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V C Vaughn May 2020
It has nothing to do with sinner,
or saint, righteous or wrong,
it’s about you,
and how I feel about you,
it’s about what I see when I look for you,
it’s about where I find you,
it’s about the calm and perspective you give me,
the love you give me Is unconditional.

I was made wild,
unable to conform to the constraints of polite society.
I have a basic need to be in nature.
a need to walk in the rain splash in puddles,
a need for the wind to rush around me,
to kiss my hair and lap at the edges of my skirt.
a need for the sun on my face, the warmth
wrapping me in unseen arms.

I feel you in all things.
There is no place I can go that you’re not.
Always waiting for me and always first,
never making me wait.
open to my love but never demanding it,
never telling me I’m to much or not enough,
knowing what I need and freely giving it to me.
I want to make you proud of the woman I am, faults, flaw’s, good bad the whole package.

I’m proud to belong to you,
if I achieve nothing else in my life but this,
I will consider my life a success.
V C Vaughn May 2020
Mama was a singer a good one too.
She was a beauty a small redhead with an evil temper.
She always believed she’d be famous someday
if times had been different, she may have been,
but it was the fifties
well Mama didn’t even drive.
But oh,
She loved Elvis the man the myth the legend and the music.
I can remember Mama swaying to his music,
calling him the,
Daddy gathering her in his arms,
setting her on his knee saying sing to me Bobby.
Her favorite song “Love me Tender”
a song I heard every day until I left home,
Mama humming along.
how I choose to remember Mama,
standing in the kitchen singing with Elvis.
Mama died young only 39,
She never saw me graduate college
Never meet her grandchildren
I have lots of memories of her
some good some bad.
the most constant is her standing at the stove
singing with The King.
Mama singer the king Elvis
V C Vaughn Apr 2020
She is who she is,
a classy sassy  woman.
She drives a tractor with the best of them.
She can use an emasculator,
hog tie a calf, castrate a boor,
Knock some sense into a 500lb steer,
give a rooster the what fore.
She is the Queen of her domain.
She wants an extraordinary, mad love,
full of passion anything else is a waste of her time.
She lives wild and works hard.
She doesn’t have time for midcore,
life is full of midcore and she’s had enough.
She wants a life full of flavor, color, texture,
good food, good whiskey, and passion.
Her mouth, woo she has the vocabulary,
of a poorly-educated sailor.
She can tell you where to go,
then make you look forward to the trip.
She’s easy to underestimate,
you know that harmless girl next door look,
a little nerdy funny is a sarcastic sort of way.
She’s been over looked often, and shakes it off,
until she walks away never to look back.
That’s when you realize what you lost.
And what a loss,
No one will love you like she did.
V C Vaughn Apr 2020
I don’t want what other girls want.
I don’t need what other girls need.
I need music to dance too,
a roaring fire,
good whiskey and someone to share it with.
I need solitude and sunshine.
I need walks in the rain,
and a comfy sweater.
I need a hand to hold,
deep kisses hugs to get lost in,
I want someone that handles the bold side of me.
I need to write and to read.
I want a love to get lost in.
I need to run wild and free.
But more than anything
I need someone that loves all of me.
V C Vaughn Apr 2020
Sometimes we get lost,
We wander off our path, or we forget how far we’ve come,
Or we forget that we’re not girls any more.
But women in charge of our own destiny.
Not depended on a man’s opinion,
Of who you are, or who you should be.
Hold fast to this.
Know that you deserve to be loved,
For the strong independent Boss Babe,
That you are.
Never settle for less than you deserve.
Rise up and show your daughters and the Nigh Sayers,
That though your world is small,
It is yours, for the making.
Create a world where Warrior goddess strive and thrive.
The path is yours.
You are strong, beautiful, smart, and a warrior.
You come from a long line of amazing women,
Warrior and goddess in their own right,
Women who survive and thrive,
Always remember you are a warrior goddess,
It is a family tradition.
Remember to always hold fast to father God,
He is always there for you.
Honor and respect mother earth
Don’t forget Karma is a *****,
that takes no prisoners.
You have the wisdom of many at your fingertips
All for the asking, WE will be there.
V C Vaughn Mar 2020
I have spent my life coming in second.
If you can’t choose me now you never will.
See I’m done feeling like I’m not enough.
I’m done feeling Like it’s my fault.
The time has come to say goodbye.
I’d rather be alone.
Than let you make me cry.
V C Vaughn Mar 2020
Lets dance turn up the music,
life is giving us lemons,
let’s make Limoncello.
If we go down,
let’s go down singing.
Just dance life’s not over,
just different.
Let’s make some music kick up our heels.
Let your family know they are loved.
And turn those lemons into lemon bars.
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