles,
To shake my Scotland’s hand and reconcile.

Barry Miller-Cole 2011
Dougie Simps Nov 2013
Everyones looking for wealth and always have they hand out for more
but what's a dollar to success if you morally poor?
what's the point of being a king without respect for the throne?
why say you independent, when you can barely hold your own...
ya called me out and said "He stopped writing with passion"
"He's writing for a deal, hasn't been the same since "They Keep Asking"
Mentally I'm basking...taking in the sun
closing my eyes at night, dreaming about what I might become.
I'm figuring out all my mistakes while drawing a few plans
strengthening up my posture, so I can be the model of a grown man.

Life's a ***** and I'm patiently waiting to met her, imma dress to the nine,
with pistol when I greet her!
cause she's taken every bit of my sanity and soul
shes left me for dead at the end of casualty road
but this I definitely know, I hate her but owe her one
it was her challenges she threw me that made me who I've become.
I'm in touch with my demons and have conversations with the monster
any obstacle in my way, I so easily conquer!

Look up when I walk, confident when I talk
got up from the crime scene and cleaned up all the chalk.
Refused to settle for death even when there seemed like no return
God sent me here to guide all who is lost, teach those willing to learn.
Just worry about you, don't live life waiting for others to approve
remember we was built to win, but born to lose.
Society will pick and choose
Very rarely is it acceptant
Forget them and their *******, look up and accept your reflection.
- Dougie Simps
been a while
crackedheart Jun 2016
Why do we choose to hate?
Why don't we just live peacefully among ourselves?
Why do we have to live in a chaotic state?

Can't we all just be friends?
Can't we just love each other like we're supposed to?
Can't we just let hatred end?

It's so sad to see a world full of hate. It's so heartbreaking that we have to ask ourselves if it's okay to go outside without the fear of being attacked, if we're safe to be around other people with the thought of having someone hate us for being who we are. I don't understand why we can't just live in a peaceful world where we are all acceptant. I want to live in a world where I am safe, where I know other people are also safe, where we all love each other. I have only been in this world for a short amount of years and I am subjected into a world where I am not safe. I want to make a change but what can one person out of seven billion plus people do? I want us to stand strong, to hold hands with one another and  do something, change the world into a better one. I pray for the world. I pray that somehow, we can get through this. I pray that we can all find in ourselves a merciful compassion. I pray that our hearts our not infested by hatred. I pray that we learn how to love.
Hi, people of the internet. I have written a paragraph to show how distressed I am about the situation at hand. 50 people of the LGBTQ+ community have been killed. 53 have been injured. I honestly don't know what to say. I am so sad, completely heartbroken and destroyed. I am praying for our world and the people in it. I hope change starts soon. Don't forget to be a friend to someone today. Don't forget to remind someone you love them. Don't forget to show you care.
Connor Reid Apr 2014
The circuitry of this belated exclusion
Reminds me of lights in the sky
Like 'You don't know why'
On roadsides
I know her address
But I don't know mines
I look up at the water vapour on the paper
And 'Sigh'...Oh its fine
Snow lines the road I chose tonight
As the sky ignites my mind
With needs to pace tunnel mouths until daylight
Day and night
Nocturnally confide in an absence of light
That feeding hands teeth bite
Snow white
Blood synergy despite
Khaki brown lamp-post light
In grey sights bloom
Silhouettes lapse comfortably
Towards walls from the sun & the moon
In the dead of noon
This sun down comes too soon
Outside my windowsill
Separate mind states of each room
Spiraling into hate and destruction of my emptied morals
The want for perfected attachment over empty bottles
Ripping hairs out my head
Til it bleeds and pain does follow
Sifting through ******* bins
Fueled by sorrow
Searching far and close
Far and wide
The outskirts and to my side
My quantum of solace
My love
My ever-flowing blue tide
The fist
The fog
Envelops a lot
But truly there is no place to hide
I clutch the thought lost prop in my head
And swallow my pride
The wheels on this car trudge circular
Like a black hole
Am I insane?
Do I have a soul?
In no-ones car that I stole
The lights cut through the haze
Tet my wheels hit a hole
Standing right there, I see her with my eyes
As the car loses control
Her palms calm, as she settles her  head on my chest
We link arms and irrevocably become acceptant of death
The frost on my breath sporadics on her neck
Just like icen ash
Her skin flakes wet in this winter wonder regret
My face numb and dead from words that I said
I bleed for 6 months misread in the alliteration of how I slept
Her hair dips in the snow
When we sit on the bench
I'd say something
If this didn't seem to make sense
To feel loved, intense
So dense
But where's it went?
Out the window
Turning tides thrown away like 50 pence
From her lips to her fingertips
My fragile lust shifts
Between want and repulsion
To her angelic bliss
Her arms on my shoulders
And my hands on her hips
We dance in each others minds, volatile
Try understand this
A natural feeling for reformation
Wanting back the chase
Such a thought, whats the cause?
As tears stream down my face
Emotionless hate for her
And not this place,
The ways
I wandered in want for true love
Completion by fate
Is far more appealing than the truest blue expression of our love
In togetherness
This selfish man has truly had enough
Handcuffed by enforcing sculptures of depression
I wheez and huff
I've seen some stuff in this empty town that your push can't shove
It's the wine and the water
The sons and the daughter
My dreams construct the building blocks of the slaughter
This dreamcast dream
Can't dream that on a pint of fosters
If I no longer feel a quarter like my self to this imposter
My heart flutters in love
Like the wings of a fly
In sync with she,
"What will you think of me when I die?"
The rhythm at which she breathes
Her heart beats "Why?"
Confused as my grip tightens on her neck
And I can't help but cry
stalactites dart towards the gutters in the street
The function of my bi-polar existence is inherently complete
Bags of men in plastic sheets
Sprawl at my feet
Whenever the temperature drops in this lost cause city of sleep

Concept song I was never very fond of...
ICN Oct 2015
It took me three days to feel again,
You know, after our break up.
After I acted like I didn't care,
And you see, I wasn't acting.
At the time, I didn't care, at all
I didn't realize that after I sent that final, "K bye"
Was the last thing I'd ever say to you.
I didn't realize that whatever we had would be over
Just like that.

The worst part is that I see you everywhere
Your friends are my friends, and
My friends are your friends.
I see you on the street,
I see you with our friends,
I see you with her.
She who doesn't know that we were ever anything,
She who believes that I am totally acceptant and encouraging of your relationship with her.

And it stings,
It makes me feel a variety of things which I find very hard to explain.
I'm frustrated because I feel like what we had wasn't real
I'm annoyed because I feel like we didn't try
I'm furious because apparently you liked her while we were a thing
And I'm disappointed because I thought you'd be more considerate.

I guess I just wanted the idea of you,
Because the reality was a total let down.
A lesson learned
Dans des vers immortels que vous savez sans doute,
Dante acceptant d'un prince et le toit et l'appui,
Des chagrins de l'exil abreuvé goutte à goutte,
Nous a montré son coeur tout plein d'un sombre ennui ;
Et combien est amer, pour celui qui le goûte,
Le pain de l'étranger, et tout ce qu'il en coûte
De monter et descendre à l'escalier d'autrui...
Moi, qui ne le vaux pas, j'ai trouvé mieux que lui.
Ici, malgré ces vers de funèbre présage,
J'ai trouvé le pain bon, et meilleur le visage,
Et l'opulent bien-être et les plaisirs permis.
C'est que Dante, égaré dans des sphères trop hautes,
Avait un protecteur, et que moi j'ai des hôtes ;
C'est qu'il avait un maître et que j'ai des amis.
N'attendez pas de moi que je vais vous donner
Des raisons contre Dieu que je vois rayonner ;
La nuit meurt, l'hiver fuit ; maintenant la lumière,
Dans les champs, dans les bois, est partout la première.
Je suis par le printemps vaguement attendri.
Avril est un enfant, frêle, charmant, fleuri ;
Je sens devant l'enfance et devant le zéphyre
Je ne sais quel besoin de pleurer et de rire ;
Mai complète ma joie et s'ajoute à mes pleurs.
Jeanne, George, accourez, puisque voilà des fleurs.
Accourez, la forêt chante, l'azur se dore,
Vous n'avez pas le droit d'être absents de l'aurore.
Je suis un vieux songeur et j'ai besoin de vous,
Venez, je veux aimer, être juste, être doux,
Croire, remercier confusément les choses,
Vivre sans reprocher les épines aux roses,
Être enfin un bonhomme acceptant le bon Dieu.

Ô printemps ! bois sacrés ! ciel profondément bleu !
On sent un souffle d'air vivant qui vous pénètre,
Et l'ouverture au **** d'une blanche fenêtre ;
On mêle sa pensée au clair-obscur des eaux ;
On a le doux bonheur d'être avec les oiseaux
Et de voir, sous l'abri des branches printanières,
Ces messieurs faire avec ces dames des manières.

Le 26 juin 1878.
Did you remember me? How would I know?
I can’t remember what I do not know.
I heard all sorts of pieces about you
But the final picture I couldn’t view
For you said nothing, did nothing, ever.
You went away and now gone forever,
I know you more so than anybody.
Your heart, mind and soul I part embody.
I wish it were sooner. You might have stayed.
Just think, with you I may have even prayed.

An image in my imagination
Is all I have for extrapolation
Of the person you were and yet could be
Guided by love that is given for free.
Free it may be, but not without payment.
The payment is made. Will you be acceptant?
Rob Cohen Dec 2020
// Ce monde me réduit à rien. Cela me porte jusqu'au bout. Sans colère, il nie que j'existe. Et, acceptant ma défaite, je me dirige vers une sagesse où tout a déjà été conquis - sauf que les larmes me viennent aux yeux, et ce grand sanglot de poésie qui me gonfle le cœur me fait oublier la vérité du monde //

we exist in a black & white world
where they burn your flag & your pride
if you stray outside the confining outlines

loose cannon jazz leads to blue looks
for swimming upstream to birth cool
in a pace which rips through rule books

black sheep are shot for grazing at night
in a fight against driftwood wearing hoods
instead of uniform peaks, woven in lilywhite

snowflakes aim to form a synchronized shape
& euthanize, medicate & lobotomize
Houdini’s who break or partake in a chain escape

led by lego brick leaders
stacked thick in piles of dimes a dozen
fed stacks to build a kingdom for the one

throw your TV’s through the window of possibilities
& step outside the jars of clay
spinning in the hands of potters plotting a payday by foul-play

follow brave men down the road not taken
where the grass is greener & the air is cleaner
for the paved path ends at a kool-aid drinking fountain.
Epigraph: Camus
"This world reduces me to nothing. It takes me to the end. Without anger, it denies that I exist. And, accepting my defeat, I move towards a wisdom where everything has already been conquered - except that tears come to my eyes, and that great sob of poetry that swells my heart makes me forget the truth of the world
Todd Monjar Feb 2020

DO you know that feeling when you ask someone for directions, even though you know where you’re going and get angry with yourself for not knowing?

DO you know that feeling when you apply for that job knowing you are marking down the day when you give that up and look for the next job?

DO you know that feeling when you capitulate to live a life that is scripted for you, that is on the roadmap that everyone clings to yet everyone despises?

DO you know that feeling when you question  “Well how did I get here?” And there is a ream of paper loaded with the answer, just waiting for response time. Why?

The idea that there is someone inside of you enabling that conversation with yourself. Two of us , always at odds because he knows your every move, predicts it and then mocks you when you **** up.

Speak like she wants, dress up like he wants, dance like they want, **** like indecisive wants, work like they want, love like we all want and think like it wants. Why?

Two of us, living day to day, never coming to an agreement because somehow your bluster shines and you don’t need help. You swagger on the boulevard, trust the way to get what you want, seize the road to riches and you are the king.

And you are the one that is chafed, you are the one that flies into a rage while driving on a road and have no empathy for how other driver feels. You are the one that boils over from nothing, from such a surprising place that has no origin and seeks all home. Why?

There is huge rage and you’re not sure why it is so big. It comes from nowhere and it pours out like a molten flow of vitriolic lava, seeking to scorch and burn, eager to destroy whatever stands in your way and you are scared. You are terrified because you don’t comprehend what it means but why it is so intimate and why it is so appropriate and yet it is heinous.

You’re a good person, you are full of love, you care for other people, you really want to make everything OK. Where does the poison come from and what is it’s purpose. Why?

Every now and then you have an exchange with that other guy. You conform to  interact thinking you compliancy and he is settled and will be acceptant. That conversation with yourself while you brush your teeth and wonder why YOU are not happy. And there is an answer that you find in your eyes that is deeper than the most distant empty space between the oldest stars in the universe.

He answers, “You know the answer *******, you have it all inside of you and yet you hide behind the fear.” The fear of not understanding why you can’t accept it, why you can’t accept the idea, why you can’t accept …me. Why?

It comes from the vault guy. He lives in a locked room with a huge steel door that can’t be opened from the inside. It’s dark and plain and blends together and offers no expanse. He has been there since you were old enough to form words and thoughts and fears. He can only come out when it is safe and non-judgmental and expected.

He is in this vault and HE is the one that is ******* ******. Why does he have to stay in there?  Why does he live alone with great thoughts but is sequestered in a patented place. Why can’t he be out and the one that lives in each moment and somehow understands that that is all there is? Why?

See, he is the cool one, with all the allure and charm and warmth. He is the one that writes great poetry. He is the one that turns everyday illusion into a Rorschach full of meaning and depth and beauty.

He finds it from his guts, from his heart and from the stream that is ceaseless and pure and unaltered. From a place of unfiltered joy and gratitude. And yet HE lives in a vault. Why?

All he wants is to walk in the same place, to see the same magic, to hear the lilt of the world, to touch the sensual electric of fine curves and silken hair, to smell the scent of a warm ocean breeze under a cavernous full moon. To be treated with love and compassion and understanding.

To be accepted for who he really is. Do you understand?

Why not?

— The End —