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Thomas P Owens Sr
M/New Market, Va    Lover of poetry, film, comedy, the paranormal, OBX, Rush and women named Eve
F/Laughlin, Nevada    Wrote my first lines at age 10. Never stopped. I write because I can't not write. Every word is Β©, protected by barbed wire, quicksand ...
beth fwoah dream boleyn
England    i love writing. i try to let my subconscious write the poems. born may 1969.
Bella Isaacs
22/F/Oxford/Paris    "Champagne to my real friends, real pain to my sham friends" - Irish saying. In two words: Enfant TERRIBLE.
Head in the clouds, Feet on the ground - or is it the other way around?
Imran Islam
31/M/πŸβœ“Lure Pot βœ“πŸ    MY BooKs [] and I develop websites, design and format Amazon Kindle books
F/Ireland. Beloved daughter's grandkids & true love rddbbapc.I soAdore you all. (Allowing others to demonize meMom trash me in a place I am holiest good, ...
guy scutellaro
William J Donovan
75/M/Charlotte, NC    I've lived on a pinball machine. Frantic off bumbers and flippers and tilting. I love the action but I'm fading and my balls are lost.
Israel    A lover, a dreamer....
Solange Loe-Sack-Sioe
I am a physician who loves poetry. Love nature, cosmos, reading, music Philosophy. World environment, World Peace, cooking too.
F/East Coast    My poetry is copywritten and not to be used unless I give Beautiful Heart will be available at Amazon. com and Barnes and Nook ...
28/F/Colorado    Instagram: filmandkay "Its not what you look at that matters, it's what you see" -Henry Thoreau | I was never talented in art, but poetry ...
Arif Aditya Abyan Nugroho
25/M/Indonesia    Would you mind if you be my friend?
Hamilton, NJ    Born, raised and educated in Trenton, NJ, one of 7 children from a family of Italian-American heritage. Received BA in English in 1976 with a ...
Author of
David P Carroll
M/Ireland    David P Carroll Poems All Poetry is copyrighted to David P Carroll under a Dublin and European Union court of law. Was on TV ...
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