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 Dec 2023 Veronica
Go back
 Dec 2023 Veronica
I’m supposed to go back to work
and my life tomorrow
even though it feels like my life
ended the other day.
I don’t want to keep going,
I want to go back.
Out of sight
Out of mind
Like a ghost in decline
Which is where I might find you
In memories weeping
If I let you go
Let you fade away
Your secrets no longer
The intimate moments
Bereaving a loss
That exceeds all condolence
Your smile
Your voice
Once the key to my heart
Would become
In its absence
What tears it apart
 Dec 2023 Veronica
inner child
 Dec 2023 Veronica
i am the savior
i shall want
i am my god
i shall not blaspheme

but the devil comes
to me in my sleep
in the form of a woman
battered and beat

a little girl
with a big feat
funnily enough
she reminds me of me
 Dec 2023 Veronica
Torn Apart
 Dec 2023 Veronica
My wings were clipped the day I was born
I was put under the pressure of a billion eyes
My dreams ripped my skies torn
My life was built on a faithful lie

The shadows of my imagination
feared the glare of their expectations
My broken bones, My shattered heart
Sang the stories of me being torn apart
Her face is like a poem
Her heart a willow tree
Bending softly in the moonglow
Beating always for me
She’s the bell in my distance
The hearth at home
With me everywhere
Even when I’m alone
In the desert she is water
She’s the forest and the trees
Everything she is to me
 Dec 2023 Veronica
I love her and I don’t know why
She cast a spell and caught my eye
Take my energy bleed me dry
I don’t want to hear her say goodbye
She loves me then flies off in the night
I lose sight of her in the pale moonlight
 Dec 2023 Veronica
 Dec 2023 Veronica
Her purity is beyond my ken
Afflicted are the hearts of men
Truth and blood mix in my pen
Please, don’t let me fall again
 Dec 2023 Veronica
the scent of incense
hangs heavy in the air
the constant murmer of voices
comes crashing like waves
but your eyes meet mine
and the faces disappear
the voices die,
all that remains
is an unspoken invitation
from my lips
willing yours to kiss them
and yours happily
meet their request
leaving our love tasting
like oranges
tenderly plucked
from moonlight lips.
We’re all just
Walking corpses
Mass extortionists
One another’s
Other lovers’
And in the interim
There must be someone left
To save
 Nov 2023 Veronica
It's just that
i'd like someone to
write for me
just once
i'd like to be the object of affection
i'd like for someone to find
that beauty my mother keeps telling me
i have inside
i'm not complaining
but you see
i'd just like to be the
and not the poet
for once
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