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 Aug 2017 Bianca
Lazhar Bouazzi
Is the
Act of giving shape
To chaos -
An affair of alchemy,
Like turning sweat
Into drops of
(c) LazharBouazzi
 Aug 2017 Bianca
Lazhar Bouazzi
The tongues of fire*
Swollowed the leaves
The trees had uttered
To summon the rain.
(c) LazharBouazzi
*the "tongues of fire" ("ألسنة اللّهب") is part of a work of bricolage I sometimes use in my English poems. It consists of subjecting a dead metaphor, a cliché, in Classical Arabic, to a literal English translation and presenting it in such a way that it looks as though it were a new metaphor I invented for the purpose. Another example of this work of bricolage would be the expression "the rain is falling like opened flasks" ("ينزل المطر كأفواه القرب") which is also my literal translation of a very old cliché in Classical Arabic whose equivalent in English would be "it's raining cats and dogs (I might have said this elsewhere).
 Aug 2017 Bianca
Amirah Shahari
Fidgeting my fingers,
Why do I feel so anxious?
The ground is tilting back and forth.
Back and forth.
Now the sound is too loud.
My palms are red.

Am I just enough?
Just enough for them to blow a hole,
And take a piece to fill in their sorrows.
Oh but the air is too tight.
Too heavy.
And I can’t.
Stop feeling so anxious.
As if my feet is wobbly and my bones are suddenly too heavy.
Wait- is it?
I am going to fall on my feet.
And people will see.
How careless I am in being.
But I wish that I could care less;
And ignore this.
to the times where i feel like this.
 Aug 2017 Bianca
Amanda Shelton
I am not heartless,
life just taught me
to use my heart less.

I don’t always allow my heart
to make choices for me.

Life is saddened by love,
because when those
you care about die,
it hurts more than
if they were a stranger.

That’s why I always say,
love is not a happy journey
where the sun always shines.

It can be a barren landscape
wasting away with fattened pigs,
and chickens who lost their feathers.

Love can burn like the hot sun
in the Mojave Desert.

It can drink your blood
until you’re ready to pop.
Leaving you to die
from a broken heart.

© 2017 Amanda Shelton
 Aug 2017 Bianca
I Know
 Aug 2017 Bianca
It's hard to fall asleep thinking what I've been doing wrong
I don't know how long that thought will stay
It hurts

And I regret opening up my self to you
Telling you all my fears and my insecurity
I know, because you don't even care

But again, I still feel the same
Your arms is the safest place I've ever been
I know, all because I love you
And I'll never let go of that, of you
 Aug 2017 Bianca
Sitting silently
by the
old willow tree,
I heard a knocking
through the thick,
rustic bark.

My thoughts drifted,
thawing the frigid
quiet in my mind.
For there was naught behind,
nor in front,
of the old willow tree.

"What could it be,"
my mind asked me.
"And from where is it coming from?"
And then, from above,
there was a deep, low hum.
A light flashed, and I was
 Aug 2017 Bianca
 Aug 2017 Bianca
If Love is a disease
then I'm very sick
but incredibly happy....
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