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Kelsey Feb 2022
Slip me the magic word
Let it slide off your tongue
Like warm honey
And too much ***

Grip the fire with your hands
And swim them up stream
Up my legs
Up my dress

****** your inhibitions
Let them dig their own grave
My patience wears thin
For monsters well-behaved

For not a lack of luster
I feel the pain upon your lips
Like a thorn of ****** yearning
May I swallow sorrow's kiss
Kelsey Feb 2022
People ask me frankly,
"Why live as an owl in the night?"
I answer
You can see things in the dark impossible to see in the light

"Why sleep your days away?"
When you're awake, life only has one perspective, but when you're dreaming, perspective is limitless

"And why not speak your truth to the world?"
There is more to learn in silence than there is in conversation
Kelsey Jan 2022
Remember that all things fade.
All creatures must have an end
To bear new beginnings.
And all new beginnings
Come from resolution.
Have been feeling very critical of myself and my writing lately. But I'm learning from my own characters in my novel.
Kelsey Jan 2022
I cant move from this stagnant state
Im angry and sad
And i need to lose weight

What i love
I dont do
What I need
I ask you

And i hate myself tonight
Because i know whats right
I'm not doing it

Im frozen
Stuck in the same
Back and forth motion

Pleading for a change
Criticizing what i love
And i love only one thing

I cant be lost anymore
I need help
To feel secure

So this is the party I pity
I ask God
To please forgive me

Im better
I know it

I just need
The strength to show it.
Ive never felt so lost, uncomfortable, sad angry and disgusted with myself. I dont know what to do most of the time.
Kelsey Jan 2022
Every night
I pamper myself with
The water of the galaxy
The starry soap
That glints and tickles
My skin

Every night
I float
In the weightlessness
Of the universe
Let the light of the sun
Shower me
In the dark

Every night
I listen to the beautiful hum
Of nothingness
And smell the burning comets
As they
Whizz by my relaxed body

Every morning
I wake up
And wish
To fall back asleep
Kelsey Dec 2021
Im sorry but,
We havent changed much
Im still you
In a different body
In a different room

We were wrong.
We dont have children
A fancy house
A happy, stable job

We're leaping on lilly pads
Trying to find the right one
That can hold the weight
Of our dreams
Our happiness
And our life

There is a lot of pain ahead
For you
And life altering moments

But in those bad times,
Know, that we've made it to 27
Almost 28
Remember when we didn't think we would make it here?

We did.
We made it and we're still going
In search of the perfect lilly pad

And we will find it,
I promise.
  Dec 2021 Kelsey
Hannah Richburg
I thought if I could swallow the stars
I’d be as beautiful as the evening sky
I tried one night    with fireflies
They burned my throat
Their legs striking at soft flesh
But my skin did not glow
No moon crawled from my eye sockets
I was left with corpses in my stomach
I soon learned I would only ever be
A cemetery
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