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Victoria Laws Aug 2017
I wish I could trust you
When you say you love me

I wish I could trust you
When you say nothing will change

But we look to history for a reason.
Because it's constantly repeating.
I'm going to get hurt again.
I just know it.

So I want to trust that you love me
But I'm sure you'll "love" someone else just as much

And I want to trust that nothing will change
But ******, it already has.
Victoria Laws Aug 2017
I don't think you're what I want

Your love lights a fire in me
So deeply I can feel it burning inside my heart

I love you so much it feels like a forest fire
When we are apart
(There's smoke clouding my thoughts now)

The strength of your hug
Lifts me out of my deep miserable dysfunction

In its absence,
I'm perpetually falling
(I can't find stable footing)

The way you look at me
And caress my cheek....
Like I'm the only one that matters

Now, your touch 2,000 miles away,
The only thing to graze my cheek a single tear
(I know you'll find someone better)

It's only been four days,
Yet I feel as though so much has changed
I don't want to get hurt again
It might as well just end.

And I'm not positive
But I don't think you're what I want
Victoria Laws Aug 2017

Then heartbroken
Collapsing into myself

Then Rebirth
A recognition of who I used to be
A new beginning

Then reunited
Afire with love

Only to be torn apart

By another three months

What will change now?
Victoria Laws Aug 2017
as a dusty rose color is painted onto my face
dancing across my cheekbones

as my complete vocabulary
escapes my thoughts with each airy breath

as my heart beat quickens
to catch up with the speed in which my emotions flow

as I realize the damage my body will endure
when I lose you

pale is my flush
crying, there is no hush
heart no longer in a rush
now, your love leaves me
clinging on to a hopeless crush
Victoria Laws Aug 2017
I know you'll forget me
I know we won't stay together
I know it won't work out
I know you'll find someone better

The torrential torment of being apart
The unrelenting pain of not knowing when it will end
but the demonic awareness of knowing it will
clawing at the back of my brain
tearing apart my sanity
piece by piece
slowly I began to realize
You'll definitely forget me.

So why am I agreeing to this?

Because I'm selfish.
As greedy and selfish as it gets.
And even though I know it's already over
I'll squeeze out any time we have left.  

I watch it crumble in front of me,
The hope I had that we could be something outside of this bubble.
Our future on the near horizon
It's drifting further away
(We talk about it so vividly
As if it actually might happen)

I watch your future light up mine
And burn it to the ground.

And then there's no us.
Just you
and the crumbled existence of me
sitting ominously in the distance
just a shadow
underwhelming next to your bright
bustling future

One that doesn't include me.
I don't think long distance works.
Victoria Laws Jul 2017
i ruined it again
and it's worse
because this time
it really is about me.
Like a cigarette, you **** slow.
I pull you tight against my lips.
You fill my lungs with smokes,
Damaging me inside, with each puff.
With the greed to have more,
I keep searching for you.
You are the deadly addiction,
That I need at nights before I sleep.
So blind in my desires, I can't see...
The warning of danger on the cover.

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