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My tear is my gold,
It's what I greedily share
No matter the yoke.
My fear Is God,
Him I give my years
He is my hope.

I smile
To quench my terror,
I strive
To manage my errors.
I'm imperfectly perfect
Hunting for perfection,
Sweating blood for effect
At war for a brighter future.
My joy is in my attitude
It never bows,
In my faith I'm spraying gratitude
Even In height of failures it's loud.

I'm beginning to view the sun
After a long storm,
I'm now a party to fun
Engaging in royal norms.

There has been a silver linen
Behind my once thick clouds
There are roses in my surrounding
Golden rings can now seize my claws.
My big head has become a home for the crown
My once ugly face now a delight of the crowd
what a sweet victory
What a testimony.

Follow me on
You can judge my heart
I have cheated you with my smile
I have err,
still don't rip off my hat
Even if it doesn't size.
Life without you is hell
Let me unbreak your heart
And return your sun shine.

I know I have been hidding a lot
My secrets weigh higher
Than the messiah cross.
My fading fate won't longer cast lots
Your departure is killing my faith faster
Like fire set under a heavy rainfall,
I have learnt the hard way for sure.

You said you can't understand me
Maybe because I don't even know myself
Like my mirror never did its job.
You are tired of saying you love me
Because you don't think I love myself,
My happiness my anger has really robbed.

You  hate that I blame you for everything
Losing you will be a life sentence for my sins
For my past is  really  hunting
To take vengeance on my being.
I know I have not been just and fair enough
To seek for any atom of peace or love
But at least I deserve a chance and a trust  
If not, then I deserve this lonely dance with war
For I have never been an everyday man for once.
Love tales
Longer than rain tails
when love speaks
Hatred sleeps.

I love to love
In love
my insufficiency is always enough,
Love keeps my witnesses secret
And my sins so sacred.

When in love
The prisoner is war
All heart becomes one
Roses become the only weapon.

The feelings of love
Is more beautiful than garden of eden
More colourful than rainbows in the evening
As peaceful as the sea in the morning
And sweeter than honey of an adult bee.

When captured by the spirit of love
You will be like a child in heaven,
Meek and mild
Sweet and bright.
Your soul flourishing like palm fruits,
Your heart throb like sounds of flute.

Love answers all questions,
She endures all situations.
A heart without love
Is a heart without God
And a heart without God
Is a heart filled with war,
Those who fall in genuine love
Will strongly stand taller in the world.
Surely, life everlasting is the Wages of love.
What are we doing to ourselves?
Why all this conversation of artillery
Which lure souls out from their bodies
Drilling out red sweat from skins
Selling lives to death because of a natural gift.

What are we doing to ourselves?
We keep hijacking people dreams
Before it's born into reality
Making many old to hope in mediocrity
Grooming the glowing youngster to grow faithfully in vanities.

What are we doing to ourselves?
We had caged the mankind in us with our stained hands
Making bare the devil in us to imprison our fate
Now living like cat and mouse in the same house
In the name of money, power and fame.

Our heads, what are we doing to ourselves?
Often setting traps in the name of policies
Sweating to resurrect the dead, ignoring the living
Blinding our eyes when hands are stretched
Weeping blood, peeling kneels just to get a help.
Why do we always leave ourselves to live and die eating promises?

What have we done to ourselves?
Our children are dead out of our negligence
In anger, our youths wedded to weapons to take vengeance
Vengeance painstaking taken against themselves
For the witty guilty are never found, they are ourselves.
This poem is picturing what we have turned our world into using my  country and indeed my continent as perimeters.
There is Red Tears in the North
Flesh have been eaten like betal nut
This most be a cold war
A beginning of the prophesy end of the world.

Brothers against brothers
Breeding terror round their borders
Souls roasting like fire woods
Guns and bombs in action like hollywood.

For a judge, case without a defined course
Is far heavier than the messiah cross
No wonder her leaders now seems so daft
To conquer life for her masses
From this conscious-less artist of a dreadful craft
Burning dreams to ashes with no mercy.

Is there any justification for a war against innocence?
killing human like flies, murdering hopes with ease, what truly is the essence?
Some say it's political, others say it's religious
In either way this faceless people are really ill serious.

What will become of those they have made homeless
What about the ambitions and dreams of the  crucified children
What will become of their mourning parents.

God, how long will thou wait before you pass your judgement?
In all this ungodly act, do you find any contentment?
Or is it your prophesied end you are watching to fulfilment?
God, the north is on fire, she needs your peaceful involvement.

There is bloodish tears in the north
The west  help to advert for these dead souls crying for vengeance
See dark smoke in the tears from the north
I am crying to the world powers to interrupt this over welcomed insurgence
Which have made us scared of our own home
And hope against hope.
Present situation in northern Nigeria.
My heart have no brakes
Just on a ride with the winds
Pretending to be deaf to what they say
For they are pointless like his dreams.

I can imagine the busy nature of a busy bee
But my heart is busier indeed
Discussing the issues of life in a silent plead
Still no ears ever listened to him.

My heart, a beautifully shapeless engine of life
Travelling far and wide
Intruding without being noticed
Harming not, adventure, learning are his motives.

Daily arguing against nature
Often in his extreme corner fighting for the weak
Heart broken by the harsh policies of his nation
My fate is his only whip.
I cough out my fears
From my groaning heart
I hold back my tears
Does my head fit no hat?

I'm blind again
I failed to recognise a temptation
I knew her love was a game
Still I fell ignoring my intuition.

Here I mine crying foul
I have been bitten thrice
I once again mistake a vulture for a fowl
In hell pains my heart paid the price .

Indeed love whip really hard
But I wouldn't hide
Instead let me be mad
my soul  will always give love a smile.

Truly disappointments burn really dry
But since rainbow still visit the sky
And Lazarus walk out  to be un tired
Then my over broken heart
Will dare to keep loving hard

Until I find a bird
With same feathers
That into an everlasting bond
We can merrily flock together.
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