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 Feb 2020 Sue Collins
Sweet as lily of the valley on a crisp spring morning,
But thunderstorms brew like black tea
As white tails bound to cross hatched nests
 Feb 2020 Sue Collins
Remove all cares
Cut free the ties
Of prior strings
The jagged becoming of nothing
Which you were
Becoming more
Of everything
Of all that is right
And just of being
Straight and narrow
Clean and keen
In this nothing chair
Breathe again
The breath of escape
And cut my hair
the school of ancient slave teachings,
disregard the 'negus'.
nothing new has came for ages,
& the land withers beneath us.
no leaders,
just teachers following a script,
the youth are help-less
& they need us.
my 3 year old daughter
said she wants to save the "new-world";
we're all here on a mission
& im lost for words.
He was acquitted in a trial
With no witnesses allowed
And no testimony taken
The verdict a foregone conclusion
Even the Mafia couldn’t swing
A Sweetheart deal like that.
Insult adde to injury in full measure.
Time has a way of turning the tables
    as I await a new generation's arrival
I remember like yesterday, lying here
     breathing heavy with your life force

Time has come full circle, my baby's
     having a baby...
I stand guard, eyeing her lover
     making sure he does his part
I watch the Dr., nursing staff and monitors
     eyeing them all like a hawk, guarding her fledgling

I wonder in awe at the amazing strength of my daughter
     I cry for the love between her and her lover
Time has come, with a steady hum and a push
     Amazing Grace! Now he is here...

Time has stopped for a moment, waiting on his first
     breath of life...

Roman Micah, Welcome to the Word!!
To have been there for the birth of our first Grandson, nothing can compare.
 Feb 2020 Sue Collins
 Feb 2020 Sue Collins
A tradewind transgression,
Cold dusk and despair,
Your cigarette slowdance,
Spring rain in your hair,

Fireflies in the moonlight,
Our parking lot kiss,
Still lost in that moment,
Sweet summertime bliss,

Found a home in my head,
And stars in your eyes,
We dreamed happy endings,
Fall leaves and goodbyes,

As the distance outgrew us,
Time froze us in place,
Snow fell come December,
And covered all trace.
 Feb 2020 Sue Collins
the heels of my feet
stalk my stride—
i hide my face in my hair
and feel the cold cloud my hands.
every corner,
every alleyway—
twisting behind me.
faces upon faces,
terror upon my vision;
i have every right to be shaken up.
pacing behind each wall,
wide eyes
and paranoid faces—
i hope the men that smile at me
don’t have a story behind it.
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