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8.1k · Jul 2021
pussy out
dark blue Jul 2021
i spread my thighs
***** out


are you hard
i know you are
7.9k · Nov 2021
mistress’s dog
dark blue Nov 2021
put on the collar
attach the leash
get on your knees
beg for mommy
that’s a good boy

are you *****
have an *******
bad boy
no *******
mommy’s leg
back in your cage

eat the alpo
i put in the bowl
isn’t it good
have some more

how does it feel
to be dominated
be my *****
loser boy
5.8k · Jun 2021
pussy power
dark blue Jun 2021
on your knees
look up at me
your superior
kiss my *****
the source
of power

**** hard
can’t touch
let it throb

i’ll tell you
to ****
and squirt
5.4k · Feb 2022
dark blue Feb 2022
you can’t resist
you’re reminded
every morning
with a *****
you’re physically strong
but sexually weak

confused, by my wiles
yielding, to my whims
you think
you’re in charge
all the while
to my pleasures

i am
your superior
5.4k · Jun 2021
alpha bitch
dark blue Jun 2021
I have the *****
the power
make all the rules

I say what you can and can’t do
because I’m more alpha than you
5.3k · Jul 2021
call me names
dark blue Jul 2021
my **** is hard
inside you
as you straddle
and ride me

i need more
to go over
the edge

slap my face
i want to feel
your anger

call me names
mean it
when you call me
5.2k · Aug 2021
dark blue Aug 2021
bow down to women
your superior
admit it
deep down inside
you know men are inferior

always *****
hormonally driven
a slave
to their desire
whacking off
watching ****
chronically *******
for six hours a day

in modern times
men are useless
it's a new age
of girl power
female *******
dark blue Feb 2021
sound of leather
on my flesh
with ecstasy
i cry
with desire
at your touch
to your lips
beat me
i am
Inspired after 05-09’s reading of literotica while drinking wine by the fireplace
dark blue Feb 2022
it’s in your nature
to submit and serve

present yourself
*** in the air
to your master

to be reminded
that you are
less civilized and evolved
than you think

confused and conflicted
as juices flow
and wetness
glistens on you lips

emotional and primal
you’re just but animal
4.8k · Jan 2022
dark blue Jan 2022
I am the alpha
the dominate
in this relationship
get on your knees
worship me
my *****
kiss my ***
**** my toes
beta boy
4.4k · Feb 2022
dark blue Feb 2022
does it
make you wet
getting spanked
by daddy
for being
and bratty
4.4k · Jul 2021
sex is power
4.3k · Mar 2022
dark blue Mar 2022
i want you

inside me
on top of me

******* me

choking me
as i struggle

for breath
on the edge

of life
and death
4.2k · Jul 2021
power men & women
dark blue Jul 2021
control the world

control their *****
4.1k · Feb 2022
dark blue Feb 2022
how old
is too old
to be a little
i’m a grown up
that has never
grown up
i’m a 40 year old little
that stills needs
her daddy
4.0k · Feb 2022
always & forever
dark blue Feb 2022
hold me
hold me tight
never let go
never leave me
promise me
i’ll always & forever
be your little
3.8k · Jan 2022
slave girl (kajira) #9
dark blue Jan 2022
do as i say
as you are told
on your knees
bow before me
your master
it’s your destiny
your role
a woman’s place
to serve
a man
a master
3.7k · Jul 2021
choke me
dark blue Jul 2021
bit my lips
my flesh
my fresh blood

choke me
like you mean it
to and pass the point
where i panic
claw and scratch
cry to exists
dark blue Mar 2021
“yes daddy”
“it’s time for bed’
“yes sweetie”
“i don’t want to got to bed”
“yes daddy”
“it’s past your bedtime”
“yes sweetie”
“if i go to bed. will you pet me”
“yes sweetie”
“yes sweetie”
“will you stroke my hair”
“yes sweetie”
“and kiss my tummy”
“yes sweetie”
“yes sweetie”
“will you kiss me down there”
“only if you go to bed”
“yes sweetie”
“i’m in bed”
Inspired after 05-09’s reading of literotica while drinking wine by the fireplace
3.7k · Jul 2021
cum for me
dark blue Jul 2021
*** for me
baby girl

with pleasure

your nails

my chest

make it

your love

for me
in blood
dark blue Mar 2021
“daddy, why do you love me.”

i love
how you make me feel
bring out
the daddy in me
to provide
give you everything

you’re so small
you are
his little
his baby girl
his kitten

daddy’s heart
when you hug
seek his love
and attention

sit in his lap
wrap your arms
around his neck
you are daddy’s
little girl


“husband, why do you love me.”

i love you as
a friend
a partner,
but most of all
as a soul mate
you’ve made me better
given me
a sense of purpose
grounded me
held my hand
opened my heart
allowed me
to express
share my
innermost feelings
shed tears
and not judged me


“that, my wife & little is why i love you so”
Inspired after 05-09’s reading of literotica while drinking wine by the fireplace
3.6k · Mar 2021
daddy's home
dark blue Mar 2021
awh, Little, you’re so sweet
waiting for daddy by the door
lavishing him with love and kisses

awh, Little, you’re so sweet
you want to play
daddy will
after he sits on the couch
and rests for a bit

awh, Little, you’re so sweet
turning on Disney
getting me sweet tea
and a plate of cookies

awh, Little, you’re so sweet
covering me with a blankie
cuddling up with daddy
and watching tv

awh, Little, you’re so sweet
i am so lucky
to have you
Inspired after 05-09’s reading of literotica while drinking wine by the fireplace
3.6k · Sep 2021
inner whore
dark blue Sep 2021
touch me **** me
i want to see feel experience
the intense ****** energy
of your inner *****
3.6k · Jan 2022
slave girl (kajira) #8
dark blue Jan 2022
red silk
come here
i need you
the warmth of your body
the softness of your skin
the smell of your hair

quench my desire
fulfill my fantasies
please your master
or i’ll sell you
in the market
3.5k · Dec 2020
carnal sins (erotica)
dark blue Dec 2020
i want to feel it
the pain
the hurt
make me beg
and surrender
play with me
light my fire
stoke the desire
i’ll lose control
burn in lust
at your touch
get me wet
release me
from the puritanical
ecclesiastical shame
raise your voice
humiliate me
it turns me on
tell me sternly
i’ve been naughty
absolve me
of my carnal sins
3.4k · Jul 2021
stupid fool
dark blue Jul 2021
when your **** is hard
throbbing in my hand
i own you
i have all the power
now you’re
my little *****
you stupid
3.4k · Sep 2021
fuck or fight
dark blue Sep 2021
you tap
into my sickness
turning me on
to the nth degree
pure heroine
main lined
into an artery

i know it
i feel it
how wrong it is
how bad
you are for me

i’ve tried
to stop
this vicious
of self

kiss or ****
**** or fight
which one
will it be
3.4k · Jun 2021
dark blue Jun 2021
your ****
is a weakness
I flash skin
you get stupid
and crazy
dark blue Jan 2021
did you miss daddy
the hugs
the kiss
being close
being cuddled
skin to skin
the body heat
being petted
feeling pleasure
of being touched
down there.
Inspired after 05-09’s reading of literotica while drinking wine by the fireplace
3.2k · Aug 2021
ruined orgasm
dark blue Aug 2021
i own you
when your **** is hard
throbbing in my hand
i love the power
i have over you
relish the control
of pleasure or pain
to make you *** or not
stop begging
quit whimpering
i’ll pump as i please
get you to the edge
remove my hand
watch you squirt
once twice
into nothingness
laughing at ruining
your ******
reminding you
you’ve been pwned
stupid little loser boy
3.2k · Aug 2021
party girl
dark blue Aug 2021
you’re a bad girl
a party girl
fuelled by drugs and alcohol
an ornament
forgettable disposable
just another
one night stand
3.2k · Jul 2021
skin to skin
dark blue Jul 2021
come here
baby girl
get into bed
with daddy
take off
your nighty
lay on top of me
i need to feel you
skin to skin
against me
lay your head
upon my chest
feel the up and down
of your breath
hear your heartbeat
your sighs in my ear
3.2k · Dec 2020
slave girl (kajira) #1
dark blue Dec 2020
you wear the collar
i hold the key
i’m in charge
in control
i own you
submit freely
to your master
let go
take pleasure
in being
Inspired after 05-09’s reading of literotica while drinking wine by the fireplace
dark blue Mar 2021
it’s time for bed
go brush your teeth
daddy will turn down your bed

come here
daddy will undress you
hop on the bed
let me take off your shoes
and slide off your socks
look at those pretty toes

stand up
put your hands up to the sky
there you go
let’s take off that sundress

oh how cute
your ******* have a little bow
i’ll slide them down
now step out
there you go
goodness kitten
you’re so petty
with no clothes

give daddy a kiss
mmm, kitten, you’re so sweet
now into bed you go
daddy will cuddle
and read you a story
and stay by your side
till you fall asleep
Inspired after 05-09’s reading of literotica while drinking wine by the fireplace
3.0k · Jul 2021
will you marry me
dark blue Jul 2021
eyes so bright
you’d be
a great mother
wife and lover

you’re the type
of woman
a man cherishes
steps up
provides protects
builds a family

will you marry me
have children
live happily
to the end of eternity
with me
3.0k · Dec 2020
your whore (erotica)
dark blue Dec 2020
kiss my neck
bite my ear
pull my hair
hold me down
finger me
slide in deep
make me moan
call me names
remind me
i am your *****
Inspired after 05-09’s reading of literotica while drinking wine by the fireplace
dark blue Mar 2021
sweetie, what’s a matter
you’re afraid
of the lightning & thunder

sweetie, of course
you can sleep with daddy
crawl into bed
snuggle up, next to me
i’ll protect, keep you safe

sweetie, you are naked
where are your PJs
what, you want to cuddle
spoon, skin to skin
daddy’s arms tight around you

sweetie, go to sleep
daddy is tired
what, you can’t sleep
you want daddy to pet you
till you fall asleep

sweetie, stop wiggling
daddy can’t sleep
or worst, will get an *******
bad girl, see what happened

sweetie, settle down
what, you are *****
need daddy inside you

sweetie, my little angel
kiss daddy
as i make love to you
Inspired after 05-09’s reading of literotica while drinking wine by the fireplace
2.8k · Dec 2020
a kiss down there (erotica)
dark blue Dec 2020
baby girl
you needing some attention
Is that why
You sat naked
On daddy’s lap
Wanting hugs
And tummy kisses

you are being naughty
you know better
than touching daddy there
look what you did
daddy has an *******

i’m going to spank you
put you in the corner
you bad bad girl

don’t start crying
or whimper
go to your room
without supper

you’re sorry
and won’t do it again
ok than, all is forgiven
give daddy a kiss

sit in my lap
lay your head on my shoulder
i’ll pet you softly
pull down your *******
and kiss you down there
Inspired after 05-09’s reading of literotica while drinking wine by the fireplace
2.8k · Dec 2020
daddy dearest (erotica)
dark blue Dec 2020
did i hurt you
does it sting
did you like it
turn you on
make you wet
wanting more
whimper yes
who is master
i am of course
Inspired after 05-09’s reading of literotica while drinking wine by the fireplace
2.8k · Feb 2021
brush your hair 👧 (ddlg)
dark blue Feb 2021
you like it
when daddy
washes your hair
the shampoo
the water
my hands
your head
i know
you do
you lean
your head
my fingers
moaning softly
i kiss
your neck
you turn
kiss daddy
on the lips
i stand you up
in the tub
rinse you off
wrap you up
in a towel
lift you up
in my arms
put you down
on the bed
comb your hair
the knots
your hair
you are
my angel
but most of all
daddy’s little girl
Inspired after 05-09’s reading of literotica while drinking wine by the fireplace
2.8k · Jan 2021
slave girl (kajira) #2
dark blue Jan 2021
you are mine
i own you
off the auction block
for twenty
gold coins
a slave girl
for my
****** pleasure
a swedish collar
around your neck
a kajira brand
on your thigh
of your submission
a reminder
i am your master
Inspired after 05-09’s reading of literotica while drinking wine by the fireplace
2.8k · Jul 2021
little spoon
dark blue Jul 2021
i'm done
role playing

hold me
in your arms

i want to be
the little spoon
2.7k · Jan 2021
i miss you (erotica)
dark blue Jan 2021
i miss
your naked body
spread wide
receptive and submissive
of me
being on top
looking into your eyes
legs wrapped
around me
kissing your breast
licking the sweat
tasting the salt
smelling your scent
your disheveled hair
i need to be inside
be one
my ****
touching your lips
sliding inside
your wetness
and body heat
arouse me
Inspired after 05-09’s reading of literotica while drinking wine by the fireplace
2.7k · Jan 2022
dark blue Jan 2022
let’s get high
make out
take a lude
lay back
the effect

kiss me
**** me
the euphoria
of drugs
and ***
2.5k · Jul 2021
slave girl (kajira) #4
dark blue Jul 2021
bring me wine
and food
quench my thirst
my hunger

dance for me
slow sensuously
arouse me
with your body

lie with me
my needs
my fantasies
2.5k · May 2021
goth girl
dark blue May 2021
goth girl
wearing pastel
doc martens
and black leather
kneel before me
as your master
enslaves you
with this collar
dark blue Feb 2021
hold me tight
in your arms
let me cry
reassure me
will be alright
remind me
i’m the center
of your life
a porcelain princess
on a golden pedestal
kiss me
tell me
you’ll love me
Inspired after 05-09’s reading of literotica while drinking wine by the fireplace
2.4k · Jul 2021
slave girl (kajira) #5
dark blue Jul 2021
the intensity
of your doe eyes
looking at me
is more
than i can bear

i avert
my eyes
my head

i start to blush
my true feelings
will be revealed

how can this be
i am the master
the slave
2.3k · Jul 2021
slave girl (kajira) #6
dark blue Jul 2021
this moment
sets the mood
you stand
before me

from your collar
lying on furs
softy crying

i brand you
with an iron
so all
will know
are mine
2.3k · May 2021
slave girl (kajira) #3
dark blue May 2021
dance for me
slave girl
move your body
swing your arms
****** me
with your hips
tease me
turn me on
make my ****
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