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RH 78
Beth Garrett
20/F/NI    Check out my tumblr: @peachpoetics
F    my thoughts are a battlefield of sub-surreal and unfamiliar
Toreinss Pinwinkel III
71/M/California    Poet, guitarist, singer, artist, philosopher, martial artist, and glad to be part of this community!
Elizabeth Squires
All poems original Copyright of Elizabeth Squires.
F    Hello, I’m just another person trying to figure out this poetry thing. I love writing about hope, as well as many other things.
All rights reserved. Thank you for reading. twitter: @sheloveswords instagram: @shelovespoems
35/F/Somewhere Over the Rain    I'm an adventurer who never stays put long. My poetry is from my traveling experiences, heartbreak, my hopeless romantic nature, and from God who has …
NC    Life provides the contours, poets provide the shading and color ~ r All rights reserved.
neth jones
Montreal    no soul at all [TheThinBookOfSelf-Distraction]
Trying to Write
Risa Njoroge
32/F/Virginia    I am angry, but then I pretend to be happy, this words bring me some sun!
82/M/California    Retired Air Force Contracting Officer and Division Chief and later a Finance Manager for Hughes Research Laboratories (Later known as HRL Laboratories in Malibu, California). …
29/M    Covered in burns and ready to learn.
Mister J
29/M/Philippines    When we struggle, we write. A blank parchment to be filled with words.
tween the heart and NYC    only love poems and other complaints; “teach me where the apostrophe goes, the comma and why the question mark is curved and dotted like my …
Sxdboiii is just a label
16/Gender Fluid/💖 Pansexual    Sadness is fucking overrated
M/nyc    Mmm, I see here in your license, You are a disabled guy, A damn dangerous poet junkie, Who often does his best work Legally all …
50/M/Auckland, Auckland, New Z   
I wrote 2301 verses here. Moved to my own website since then. Adios!
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