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 May 2016 Urmila
Rob Rutledge
There shall be no shelter
From shadowed hypocrisy.
For the stars shine bright and just
That all the mortal men may see.
All that you wish.
All that you believe.
Are just two diverging branches
From the same forgotten tree.

Rotten with the cynicism of age
The bark chips fast,
Squalid lackluster page.
Built upon the decay of rage
Fallow thoughts they plough the land.
Reaped by those deemed unworthy.
Truth uprooted by savage hand.
 May 2016 Urmila
Nigel Finn
With a pocketful of medicine,
And an optimistic air,
I set out to cure the world.

I had no idea, when I first set out,
Just how far my journey would take me.
I had dreams of dragons,
Heroic battles, and the vast expanse
Of the seemingly endless sea
Racing through my mind.

My friends, not knowing the true
Reason for my adventurous ways,
At first tried to discourage me;
Convincing me that to help myself;
To put myself above all others,
Would be, if not nobler,
Then at least more sensible.

Ah! My friends! Did you not realise,
That you were just encouraging
My foolish deeds more so?
For me, true happiness lies
In the smiles of others, and
The joys I inspire.

I find no pride in accomplishing
Deeds that fulfill other needs;
Diplomas and job offers
Sail over my head, and I
Pay them no heed.

Such accomplishments should be
Left (in my opinion), to kings,
And emperors, and others
Who I pay little regard to,
Who find such happiness
At receiving a scrap of paper
With not a jot of poetry on it.

I remain of the servile class.
By my own admission and actions,
I shun those who would have me
Believe that my past life,
The one in which I ruled,
If not the world, than at least
The part of it I so ignorantly knew,
Was a happier one.

So far there have been no dragons,
Save for the ones I carry with me
In my imagination,
The heroic battles I fought
Have been with no-one but myself,
In the recesses of my mind,
And the vastness of the ocean,
Carries itself, past the distant shore,
And into the hearts of those I love.

As I reach into my pocket,
I find the goods I carry to be
No more than sugar pills-
A placebo of the mind, that
I am told is good for nothing
By learned physicians, who know
Far more on the subject than I.

Thus I find myself in this foreign land,
With nothing but my optimistic air
To see me through.
I wish no more than to lend my hand,
And show others that I care.
Tell me; Is that a placebo too?
I am often told that, to help others, you must first help yourself. This is sound advice when the basics needs of a person are being neglected for the benefit of others. However, the joy of bringing a smile to a face, be they stranger or loved one, is (to me) the greatest way to help myself. It is a selfish need as much as any other; I expect nothing physical in return, nor do I require people to do similar deeds for me, but the feeling of self-worth I receive is enough for me to deem it a selfish act. I feel, almost always, a feeling of self-gratification from increasing the stock of harmless cheerfulness in the world, and couldn't imagine a pursuit I would rather follow.

If I bring a smile to your face, or bring you comfort in any way, I am doing it for no-one's benefit but my own. I do it not because I am a nice person, but because I wish to view myself as one. Not because I wish to make someone happy, but because I wish to KNOW I've made someone happy. I would argue until the cows came home that the reasons behind my actions make me as self-centred as anyone who cares to pursue any other goal for their own wants.

In short; If I bring you happiness, who is to know that you haven't provided me with even more?
 May 2016 Urmila
Cecil Miller
I am the wind that is stirred by tiny wings.
I am a moth, and I am the flame.
I am the White Wolf.
I show my shimmering fangs.
I am the great hunter upon the earth who is, also, the prey.
I am the blazing sun
Whose light is seen within the pregnant moon.
I am a drop of rain that falls into the ocean.
I am the single grain of sand.
I am the universe.
I am eternal, but my consciousness is in a constant state of change.
I am nothing.
I am everything.
I am wind stirred by tiny wings.
I am a moth, and I am the flame.
I am the White Wolf.
I show my shimmering fangs.
I am the great hunter upon the earth who is, also, the prey.
I am the blazing sun
Whose light is seen within the pregnant moon.
I am a drop of rain that falls into the ocean.
I am the single grain of sand.
I am the universe.
I am eternal, but my consciousness is in a constant state of change.
I am nothing.
I am everything.
I wrote some version of this one in 1997, completed it four years ago, and titled it just now. I hope you like it
 May 2016 Urmila
I let these word run from my heart
Paraded by the emotions and tenderness
Thousand and thousands of hurts and pain
Million and millions of love and laughter

I trusted these words to guide my way
Gave them my blood and everthing
Their firmness stood for me when I crawled
Danced with them as they seduced my tongue

I hide in the rhythm and sequence of music
As they permeated my soul, the honesty shield
My voice faded in the unending river of essence
Overtune from a hidden spirit of the yesterday

I believed and these words healed my depths
Sunk in the icebox of caged coldness and loneliness
Memories evading craziness, condensed character
Barricades of conditions and illusionary dissolutions

The keyboard had eyes for me as I winked at it
On its reflection I saw my face, my body, my all
The rotated changes, the persistent difference
A simple kiss, a warm embrace, an extended thanks
Goodbye Hello Poetry......Its not goodbye to writing for me!Message me anytime I will always get back to you!

Not posting any new work 'public'! However, I will post comments , and strike the likes , share few unlisted pieces.......
This will exclusively allow me to enjoy the others beautiful work and delicacies. Something I didn't do a lot.You and I know there is a flow of poetry/ prose that does not get read or reviewed on this site. I hope to review and read more...... May be an "Unlisted and Exclusive" reply to your poem!
To your service dear poets. I am open for collaborations only if you are willing to post them.

If you are interested in my new work the (7Months After Collection) feel free to enquire and I will message you.
J :-)  ;-)
 May 2016 Urmila
john p green
The more the illusion
I choose.
The more the truth
I lose.
 May 2016 Urmila
Rob Rutledge
Flashes of long lost decadence
Clothed in shabby cloaks of misdemeanor.
Windswept nostalgia, stayed and sleeved
By the breeze that haunts a forests tree.

Leave it be, the wind said to me.
Let the leaves be leaves,  
Let the trees be trees,
For their roots run deep,
Far deeper than you may perceive.
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