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As I took my first view,
Out of my window today,
I saw the white translucent, ice crystals,
Falling from the sky, my way.

The dormant brown vegetation,
Now a shiny bright white,
It’s hard not to stare,
One of natures, most beautiful sites.

The air temperature decides,
How long the snow, will stay,
For as it rises, the wonderful show,
Will slowly, melt away.

                                                                                                                                                    Tom Maxwell©
The wind has stopped, blowing,
Everything is staying so still,
After a few hours of rain,
A small stream of water,
Starting to flow down the hill.
When rain clouds, block the direct sun,
From shining on the popular & silver maple trees,
Along with an increase in the humidity,
A Jester they give, to let us know of the wet times ahead,
They turn the sides of their leaves.
From snow, rain, wind, or a sunny day,
There is so much taking place,
As I look out my window,
Memories that will stay.

                    Tom Maxwell copyright  5/27/2020 AD
                                                                                                   1:00 PM
Nature weather
Words are the instruments
By which we form all our abstractions,
We   fashion, embody our ideas,
In which we are enabled to move,
Along a series of conclusions,
With a rapidity so fast,
With no trace, of the successive steps,
We remain unconscious,
How much we owe,
To this auxiliary, of the reasoning faculty.

                                                   ­                                                                 ­               Tom Maxwell ©
                                                               ­                                                                 ­   06/15/2020 AD
                                                              ­                                                                 ­    11:00 AM
You have never felt true love,
So, you hide your confused heart,
Keeping something else first,
Always an excuse and afraid to start.

Only wanting someone,
For what they have or can do,
Not knowing how to totally commit,
Now your children learn the same from you.

You have been given more,
Money and material things,
With freedom, still afraid to learn about true love,
Never opening up to feelings and peace it brings.

Take time learn to give and accept,
The feeling of love in every way,
You know where it has been waiting for years,
So many good memories to expand every day.

Tom Maxwell 09/14/06
All we have in this
life is time,
Everything else we borrow,
Till the day we reach,
Our dead end signs.

We each have different hills, to climb,
Be careful, for mountain slides,
Trying to reach, the summit,
Avoiding all binds.

Decisions change with time, years,
Always be yourself, what you feel,
Others may be totally wrong,
Lazy, full of fear.

                                                                                                                       Tom Maxwell ©
Sitting in my office armed with a pencil in my hand, I just felt like writing, now all I need is a plan.

It’s an early December evening, the temperature outside is cold, with the wind blowing, to stay out long you must be bold.

The nights seem long this time of the year, with colorful lights shining all over, you notice the season of Christmas is near.

The radio is playing some friendly songs for me to hear, while my dogs lay on the floor so near.

I am still trying to think of something to write about, at this time I guess it will just be a moment in this life of mine.

                                                                               Tom Maxwell 12/06/05
Is this the Subject, of the story                                         ,                          The way, it is explained to you,
Those, just playing their part,
Or you really, just that board,
Your life, without a clue.

Is it all about competition,
Bragging rights, about what you do,
You will never get ahead,
When you only follow, their rules.

Those voices in your mind,
Your inspirations, for life, this time,
At different moments, in this journey,
They come to life, to keep you in line.
2/12/2020 AD   Tom Maxwell
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