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"Let's break up"*
those three words
very *strong
was like a sharp blade
pierced straight through my heart

Now let's see whether I survived
either I move on to start fresh
or I cant move on
that's when I lay to rest
By:Esther Ong
Your lips touched mine
and fireworks went off
every sense was heightened
and I could taste your heart.
Now every kiss tastes dull
and you're lips are pressed
to someone else's
but the feeling still lingers
on my tongue like poison
I'm trying so hard to replace
the tender touches and
your hands in my hair.
I pretend not to care as I
see her head rested on your chest
but I can't unlove you
and I can't forget the taste
of your heart on my tongue
I do not need
a fancy proper date
nor for you to wear suit&tie;
order the most expensive entrées;
Duck with Cherries In Chianti
names of the dishes that are outstanding
Servant to serve classy white wine
to cheers to our anniversary

I do not need
  a sparkling silver-white gown
made by luxurious fabric
embroidered with stunning floral patterns
countless layers of tulle
to have a dance with you
and your classy tuxedo
that'll make a spotlight
shine on us while we dance
gracefully upon the dance floor

I do not need
A diamond ring
platinum band
filled with distinctive characteristic
our love story in our engagement ring
finish it with a 20 karat diamond
that represents infinity of our relationship

All I ask is you to stay
by my side
when I need you
when I call out for your name
and you'd be there for me
comfort me
protect me
cheer for me

Is it a selfish request ?
because *all i ask
was simple
but you couldn't do that for me
you decided to leave.
what is this thing called sobriety
what is it like to think clearly
what is this thing i've become
what is it like to be healthy
what is this thing controlling me
what is it like to enjoy life
what is this thing called happiness
what is it too control your demons
 Dec 2016 Victoria Lantz
 Dec 2016 Victoria Lantz
Fields stay green
no desert here
wild Geese feed
all winter.Perhaps
snow will fall dense
in clumps of white
yet still beneath
cold flakes green
will sleep tight.
A trophy doesn't designate
A winner
Anymore than swearing denotes
A sinner.
Wear a ribbon.
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