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 Feb 2018 Jdeebs
 Feb 2018 Jdeebs
What has happened with all the kings
And queens and their palaces and kingdoms?
What has happened with their greatness and majesty?
They all fell, when their crowns were too heavy to be carried.
When I search for someone to serve,
I bow down to pick up the power
They left there for those worthy of it.
I am held on a cloud by the Gods as
They let me taste from their cup.
Because that means to be a true king.
In these days when no one is worth of carrying the crowns.
 Feb 2018 Jdeebs
Rebecca Sorenson
The floor danced
as the sirens,
they beckoned

Sweet words,
a soothing melody
to my out-of-tune mind

What is their hair,
shimmering with droplets,
to me, a white flag

The scent,
the fragrance,
the stench

Of their shampoo,
pulling me under,
until I am choking on their locks

Their eyes, like an anchor,
weighing me down
so I cannot struggle

Instead, I still,
my body, a freeze frame,
my mind, a ravenous tsunami

Grey, static, fuzzy
until my last breath escapes my throat,
and I drown
 Feb 2018 Jdeebs
 Feb 2018 Jdeebs
The most heartbreaking thing
He said to me was
"I promise I'll come back."
Not because he didn't
But because for a moment
Even he was convinced that he would.
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