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If you really know me
You should know I worry
If you really know me
You should know I care
If you really know me
You should know I'm ******
If you really know me
You should know I'm not in the mood
If you really know me
You should know I'm mad at you
Only if you know me you should know by now.
 Oct 2014 Vivian Sin
l m
 Oct 2014 Vivian Sin
l m
His fingers glide down me as if he knows my body like it's his,
I bet he knows that just his touch alone sends chills down my spine.
I try to concentrate on his pink tainted hands but my focus lingers to his pale lips kissing my neck with his naughty hands on my hips tickeling me as he guides my body along his, and the music. He knows i'm his now, he has me in the palm of his hands and before I can tell him, he trails his lips to my ear and whispers " Babydoll, you'll never find someone who loves you, not even me"
 May 2014 Vivian Sin
Anon C
Imaginary things can be pleasant or destructive
an idea is powerful, ever living
then why so much power given to the wrong side
a piece of paper, a chunk of metal
borders are imaginary yet we give them form
to what purpose?
apparently freedom is imaginary too
living within a facade, sheep held within imaginary fences
eating imaginary grasses tainted with poison
keep living in the matrix
I chose to take the pill that hurts
the one where imaginary things are not real
and I am no longer a sheep
keep your money, borders and lies
Dedicated to the corrupt power hungry ******* who feed lies to the people.

What if money didn't exist.....;=PLgUN9E-emUOxLXk74SKNdlxWVZIwX4mdR
 May 2014 Vivian Sin
 May 2014 Vivian Sin
My life is seeming to become
It doesn't feel
And I don't understand why.
Are becoming backgrounds
Are even less
And I don't seem to notice things
The intricacies of life.
Because it all seems
Like a spectacular video game
That I am just playing through
Looking forward to the next one
Too busy looking ahead to see
What is right here beside me.
Enjoy your life while you have it.  It's your choice to be happy, after all.  If you wear a fake smile often enough, you start to believe it yourself.  Don't get angry about the present messing with the future, enjoy life for the miracle it is RIGHT NOW.
 May 2014 Vivian Sin
Faith Melton
I have a feeling you don't exist
Distance makes it easier to believe
I know you can be touched,
But I know that I cannot feel

I'm numb, inside out
Everything looks the same to me
Colors of the rainbow merge
and turn all the shades of gray

Laying, unmoving, staring
I watch stars as my mind races
Knowing that I'm not dreaming
I feel your presence within

You're consistantly on my mind
I know giving up isn't an option
All I've wanted to say is
I love you and I'm not afraid

But you're too far away to hear
Though I tell you in the depths
Of my sorrowed mind.
I feel like I'm dying

A ice cold hand has it's bitter grip
On my slow beating heart
It's chained without links
What's wrong with me?

Like an angel without wings
I feel trapped
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