all appropriate bounds are set
three years have waited their step
may wonder why three years have been
when subtle hints produce obscene
yet nothing can be made
all conditional wares should be pawned
breeched and crooked are their mouths
and for one second they may thrive
tonight will speed with haste
alone on the other side of tasks you see my face
what a length of string may bind
unsheltered wits... that do spring down
yet...three times the day went round
another shiver has become the tide
unto the side street watching crows
fourteen wind chimes spin for sound
at night the nest might be forgot
the rasping steps of romance calls
the kids play doorbells till the dawn
over each house breach is light
once...for a moment thoughts come forth
from each empty mind as it sleeps
and now breaks its hold
hearts erase themselves as they beat
what a length of string will bind
31 days have passed below
now...13 seconds pass as minutes
the tree tops sway dispelling leaves
to be trampled as men rush home
-Jason Swinehammer-2005