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Am I taking pieces of you
For my own use
When I write you in my poetry?
And if I do
Do I at least
Leave a piece of me?
I feel like the lucky one
To have such a spectacular muse
But I ain’t no slouch
When  it comes to poetry
You got lucky
To be the muse
Of a pretty good poet
Like me
The spectacular muse
With the pretty good poet
There’s no telling what that could be
But it will be written
And thus
A part of our history
The grand ambition of love is to find “the one.”
and, of course, to be the one.

It’s a hard combo.

Finding someone amiable, who’s the best lover, your best friend,
confidant, emotional companion, intellectual equal and soulmate.

And, of course, it helps if ‘the one’ likes to dance
and has a little piña colada money too.

And when do you know you've been successful - in year 50?

It’s the holy grail, the age-old dilemma of love and desire.
A song for this:
Bullet and a Target by Citizen Cope
Wait Another Moment by The Bingtones
BLT Merriam Webster word of the day challenge: Amiable: someone  friendly and agreeable.
A lovely idea
Stuck in an unsightly cage
A bird that should fly
Being in love with life,
with love.
Love for living things.
Nature, music,
who I haven’t met yet.
a melody I haven’t heard yet.
Warming my heart already,
making me happy.
Just waiting to be born.

And there I was, in a colorful world.
Listening to the song of
Watching all kinds of animals and all kinds of people together in harmony.
Wondering where all the water was.
Then I recognized you.
You are my mother.

Shell ✨🐚
Every child has the right to be born.
It’s breathing, moving, it’s living.
There is a gravity to
sadness; it pulls me
downward into a
deep dark well.
I can't climb out.
It's my own private hell.
I pray for levitation.
I jump, only to fall.
I feel forgotten.

I put one foot in
front of the other,
and I will rise.
I move on.
Hope returns like
a long-lost friend,
and I find my sanctuary.
Check out my you tube channel where I read my poetry.
Here's the link.
there are many things in life that we get to know
from the day were born and we start grow
learn the way of life and what we have to do
the wisdom that you need that will get you through

all the ups and downs that will come your way
take it in your stride take it day by day
you must have belief in everything you do
learn the way of life thats waiting there for you
What if we don't come back
and what's what is that.
lights diminished?

hurdles to jump
while the heart still pumps
and the stomach is still filled
with butterflies.

Every time in every rhyme,
keeps me going.
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