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Jun 2020 · 617
Tidal Waves
KJF Jun 2020
The collapsing tide lurks
with rogue waves
gathering energy,
swaying to the moon
until it returns to upend
the diligent castles
we’ve built of sand
Nothing is as firm as it appears.
Jun 2020 · 690
Touched Magic
KJF Jun 2020
Three princesses born of no man,
Touched magic with infant hands
Grasping, culling, casting
Three princesses dwelling
Where no man can
A fantasy piece written at the same time as another poem. The other poem has been accepted for publication, but I still like this one.
Jun 2020 · 166
The Light of Shadows
KJF Jun 2020
The light of shadows,
dim and incomplete,
hold memories
thin and indiscreet
Just a small thought about easily things can be hidden and erased.
Apr 2020 · 149
Quiet Days
KJF Apr 2020
Two months ago I lamented the lack of silence
between cars passing.
Never a full moment, never a breath
where the sound of one approaching
or one leaving did not intrude
upon the silence of the wind in my trees,
or the birds in my yard.

Now there are stretches of moments
where no car, motorbike, or truck
blemishes the peace.

Long moments I cherish,
until the blare of the next ambulance.
My only Covid-19 related work so far. Very rough, just came to me a couple of days ago.
Apr 2020 · 267
Our Broken Lands
KJF Apr 2020
ice scarred and sun scorched,
untilled and untillable,
thrush, worn, and wasted

Bones of the land,
grow inward from the shore

White coral sand blossoms
and burns at the edges;
dry, blasted

our broken lands
From a short collection I'm working on.

— The End —