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One day I will transit beyond
My strives and thrives to drop.
Then, you will tell tales of my kindness
Or tales of my weakness
Lo, I won't hear none!

With time, I will be a memory
Once in a while you will remember my stories
My smiles or nags will flash in your mind
You may regret for not being there
You may even doubt my being holy.

Well, one day I will be gone
My body in the ground alone
And spirit in another world.
No more me to hate or love
Time to count your gain or loss.

One day I will be dust
Left alone with no more lust
My sins and truths before Him
That moment to harvest my truths and faults
The one that outweighs one determines my cross.

Indeed, one day you will wake up in the cold
You will meet my body with no soul
What will be the reason for your cry?
Or will you celebrate it with a smile?
Surely, one day will define our vain lives.
Sometimes we try to hide our fears
By trying to fake a smile
We take pleasure in shutting down people
From unnecessary facets of our lives.
Due to the unfriendly moments we are caged in,
We cannot even pretend to be there anymore
Neither can we keep faking that smile like we used to.

We fight and quarrel about every little thing
No, we **** ourselves in loneliness fighting against the love we have for them
Slowly, steadily, and surely our love for them grow to be hatred
But deep down within us, we stop loving ourselves thinking that we have succeeded in killing our love for them.
And then emptiness set in
Bitterness that was never anticipated starts to overwhelm us.

Everyday breaks and birth more regrets
Leaving you wishing that you have a time machine to turn back the hands of time
And that time machine is never found
And that time machine keep forging forward
The avoidable moment has been created
And like a healed wound, the scar never leaves your heart
And you keep waking up to a wet pillow every morning
And every laughter around you begin to sound like mourning
I should have done better
No, I should have faced the little things that matter
Maybe, I should have been more considerate and more flexible with my principles
I shouldn't have been too scared to be disappointed
I should have just listen a bit more and talk a bit less
I should have sacrifice my huge ego on the altar of happiness with self
I should have known that nothing last for ever but moments do.
My palms are growing wet
Sweat has covered my trigger
Night and day in enemies nest
Operating like battalions of mere singers.

I fight 21st century with 20th century bullet
Blood on my face, wounds yielding deeper
In shattered body my brethren in uniform rest
Unjust funding makes our defence wall weaker.

Father, I am in a wilderness fighting a shapeless war
No back ups, no one is watching out for our fall
Like we are dying for those who don't care about us
Our enemies are in golden armor while we ride on horse.

Mother, did the demise of my gun brothers makes the headlines?
I heard the 'next level' was lunched on that day
And my superiors disown us to dine at the front line
Well, don't cry yet, I'm still alive at least for today.  

Oh, my palms are wet and my hopes like a thread
My eyes shed more tears than the blood my gun sheds
We are too weak to keep pulling these triggers
Aso Rock, upgrade us now or take us home to our fathers.
Dedicated to the over 70 soldiers killed in northern Nigeria by Bokoharam Terrorists in November, 2018.
It is hard to make sense of the world
When you are stuck in my wall.
I have ran so many races
That only earned me a broken face.
These words are the reflection of my woes
I can't but keep watching my folks turn foes.
Unarguably, my today is not a reflection of my past
Because in my yesterdays, I faced all battles, I didn't pick my tasks.
But my gold is often given the price tag of coal
Leaving me no choice than to clock-walk alone.

You see, it is hard to make sense of the world
A place where the best are left to eat their words.
I gave my blood when my sweat was not enough
My dream in their noses like an African *****.
I give ears to their worries, none to mine
My visions are like lads stories that should not be taken to mind.
My case is before a judge desk
Who sleeps and dine in my accused nest.

Still, they want me to make sense of the world
Where the best gets the worst and the corrupt gets the award.
Is there any sense to really make of us?
Are humans really worth making sense of?
You see, don't waste a lifetime trying to make sense where there is none
Instead, strive to make something out of what can be done.
Have you ever been caught up in a moment?
Where you feel like you have been caught robbing your government?

Have you ever been caught up in a moment?
Where they miss judge all your movement?

Moments where you see things you were blind to
Moments you feel the paradies is empty or deaf to the people
That moment you pray for death to come to your rescue
You ask yourself was this what I was born to go through?

moments where pains won't let your tears fall
Fears makes you find beauty indoor
Where having hope looks likes a marathon
Striving to survive on guts.

Moments seems too long
When one hearts burn
By a cry of a new born
Wondering if you still got a turn.

Moments you smile in tears
You faithlessly pray in red fears
Counting unfruitful years
Wondering if today happiness will end you well.

Moments when you feel lost in love
Caught up in the atmosphere of lust
Feel used and dumped
That awkward moment you feel you are done with the world.

If you have, then we have been in the same world
Where one speak in silence for money is the loudest voice
Where luck turns your sweat filled effort void
That awkward moment you realise that we are not equal after all.
In the face of war
Loudly our fears drum.

The lioness ready for a feast
I heard Lucifer is angry against God
Battling to get Him to His kneels.

Blood is reigning
The blood sucker awaken
In pieces the sky has fallen
The moon now a commoner  
And the sun a drunk wanderer.

Where are the innocence
The black cloud acquires,
Vultures need the flesh of the angels
Their bone the dogs also desire.

The dragon has been unleashed to flood the world,
This time, no one is right enough not to be wrong,
Yes, No saints, No Noah,
No ark to sail to a new world.
Death our creditor, we the borrower
The covenant can't be erased not even a word.
See what we have done to ourselves fighting our creator
See how we successfully drive ourselves to our destructions.

If God finally conquer the Armageddon
In the recreation of a new kingdom
I will want to be the Adam without eve
Dying to see what difference that will make indeed
Because this world is such a complicated trip
The returnees will hate to repeat.
See how crazy
Our world has become,
Blood flowing
In between conversation of guns
Now, nothing is rosy
Righteousness has been dump.

Our unsafe kids are no longer scared
They live and wake amidst the dead
The women on trousers while the men on miniskirt
As they swiftly evoke a tragic end.

Oh, see the bloodish tears on the baby cheeks
As she watch her mother being roasted
Drier than a christmas chicken
A  common way commoners are now being busted
By their own fellow citizens.

Hmm! See how our leaders rule out of ideas
Giving the opposition room to criticize
Pointlessly earning us more fears,
The menace smiling in prowess
For the devil is leading them right
While we mourn and listen to our leaders cold words,
Praying in silence to God to dry our red eyes.

Oh God, a messiah is needed to abort our harsh realities
Someone like moses with a staff to path this red sea
Yes, just a man can help us to divorce our calamities
For a change nation with a repented mentality.

By Victor Ernest O.
Dedicated to abuja bomb blast on monday 14 2014.
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