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Bekah Halle Feb 6
We have privilege and power;
How do we use it in this hour?
For money and fame,
To produce more of the same? Or
In humility seek,
Platforms for those who cannot speak?
Bekah Halle Feb 4
Judgment, misunderstandings, self-protection,
all weapons of mass destruction:
wounding others and ourselves,
with each thought and resulting action.

Lady Macbeth knew this,
why did we not heed her justice?
Warning bells clanging,
freeing us to step onto a new precipice?

There's blood on my hands,
every time I don't trust and understand,
but think I know it all,
and make my demands.

Perfectionism has been my cleansing balm,
but, in the end, it's just caused more harm,
relearning is my matrix,
continuously transforming and becoming calm.
Bekah Halle Feb 2
Shakespeare pondered names,
We are all given names at our birth;
Some are well-placed, others unknown and ill-fitted.
We spend our teenage years trying on new names, seeing if they fit, throwing them away when they don’t.
Movie stars and musicians shorten their names; Madonna, Oprah, Prince, Beyonce and Drey.
YouTube celebrities create their fame,
Based on their ordinary life.
We, who watch on, add to the myriad of followers,
Playing into their game, adoring their name.
But have we pondered the power of names, for our good?
When we speak, are we breathing life,
Or simply just air?
How can we grasp the life in words?
How can we live out from our true names?
Bekah Halle Jan 31
Little girl, big brimmed hat,
alone, with suitcases,
traveling to boarding school she sat.
Wanting to be embraced by loving arms,
reassuring tones, peaceful pungent breaths, she calms,
but, the war loomed outside,
and onwards she tried.
The constant Chameleon: hairdresser, interiors, reporter and healer,
now, the season of inner healing to transform into a counsellor.
But, it’s the true counsel that she heeds,
to transform from the wounds that bleed.
May she hear from You, the One who truly heals.
May You lovingly embrace and hold all she feels.
May the little girl grow up into the woman You imagined,
And may she bloom into a lush garden with seeds You've planted.
Bekah Halle Jan 31
My tent pegs expand,
As I ride.
Wind glides over my skin,
Fear has no place to hide.

A foreigner in my childhood town,
Obstacles abound; pride.
But I don't give in,
I ride. Troubles subside.
Bekah Halle Jan 30
You don’t scare me any more!
You're just hot air,
Good only for (hot air) balloons.
So, rather than running away and hiding,
I will not jump into your basket, and
Ride your highs.
I will see the mountains, and
Leave you behind.
Because that is what your furry does,
Drive people away so they do not see,
You on the inside.
A small, scared little child.
So no more!
Come outside.
Come ride up high
Away from that anger you
Try so hard to hide.
From this new vantage point,
See, open your eyes, and
Let heaven and earth collide.
Bekah Halle Jan 28
This is life!
Living right now, every win, mistake,
Not heaven.
Don't be afraid, there's give AND take.
You don't have to be perfect!

This is life!
Every high and every ******,
******* low.
Don't be afraid, embrace the gritty;
Experiences that forge your character.

This is life!
The acclaim, blame, shame and every moment, just the same,
Can be refrained and reclaimed
Don't be afraid of happiness
And joy, life's not perfect!
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