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they no longer run from me
my spirit friends
they stay when I approach
they seem curious
gliding to and fro
their orbs moving about like bright moths
playing tag
and then there's the one
who stood by the bottom stair and watched me
she ran last time
up to her room like a scared child
but this time she observed
this time she shows no fear

her life was taken
her tears have lingered
her cries have gone
echoing through three centuries
of grief
here in the bows of Foxcroft
here in the ageless comfort of her home
where I have found her
Oldie - my first contact
love is such
a hard thing to
find but yet so easy
to get hurt from
© rainbows and sunshine 2018
Let the wounded bird take wing,
Though dismal may be his fate;
Should he overcome this cruel sting,
His triumph he'll celebrate

Let the willow bend and weep;
Though it appears to be weak,
It would tell you its roots run deep
If it were able to speak

Let the wolf howl to the moon --
He has the right to be heard;
Morning will be here all too soon,
Then enters the singing bird

Let the spider weave her snare,
For this task she was designed;
While her prey, feeling no despair,
Awaits its cruel fate, resigned

Let love and loneliness brawl,
Let die the things that must die;
Release the tears and let them fall,
And let the broken heart cry

Let me love without constraints --
The sinking boat needs no oar;
Do not preach of sinners and saints
With Death's feet so near my door

Let me taste love's sweetest wine,
And let this shattered heart mend;
Having seen my star of love shine,
Then let the curtain descend
 Apr 2018 Kanak Kashyup
Douse yourself in lighter fluid
Burn all in your quake

Feel the fire roar
Allow the flames to breathe

After being burned for so long
You deserve to be lit
 Apr 2018 Kanak Kashyup
I used to be neon pink
Smile wide and radiant
Everything is great, I would think
Then I started to go silent

Here I am, neon I am not
Light bulbs gone dead
I used to talk quite a lot
Now it’s all in my head

Colors been drawn out
Not drawn, strained
Stuck in an eternal drought
I’m afraid it’s unexplained
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