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580 · Dec 2018
Saphira Rose Dec 2018
And she left her there on the hillside crying out...
Crying out...
Don't leave me here alone...
Please don't leave me alone!
I'm your child, you are my mother, I need you, you are the nurturer.
I'm crying, I'm in bitter pain, you know my worst fear is being alone.

loneliness, loneliness! oh, oh you've come to see me off dear loneliest, haven't you?

The crisp clean air that I have been breathing is slowly tainted with poisoned smoke...
oh, though all smoke is tainted with fear
Come back again and meet me here, for now I am HAUNTED... with fear.
It's not my best but still I put my heart into it.
This was inspired because my mom abandoned me on a hillside before, and I did grow up in a house full of smoke, didn't find out until I was older that smoke is basically poison to my sensitive lungs. I found out the hard way though, so here you go.
574 · Dec 2018
Let me out of this Hysteria
Saphira Rose Dec 2018
I can't breathe, I scream, I scream though not out loud, inside of me I scream, my breath slowly withering. I can't seem to use my brain, or think straight. I want to throw a tantrum, cuss, and fight the world, do all I can do to try to breathe and maybe I'll make it through. Wait! What? Let me see what are these things that makes it so I can't breathe. one of them is math, though it might seem simple it's dreadfully terrifying, can't seem to get it straight... every turn my brain is rhyming. Another, is being told what to do, I want to be good, I want to obey and do it God's way, is it just the fall of Man that makes it this way? Or is it my own Rebellion that makes ME this way? ... the third one is the feeling of being lost, or stuck mentally or physically I can't stand it... it puts me in Hysteria, my mind starts screaming "let me out! let me out of here! I demand you to do what I say! I'm not your captive." Help! Help! I don't want to be this way. I can't breathe, I can't breathe... please
This is based upon an actual problem that I have, I still have no idea why this happens.
296 · Nov 2018
I have given
Saphira Rose Nov 2018
I've given my heart to the one that I love.
I've given my joy that I do not have.
I've given the child inside of me the dream that I've always wanted to be.
I've given the dark my life, and I have given my friends a fake light.
It was not given in order to give, but in order to impress the mindless
283 · Feb 2019
A little story
Saphira Rose Feb 2019
Toxic waste shot in the face, at the minimum of race. She left no trace at the turning place, she got out the mace... and left the chase, ran to base, and torched the place where there'd been grace...
Does anybody know the person I used to be? does anybody know the child that fell on her knees...?
Let me tell you bout my daddy!
daddy dragged me from the tub,
Dragged across the rug,
And after all the marks he gave me I want to be a ****...
Wait! wait! let me back it up a little, that's when I was big but let me tell you when I was little..
He beat me on the floor... nah it's k just a little blood poured... Knock-Knock! open the door... "oh hey, everything's great." "how's your day?" "sorry I'll be late." "be late?" "Yeah I have a date." "a date?"....
I date to beat the hell out of a sinner of a daughter, a date to take her out and pretend she has a father,... wait... is it fate, as a kid I was so elate? I didn't know crap was flying at my face!
Bits and pieces of my life thrown together.
234 · Nov 2018
Actions of change
Saphira Rose Nov 2018
Though the stars are bright, and the seasons change, my tears will well up and flow Untamed. I asked "what did I do, what did I do to deserve your anger your fire and rage?"
I look down, my hands are filthy with only my tears to wash them clean.
I asked God "was it my fault?", yes? But how... why? Am I the one that screamed and yelled, am I the one that said sorry and did it again a second from then, am I the one that claims I have a right to be mean and causing fright?
Am I not the one from who the tears are flowing? God reply! God answer my prayers! God why!!?... God why are the people that pretend to be loving, pretend to be my friend turn their back on me when I need them the most? why are parents always the ones who turn their back on me when "I!!" need them the most...???
Oh! but my brother says that "parents aren't supposed to be your friend", was I wrong to pray this prayer? was I wrong to shed these tears?
Who is that person standing in the mirror, who is that person that I fear, who's that person that looks happy and brave, who is that person that is not ashamed? and here I am looking back at her, she's standing there smiling! I ask myself "why is she smiling though I'm going through times of pain? I have to tell everyone it's going to be okay because once I tell them that everything is wrong I will grasp on to the throng... of lies... wait! are they lies? no they're true... I look at the person standing in the mirror and say "it's just... I believe it's not you.
You are strong, beautiful, and brave. with God lifting you up, you dance on satan's grave, you're the one that smiles and laughs, you're the one that runs up to someone and talks freely without stuttering.
Have my tears stopped flowing yet? No, but now I weep for a different reason then self pity.

My friend!
If you have troubles with titles such as multiple personalities, just remember you are not the title you are the person that God made you to be, the person that God loves more than anything.

— The End —